
Chapter 10: Based on Sex ll

I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" somebody grunted, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her.

My eyes fluttered for a brief second before my heavy eyelids closed themselves, but with my face pointed to the ceiling I didn't see my mystery fellatrix. To be honest, at this moment in time, I didn't really give a shit. Finally... finally ... Big Ben was getting some relief.

Look, I understand that the average human male does NOT get to have an ejaculation every night before bed. Even the ones that DO bust their nut every evening often do so as the result of self-inflicted pleasure. But not me – I'm special. I'm fully aware that I have a decidedly extra-ordinary sex life, but I won't apologize for it. I rather LIKE having wonderful orgasms given to me each day by gorgeous, nubile young women who love me to pieces while other nubile young women stand by ready for cleanup duty. And when a guy gets used to those kinds of ejaculations, well ... masturbation just doesn't cut it.

So I hadn't jerked off last night while lying all alone in Dawn's bed. It had taken longer than usual, but eventually I'd drifted off to fitful slumber, my testicles full and my lonely penis half-hard in disappointment. And now, hours and hours later, the sensation of a warm, wet mouth finally licking and slurping and orally caressing my poor, willfully-neglected erection ... well, it felt like I'd blissfully cannonballed into a wonderfully wet oasis after crawling forty days and nights across the desert dying of thirst.

My cocksucker's identity? Didn't know and didn't really care. She was doing an excellent job, although in this moment and time, she could've been doing a shitty job and I still would have loved every second of it. Even bad blowjobs are better than no blowjobs. I set my hand on her head, encouraging her to once again relax her throat and let me inside, and I groaned in satisfied delight while keeping my eyes closed to focus inward on the heavenly sensations she was giving me.

I concentrated on the pleasure. Usually my well-trained mind would identify certain techniques, analyze pressure and patterns, and otherwise work on auto-pilot to match up a face to my oral artist. But this morning I simply luxuriated in my oasis of ecstasy without another care in the world.

A woman is sucking my dick, and all is well.

My ejaculation came quickly. Having gone without cumming for such a long time (long time for me, that is), my fellatrix had me primed and ready to blow. Thankfully, she didn't tease me or delay the impending explosion. When I raised my other hand to hold her head in place as I began to buck my hips, she simply relaxed her throat and let me skull-fuck her until I thrust up a final time and let it all fly out. Her reflexive swallowing milked my shaft of every drop, and when my body sagged down against the mattress, she kept my mushroom head inside her mouth, nibbling and licking it gently.

My ejaculation complete, the dormant parts of my mind now slowly flickered to life. Regions that controlled higher thought and spatial awareness came online, and my brain's bandwidth expanded so that mere physical pleasure no longer consumed every available bit of space. My eyelids fluttered open, my dilated pupils constricted from the sudden introduction of illumination, and my irises focused on the ceiling above me. And around the same time, that auto-identification thing booted up and went to work.

Data point #1: This is Dawn's bedroom in the Berkeley house.

Data point #2: Dawn lost a bet and stayed with DJ last night instead of with me.

Data point #3: It is now morning time, the bet is over, and Dawn is free to return to me.

Data point #4: Initial auto-analysis of cocksucking technique indicates that it is NOT Dawn giving me a post-ejaculate tongue bath.

Panicked thought 'A': If it's not Dawn, did DJ cave in to her lust and cross the line?

Musculoskeletal command: Look down NOW.

Data point #5: Hair is not sunny blonde. Fellatrix is a brunette.

Data point #6: The twins claimed last night to be very good at cocksucking, and Eden stated that she always gets what she wants.

Panicked thought 'B': Oh, shit. Did Eden decide this is 'nothing she hasn't done before' and just take matters into her own hands? (err, mouth?)

Musculoskeletal command: Pull her head back!

Data point #7: She's looking up at me now. Eyes don't quite look like Eden's, although they are very similar. Eye match: 85%. It's Brooke. Whew ... it's Brooke.

Musculoskeletal command: Drop skull back onto the pillow and exhale in relief.

"Morning, big brother!" my little sister (but not one of my littlest sisters) chirped cheerily before ducking her head and slurping my half-hard noodle back into her mouth.

"Brooke..." I sighed, my tone both grateful and relieved. "What are you doing here?"

She popped off my cock and explained, "I peeked into DJ's room when I woke up and found her and Dawn both asleep. I wondered, obviously, why Dawn would be up there unless you hadn't come to visit, so I came down here to see if you had. And when I found that you did come to visit, I naturally figured I should investigate your crotch."

I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Naturally."

"Naturally!" Brooke agreed.

"And what did your investigation uncover?"

Brooke's features took on a look of confusion. "A perfectly clean penis without even a hint of dried pussy juice on it, almost as if it had gone to sleep unfucked. A most unusual state of deprivation and distress."

"Goodness gracious."

"Indeed. But don't worry, I got to him just in time and he's responding well to his treatment." She caressed her neglected patient and was rewarded with a hopeful twitch. "See! All better!"

"Much better. Thank you."

"Anytime," Brooke cheered with a grin. Then she cocked an eyebrow and gave me an inquisitive look. "So wanna tell me what's going on? You and Dawn get in a fight or something?"

I shook my head. "No, no, nothing like that. Long story short: I lost at basketball so DJ got to keep Dawn for the night."

"Oh. Makes perfect sense."

Now I arched an eyebrow. "It does?"

Brooke shrugged. "Sure. You're you, and they're them. And speaking of who 'we' are, I'm me, and the thrill of swallowing your morning load has got me all squishy inside and craving for my womb to be stuffed full of incestuous big brother-sperm. Think you can help me out?"

I grinned and rubbed the top of my sister's head. "Anytime."

Dawn returned to her bedroom while Brooke and I were still fucking, and she slurped out the incestuous creampie to snowball the load back to my little sister before they worked together to get me hard again so I could service my best friend. After breakfast, I returned home to spend the remainder of the weekend in San Francisco. Adrienne and Sasha were still in Paris, but Kim, BJ, and I were more than happy to have the entire apartment to ourselves. Auntie Dayna even took little BJ off our hands for a few hours so Kim and I could really have the place to ourselves. And I gave my sweetheart her reward for babysitting later that night.

The weekdays brought Adrienne and Sasha's return, along with a return to routine: The girls needed to catch up on Big Ben-produced orgasms so I was late to work more often than not. I spent my days in the office with June and my evenings at home with my family when not at a hip-hop or Krav Maga class. Tuesday was BJ's first birthday, and we celebrated by bringing a bunch of family and friends over to visit. Little April seemed to be particularly fascinated with my baby boy.

Friday night, I returned to Berkeley to meet up with Dawn, Bert, and Lynne for dinner. We had our weekly two-on-two basketball game with DJ, this time without any crazy bets. And later that Friday night, Dawn and I returned to her bedroom to catch up for the past week.

