
Drovarys Returns

The evening sun painted a beautiful view. The orangish-pink clouds scattered like petals on a silver flower bowl.

The garden was filled with flowers nodding along to the tune of the evening breeze, spreading their scent lifting the spirits of everyone near their presence and far away.

Sparrows and robins chirped and fluttered around to gather their last food for the day. Butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds were filling themselves with the sumptuous nectar of the exotic flowers of the realm.

The Eirene Garden of Lethusia – the grandest garden in the realm that had all sorts of flowers that the earth has the grace to offer. Everywhere one looks, they can see precious flowers blooming and birds singing in joy.

But this serene atmosphere was not enough to stay the restless heart of the one throwing down the fancy teapots and cups on the pillars, scattering them.

"Look at the rookie," the tall maid sniggered seeing the young maid shiver at the scene unfolding in front of her.

The little maid Lydia whimpered and her shoulders drooped while the tall maid stood straight as if nothing was unusual.

Lydia is but a simple girl who thought the ones who live in magnificent palaces conduct themselves in a more restrained and elegant manner; especially, the Dowager Empress of Lethusia who is hailed as an elegant swan by poets and artists.

But on her first day here, she is thrust to the front to witness the most horrifying abuse of poor crockeries. She saw the torn and crumbled pieces of paper on the ground. She has never seen a mother get this mad reading her son's letter.

Or it should be fine because it is the letter from the Emperor to the Dowager Empress? Even then, shouldn't the Emperor be the highest authority?

Little Lydia got confused.

But little Lydia couldn't help but admire the grace exuded by those fingers that destroyed everything they touched. The Dowager's silk dress fluttered as her feet floated on the ground. The gems in her necklace glittered like the glittering water droplets splashing from the broken teapots. With everything, it looked more of a dance one must have the fortune to witness.

Then again, she is admired as the swan. And swans are violent beings despite their ethereal appearance. And they still are beguiling.

"That tomnoddy!" the Dowager shouted. "Is he hell-bent on ruining the Empire? Who is she? For her, he killed a Princess? He could have had them both if he needed her!"

Huffing, she stood still for a moment fixing her eye on a butterfly that fluttered near her. The flame-red dots in the wings of the butterfly matched with the red of her lips that curved to a smile.

"Melissa," the Dowager turned to the maids and the tall maid stepped forward.

"Bring my cloak and veil. We are going to the Citadel to meet the Royal Augur," she said and the tall maid curtsied and left.

"You look new," the Dowager looked at Lydia with a smile and her heart skipped a beat.

Before she could figure out what to answer, the Dowager waved her hand.

"Come, fix my hair."


"You have come," the man in a long white robe smiled softly without looking up. His slender fingers threw pieces of bread on the stone pavement making his long sleeves flutter.

The auspice chickens clucked around him doing the sacred dance.

"Time has come," he said standing up. "For the chickens to come home to roost," he walked to the chicken coop nearby and opened the door.

Clucking, the chickens got inside the coop and he closed the door.

The Dowager's heart skipped a beat. They say Attus Navius is the best augur in the Citadel. For him to say these words now, there must be more meaning to them.

'Curses are like chickens; they always come home to roost.'

The forbidden fables say that these are the words uttered by the traitor Knight before he was banished from Lethusia. With everything she is hearing from the Emperor's side, she got more and more restless.

Now is not the time for her son to bring a bride from Deberia. Who else will she bring with him? The "Hero" could be a stable boy for all she knows. No one can be looked down upon for they say the traitor was from a humble origin too.

"What of the Emperor, your holiness?" she asked bowing her head.

Maximus might not understand it, but the fate of the realm depends on him. And he must be protected at all costs.

"Today…" the augur turned at the Dowager with a smile that reached his eyes. "I saw twelve golden eagles rising in the north-east, bellowing triumph. It is a rather auspicious sign. The ruler who rides on the eagle's wings will return to sit on The Aurarius Throne," he said, his voice soft and pleasant.

The Dowager's heart filled with ease. The Pegasus Maximus rides has eagle's wings and she figured that the augur is mentioning him alone.

Who else is there who can ride on an eagle's wings?

The augur says the retreating figure of the Dowager. He looked at the West and the sun was going down. The crow that flew to the nearby tree cast a shadow on the floor and he looked at the reminiscent of the bread the chickens left.

On the stone pavement, they made the perfect shape of a lion with an eagle's wings. Discomfort clouded his eyes as he looked at the horizon.

"The restless night arrives and the Drovarys returns…" he mumbled. "Riding on a hurricane, to claim his birth right. Beware, haters, for the Drovarys, won't be stopped this time… Even the gates of the Heavens will open for him for he holds the key… but will he hold it tight this time?"

The sky darkened and augur saw a little figure running to the cages where the messenger ravens are kept. In the night, a raven carrying a secret message traveled to its recipient.

And so it begins…

Hmm... Where have we heard about the keys to heavens before..?

Goldacreators' thoughts
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