
Chapter 8: July l

-- MONDAY, JULY 16, 2007 --

"So you have five girlfriends now?" June gave me an are-you-kidding-me kind of look as she poked at her Caesar salad.

"No, still just three. I've already told you multiple times that Kim and I aren't technically a boyfriend/girlfriend couple."

"But you're co-parents to your son, AND you're having sex with her."

"Yes, but still, she's not technically a 'girlfriend'."

"And you're now having sex with your ex, Dawn, even though she's not technically your girlfriend, either." June waggled the pointy end of her fork at me for emphasis. "That's five different women you're having regular intercourse with, only one of whom is your new fiancée."

I sighed. "Yes, but you're missing the point."

"Apparently." June popped her eyebrows at me. "Here I was raised to believe that one man and one woman were meant to make a monogamous commitment to each other until death do they part, not get engaged to be married ... and then add even more sexual partners to the mix."

I shook my head wryly. "Yeah, well Adrienne and I aren't your regular old-fashioned engaged couple."

"Certainly not." June focused on her salad for a moment, spearing several lettuce leaves and popping them into her mouth as she stared across the restaurant for a moment, lost in thought.

I took the opportunity to stuff a large amount of lasagna into my own mouth, having spent much of our meal talking about my trip and not enough time actually eating. I was in the midst of drinking my coke when June finally looked back at me with her inscrutable June poker face and nonchalantly spoke again.

"So would I be correct in assuming your new fiancée would not mind you having sex with me?"

Great, now my lasagna plate was covered in droplets of snorted-out cola. And the couple at the table closest to our booth was now staring at us in surprise. June blushed and avoided eye contact. I merely sighed, wiped my face with the cloth napkin from my lap, and retrieved the paper napkins (the only two paper napkins provided us) to gently pat cola droplets off my lunch.

I spent enough time silently cleaning my plate with June also remaining silent for the couple at the next table to return to their own lunch. Setting down the two wadded-up paper napkins at the end of the table, I finally looked up at my co-worker and asked, "Now that my mouth isn't full of soda, could you repeat your previous question?"

Blushing again, June glanced over at the nearby couple before giving me a sheepish look. "I think you heard me correctly. And while the ambient noise in this restaurant is typically sufficient to carry out a relatively private conversation, I think I've gone too far past my comfort limit to continue any discussion that includes the word 'sex' as often as it already has. So about Cytherion: Shares haven't dropped below 12.5, but they're down to 12.62. I watched their graphics card division closely, but there hasn't been any news to suggest tha--"

"Cytherion, really?" I interrupted. "You can't drop a bomb like that on me and switch back to talking about work as if you'd never said anything."

June blinked at me twice, cocking her head to the side like a bird. "Actually, I just did."

I rolled my eyes. "I know you did, but you can't expect me to just forget a question like that."

"On the contrary. I fully expect you to remember my question and be prepared to answer it in a more private setting. Perhaps this evening after work we can go to your apartment for dinner, and there we will resume."

My eyebrows popped. "So this is a serious discussion now? Are you actually going to ask Adrienne if she'd mind you and me... ? Wait, are you actually asking ME if I'd... ?"

I trailed off, my hands waving in the air between us as I frowned, shut my eyes, and shook my head. When I opened my eyes again, I found that June had continued on eating her Caesar salad as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

I sighed. "You're right, you're right. Not the time, not the place for that kind of conversation."

June gave me a look that plainly said, 'Duhhh.'

I shot her a frustrated look back. "Well you still shouldn't have brought it up in the first place. That wasn't very nice of you to blurt out a question like that knowing that I can't really follow up."

She swallowed her bite and nodded. "Fair enough. So should we continue discussing Cytherion? You've got two weeks' worth of news and numbers to catch up on."

"You really expect me to be able to focus on work between now and dinner?"

June cocked her head again. "It's your job. I believe the phrase is... 'sack up'."

Shaking my head, I forked my next piece of lasagna and muttered, "You're evil. You know that, right?"

She shrugged and continued on with her meal. "If it gets the job done..." Her voice trailed off and she stared down at her plate. But after another second or two, she couldn't conceal the smirk spreading across her face.

It was gonna be a looong wait until dinnertime.

I spent the next two hours doing my best to "sack up", but even so I caught myself gawking at June every now and again, wondering what the hell was going through her head. I was reminded of my old "self-interest" discussions with Kim, trying to understand a person who clearly didn't think in quite the same way I did, and I wondered if Kim might do a better job of figuring out what made June tick than me.

Actually, that's a pretty damn good idea.

Sometimes, I found myself wondering about ... other ... things than what was inside June's head. Call me a one-track minded male, but after presenting me with a question like that, I couldn't stop myself from wondering what was underneath June's clothes. She was dressed the same as always: dull-colored Macy's pantsuit that did nothing to flatter her figure, and today's collared shirt happened to be a dark purple one that usually showed up once a week. While it had always been obvious that June didn't have a big rack like many of the other girls I'd slept with, I couldn't tell if she was relatively flat-chested or if her ill-fitting suit simply smothered the shape of bigger-than-I-would've-thought breasts.

" ... so you should go into Hye-Kyoung's office and tell him that the Hello Kitty Beanie Baby foundries can be shuffled off to--"

"Hey, I'm not totally gone," I interrupted, shooting June a dirty look.

She sighed and shook her head. "But you were pretty far gone. Now I apologize for the question I asked you at lunch. It wasn't the proper time or place, and it's clearly interfering with your work. I'm not a woman used to having men stare at her, so I notice when a man like you keeps evaluating me with your eyes, looking for boobs that aren't there."

"I'm not--" June gave me a look, and I shut up.

Holding a hand up, June gave me a frank look and stated, "I retract my previous question."

Confused, I immediately replied, "Retract what question?"