Saturday morning found me rising early for no particular reason. I'd slept the content sleep of the well-fucked and satisfied, earning quality rest without requiring quantity of hours. So taking advantage of a house full of late-waking college students, I busied myself in the kitchen putting my never-ending Project Ben skills to good use.

"Good morning, sunshine," I greeted when my first customer appeared at the kitchen entryway, still clad in a threadbare, baggy T-shirt that I used to wear many years ago in high school before Adrienne started updating my wardrobe. I briefly glanced down at Emma's long, exposed legs before smiling and returning my attention to my mixing bowl. "Ready to eat or did you want to get dressed first?"

"I smell bacon," my youngest baby sister mumbled drowsily, eyes half-lidded and forehead knotted in confusion.


"Why do I smell bacon?" she mumbled, just as drowsily.

"Um, because I'm cooking bacon. You're not quite awake yet, are you?"

"We don't like bacon," she muttered.

I smirked as I replied, "You and Eden loved bacon growing up. You only stopped eating it in high school because your friends said it would make you fat."

Emma blinked at me slowly before repeating, "We don't like bacon."

I shook my head and gave her a wry grin. "Then don't eat it. Now go splash some water on your face to wake up."

Blinking slowly, Emma bowed her head and zombie-shuffled away. I chuckled and went back to work.

Eden was next to arrive, looking far more awake than her younger twin, and I rather deliberately took the bacon pan off the range and waved it at her just to tease. She made a face that said she wanted to eat some but declined them anyway. By comparison, the fresh-sliced strawberry and chocolate chip-infused pancakes I made her appeared downright healthy, and she polished off two of them before Emma even sat down.

Omelets made to order came next, and were washed down with fresh-squeezed OJ I made with the electric juicer. Of course, we only had 10 oranges in the house, and the twins drank it all before Brooke or DJ made it downstairs. But the two older girls were still quite happy to find that there were plenty of strawberry/chocolate pancakes, custom omelets, and fresh-cut hash browns to be devoured. And both older girls made a show of savoring their bacon, accompanied by positively orgasmic expressions and moans of delight.

Brooke's boyfriend Andrew had stayed the night and he came down next. He politely asked if there was anything he could do to help out, but I just gave him a fist bump and asked for his omelet order while sending him back to the table.

And finally, just after I'd delivered Andrew his breakfast, Dawn joined me in the kitchen.

"Morning, you," I greeted cheerily while sauntering back to the griddle. "Your usual, madam?"

Dawn gave me a coy look that gave away her motives immediately.

"Oh, no," I began, precluding her from speaking. "I'm making breakfast for you, and there's nothing you can say that will change my mind."

Dawn folded her arms and silently mock glared at me.

"No-no-no," I stated emphatically. "I woke up early this morning with the idea in my head, and I'll feel incomplete if you don't let me finish."

Dawn groaned and put her hands on her hips.

"I know you love me," I sighed while shaking my head. "But really, I want to."

Dawn rolled her eyes, huffed, and glanced out the doorway. For a moment, I believed she'd let me win and would now give me her omelet order so I could make her breakfast as well. But instead she slithered into my arms, wrapped hers around my neck, and planted a fierce, volcanic kiss on my lips that took my breath away. We hadn't made love this morning since I'd obviously gotten up well before her, and all our pent-up passion flowed through me like shared chi energy that carried away my consciousness and made the world around us disappear.

The next thing I knew, I was seated at the dining table with a shell-shocked expression on my face while the girls (and boy) around the table smirked at me. Wiping her palms after a job well done, Dawn whistled merrily as she returned back to the kitchen and began making my usual instead.

At least I was right about one thing: there hadn't been anything she'd said to change my mind.

I returned to San Francisco after breakfast and another week of routine went by. The only significant change in routine was my work schedule. JKE had closed another nine-figure deal (that's hundreds of millions of dollars, by the way), and the executives had decided to celebrate by booking a golf course on Friday instead of working in the office. Anyone who knows these golf events knows that it's an early morning sort of thing, so that everyone can complete their round by lunchtime, and after lunch we were all free to start an early weekend.

I stopped off at home first to change clothes, pack my overnight roller suitcase, and play with BJ. But when he went down for his afternoon nap I kissed Kim goodbye and caught the BART over to Berkeley. Dawn was expecting me, but she didn't give me one of those 'waiting-naked-and-lubed-up' greetings. Instead, she met me at the door with a friendly kiss before returning to the afternoon study session in the living room.

Brooke and DJ glanced up at me and waved, with Brooke adding, "Hey, can you help me figure out this Toxicology question? Something's not adding up with my math."

"Sure thing," I replied while pointing to the kitchen. "Just let me get a drink first."

"Already taken care of," Dawn commented while gesturing to the coffee table. Sitting on a coaster in front of the seat next to Brooke was a tall glass of iced tea.

"Fine, but you forgot to take care of yours," I replied before snatching up Dawn's empty glass and taking it into the kitchen for a refill. Meanwhile, I called out, "Anybody else want something?"

"I'll have an iced tea, too," DJ called back.

"I'm good," Brooke replied, "as long as you solve this problem for me."

A minute later, I returned to the living room with a fresh glass of iced tea for DJ and also set Dawn's drink in front of her. DJ raised her hand for the glass, but after taking a sip she looked at Dawn's glass on the coffee table and frowned.

"That's not apple juice," DJ commented curiously.

I shrugged and explained, "Dawn doesn't want to overdo it on the sugar. She'll always have one glass of apple juice to give her a pick-me-up when she starts studying, but after that it's straight ice water."

"Oh. I never noticed."

"And speaking of switching to ice water, your empty apple juice glass means you should be just about ready for..." I smiled at Dawn while poking into her backpack. Withdrawing a text book, I finished, " ... your Product Development class."

Smirking, Dawn took the book from my outstretched hand, but she promptly dropped it onto the empty seat cushion beside her. "True, that's next. But no, I'm not done with this class yet," she explained, gesturing to the notepad in her lap. "I'm doing market valuation and something's not adding up in MY math."

I opened my mouth, but Dawn raised her hand.

"Oh, no," she began, precluding me from speaking. "I'm figuring this out myself and there's nothing you can say that will change my mind."

I folded my arms and tried to think of something that would change her mind. But just when I was about to suggest that my math-genius presence wasn't around very often, she raised her hand again.

"While I realize that your math-genius presence being here early in the afternoon is a unique opportunity," she stated firmly, "The best way for me to truly understand this is if I figure it out for myself."

I started to gesture toward the other couch, and the two siblings on it, but Dawn was still talking.

"And no, just because Brooke is willing to ask for your help doesn't mean I'm being stubborn about this."

I sighed and put my hands on my hips.

"I know you love me and just want to see me succeed," Dawn continued, "and if I bang my head against this for another twenty minutes without figuring it out, maybe then I'll ask for your help. But right now I'm just fine doing this on my own."

