

Sonic was about to run but I reached out in grabbed him by the spikes in his back, he was running, his feet was like a blur, but I was holding on to him.

"You are not running away until you tell me what's going on, and why you are in my house!" I said to him sternly, causing him to look at me with wide eyes, before he shook his head frantically, "Let me go monkey lord, you don't understand, I have to go to the mushroom planet, it's the only way to get away from, him!"

I blinked, monkeylord? Rose covered her mouth to his a giggle.

Bulma was just confused but she was mostly still in shock, "it talks!"

The creature… Sonic shot her an annoyed look, before turning to me with pleading eyes, causing Rose to squeal, "Please just let me go, it will only cause more problems for us if you don't!"

"Not until you start explaining things," I replied, "like who are you, and you said someone was after you? Why?"

"They are after me because of my power!" Sonic replied frantically, "and I need to go, after that explosion, they were already getting leads on me, please monkey-lord!"

My eyebrows twitched at the nickname, but bulma who had gotten out of her shocked state, gasped in surprise, "wait a minute! You were the one that caused the world wide blackout?!

"It was an accident!" Sonic shouted at her, before turning to face me, "Please, let me go."

"I won't." I replied, "from what I have heard and sensed, it seems you have been hiding and running away from your problems,"

I turned to the door and I could sense multiple energy signatures entering this mountain. These signatures have Ill intent.

I turned towards the creature I held in my hand, and smiled, "I will help you, alright, and once it's finished, you may go your way."

Next chapter