Her eyes darted left and right, checking to see who might possibly be within hearing range of our cubes. We were up against one wall to the side of a cube farm with partitions low enough that it would be impossible for someone to eavesdrop without being seen. And even though we were presently alone, she still hissed in a hushed voice, "I think you know exactly which question."

"Ohh... that question. In all fairness, it's been hours since lunch and you've asked me a LOT of questions since then."

"But I'm only retracting 'the one'."

I snorted and shook my head. "You can't un-speak words that have already been spoken."

"It was a hypothetical question in the first place." After glancing to the sides again, June leaned forward and spoke in a soft voice unlikely to be overheard by anyone as she explained, "I merely made a comment about your fiancée's permissiveness regarding your sexual fidelity. I am not going to have sex with you, and I never was, so it's best that we both understand that the possibility of such an interaction is zero. That way we can move on and return to our original working relationship ... without you... ogling me as if I were your next conquest."

I frowned. "I wasn't ogling you."

"But you were distracted*."

"How could I not be? You knew the second you proposed we continue the discussion at dinner that it would consume a significant percentage of my brain function until we actually left here and went back to my apartment."

June shook her head. "Not anymore. I'm not coming to your apartment for dinner."

I frowned. "You're not?"

"I retracted my question. There's nothing to discuss anymore."

"Yes there is!"

"Benjamin, volume," June scolded.

I shot her a dirty look. But after taking a deep breath to calm myself, I stated in a much more measured voice, "You can still come over for dinner. We'll talk about work, or even ... Just hang out. You can socialize with my roommates."

June shook her head. "And while we're socializing you will bring up the question I've already retracted in an attempt to re-start the discussion and create a very awkward situation for me. No, I'm not coming over for dinner."


"It's not happening," June cut me off. "And I won't be coming over for dinner until I can be certain you've put this discussion in our past. We both move on, alright?"

"By refusing to visit my apartment solely on the basis of your wish to avoid an awkward discussion, you make a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be. That makes me believe it wasn't a pure hypothetical and that you actually meant the question you posed."

"I'm not talking about it," June insisted, folding her arms across her chest and giving me a stern 'drop it' look.

"Look, you can trust me. I'm the last person who'd ever try to judge you or change you."

"You mean the way you didn't try to change me by having Adrienne offer to give me a makeover?"

I held my hands up defensively and replied, "The makeover was entirely Adrienne's idea."

"One that you agreed with."

"I just passed it along as an option. I never meant for you to feel pressured by it."

"Then don't pressure me. Not about a makeover, and not about this, alright?"

"Fine, fine." Taking a deep breath, I gestured with my palms for calm and nodded my agreement. "No pressure."

Exhaling heavily, June abruptly rotated her chair and snatched the mug on her desk. "I'm going to get some tea."

Nodding, I sat up in my chair as well. "I need some more coffee myself."

"No, you're staying here," June ordered.

My hands went back up into a defensive posture. "Fine, fine."

"Fine," she agreed. "And when I get back, we're talking about Cytherion, alright?"

"Fine, fine. Whatever."

And then she was gone.

"Onto the bed and assume Second Position," I stated quietly, but firmly. Even though I hadn't said it very loud, it was a command and not a mere statement.

Blindfolded, Kim bent forward, folding her arms on top of the mattress and resting her cheek against them while still in a kneeling position. The position thrust her ass into the air, and she separated her knees to open up her crotch. Breathing shallowly, the beautiful Japanese-American babe quieted and waited.

She was beautiful, and yet so fragile. Even after two weeks spent under the sun in the great outdoors, she was still more fair-skinned than anyone else in this household. She'd also put on a few pounds since her college days, perfectly understandable after the weight gain of pregnancy. But she'd lost most of the baby fat, and in this position, her ribs still made slight indentations in her sides and her butt was still on the bony side. You couldn't tell by looking at her that she'd given birth to a baby, and as I stared at her naked body from this vantage point, with the fine curtain of black hair covering her face from my view, I wondered – not for the first time tonight – what June Song might look like in the same pose.

I shook my head to clear the notion from my mind. Kim deserved better than me fantasizing about anyone else. And yet I couldn't help but second-guess my intentions when I'd abruptly decided to seize and inseminate her tonight.

June's declaration that she would NOT be coming over for dinner had helped me push her unexpected question out of my mind, at least enough to "sack up" and get the job done. No more daydreaming. No more comments about Big Macs and Beanie Babies. No more scrutinization of her suit jacket attempting to determine her cup size. But June's retraction hadn't erased the question from memory, and on the walk home I'd found myself doing my "scenarios and possibilities" musing-thing.

I'd been pretty quiet at dinner, quiet enough for Sasha to ask if I was feeling alright. I hadn't gotten a full grip on what was going on just yet, so rather than explain about June's question I'd shrugged and said I simply had a long day at the office. I wasn't hiding anything, not really, and I knew I'd tell the others about it soon enough. But not just yet.

Adrienne wouldn't be home until late; she'd been in meetings with her agent all day and they had plans to go out at night. Brandi and Dayna were meeting up with friends for dinner, so it had just been the four of us including BJ. And after the meal I'd asked Sasha to look after my son while his mommy and I got some private time.

I'd been in a weird mood all night: contemplative and distracted and horny at the same time. I'd had sex on the brain even though I wasn't feeling particularly "loving". I knew the sex would be a little mechanical, a little soulless. I knew Kim wouldn't mind "servicing" me in this mood, knew that she'd recognize my need to "use" her body to work out some things in my mind, and knew that she'd probably enjoy doing so. And the sparkle that shone in her eyes the moment I'd brought her into the master bedroom and ordered her into First Position was all the confirmation I'd needed.

Kneeling on the floor with her legs together and feet pointed so that she sat on her heels, Kim thrust her chin outward and clasped her hands together with fingers straight up and her thumbs touching her chest as if praying. She inhaled sharply and quivered eagerly the moment I roughly grasped her head with my left hand. She gaped her mouth open while I unzipped myself and extracted my growing erection. And she hummed happily and sealed her lips tightly around my invading cock as soon as I crammed it down her throat.