I set my jaw and glared at her.

"Hey, trying to do this one math problem on my own is a completely different situation from what happened before we broke up." Dawn raised her eyebrows and gave me a stern look.

An impish thought popped into my head, and I began to smirk.

"No, this is not like the omelet thing." Dawn chuckled while rolling her eyes. "You can't kiss me into having your way."

I tried anyway, but Dawn laughed while fending off my kissing attack until I waved my hands dismissively in surrender and walked over to Brooke. My little sister giggled and twisted in her seat to show me the problem she was working on, and I sat down beside her while grabbing my iced tea off the coffee table and taking a sip.

"How do you two keep doing that?" DJ griped, shaking her head and giving her big sister a look of disbelief.

"Keep doing what?" Dawn replied, eyebrows furrowed.

"Keep having conversations where only one of you is talking?"

"Oh. Well ... I dunno." Dawn shot me a look while shrugging her shoulders, and I simply shrugged back. "Guess we just... do."

"Whatever," DJ muttered while putting her attention back into her book.

"Right pick, right pick!" I hollered.

Practice makes perfect, and this time Dawn immediately reacted to my warning and took a step forward to avoid Bert's screen, pressuring DJ's dribble while I similarly burst forward to trap DJ as well.

Surrounded by reaching arms, DJ picked up her dribble and tried to pass out to Bert, who would be unguarded and all alone. But Dawn had similarly raised her arms, so when DJ tried to throw it out, Dawn's right hand clipped the ball and tipped it up into the air.

Leaping up with my right arm extended, I palmed the side of the ball and slammed it down against my left hand. DJ had gotten tied up with Dawn while trying to similarly leap for the loose ball, and the pair of them fell down into a heap on the hardwood floor while I dribbled two steps back behind the three-point line, set my feet, and swished a long jumper through the hoop.

"Game!" I crowed triumphantly.

"Dead ball, dead ball," Bert protested while waggling a finger at me. "The girls fell down before you took your shot. Safety first."

"They had nothing to do with my shot."

"But they still fell down before the shot," Bert pointed out with a smug grin. "You got the steal, so it's your ball. But the basket doesn't count and the score is still 9-7."

"Ugh," I groaned while shaking my head. By now, the girls had collected themselves and gotten back up. Dawn and I exchanged a look and a helpless shrug, and I was already tossing the ball to her while she raised her hands and walked back to the top of the key to start the inbounds.

I set up on the left elbow with Bert against my back and drew in a lob pass on the high post. Communicating with just our eyes, I got Dawn to cut around me while I extended the ball for a handoff. DJ was late and in trail position, so Bert stepped away from me to block Dawn's path down the lane. But instead of handing it off, I kept the ball, spun the other way and dribbled in for an easy layup of my own.

"10-7. Game point," Dawn enthused.

Our eyes met again, so we repeated the same setup. Again, Dawn tossed me a lob to the high post and cut around me, but this time DJ was ready for it and had already darted behind me to block Dawn's path into the lane. Bert was therefore able to stay in his position defending me, except that this time I had already executed an underhand toss that bounced to an open spot on the floor at the middle of the free throw line. Had Dawn continued her cut around me, I would have basically thrown the ball away. But I'd known, without words, that she had faked the run around me and was in perfect position to collect the ball at the free throw line, set her feet and toss in a high-arching bank shot that hit the center of the square on the backboard and neatly dropped through the hoop.

"Game!" Dawn and I crowed together, both fists thrust upwards in victory.

Bert went over to console DJ. "Tonight's their night," he commented ruefully, "When they're both on like that, there's nothing either of us can do about it."

"Ain't that the truth," DJ muttered while gathering up her water bottle and wiping her forehead with a hand towel.

Dawn and I, still with fists upraised, turned to face each other and opened our palms to give each other a high-ten. With goofy grins, we wrapped our arms around the other's back and walked over to the others.

"I'm hungry. Who wants pizza?" I offered.

"Forget the pizza," DJ muttered. "We didn't win a single game today, and I want a drink."

Pizza and drinks were both had at Bert and Lynne's apartment, and when we were finished, Dawn, DJ, and I walked back home. DJ was quiet for the entire trip, and really she'd been pretty quiet all night. Bert had tried to reassure her that they'd get us next time, and I'd asked if she'd rather we let them win one for pity's sake, but DJ waved us off and said she wasn't really bothered about losing a few basketball games, that she had some other things on her mind.

Cognizant of my current efforts to forge a relationship between us that wasn't based on sex, I'd gone out of my way to try and talk to her, same as I'd been doing for weeks already. But DJ had insisted that she was fine and just needed space to think, so when Dawn finally stepped in and told me to leave her alone, I'd shrugged and decided to let it go.

DJ headed upstairs to take a shower, and once she was gone, Dawn got a silly grin on her face that told me her joy at having such a good basketball day hadn't completely evaporated. We left a trail of clothes on the floor leading into the downstairs bathroom. And by the time we stepped out of the shower tub, Dawn had my teeth marks around her nipples and my sperm load oozing out of her snatch.

"I told you to set me down so I could swallow it," Dawn admonished without any real heat in her voice while spreading her pink nether lips and examining her cream filling.

She was halfway through drying off and still had her towel wrapped around her shoulders, so I grabbed the ends of it and began to dry her hair before pulling her head to me for a quick kiss. "I know, I know," I said apologetically. "I was just caught up in the moment and really wanted fill you."

Dawn rolled her eyes before leaning her chin into my chest and looking up at me with a coy, doe-eyed look. "Well the night is still young, so if you do as I ask and let me savor the taste of your next load, maybe we can finish off our evening with a trifecta."

I grinned and rubbed Dawn's hair even harder, wanting to speed up the drying process so we could go to her bedroom and start to work on those next two trifecta steps.

But after we dried off, collected our clothes, and walked into Dawn's bedroom, we came to an abrupt stop when we discovered that the bed was already occupied.

Wearing a pink bathrobe, and seemingly nothing else, DJ sat up against the headboard with a couple of pillows supporting her lower back. Her long, bare legs were extended out and crossed at the ankles. And her sunny blonde hair was darkened with dampness as it hung loose over her shoulders while she idly picked at the tips tugging out tangles and split ends.

"Hey," Dawn began, instantly picking up on DJ's worn expression, the very expression I'd missed while my eyes had been traveling up and down her body. "Is something wrong?"

Letting go of her hair, DJ sighed before looking up at us. "Yes ... I mean no, nothing's wrong." Her expression was still a little sour.

Stepping alongside Dawn, I asked, "You sure there's nothing wrong?"

"Well nothing's wrong ... It's just..." she sighed and ran the fingers of her right hand through her hair up and over the top of her head. Biting her lip to collect herself, she sat up a little straighter and explained, "I believe that everything is as it should be, so no, I can't say that anything's 'wrong'."

