
Multi Continental Lord

"Do you mean to say that the day of the Green Horror was caused by Envy? How coul- Wait! Wait!!!" Lily exclaimed, her voice as seductive as her appearance even in her astonishment. A lot of heads turned her way since it was obvious that she had had an epiphany, but their faces were grim because it was very likely that they were thinking the same thing.

"I-I remember now. On e-each day of horror, everyone who succumbed to the different colours dreamed about strange things before a mighty figure that covered the sky appeared before them. They said it was like a g-god, and not the…" She turned towards Gaia. "weakened god that Gaia is…"

Gaia didn't react in any way, allowing Lily to speak with less worry.

"On the day of the green horror, the creature that appeared was supposedly a turquoise coloured bird covered in green icy flames. Could it be…"

Those that hadn't reached that conclusion for themselves almost yelped with surprise. There were even a few who audibly gasped, drawing a bit of attention their way.

"That's right" Chad spoke out for the first time, snatching back the attention. "That was him. Envy. And although he is not as big or as strong as what those victims portrayed him to be, he is getting stronger. And apparently…"

He took a deep breath. "Apparently, he has begun to conquer entire continents."

Murmurs abruptly broke out at that. The words "lies!", "nonsense!" and anything synonymous could be heard above the rest and it was very clear that they didn't believe what Chad was claiming, but he didn't react. He had already foreseen that response.

He himself had acted similarly when Pharaoh had informed him of what Envy had done.

"I do not lie." Which was true, but he really hoped that Pharaoh hadn't been lying either. The amount of humiliation that he would suffer if everything turned out to be a hoax would bury him to death. Quite literally too. The amount of 4th Realm beings he was enlisting for help wasn't small, and they would kill him if everything turned out to be a lie.

But he was sure it was the truth. There was evidence to support Pharaoh's claims, key among them being that not only had many people in his own continent been bespelled by Envy's evolution, but also people on this continent. Proving that his power or at least his potential, was truly enough to become multi-continental.

But other than that- and here was why he had made the effort to come all the way to this continent for help- was that:

"When another ruler on my continent came to me and informed me of the worrying actions of Envy, he had also brought along with him a Duck. It was a Duck that had flown or swam, perhaps both, all the way from another continent, and arrived on my own continent covered in injuries."

Nobody cared about a random Duck being injured, especially if it had indeed travelled by sea. The Dwellers of the Sea were no joke and they were becoming an increasingly prevalent problem that prevented those that couldn't fly from venturing too far from the lands. This meant that the origin of the injuries had less of a chance of being related to the main topic of the conversation and was therefore useless information… But they could see where this was going so they chose to quiet themselves and fasten their attention.

"Apparently, Envy had arrived on his Continent one day with…. Hundreds of thousands of never seen before flying creatures, and that he had begun a battle of conquest for the entire continent that… that…" Chad trailed off as the absurdity of what he was about to say made even him doubt himself.

"That didn't take much longer than 3 months…" He finished.

Expectedly, complete silence was met at his statement.

Gaia had already received all the information from Chad in their first meeting so she wasn't the slightest bit surprised to hear what he said, but even when she heard it the first time, she wasn't all that shocked because she knew the potential of a god and knew that if they were uncontested, the could grow very, very quickly. The Deadly Sins seemed to be even greater than average gods, especially when it came to brainwashing and obtaining believers, so she was barely fazed to hear of Envy's feats, she only worried about how to deal with the Sin when they eventually and inevitably met.

However, she had the benefit of experience and expansive knowledge that allowed her to remain calm. Something that nobody else in this gathering had.

Looking at the various incredulous faces in the gathering, some which were becoming twisted with anger, she knew that she had to intervene before things got out of hand.

"I believe Chad is telling the truth." She spoke out. "The 7 Deadly Sins have the diabolical ability to corrupt the minds of those whose will's are found lacking. You've all seen it yourselves. How many times have one of your followers suddenly changed in attitude, becoming stranger and stranger before a coloured symbol reveals itself on their forehead, changing their eye colours and sometimes even other features, and granting greater power that they couldn't have displayed before.

Every single one of these people who succumb are passively generating their root Sin more power, and even though it's small, with enough of these people a Sin can grow in power incredibly quickly. And although for some reason, the Black and Red Sins are showing growth 100x slower than the Green one, Envy, they are global problems that we will eventually have to deal with.

But just imagine. Black and Red have been causing a big fuss, no doubt growing in power, but Envy is doing it even better, and has been doing so for many years now. To conquer an entire continent or 2? It isn't as far-fetched as you think, especially since according to the Duck who reported to Chad, their Continent was much smaller than both of ours."

As Gaia said all this, she couldn't help but thank the [Common Language] that came with the System. It was a marvellous feature that allowed her to freely speak with any being with perfect understanding. It made the miracle that was her speaking to these various brand new species the way she was, a possibility.

But she didn't have time to think about that right now.

Now, she now had to discourage the people who were thinking of pledging their allegiance to Envy out of fear or whatever other reason. After talking about him as if he were a god-king this entire time, presenting proof that was even more daunting than anything she had ever displayed, there were definitely people who were scheming troublesome things, and she couldn't have that at all.

"Envy is a calamity that the World has never seen before." She began.

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