That had been the first time June's face invaded my mind, simultaneously making me panic and also get even harder inside Kim's mouth. She moaned as my dick throbbed, trying to gobble up even more of my man meat. And I clenched my eyes shut in an attempt to block out the unwelcome vision while I grabbed Kim's head with both my hands and tried to skull-fuck the imagery away.

Twice, I rammed myself to full-depth down Kim's esophagus and held it there long enough for her to start gagging. But she gasped for air the instant I pulled out and eagerly swallowed me back up again after each time. When we'd first entered the room, I'd planned to use Kim's mouth to get me hard before pushing her backwards across my bed and standing on the floor to hammer her skinny little body until I filled her womb with fresh baby-makers. Then I'd bend over and suckle out what breastmilk she had left in her teats before straddling her chest and feeding her my dick for Round 2.

But it was not to be. Mid-skullfuck I started to wonder what June might look like with a face covered with my sticky cum. That'd wipe the bossy, self-righteous smirk right off her face, wouldn't it? Again, I clenched my eyes shut to ward away the unholy thoughts. June was my friend, innocent and virginal. The absolute LAST thing I'd ever want to do was sexually degrade her. Even IF we ever had sex, I knew I'd have to do it right and ensure that she genuinely enjoyed the experience.

But what was I talking about? June and I were never going to have sex. She'd said it herself. The whole makeover bit with Adrienne was one thing, but I wasn't such an egotist to believe that every girl who crossed my orbit was just begging for a Big Ben Experience. Hell, I rather liked that there was at least ONE woman in my life who didn't care about sex with me in the slightest.

Until suddenly she'd cared. Until suddenly she'd brought it up. June may have retracted the question, but words can't be unspoken after they're said. The idea had been planted in my head, and the harder I tried to NOT think about it, the more I did. With my eyes clenched shut, I couldn't SEE the woman whose face I was currently skull-fucking. And the more I tried to NOT think about June's face covered in cum ... well ... the next thing I knew, I was roaring out my orgasm as I yanked my dick free of Kim's throat and stroked it spastically while spraying out ribbons of sperm that covered my baby mama's face from hair to chin.

A minute later, I found myself slouching on a plushy armchair with my pants around my ankles, chest heaving as I caught my breath. Kim remained kneeling before me, scraping cum off her face and licking it in a manner that reminded me of a cat giving herself a tongue bath. After swallowing everything she could, Kim finally stood and went into the bathroom, returning with a clean face and a happy smile.

"Disrobe," I commanded with a dismissive flick of the wrist, remaining in my comfortably slouched position.

Silently, Kim did as ordered, getting naked in an efficient manner without a hint of sensuality. After setting her clothes down in a neatly-folded pile on the dresser to my left, she returned to the floor in front of me, clasping her hands together and resuming First Position.

"Revive me," I ordered, again from my slouched position.

Shuffling forward on her knees, Kim took my half-hard penis in her hands and lovingly slurped it back into her mouth. It didn't take long for her talented tongue to inspire fresh blood flow into my rapidly-expanding column of meat, and within minutes she had me pretty much back at full mast.

I kept my hands on the armrests, letting my submissive do her thing unguided. As the pleasure built, I let my head loll back and closed my eyes. But as I did so, I found the fantasy notion that it was June currently sucking my dick flashing back into my mind, so in an effort to push the unholy thoughts away, I picked my head back up and opened my eyes to focus on Kim's face to ensure I knew exactly where and with whom I was.

I could have let her suck me for a long while, but having spurted on her face once already, I was in the mood for pussy. As soon as I felt myself reach rock-hard rigidity, I tapped Kim's head and gestured her to back away before standing up and rapidly stripping off my own clothing. Once I was fully naked, I retrieved a familiar blindfold and bent to place it over Kim's eyes. She remained as still as a statue in First Position while I did so, her expression unmoving. And yet there was no hiding the smile on her face as I stated quietly but firmly, "Onto the bed and assume Second Position."

Blindfolded, Kim bent forward, folding her arms on top of the mattress and resting her cheek against them while still in a kneeling position. The position thrust her ass into the air, and she separated her knees to open up her crotch. Breathing shallowly, the beautiful Japanese-American babe quieted and waited.

The image of June Song once again invaded my mind. Once again I pushed it aside. And without any further hesitation, I pushed myself inside.

From the very beginning I fucked her as hard as I could. For the first few seconds, that meant driving and squirming and wriggling until I could get all eight inches sunk into her tight twat. But once I got her loosened up enough to take full-length, powerful thrusts, I did just that, as hard as I freaking could. I didn't let Kim's fragility slow me down; experience had taught me that she could take it. And even though the young submissive wasn't into pain, she could endure just about any level of brutal fucking I could give her.

Tonight's sex session could not be accurately described as "lovemaking". I fucked her, plain and simple. I used her body as my masturbatory tool to make myself physically satisfied, and in that sense I did what would make Kim emotionally satisfied. It was a strange dichotomy, one that had taken me a long time to get used to: the more selfishly I fucked her, the more I concentrated on satiating my carnal lust, the happier she was knowing that I was doing it for myself. Even when I caused her physical pain, as long as it came in the service of my pleasure, she happily chose to endure. When I did slow down and focus on Kim's physical pleasure, she enjoyed things well enough; but if given a choice, I knew she'd want me to concentrate entirely on myself every time.

I didn't get it. I understood it – I recognized intellectually that the statement was true – but even after all this time, after all those discussions about self-interest, I still didn't understand it. Maybe I never would. In the meantime, I was content to let Kim be Kim.

Just like I should let June be June.

Maybe you should let Kim be June. As in: tell her straight up that you want to pretend she's June while you're fucking her.

What? No. No way.