"But you look like something's wrong," Dawn ventured, walking further into the room. She still wore nothing but a towel around her midsection, the tip of the towel tucked between her breasts to keep it closed. Meanwhile, I crossed over to the closet and fished out a bathrobe not very different from the one DJ wore, only this one was in baby blue.

DJ shrugged. "Everything's as it should be, but I can't say I'm entirely happy about it."

Tossing the bathrobe to Dawn, I asked a little warily, "Am I the only one who doesn't know what we're talking about?"

Dawn shot me a look. "We're talking about you, of course. There's only one topic in the world that gets DJ all confused and locked up like this."

"Actually," DJ sighed wearily, "I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about me."

Dawn stood up straight. She'd already removed the towel and thrown it onto the foot of the bed, but she'd paused before putting on the bathrobe, leaving her quite distractingly naked. "What about you?"

I soon found that I wasn't the only one distracted by Dawn's nudity, because DJ took a rather long up-and-down look at her sister's naked body before pulling apart the neck of her own bathrobe and peeking down at her boobs inside. DJ snorted, shook her head, and looked back up at us. And in a dry, resigned voice, she muttered, "I'm not you."

That answer didn't quite compute with Dawn, and she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows as if I could explain any better. I was still helplessly gawking at her tits, so Dawn sighed, rolled her eyes, and finally put her bathrobe on. "Of course you're not me," she stated, "but something tells me you mean much more than the obvious."

"Oh, it's still pretty obvious. I mean, of course I'm not you. Nobody in the universe is 'you', except you. And nobody in the universe could ever BE 'you', except you. I knew that. I've always known that. And yet it never really stopped me from trying to be... 'you'."

"You wanted to BE me?" Dawn scoffed rather skeptically. "I thought you HATED all the comparisons to me, wanted to be anything BUT 'me'."

"I did hate it. I did get upset every time Mom said, 'Well, Dawn would do this' or 'Ask Dawn how you can do that'. Because every time someone made that comparison, all I could hear was their disappointment in me falling short of your achievements. But at the same time, I still wanted to be you, to be 'Perfect Dawn'."

"'Perfect Dawn' doesn't exist."

"Of course she doesn't. 'Perfect Dawn' was an ideal even you couldn't live up to, and yet I still always held it up as the standard for my own aspiration. 'Perfect Dawn' had everything. Everybody loved 'Perfect Dawn'. And even when you failed to be 'Perfect Dawn', some part of me still believed that maybe -I- could still become... 'her'."

"That's a pipe dream, Deej."

"I know that. Nobody can be 'perfect', but you said it yourself: you still want to be 'Pretty-Fucking-Good Dawn', right? There's nothing wrong with aspiring towards perfection, only in defining any lack of perfection as a 'failure'. It's okay to fall a little bit short; doing so doesn't mean your life isn't a success. And I never considered myself a failure just because I couldn't be absolutely 'perfect'."

Dawn arched an eyebrow. "That a knock on me going off the reservation because I did consider myself a failure?"

"No-no-no." DJ sat up straight and waved her sister off. "Sorry, that came out wrong. That's not what I meant."

"Then what DID you mean?"

Gathering herself together, DJ drew her legs in and sat up in a cross-legged position. The hem of her bathrobe rode up, and I found myself watching carefully to see if she was wearing panties beneath it, but I honestly couldn't tell.

This is serious, dude. Get your head out of the gutter.

Blinking fast, I stood up straight and tried to stop thinking dirty thoughts. It occurred to me that I was still wearing only a towel around my waist, so I sidled over to my suitcase and bent to retrieve my pajamas.

My movements were ignored by the girls as they continued their conversation as if I wasn't even in the room. DJ pressed her palms together with fingers extended, gesturing with them for her Dawn to understand while she explained, "You're my big sister, and I've been idolizing you since the first time I could cognitively understand who you were. I followed you everywhere you went as soon as I could crawl, and I tried to copy everything you did as soon as I could stand. You were always the Golden Child, always doing the right thing and getting praised by the grownups for how wonderful and beautiful and awesome you were. Is it really so surprising then, that I spent all of my formative years wanting to grow up to be just like you?"

"I'm no Perfect Angel."

"I know that better than anybody, and it's not the point. This is about me and my issues. -I- was the one always comparing myself to my big sister, wanting to emulate her, and asking myself, 'What would Dawn do?' I wanted the same praise you got. I wanted everyone to love me like they loved you. I wanted Mom to love me like she loved you. And I even wanted him to love me like he loved you."

That last bit was directed at me, and I looked up with a deer-in-the-headlights expression while buck naked and still stepping into my underwear. The girls both laughed at my expression, and I shrugged as I stood up straight and finished pulling my boxers up to my waist.

DJ sighed mournfully and shook her head, letting the mirthful moment pass. After a deep breath, she looked up at Dawn again and explained, "But being 'you' is an impossibility, and not just because perfection is an impossibility, but because at the end of the day, there's really nothing I can ever be that's more than... 'me'."

DJ looked seriously depressed about that fact, and Dawn crawled onto the bed while reaching out to touch her sister's knee. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Of course it's a bad thing. Everything I ever wanted, everything I ever aspired to become, is completely outside of my reach. I've watched the two of you be around each other these last few months and I am staggered by the connection you two still have, even after everything that's happened. The silent conversations where you both somehow know what the other is saying. The deep-rooted understanding of each other's rhythms, patterns, and behavior. And even the way you two coordinate on the basketball court. I love you sis, but you're not that good of a basketball player – it's just that he and you always manage to be in the right place at the right time."

"So we know how each other thinks."

DJ shook your head. "No, Brooke and I know how each other thinks. But you two ... you're on a whole 'nother level. Even after all this time apart, you two fell right back into step as if nothing ever happened. And your twin-like bond ... It's magic. It's mystical. And it's way beyond anything I share with Brooke."

Dawn and I exchanged a look. "Well," Dawn hedged, "I think I've seen you and Brooke do some pretty amazing things with each other, too."

"Maybe." DJ looked down and thought about that. "Maybe, but at the same time, it shows me just how utterly short of 'being you' I truly am. No matter how hard I try, no matter what else might happen in the future, I could never, NEVER share that same kind of bond with him like you do. Nobody can."

Dawn and I exchanged another look. And this time I finally found my voice and asked, "Who ever said you needed to?"

"I did," DJ sighed. "-I- told myself I needed to."

"But why?" I continued.

"Because I wanted you to love me like you love her, obviously," DJ sighed, shaking her head. "And I figured the best way to do that would be to become the closest Dawn-clone I could be."

"Even while insisting that you never wanted me to think of you as a Dawn-clone or replacement."

DJ popped her eyebrows and gave me a weary shrug. "Absolutely."

"Nobody could ever be a Dawn-clone. Not you, not Adrienne, not Sasha... nobody. And I never asked you to be."

