
She Can Live

Maximus smiled at Felixa walking shoulder to shoulder with him through the grove. Biting her lips she seemed to be in deep contemplation. He thought she'd grow a bit taller, but she barely reached his shoulder. Her hair was longer than he anticipated and her face was small.

But her eyes...the same; fearless and clear.

This is what he liked to see the most. He wanted her to search and find him.

And with a little effort and a decree, he got to see that. And now he wanted to hear her voice more.

He wanted to say a lot to her but he couldn't find the words. Where would he start?

Like sprinkles of blessings descending from heaven, water droplets that were hanging to the leaves showered on them as the breeze blew. The path in front of them looked like the Milky Way galaxy as the moonlight reflected on the wet ground.

Felixa wondered how she should start the conversation. For some reason, although she thought she is going to die, she was not scared when she is with him. His presence was so familiar and relaxing. It was so relaxing, it distracted her from her original goal. But she knew she cannot get distracted.

She couldn't think of anything to say to him other than 'I want to live and so let me go.' But she knew that won't be a very good conversation starter.

This is the man who laid siege to their fort and wants her dead. How should she start the conversation with him?

"Do you remember giving this to me?" Felixa showed him the stone she kept safe.

She shouldn't think about anything else until her head escapes the ax.

Maximus stopped and turned to face her.

"This stone?" he furrowed his brows and pressed his lips to hide his mirth.

He didn't think she'd keep that stone safe for more than seven years. And she has already figured out that he is the one who gave her the stone. It made him happy but he wanted to tease her.

"What is this?" he questioned and tried to get the stone from her hand but she closed her hand not willing to lose the stone.

"That's... sad," she mumbled and was a little disappointed.

She was sure he's the one. But it seems like he is not.

[Guess, I'll have to escape some other way. We are alone and I can find a way to escape!]

Felixa started planning for her next course of action and walked in the front.

Maximus joined her at a larger pace. "I thought you'd apologize for making me wait earlier," he said, wanting to hear her voice more.

He could see she is unimpressed and still, he wanted to tease her more.

"Apologize? For what?" she got a little angry.

[Didn't he bestow death on me? Why should I apologize to him for anything? Wait...]

"Will you let me live if I apologize?" She asked.

If she can live just by saying an apology, she can do that. Nothing is more important than living; certainly not pride.

His amber eyes glistened in the moonlight as he looked at her. "You want to live?" he asked, his lips curved to a curious smile.

"Of course," she answered. "If there is a choice, who'd choose death over life?"

She was really surprised by his question and her lips parted as she waited for his reply.

"You're right... Who'd choose death?" he took in a deep breath and looked to the front.

Felixa observed his smile has left his face and he looked forlorn.

"So, if someone chooses death over life, that could only mean that they thought living was that painful, and thought that no one wants them and it is worthless to be alive, right?" he spoke softly and his voice trembled a bit.


[That word again...]

Felixa gripped her chest to handle the pain hacking her heart. She didn't want to have that sinking feeling again to leave Wispy in charge of the body. She didn't want to get into some other trouble and she didn't want to hear more of that sneering voice calling her worthless.

But she started feeling it; that choking pain.

[NO! Please no... Not now... Not ever...]


That deep voice that had the gentleness of a mother, pulled her out of that sinking feeling. Just like his big hand pulled her out of the hole some time ago, his gentle tone pulled her soul from sinking to the bottom of the pond that gave her painful memories.

"You will live!"

The warm feeling in her hands as he held her hand, combined with the strength of the words he spoke with assurance, soothed the pain in her chest.

"I will protect you. And you'll live as you wish."

Felixa gulped looking at the man looking at her with the sweetest smile. She wanted to smile back but his face became blurry for her as her eyes clouded.

"But you..." her throat closed.

She never intended to cry. She doesn't like crying. But hearing those words that were sincere like an oath, made her emotional.

"You were never going to die," his voice trembled as his hand rested on her cheek. "Don't cry. Your life will never be in danger because of me again. It's a promise. Forgive me for scaring you... Lexa, look at me," he cupped her cheek.

"I am not crying," she pushed away his hands and wiped her face. "I don't cry."

Felixa walked away to hide her embarrassment. She showed herself to be someone weak and cry like a child out of fear for her life.

[Who would cry hearing some words? What happened to me?]

Maximus fisted his hands watching her running away from him.

'Did I go too far?'

"I was digging my grave and you're saying I was never going to die? My pretty gown is all dirtied now," Felixa stopped and looked at him with a pout.

Now that he gave his word, she doesn't have to think about escaping. And so she decided to enjoy the relaxing feeling he brings.

Maximus' smile returned seeing her stopping for him. In just two big steps, he reached her. "You didn't have to dig your grave had you refused," he smiled.

"I could have refused?" she asked and her lips curved to a smirk. He is someone with far more power than her and she could have refused? Although she didn't know why Wispy didn't speak out, she could understand why Wispy complied with the decree.

"You laid siege to our fort and-"

"Yes, you could have. You can do whatever you want," with his hands behind his back, he bent towards her and said.

Felixa's heart started to feel weird. His eyes were unwaveringly meeting hers and his parted lips seemed to be searching for more words to say to her. Unable to meet his eyes anymore, she turned and walked and he walked beside her.

They walked some distance in silence.

Felixa was wondering if she is wrong in thinking that the boy Wispy met is the Brute or not.

'It's been a long time...'

Maximus wanted to say and his eyes ended up on her hand. The stone she is holding is the Aion Stone that represents "A lifetime". Once a spell is a cast, it has the power to unite two souls for a lifetime.

'Will she agree?'

"Can you not remember meeting me before?" Felixa tilted her face and looked at him.

"Hmm..?" he pressed his lips and bent forward as if he was taking a closer look.

"You even did this!" Felixa still couldn't accept that she is wrong. She decided to jog his memory.

Standing on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips on his.

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