Why not? She'd probably get a kick out of indulging your fantasy for you. Anything in the service of your physical pleasure, right?

No-no-no. Absolutely not. We're getting distracted again. Focus, Ben. Focus.

Yeah, focus on fucking. And on wondering what it'd be like to fuck June.

What? No. I need to focus on Kim.

But you already know what it's like to fuck Kim. C'mon ... Aren't you a little curious what June's virgin pussy might feel like while you pound her from behind like this? Wonder just a little what kind of body she hides underneath those poor-fitting clothes? Seriously, even if you can't talk her into letting Adrienne give her a makeover, at least talk her into going to a freakin' tailor instead of just wearing the suit off the rack.

I'm with Kim, I'm with Kim, I'm with Kim.

They've got very similar builds, similar frames. Granted, June wouldn't have Kim's milk-filled breasts, but she might have the same perky little ass. You know, the kind that can fit in the palm of one hand while your middle finger goes exploring into--

Shut UP.

Girl needs to unwind. Granted, the likelihood of June being a closet-submissive is extremely low. Even at her bossiest, Kim never gets as bitchy as June. Kim you could kinda always tell would go along with whatever you wanted. June's probably gonna be uptight and control-freaky and unable to shut her trap even while you're porking her, assuming you ever actually get to pork her. She walks around all day like she's got a stick up her ass and-- Hey! I betcha if she's used to having a stick up her ass, then maybe she'll be into your stick going up her--

Shut UP.

"Oww-Unngh!" Kim grunted beneath me from a particularly hard thrust. Her already wobbly legs gave way and she collapsed face-down across the bed. I found myself sprawled on top of her, my chest weighing down against her shoulders while I held her tiny waist in my hands and continued to drive my dick in and out of her tight cunt from behind. Momentarily lost to the pleasure, I grit my teeth and clenched my hands while I really went to town, banging my pelvis off her bony ass over and over again until I became dissatisfied with the way her leg-positioning prevented me from getting all eight inches into her pussy with every thrust.

Angle on her pussy isn't quite right. But if you pull out and re-aim, you've got a great angle on her ass.

Kim doesn't like anal.

Kim can't do anal without it being painful. That doesn't mean she doesn't like anal, especially when YOU enjoy anal.

I'm not in the mood for causing her pain. I can get plenty of selfish pleasure from her pussy. Now stop suggesting I sodomize Kim right now 'cause it ain't gonna happen.

Fine, fine. But I still think that maybe June might like some backdoor action, huh?

Oh, fer cryin' out loud...

Abruptly, I stopped thrusting and yanked my dick out of Kim's cunt. Rolling off and over to the side of the bed, I sat up and perched my heels on the bed frame, rubbing my temples to get the stupid/horny voice in my head to go away.

Instead, he only complained louder.

Hey, what the fuck? Why are you not fucking? There's a warm, wet, willing pussy two feet away and your Johnson is throbbing in the air?!? What the FUCK?

It's YOUR fault! Constantly putting June at the forefront of my mind.

MY fault? I'm YOU, dumbass. Why are YOU constantly putting June at the forefront of your mind?

Fine, I'm done. June is my friend, and a non-sexual friend at that. I've said before that her friendship means way more to me than any potential for conquest, and I meant it. And from now on, I'm only going to envision her fully-clothed, standing upright, and wearing frumpy attire, alright?


"Ben?" Kim's voice ventured quietly from behind me, and a moment later, her fingers slid comfortingly over my shoulder.

I turned back to look at her, and although they were both Asian females with some similar features, the two of them really didn't look alike or anything. So I focused on Kim's face and used that as my anchor to reassure myself of who I was with. "Sorry, my head's just not in the right place right now."

"Then don't let your head get involved for a minute. Lie down and let me do all the work."

Letting me fuck her however I wanted was only one way Kim could satisfy me physically. By lying me down and slipping a pillow under my head so I could watch her mount me, Kim could derive her emotional happiness from fucking me in a way that concentrated on satiating my carnal lust. She didn't suggest it very often, and in hindsight I probably should have ordered her to ride me more than I had, because in this way we both got what we wanted. She got to service me, but in a manner very different from simply accepting whatever fucking I wanted to dish out. Her gift to me in this way was truly given to me, instead of me taking my pleasure from her body.

I kept my eyes open while the mother of my only son undulated her body on top of mine, focusing my attention on her face to maintain that anchor of her identity. She'd confessed to asking advice from all of my other lovers on how best to please me in this manner, and even now she practiced what she'd learned in the way she rolled her hips, gyrated around my pole, and clenched what Dayna had termed as her "milkmaid muscles" to really add to my pleasure.

Kim and I didn't have the same special connection I shared with Dawn, or to some degree with Adrienne. I never got the sense that I could understand her unspoken thoughts, and in fact I often found myself completely surprised by what eventually came out of her mouth. Like the dichotomy of our conflicting interests in lovemaking, she and I always seemed to be on opposite wavelengths. But for right now, at least, I felt like I could read her mind.

'Take this, ' her eyes told me. 'My gift to you. Feel the most exquisite bliss and erotic ecstasy I can provide for you ... for my Master... '

She looked so hopeful, and so happy, that I couldn't dream of turning her down. So I took what she gave, and I felt what she provided, and I kept myself rooted in the here and now with her. Concentrating on Kim's face and feeling the wonderful sensations she gifted to my cock, I soon lost myself to her lovemaking. And I finally let go of my idle fantasies.

After a while, Kim began panting as the energy expenditure from doing all the work started catching up to her, and her face contorted with the pleasure she herself felt despite her intentions to focus on me. I found my hands gliding up from her hips to tickle the bony indentations of her ribs before cupping and squeezing her breasts. And when my milking hand motions began to stimulate sweet honey production from her teats, I sat up to fasten my mouth around first one nipple and then the other to suck out whatever BJ had left for me after dinner.