"Of course you didn't ask me to be, but I still had stuck in my head that it would be the best way for me to win your heart. But I was doomed from the beginning. I'm not her. I could never be more 'Dawn' than Dawn. It's an impossibility."


"Obvious, yes. But I kept trying anyway."

"Again, why?"

Shaking her head, DJ exhaled slowly. "Because I was a stupid little girl with an impossible dream. I knew it was impossible, of course, but I never really accepted that it was impossible, not until today. For some reason, even after everything we've been through, day after day after day I kept hoping ... beyond hope ... that somehow, someway, I could find a way to transform myself into 'Perfect Dawn' and then live happily ever after."

Rubbing DJ's knee, Dawn leaned forward and noted sagely, "I know exactly how you felt, and I know exactly how difficult it was to let go of that dream, but you know you DO have to let it go, right?"

"I do know," DJ sighed. "I do."

"But that doesn't mean your life is a failure in any way," Dawn continued. "'Pretty-Fucking-Good DJ is a great thing to aspire to."

"That's just it; that's what I have to learn to accept. 'Perfect Dawn' is an impossibility that not even you could live up to, but 'Pretty-Fucking-Good Dawn' is likewise something I will never achieve. The proof is in your connection with him. Even if we got married, had fifteen kids, and lived to be a hundred, I could never forge the kind of bond you two share."

"Again," I spoke up, "who ever said you needed to?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. I've come to accept that I'll never 'be Dawn'. She's Dawn, the one and only. And you're Ben, the one and only. And I'll settle for being 'me'."

"The one and only," Dawn added with a smile.

I started to smile as well, but the word DJ used stuck in my head. "Wait, you said 'settle'."

DJ took a deep breath and sighed. "I can't be 'her', so I'm settling for being 'me'."

I shook my head. "That's not 'settling'."

"Of course it is. I had this dream, this aspiration of perfection. It was a little girl's dream, an impossibility, and something I can never achieve. So having failed that, all that's left is being 'me'."

I shook my head again. "That's not settling. Learning to accept who you are instead of comparing yourself to your big sister is not settling. All this time, you defined yourself by her parameters and tried to be exactly like them, but you're not. You can be MORE."

"What, you're saying I'm better than her?"

"Not 'better', just different. When we walked into this room Dawn asked if something was wrong and you said 'no, everything was as it should be'. And yet you had this look on your face like you'd just lost your best friend."

DJ gave me a glum look. "It's not easy for anyone to come to the realization that the thing they've dreamed about their whole life is never gonna happen."

"Only because you don't realize how much BETTER your new dream can be. You said that nobody can live up to perfection, and even though you said you wouldn't, you're considering yourself a failure for falling short. But it's OKAY to fall a little bit short, remember?

"Doesn't mean I have to feel good about it."

"Why NOT? You've finally let go of the pipe dream. You've finally realized that 'being Dawn' isn't the be-all, end-all of your existence. You're setting yourself FREE of your own expectations."

"By realizing that I'll never live up to her."

"Ugh!" I clapped my hand over my forehead in frustration and rubbed it vigorously. Taking away my hand, I stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed just past DJ's other knee. Giving her a serious look, I raised my eyebrows and said, "You're still considering 'Dawn' as the epitome of perfection, and you still believe that any aspect of yourself that isn't exactly like Dawn is somehow a failure on your part. But it's not. Dawn's Dawn. You're you. You're different, and neither one is necessarily better."

"I KNOW that!"

"Do you? If so, then why do you think being 'Pretty-Fucking-Good DJ' is somehow settling?"

"Because I'm only settling for 'Pretty-Fucking-Good DJ' because I can't ever be 'Pretty-Fucking-Good Dawn'!"

I frowned and folded my arms over my chest. "So you're saying that if you actually could become Dawn, you would want to."


"Really? You're saying you'd rather be an inch shorter?"

"Wait, what?"

"Simple: Dawn's an inch shorter than you. If 'being Dawn' is really your ideal, you're saying you'd rather be an inch shorter. Oh and while we're on the subject of physical dimensions, you're saying you'd rather be a cup size smaller, too."

"No, no..." DJ shook her head. "That's not what I meant."

"Then what DO you mean?"

"I mean I want to be like HER! I want to be smarter. I want to be better at knowing the right thing to say. I want people to look at me and instantly think about how awesomely wonderful I am." DJ snapped her fingers for emphasis.

Dawn shook her head. "You want people to look at you and think about how badly I fucked up, went off the deep end, and ran away from my problems?"

DJ shrugged. "Well it wouldn't be much different from the way people look at ME and think about how badly -I- fucked up, went off the deep end, and ran away from my problems."

Dawn smirked. "See, we're more alike than you think."

"We're getting off-topic," I sighed, rubbing my forehead again.

DJ fixed me with an intense stare. "And I want you to look at me the way you look at her. I want you to LOVE me the way you love HER. But it's never gonna happen, because there's no way I can actually ever BE her. And there's no way you could ever feel the same way about me as you feel about her."


"No, don't apologize." She raised a hand palm-out. "It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault. It's just the way things are ... the way things should be."

Taking a deep breath, I shook my head and stood up again from the bed. I took my time collecting my thoughts while retrieving my pajama shirt and pulling it over my head. After yanking the hem of the shirt down to my waist, I finally turned around and found both girls looking at me expectantly.

"'Perfect Dawn' was an ideal that nobody could live up to, not even Dawn herself," I began. "At the same time, 'Perfect Dawn' was a trap, a vicious cycle of disappointment and unfair expectations that ultimately made Dawn crack. And that's the last thing I want to ever happen to YOU."

DJ pursed her lips but didn't say anything.

"'Perfect Dawn' was a cage," Dawn explained, staring past DJ at some spot on the headboard, her eyes a little unfocused. "'Perfect Dawn' felt like a prison life sentence, dooming me to spend the rest of my years pretending to be without flaws, without selfish desires, only allowed to do what I was 'supposed' to do and never what I might want to do. And when I decided to break free of that cage, I didn't settle for being 'Pretty-Fucking-Good Dawn'. I chose to be better, to be more REAL, than 'Perfect Dawn'."

"You deciding to be 'DJ' isn't settling for less than perfection," I agreed. "It's growing beyond a restriction you've put on yourself all these years. It's ASPIRING to be MORE than just the closest clone of Dawn you could make yourself."

"Don't be me, not even some idealized version of me," Dawn urged. "Don't limit yourself to just being whatever you thought I was 'supposed' to be. Believe me, I've been there. That road doesn't end well."

"Easy for you to say. Your road ultimately led back to here. Back to him."

"I got lucky, yes," Dawn conceded. "But you know full well how torturous this journey has been for me, and I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy. You can learn from my mistakes and figure out a way to find your happiness that doesn't involve crashing and burning the way I did."

