
Take Your Calling

Alexandra bunched the trousers around her waist and fastened the pants with a belt as it was a very loose fit for her thin waist. It hung around the legs in folds.

The short-sleeved tunic reached her hands. But it was warm and she fastened it with another ornate belt. Through the light from the oil lamps, she saw something dark on the dress she wore and she picked it up. 


Some of the blood from her legs had stuck on her dress and it contrasted on the white cloth. 

With no second thoughts, Alexandra poured oil from one of the lamps and lighted it. On the hard mud floor, her dress started to burn vigorously. 

"Alexandra! Fire!"

Arioch ran inside. He stopped seeing Alexandra with a stick in her hand and burning her clothes. He said nothing but observed her. Alexandra stood there and made sure every bit of her clothes is burnt to ashes. 

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