As much as I wanted to let Kim drive and do all the work, allowing her to "give" me my pleasure, it was only a matter of time before my urge to thrust took over once again. Twenty minutes after I'd first entered her from behind in Second Position, neither of us had yet come to a climax. My rhythm had been interrupted by my own stupid/horny head, and Kim had been too focused on me to reach orgasm herself. But I wanted that to change, so without warning I yanked her down against my chest, wrapped my legs around her thighs, and rolled us over without disengaging my cock from her cunt.

Kim's eyes sparkled as she felt me taking charge once again. She let me grab her wrists and slam her hands against the mattress above her head, assuring me with her eyes that she understood my unspoken command to leave her hands there. I literally felt her body's surrender as Kim's every muscle relaxed and went limp, even her pussy going slack around the three inches of cock I still had inside her. But when I thrust forward with my hips and fully-impaled her on all eight inches once again, she immediately clamped up and started putting those milkmaid muscles back to use.

"Ohhh ... Ohhh ... Ohhh..." Kim groaned each time I pounded into her. Her face turned to the side and her head bobbled on the bed as she concentrated on absorbing each powerful thrust. And though her arms remained limp and obediently stretched along the mattress above her, she raised her legs and crossed her ankles behind my ass while spreading her thighs all the way open to the sides to maximize how deeply I could burrow into her body.

"Fuck me..." Kim crooned. "Fuck me, Master..."

I smiled and kissed her cheek, a Pavlovian reward for her audible plea. I'd constantly reminded her that it pleased me more to hear her vocalizing her lust instead of quietly enduring my sexual assaults. I'd be happier if she told me she wanted me to fuck her, and while I could do without the added 'Master' title on the end, I understood that it made her happier to say it.

As always, conflicting self-interests. We were still a work-in-progress.

It only took a few minutes for me to ramp up to the boiling point. Twenty-plus minutes of fucking had my testicles full despite having cum once already, and I was more than ready to blow. But as much as I knew Kim wouldn't mind me finding satisfaction even if she didn't get hers, my ego wouldn't allow me to do that. Again, conflicting self-interests.

Fortunately, I knew how to play her like an instrument – my instrument of pleasure in this case. Thrusting myself in as deep as I could go, I rotated my hips to carve my cock lengthwise along the boundaries of her inner walls. Parking the crown of my head on the mattress just over her shoulder freed my hands up to roam across her naked, sweaty body, titillating trigger spots and caressing sensitive skin. And after a couple of minutes, I had my baby mama squeaking and writhing and cumming beneath me.

THEN I used her.

"Second Position," I commanded while pulling out of her saturated snatch and directing her body myself by grabbing her hips and rolling her over. Kim was still only halfway back from the dreamland, so her eyes were unfocused and her expression dazed while she let me prop her ass up by her knees. Her legs were wobbly and her torso had this tendency to drift to the left, but with my hands on her hips I got her pussy lined up with my prick, and once again I pushed myself inside her.

It didn't take very long. This close to climax and in a mental state where I both knew Kim wanted me to use her body AND had absolved my conscience by at least getting her to cum first, I simply held onto her hips and hammered her body as hard as I could. Over and over again, my pelvis bounced off her bony ass only to slam forward and bounce again. I heard her moaning and squealing beneath the onslaught even while clenching her cunt as tightly as she could to maximize my pleasure. And I fucked my cock through that taut tunnel as if it were my own closed fist, masturbating myself to finally get my long-delayed second ejaculation.

"Fuck me, fuck me, please..." Kim whimpered with her face mashed into the mattress.

"Take it, take it, take it!" I crowed back, thrusting even faster as I thundered down the final stretch.

"Fuck me! Use me! Cum for meeeee!" Kim shrieked, and all of a sudden she came AGAIN.

Like I said: my pleasure was her pleasure, and the most erotically-stimulating part of the body is the mind. Kim was HAPPIEST when I used her, and you'd think I'd have figured out by now that the best way to make her cum was to give her what she actually wanted, not what I thought she wanted. I could be dense like that from time to time.

But my density wasn't the most important thing right now. The most important thing was that Kim was cumming, and Kim cumming did wonderful things to the inside of her pussy. Those milkmaid muscles went into overdrive as she shuddered and squealed and squeezed. This young, pretty maid milked the cum right out of me, and just as I felt myself start to blow, I yanked my dick out, aimed it at her sweet, perky ass, and stroked it spastically while spraying out ribbons of sperm that covered my baby mama's butt from cheek to cheek.

"Oh, fuck..." I grunted, gasping for breath after the final shot flew out of me. Vertigo from momentary hyperventilation set in, and the room spun around me. I held onto Kim's hips with both hands for balance, forcing myself to remain upright and closing my eyes until the room stopped spinning. And when I opened my eyes again, I looked upon a very enticing sight.

The crack of Kim's ass glistened, rivers of cum that covered her cheeks collecting in her crevice and running down toward her anus. My dick had bumped up against her right cheek while I'd braced myself from falling, the mushroom head smearing through a glob of jizz that remained stuck to my tender skin even after I stood upright once again.

It's been a while since you used your cumload as anal lube.

I mentally snorted. A while? It had only been since this morning when my newly-engaged fiancée wanted to feel me possessing her body in every way while she stared dreamily at her old promise ring now adorning the fourth finger of her left hand.

Okay, so maybe not such a long time. Maybe that's why I've got the idea in my head.

You mean MY head.

Whatever. The point is: it wouldn't take very much for you to inch your cockhead over to the left just a bit, get lined up, and slide right in.

We've talked about this: Kim doesn't like anal.

We HAVE talked about this: Kim is HAPPIEST when you use her, and this is one way you don't use her nearly enough. She's starting to feel inadequate about not being able to please you with her ass like the others, and she's started asking them for advice on what she can do to make it not hurt so much.

What are you talking about? How could you even ... How could -I- even know that?