DJ thought about that for a long while, biting her lip and looking pensive. Dawn and I waited her out, watched the gears turning in her head as she thought things through. But in the end, she shook her head, sat up straight, and swung her legs off the side of the bed.

"You know, it's been a pretty exhausting day for me," she sighed wearily. "I think I'm going to go to bed early."

Dawn and I exchanged a look, and I replied as warmly as I could, "You know we're right down here if you change your mind and still want to talk."

"Nah," DJ waved me off. "I think we've done more than enough talking for one night. I think this is something I need to sleep on anyway."

I nodded, DJ nodded back, and then glanced over at Dawn with a grateful smile before walking out the door.

Dawn slid off the bed and circled over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist while we both stared out the empty doorway.

"I'm worried about her," I muttered with a sigh.

"Don't be. She'll be alright. Like I said: I've been where she is right now. And if there's one thing I know about DJ, she's actually much stronger than I ever was."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I had it easy. She's right: whole chunks in my life just seemed to fall in to place for me, and I got to take for granted that you'd be there right by my side. Her? DJ's been chasing my shadow for years and years ... and in her mind, coming up second-best for most of it. She's been toughened up by all that, forged into someone with diamond hardness by time and pressure."

"I dunno about that. She seems pretty frayed by it all."

"On the surface, sure, who wouldn't be? But she's tenacious, and she doesn't quit. Sure, she gets knocked down a lot, but she always gets back up. She'll get through this, and really, she's already handling all this far better than I would have." Dawn squeezed me. "Trust me: DJ will be just fine."

I glanced down and pecked the crown of her head. "I do trust you."

Dawn smiled up at me and puckered up for another kiss, this one tender and on the lips. "I already know you do," she replied while tapping the side of her head, "in here."

I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" somebody grunted, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her.

My eyes fluttered for a brief second, giving me just enough time to see the sunny blonde head bobbing up and down in my lap before my heavy eyelids closed themselves. I moaned in pleasure and slid my fingers through Dawn's hair, grateful that she was making up for our aborted evening last night.

Although we'd fucked in the shower, Dawn and I had never completed our trifecta. The mood just wasn't right in the aftermath of that intense conversation with DJ, and we'd fallen asleep in each other's arms like the loving romantic couple we insisted we weren't. But a good night's sleep does wonders for erasing weird moods, allowing us to wake up hours later with a clean slate and no troubling emotional quandaries to get in the way of morning wood.

Setting my hand atop my best friend's head, I pressed down gently, encouraging her to once again relax her throat and let me inside. When she did, I groaned in satisfied delight and kept my eyes closed to focus inward on the heavenly sensations she was giving me. While I concentrated on those sensations, my well-rested conscious brain was able to actively notice the little techniques she used to pleasure me: the suction of her lips moving up and down my shaft, the way the tip of her tongue tickled the underside of my crown, and the stroking of her hand when she backed off to polish my knob counterclockwise before deep-throating me once more.

Just then, the girl beside me squeaked in surprise, "What the--?"

Dawn half-sat up/half-crawled out from under the covers, not quite used to being woken up in this fashion the way I was. The sound of her squeak had cracked open my eyes, and as her scrambling-upward movement drew my attention towards her, my eyes suddenly opened WIDE.

Data point #1: This is Dawn's bedroom in the Berkeley house.

Data point #2: Dawn is seated beside me in bed, not between my legs with my dick in her mouth.

Panicked thought 'A': Wait, if it's not Dawn, exactly WHO has my dick in her mouth?!?

Musculoskeletal command: Look down NOW.

Data point #3: Hair is indeed sunny blonde, but that's DJ's face staring back at me with a smirking grin around my shaft.

Panicked thought 'B': Oh, shit.

Musculoskeletal command: Pull her head off! Pull her head off!

"DJ!" I squawked, half-sitting up/half-crawling out from under the covers while removing my throbbing erection from the moist warmth of her mouth. "What the--?"

"Morning, Ben!" DJ beamed at me while sitting up on her knees, a movement that caused the bed covers to slide down her back toward the foot of the bed. And as the bed covers slid away, they revealed a second body that had been mostly hidden beneath them.

"Morning, guys," Brooke added in a cheery voice as she sat up as well, one hand drifting up Dawn's bare leg as she finger-walked her way toward my best friend's crotch.

"What are you--?" I sputtered. "Why are you--? I thought we talked about this!"

"We did," DJ replied matter-of-factly while she crossed her arms and grabbed the hem of her nightie. A moment later, she'd lifted the garment over her head and tossed it aside, revealing her completely naked body. Biting her lower lip and popping her eyebrows, the gorgeous, stacked blonde thrust her chest forward and jiggled her big DD tits, which were proudly capped by excited pink nipples. And once she knew she had my full and undivided attention on those mouthwatering melons, she bent over and crawled up my body on all fours until her wide-spread thighs formed an upright triangle directly above my crotch.

"Umm ... uhhh..." I stammered. "Didn't we talk about NOT having sex anymore?"

"Well, yeah, we did..." DJ tapped her lip with her right index finger while simultaneously dipping her body so that her steaming pussy smeared wet lubrication along the underside of my rigid cock from balls to tip. Sitting up straight, she smirked at me while reaching down with her right hand to grasp my dick and elevate it to a vertical position.

"Then ... umm..." I stared at my mushroom head poking out from the top of DJ's encircling hand, and I felt the hot moisture of her pussy against it as she notched me at the entrance to her body. "What are you doing?"

"I need to get laid. I've gone WAY too long without feeling real cock inside me. More to the point: I've gone WAY too long without feeling you inside me."

"You're horny, I get it. But you're not thinking straight, especially after everything we talked about last night. You can't let your hormones override your--"

"Ben, shut up." And without further ado, DJ sank herself down on me, stuffing herself completely full of cock in a single drop.

"Ohhh, shit," I groaned, not only from anxiety over the line we'd just crossed, but also from the incredible feelings of being surrounded by DJ's wet pussy. The next thing I knew, her tongue had speared through my open mouth and her lips attacked mine while the force of her kiss tackled me down onto my pillow. And before I could even get my bearings, she had already started to hump her body up and down my shaft.

She was completely overwhelming. My hands, by instinct, had defensively grabbed onto her shoulders. But instead of pushing her away, I instead found myself gripping those shoulders and pulling her body towards mine. She tilted her head, pressing her right cheek against my pillow, and I turned my head right with her, moaning my lust into our lip-lock while digging my heels into the mattress so I could thrust myself up just as hard as she was humping herself down. It had been such a long time since we'd last fucked, despite seeing each other every weekend. The one thing we want the most is the one thing we can't have. And to finally be inside DJ again felt ... well... amazing.