She asked Dawn, and since Dawn knows, you know.

What? That doesn't even make sense.

Doesn't it?

My brain was starting to cramp, and I shook my head trying to clear it. When I focused my eyes again, I found that my cockhead had somehow gotten lined up with Kim's anus. The entire underside was coated in cum, and a significant glob had formed directly over her rosebud. There was enough creamy spunk to lubricate the way as I shifted my weight and leaned forward, and as the pressure of my dick began to push open her sphincter, Kim shivered and let out a low moan.

I didn't enter her. I simply kept my mushroom head pressed against her anus, gauging her reaction. There was no question that she would let me in if I chose. Kim would never deny me entry up her ass, and yet it was privilege I had only taken on very few occasions. Each attempt had been quite painful for her, and she'd never once found orgasm during anal sex, no matter what else I tried.

On the other hand, Kim was happiest when I used her, the mental thrill of servicing me outweighing any physical discomforts. But I simply couldn't get past my own hang-ups about hurting her – not when there were other, far less painful ways of finding pleasure for both of us. Whenever I pressed my mushroom head against the anus of my other lovers, they all pushed back to meet me.

But not Kim. She would accept it. She would let me take it. She was mine to use. But she wouldn't push back and initiate anal sex. She never had before ... and she didn't push back now.

So I didn't shove myself inside. Two ejaculations were good enough, and after a deep breath and a longer exhalation, I shifted my weight onto my heels and pulled my mushroom head away.

Kim sighed, whether in relief or disappointment I'm not sure. Like I said: I usually wasn't very good at understanding what was going through her mind. Meanwhile, I turned around to sit on the edge of the bed to catch my breath and cool down in the aftermath of two very satisfying ejaculations. Hopefully, now that my carnal lust had been satiated and my hormone levels had dropped, I could finally get these illicit sexual thoughts of June out of my head.

Speaking of June, I'm telling you, man: a girl with a stick up her ass like that is just begging for anal.

C'mon, man, are you really gonna keep doing this?

What, you thought the sexual creature was done? First off, that was only two orgasms. And don't you remember me egging you on to use your cumload as anal lube after that second ejaculation? Seriously, your dick is hard as a rock again. Look.

Indeed, Big Ben was at full mast ... all on his own. Someone wasn't done just yet.

Just then, there came a knock at the door. Sasha poked her head around with a smile, saying, "BJ fell asleep, so I put him into his crib. Got room for one more?"

Kim sat up after reaching into Adrienne's nightstand drawer and grinned, holding up a small clear bottle. "Absolutely. You can finish his trifecta."

To state the obvious, Sasha doesn't look anything like June. I mean, they both have dark hair, are exceptionally intelligent, and possess two X chromosomes, but the similarities don't get much further than that. The point is: nothing about Sasha reminded me of my 21-year-old socially-awkward virgin co-worker, so when the sexual creature inside me took over, I didn't have to spend half my time fighting off unwanted fantasies.

Kim and I left Sasha in Adrienne's bed forty-five minutes later, passed out with saliva drooling from her mouth while my last cumload drooled from her stretched-out asshole, a present of sorts for Adrienne when she got home. We checked on BJ before taking a quick shower together, and headed into the living room wearing our pajamas.

My baby mama handed me a 64-ounce bottle of Gatorade before settling onto the couch cushion to my right, cupping a mug of hot chocolate in both her hands. She watched me chug nearly half the bottle and took a sip of her cocoa while fixing me with an appraising look. And once I finished chugging, she began rather casually, "So tell me what's going on with June."

I blinked twice and arched an eyebrow in surprise. I hadn't said anything the entire evening about June. "What makes you think something's going on with June?"

Kim shrugged. "Lots of little things. For starters, today was the first time in more than two weeks that you've seen her since the awkward sex thing that happened in Adrienne's bedroom. When you came home, you said you didn't want to talk about work when it's normally no big deal for you to tell us about your day. When I asked deeper questions, I got the impression your reticence to talk about work wasn't about actual work, so that left interpersonal issues. And there's the fact that you'll typically mention the name 'June' anywhere from four to eight times over the course of any single hour of conversation, but tonight you didn't say her name even once, suggesting that you are consciously trying to avoid her as a potential subject."

"I'm not consciously avoiding her."

Kim arched an eyebrow. "Subconsciously avoiding her is just as significant – more accurately revealing, in fact."

I shook my head. "Do you seriously keep track of the number of times I mention someone's name during an hour of conversation?"

"Name-frequency is not a definitive gauge of the mindshare you've devoted to that particular person in and of itself, but it's certainly indicative."

I waved my hands. "I don't even want to know anymore."

Kim shrugged and continued, "Of course, there was also your weird mood and request to have sex with me tonight, but--"

"Wait, me wanting to have sex with you is a signal that something's wrong?" I interrupted. "Can't I want to spend quality time with the mother of my only son without ulterior motives?"

"Of course you can, but that wasn't the case tonight. Don't think I didn't notice the way your eyes would unfocus while staring at me and you'd get this funny look on your face like you were staring at someone else. With everything going on and all the anomalous behaviors you were displaying, the logical conclusion was that something happened today with June, and probably something sex-related. But I wasn't 100% certain until I watched your reaction just now."

"Umm ... okay..." I muttered, not sure where to go with that.

Kim sipped her hot chocolate, canted her head to the side, and gave me a know-it-all smirk as she repeated more insistently, "So ... tell me what's going on with June."

I sighed, swigged another quarter of the bottle, and took a deep breath to gather myself. Sinking deeper into the couch cushions, I let my head fall back so that I was looking up at the ceiling. And in a weary voice, I explained, "June asked if I thought Adrienne would mind her having sex with me."

Kim blinked twice, and her eyebrows rose. But she nodded her understanding as she replied, "Yup, that would do it. And how did you respond?"