But the sense of being overwhelmed eventually passed, and when DJ sat upright to concentrate on fucking me with her hands planted on my chest, my conscience reasserted itself. Briefly, I found myself hypnotized by her wobbling beautiful breasts, but I forced myself to look up at her face as I reached up to grasp her wrists. "Deej ... seriously ... We need--"

"Ben, shut UP," she repeated curtly, eyes closed as she concentrated on the feel of my cock inside her. Biting her lower lip again, she grimaced as she sped up, her up and down motion turning into more of a circular gyration as she ground her clit against my pelvic bone. Groaning gutturally, DJ fucked herself on my fuckstick until her hips reached max velocity. Only a minute later, she slammed herself down one final time and held herself there, shaking and shuddering as if having an epileptic fit, until her orgasm finally passed and she sagged forward, collapsing heavily onto my chest.

Tenderly, I cradled her body in my arms while stroking her spine. DJ panted for oxygen, her breath loud in my left ear, until she began to get her bearings and the limpness of her body gave way to controlled strength. My cock was still rock-hard and buried eight inches inside her, and when she turned her head to kiss her way across my cheek and nibble on my ear, I also felt her pussy muscles resume squeezing and caressing my embedded shaft in a clear prelude to continue, not stop, our sexual congress.

"DJ ... seriously..." I began again.

"BEN. Seriously... ," she interrupted me. "Just shut up, please, okay? For the next few minutes ... or hours ... or however long this lasts, just put your conscience aside and do what you do best. Let the four of us do together what WE do best, alright? And when it's all over, we'll talk. I promise."

I raised my eyebrows. "You promise?"

"I promise," she stated sincerely. "After. Because you're right: I'm so horny I can't THINK straight, can't think objectively about how I really feel about you. So if you want to have an honest conversation about what we mean to each other, what we truly want from each other, then it HAS to be after, understand?"

I blinked twice. "Um ... I guess that makes sense. But are you sure you don't--"

"Ben..." DJ warned, her irises flaring.

I smiled sheepishly. "I know, I know. 'Shut up'."

There were four of us in that bedroom – me and three beautiful, vibrant young women with sexual urges of their own to satisfy – but the morning really was about DJ. She was by far the horniest, had the most pent-up stress, and was most in need of relief. And the rest of us were only too happy to focus on her.

After FINALLY getting me to shut up, DJ hooked her calves behind mine and rolled us over without disengaging my cock from her cunt. She writhed beneath me like a sinuous serpent, or maybe some kind of lizard because snakes don't have limbs while DJ used all four of hers to grasp and clutch and stroke my body above hers. Eventually the bodacious blonde crossed her ankles behind my neck and howled at me to fucking hammer her into the mattress with her body folded in half, and she howled in ecstatic victory when I roared and filled her pussy full of my completion.

I don't know exactly what Dawn and Brooke were up to during that time, but when DJ finally unhooked her legs from my shoulders and allowed me to roll off her to the side, both of the other girls were buck naked and ready to pounce. Brooke began mauling DJ's tits with her hands while sealing her lips over her best friend's for sloppy French kisses. Dawn went straight after the creampie, sucking out every last drop before climbing up DJ's sweaty body and snowballing my entire load into her little sister's mouth.

Brooke came after me next, pushing me into an armchair and kneeling on the floor to scratch her fingernails on my thighs while resurrecting my erection with her talented mouth. My recovery time was greatly improved by the view of the two beautiful blonde sisters in their Sapphic embrace, kissing and caressing and shooting me naughty little smiles before kissing and caressing each other again.

Once Brooke pronounced me ready to go again, she invited DJ over to mount me in the armchair, but instead DJ slid her legs off the side of the bed and bent over at the waist, bracing her elbows on the mattress and wiggling her ass at me enticingly. I didn't need to be asked twice before standing up from the chair and easing my cock into her twat from behind. And soon DJ was grunting her familiar "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck" while I bent over her back and used her big tits as hand-holds to yank her body against mine to meet my every thrust.

Dawn, meanwhile, had continued to kneel atop the mattress right by DJ's head, stroking her sister's hair and gently caressing her arms and back. But after a few minutes, DJ reached out with both hands and physically dragged my best friend into a seated position right in front of her. And once Dawn got the message and spread her legs wide, she was in a perfect position for DJ to feast on big sister's cunt while I continued to drill little sister from behind.

Speaking of little sisters, Brooke wasn't idle either. But rather than join us, I watched her drop to her knees and disappear out of sight on the other side of the bed. I wondered what she was doing for maybe two or three seconds, but when DJ's cunt went into climactic convulsions around my cock, I ceased to care and instead concentrated on cramming myself up DJ's coital canal.

But right when DJ went limp after getting her second orgasm, Brooke reappeared beside me holding a Ben Junior strap-on dildo. My sister had a twinkle in her eyes as she gestured for me to withdraw from DJ's pussy so that she could take my place.

"No, you go first," Dawn interrupted, reaching out and snatching the strap-on harness from Brooke. "I'll get mine later."

With a shrug, Brooke handed it over and smiled at me as she planted her feet on the floor and bent over at the waist, mimicking DJ's position. She looked back at us, first watching Dawn buckle herself into the harness and then watching me back out of DJ's sodden snatch to instead move myself behind her.

Standing alongside me with a cheery grin, Dawn leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. "Isn't this more fun than getting all angsty about our love lives? Just the four of us having a good time together?"

I shrugged as I held my little sister's hips in my hands and nudged my cockhead into the folds of her pussy, all while watching Dawn do the exact same thing to her little sister. "If only it were that simple."

"It could be, if all of us wanted it to be."

"It's more complicated than that. Feelings and emotions don't just--"

"BEN. Shut UP," DJ groaned.

Laughing, I focused my attention on Brooke's beautiful butt and watched her cheeks spread apart in my hands as I pushed myself into her. Face-down on the mattress, my little sister shivered and bunched up the bedsheets in her hands as she felt me fill her up completely. A couple of feet over to my right, I watched DJ do the same as Dawn pushed into her. And I found myself staring at the dreamy, content expression on DJ's face as she and Brooke reached out to hold the other's hand.

For several minutes, Dawn and I fucked our little sisters for nothing more meaningful than the simple pleasure of it. It was an ordinary Saturday morning, with no jobs or schoolwork to worry about, nothing more important to do. Sure, we all had other responsibilities and obligations, like the family in San Francisco I needed to get back to. And if the rest of the world knew what the four of us were doing in this bedroom, polite society would frown rather heavily on our actions. But for now there were no outside forces – or inside forces – telling us to behave ... or to be ... any different from the way we already were:


With benefits.

Strip away societal frowning. Strip away external obligations. Strip away romantic complications, and all that's left is 'Family'. Four family members ... having a good time together. Why did it have to be any more complicated than that?

Strip all those other things away, and there was nothing left to burden my conscience when Dawn called out "Switch!" and we traded little sisters. No guilt. No angst. No worries about whether or not DJ and I were doing the right thing as I eased my dick right back up into her twat and resumed pounding her from behind.

No indecision about grabbing DJ's hips and rolling her onto her back so she could hook her legs over my shoulders while I palmed her ass and fucked her to another orgasm. And no hesitation to call "Switch!" again, pull out of her, and do the same thing to Brooke as well.

I found myself in a "zone", a zone much like when the sexual creature inside me took over. The last time DJ and I had fucked, she'd asked me to become Big Ben the Legendary Sex God, to become the ultimate technical lover and push all her buttons so that her mind would go blank. The zone I found myself in today was kind of like that, and yet very, very different in one important way:


That last time DJ had asked me to make her mind go blank, my love for her had nothing to do with it. The sexual creature was all about lust, about skillful manipulation of the female body in a way that was completely absent any true emotional feeling. But THIS time I never lost my love – not for her, not for Brooke, and not for Dawn.

"WE" ... together ... were FAMILY. And FAMILY means LOVE.

Dawn loved me when she ripped off the strap-on, pushed me onto my back across the bed, and mounted my cock. DJ loved me when she sat on my face while staring straight at her sister. And the pair of them loved each other while they pawed at each other's breasts and swapped spit between their mouths.

Brooke loved Dawn when she retrieved a new Ben Junior dildo, lubed it up, and began pushing it into Dawn's ass while I was still up Dawn's cunt. I loved Dawn when her orgasmically-spasming pussy muscles milked the cum right out of me to fill up her womb. And DJ loved Dawn when she returned the earlier favor of slurping out the creampie and snowballing it back into Dawn's mouth.

The three of them collectively loved me when they surrounded me on the bed and worked together to orally revive my cock. They loved each other when they formed a triangular daisy-chain to feast on each other's snatch. And I loved all of them when they got on all fours side-by-side-by-side along the edge of the bed so I could go up and down the line fucking them each a few minutes at a time.

Towards the end, it all came back to focusing on DJ, as the girls laid me down on my back and let the horniest, the most stressed, the most in need of relief girl climb on and use me as a living dildo. Of course, I was a dildo with thrusting hips and roving hands that knew all of DJ's trigger spots to maximize her pleasure. Dawn had a tender mouth and roving hands of her own as well, and she likewise used them to express her sisterly love. And Brooke was being Brooke, quite possibly having even more fun pounding that Ben Junior dildo up DJ's ass than DJ was having getting her ass pounded.

Ultimately, DJ screamed her pretty little head off one final time before collapsing onto her side, gasping for air on the teetering edge of consciousness with abundant girlcum oozing out onto her thighs.

But it was only girlcum oozing out onto her thighs, because I still had my third round of boycum locked and loaded and waiting to fire. I'd done the math, and held off from losing it so that I could finish a different kind of trifecta than the one I'd been planning last night.

This morning I'd filled DJ's pussy full of my completion, and let Dawn's orgasmically-spasming pussy muscles milk the cum right out of me, but Brooke's womb had yet to be stuffed full of incestuous big brother-sperm. Well once DJ collapsed off me and rolled out of the way, I'd promptly tackled my little sister, notched my dick, and rabbit-humped her like the world was about to end. And once I finally got what I wanted – and so did Brooke – I collapsed on top of my little sister with a shit-eating grin on my face while she gave me a cat-who-ate-the-canary smirk of her own...

... at least for a second or two. That's because DJ promptly yanked me out of my sister and rolled me out of the way so she could hoover out the creampie. But instead of snowballing the load back to Brooke, when she was done, DJ sat up and opened her gaping mouth to show me the pool of creamy spunk she held inside. She held that position for an extra couple of seconds, even teasingly waggling her eyebrows, before finally throwing her head back and swallowing my load in a single gulp.

Levering myself up on my elbows, I smiled at her, watching the delightful sparkle in her eyes as she smiled back at me.

DJ wiped her lips with a finger, scraping up a stray glob of jizz before popping it into her mouth. After sucking on her finger for a moment, she smiled down at me and planted her left hand on the mattress while leaning over me and using her right hand to comb her hair back from her shoulder. "I've come to a decision, several in fact," she stated solemnly, although the twinkle in her eyes belied the seriousness of her tone. "I've decided to not be 'in love' with you anymore. I've decided that being your wife was 'Perfect Dawn's' dream, and me letting go of the wish to become 'Perfect Dawn' also means letting go of you."

I blinked twice and raised my eyebrows, her tone and her words making me worry while that impish twinkle in her eyes confused me.

"I've also decided to be okay with a relationship based on sex. We're good at it, I like doing it, and I really hated it when we stopped. BUT..." she held up a hand to forestall my comment, and she only continued when I settled back down onto my elbows. "But ... I know what you're thinking, and I want you to stop thinking it. I don't want you to think this little experiment was a failure. Not in the slightest."

"We crossed the line," I stated. "The line we said we wouldn't cross."

"Yes we did, but we crossed it because the experiment was a success, and it was time to stop withholding ourselves from what we really wanted to do."

Brooke chirped enthusiastically, "Fuck each other silly!"

"But I thought you wanted MORE than a relationship based on sex."

"I do. And we HAVE it. I don't want you to think you failed at getting to know me better, failed to discover qualities about me that you appreciate beyond my rockin' body and willingness to bend over for you at the snap of your fingers. What we mean to each other goes beyond reciting lists of WHY we care about each other, or exactly WHAT it is about me that you really love. Because when it all boils down to it, I KNOW you really do love me. I FEEL it every day. I'm not Dawn; I'm not your soulmate best friend since birth. I'm not Brooke; I'm not your blood-bonded little sister. My relationship with you is never going to be like your relationships with them, and for me to want either of those things is as misguided as wanting to become 'Perfect Dawn'. So finally, I've decided to stop trying to compare myself to either of them."

I raised my eyebrows, but I didn't verbally respond.

DJ shrugged. "I've decided to stop wishing my relationship with you was anything more than what it really is."

"Please don't say you're settling for a relationship based on sex."

DJ smirked and shook her head. "No, not settling. I'm appreciating a relationship based on sex. I DO have a rockin' body. And I AM willing to bend over for you at the snap of your fingers." Giggling, she added, "Anytime, anywhere, by the way."

I smirked while replying, "Good to know."

"We're friends-with-benefits, and it's time I stopped complaining about what our relationship ISN'T and instead enjoyed what our relationship IS," she continued. "Our circumstances have changed, and the WAY you love me has changed, but your love for me has ALWAYS been there, and I haven't appreciated that enough. Whenever I need you, I mean really need you, I only have to ask and I know you'll be there."

"Always. If you just ask. None of this passive-aggressive 'I want him and I need him but I'm gonna get pissy if he doesn't notice and come to me on his own' bullshit."

DJ barked a laugh and nodded. "Fair enough."

Taking deep breath, I sat up fully and gave DJ a warm smile. "So we're good now?"

She nodded. "We're good. Friends?"

"Friends? No." I shook my head and gave her an even bigger smile. "We're Family."

Next chapter