"I snorted my coke all over the table. She tried to pass her question off as purely hypothetical. But when I called her on it, she retracted the question, told me to forget she ever asked it, and asked me not to pressure her about it."

The corners of Kim's lips rose into her Mona Lisa smile. "So you've been trying to be a dutiful good friend and forget she ever asked, but the harder you try to NOT think about having sex with her, the more you keep thinking about having sex with her."

I sighed, downed the last of my Gatorade, and nodded. "Something like that."

"Even though she's perhaps the least sexual being you've ever met."

"I know. That's what makes it so weird."

Kim shrugged. "She's female and presumably has working parts. You're a horny pervert willing to pork pretty much any female with working parts."

I rolled my eyes and glared at her.

Kim gave me her Mona Lisa smile again. But a moment later, she schooled her face and gave me a serious look. "You know what you have to do, right?"

I gave her a resigned sigh. "Pressure her. Find her first thing in the morning and talk it out."

"Well you don't have to think of it as 'pressuring' her. June is smart enough to know you two need to clear the air and make sure you each understand the other before things get any more awkward. Trying to retract a question and have you forget she ever asked it is an emotional response to something that makes her feel uncomfortable. You can't un-speak words that have already been spoken."

"That's what -I- told her."

Kim smiled. "So ... it sounds like you already know what you need to do."

I shrugged like it was no big deal. "Sounds like."

Kim's smile widened, and she leaned over pat my head, adding in a bemused voice, "Good boy."

I rolled my eyes at the faux-condescension in her tone and sighed. "Where you get the idea of ME being your 'Master', I'll never know."

TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2007

I left for work quite early, wanting to ensure that I beat June into the office, but I needn't have bothered; she didn't show up until almost an hour after her usual arrival time. By then, I'd started my work and didn't even notice her slip quietly into her desk chair. But when she powered on her laptop and the computer fan began to hum, I rotated my chair around and smirked over the 42-inch high partition between us to drawl, "You're late."

"Don't want to talk about it," she muttered without looking back at me.

"It's quite unlike you to not be on time," I continued with a smug expression. "People might start to think tha--"

"Doonnn't want to hear it," she interrupted. Still facing her screen, June raised her right hand and waggled her fingers at me dismissively.

Stifling a chuckle, I calmed myself and wiped the smirk off my face before leaning forward and butt-walking my wheeled desk chair around the cubicle divider. June glanced over as I intruded into her workspace, a surprised expression on her face. And I gave her a frank look as I spread my arms to the sides and began, "We need to talk."

Sighing heavily, June gave me a weary look of resignation before sitting up straight and replying, "Fine. But not here." She immediately stood up, rolled her chair back behind her, and rapidly marched out of my cube.

Seeing as how we had co-workers present in their cubes adjacent to ours, I wasn't surprised by her reaction, so I quickly got up and followed after her. June made a right turn at the end of the aisle and headed for the main doors. She waved her security badge at the RFID reader and I beeped mine immediately after. And we soon found ourselves amongst the conference rooms.

A few of them were already occupied, but one was empty, by coincidence the same room we'd gone into immediately before my Morris Camp vacation. But rather than take a seat at the table, June turned around five feet inside the room, crossed her arms over her chest, and waited impatiently for me to close the door.

"Okay, what?" she barked in annoyance the instant after I did so.

"You already know 'what'."

Her shoulders sagging, June gave me a weary look again and sighed, "I thought we discussed this. You said you wouldn't pressure me and that you'd forget I ever asked that stupid question."

"I never agreed to forget it, and in fact reminded you that it's impossible to un-speak words that have already been spoken. I just want to clear the air between us before I can move on. I have to clear the air, because I'm not like you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean that I can't forget what you asked, nor compartmentalize it so that it doesn't affect me. If we don't clear the air then it's going to affect our friendship, and I don't want that. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding between us, and I don't want to get all awkward or second-guess the things I'm saying to you out of fear that I'm accidentally undermining our relationship."

"There's no 'relationship' to undermine."

"Our friendship. We ARE friends, aren't we?"

Still with her arms crossed, June waggled her head like she wasn't so sure.

"C'mon, seriously?"

"Okay, fine, we're friends," she conceded. "I already told you I only have one: you."

I frowned. "You make it sound like I just ensnared you into a deathtrap commitment."

"No, no..." June sighed and shook her head. "Just get to the point and let's go back to work."

"It's not that simple. Do you want to sit down?"

"No, I do not want to sit down, because I don't want this to take any longer than it has to."

"Fine. We can stand."

"Get to the point," she blurted, thrusting her hands at me for emphasis before crossing them over her chest again. The way she looked away and fidgeted on her feet told me she'd rather be anywhere but here, but the fact that she was still here encouraged me.

"You're my friend, and I want us to stay that way," I stated firmly. "But I can't forget the question you tried to retract about whether or not Adrienne would mind you having sex with me."

"I didn't mean it. Not seriously."

"Okay, fair enough." I paused and gave her a scrutinizing look. "But you're not the kind of person to joke about that sort of thing. So why did you say it?"

"Why does it matter? I said I didn't mean it."

"You always mean everything you say, except for this one thing, the one question about sex."

"You promised you wouldn't pressure me," she protested.

"And I'm not pressuring you; I'm just trying to understand. Please, talk to me."

"Talk to you about what?"

"Tell me what you're feeling right now."

"I'm feeling embarrassed."

"Okay, why?"

"Why? Because I asked you an embarrassing question and now you won't fucking let it GO!"

My eyes popped at her f-bomb. I couldn't remember hearing June ever swear, and I realized that I was treading on very thin ice right now.

"Okay, okay, we're going to let it go," I said gently, holding out my hands. "I'm not going to pressure you, but I have to be honest and tell you that if we don't continue this conversation, I'll come away from it with a few unconfirmed assumptions. You can tell me if I'm totally off-base here, but I'm going to walk out of this room thinking that some part of you did mean your question, wondering whether or not Adrienne would mind me having sex with you. Maybe not seriously – we're co-workers and friends who don't have that kind of intimate relationship, after all – but you had the stray thought. And that's okay. Everybody has stray thoughts. I'll even admit that I've had the occasional stray thought about having sex with you."

After staring out the windows while fidgeting, June suddenly went still and jerked her face toward mine. "You have?"

I shrugged. "Sure I have. I'm male, aren't I? We think about sex every twenty minutes. And you asked me point blank a few weeks ago whether or not I'd have sex with you."

June deflated a little. "Oh, so you only started thinking about it after I asked you that day."

I grimaced, "Well ... no. I've had those stray thoughts pretty much from the day I met you. And it's hard for a guy to NOT continue having those stray thoughts working day-in and day-out alongside a fit young woman with a pretty face like yours."

"I don't have a pretty face."

"Sure you do."

"You've never said I did before."

"It seemed like you didn't want me saying things like that to you before."

"So this means you really WANT to have sex with me?"

"No ... I mean yes, but no. But ... Aaagh." I paused, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. "We talked about it being common knowledge that men pretty much want to have sex with every woman, and that every includes you. I have stray thoughts about having sex with a lot of women – sometimes the instant I see them walking down the street – but that doesn't mean I'm going to act on those stray thoughts. They're just stray thoughts, and everyone is entitled to having them without them having to mean anything. Likewise, it would be perfectly fine for you to have a stray thought about ME without it having to mean anything."

"And it doesn't mean anything."

I popped my eyebrows. "So you did have a stray thought about me."

June grimaced and avoided my gaze again, choosing to stare out the windows. "But just a stray thought. I'd really never thought about having sex before, but yes, I started to wonder about it. And when it came time to consider who I might have sex with ... well ... It's not that I'm attracted to you or anything, not really."

"Thanks, I think..."

She rolled her eyes at me before again staring out the windows. "You're sort of the default by virtue of being the only young male I'm on speaking terms with. There's really no one else I could even think about."

"Movie star? Pop singer? Famous athlete?"

"I don't follow sports ... or music ... or even movies."

"Right, right," I muttered. Robot.

"It was just a fleeting thought and I unfortunately blurted out an inappropriate question before I could stop myself. It's nothing to be taken seriously and I sincerely hope it doesn't change the way you feel about me."

My hands went up again. "It doesn't. We're co-workers, and friends. Nothing more."

"Thank you for that."

"And I don't have any serious interest in becoming your sixth girlfriend."

I sighed. "I only have three."

"Nor would I want to become your next conquest."

"I get it, I get it."

Taking a deep breath, June fixed me with a look and stated firmly, "I had a stray thought, and it was nothing more than that, alright?"

"Perfectly alright. Everyone's entitled to them. And I'm glad we're on the same page now."

"We are."

"Good." June took a deep breath, then nodded her head toward the door with an anxious look. "So are we cool? Nothing more to talk about? We can go back to work and put this whole thing behind us?"

I chuckled and reached for the knob, turning it and pulling the door open. "We're cool, we're cool."

"Finally." June marched straight out at a brisk walk, an air of relief about her as if she'd just been set free from high school detention.

Chuckling to myself, I followed after. Everyone was indeed entitled to stray thoughts, and I found my gaze drifting down June's body as she walked away, my eyes scanning the curvature of her body beneath the ill-fitting pantsuit as I idly wondered just how similar her naked body might actually be to Kim's. But I shook those thoughts from my head and forced myself to re-focus on seeing June as just my friend. And I sighed in contentment knowing that the whole awkward situation between us was over.

Or not.

FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2007

"So do you have any plans for dinner tonight?" June asked almost off-hand before focusing her attention downward as she poked at her Caesar salad.

"Plans?" I thought about it for a moment before replying, "Sasha's cooking tonight, but don't let that dissuade you from coming over. Her chicken kebab is getting much better with practice."

June frowned. "Uh, not what I meant, actually. I wasn't planning to come over to your place for dinner tonight."

I shrugged. "You're always welcome to come over if you want; you know that."

"I do, I do." Sighing, June set down her fork, planted both wrists on the edge of the table with her hands up, and gave me an almost apologetic look. "I'm supposed to ask if you're free to come to dinner with me tonight."

I arched an eyebrow. "You mean like a date?"

June's face went white and she hurriedly waved her hands. "No, no, not at all like a date. It wouldn't even just be you and me."

My eyebrow arched again. "Someone else would be joining us?"

"My sister. This was Eve's idea. She wanted to know if you'd come have dinner with us. Not a date; just to talk. She wants to meet you."

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to wrap my head around the situation. "Um ... well ... I guess I could come over. I mean, Sasha's gonna give me crap about running away from one of her few home-cooked dinners, but we don't have firm plans or anything. Adrienne's home, and Dayna and Brandi are coming over, so there'll be plenty of mouths to feed. Or did you want me to bring along one or more of them? I'm sure Eve might be curious to meet Adrienne, too."

June shook her head. "No, just you."

I arched my eyebrow again. "Something special going on?"

"I swear this isn't a bigger deal than it needs to be. If you're free, great. If not, we can do it another time."

"Can I ask what's bringing this on?"

June sighed wearily. "She just wants to meet you. She's heard a lot about you – you're my only real friend and all – and she's curious. I mean, she's read the tabloids and they all say one thing, but then the things I tell her about you say a different thing and ... and ... You know what? Forget it. This was a bad idea."

"No, no, it's fine." I raised my hand up. "I'd be happy to come over. But ... what are you gonna tell your parents? Aren't they going to find it a little ... strange ... that you're bringing a guy home for dinner?"

"I'm not bringing you home. We're meeting Eve at a restaurant."

I arched an eyebrow. "A restaurant? Not exactly the ideal place to have a private conversation."

"We're not looking for a private conversation. She really just wants to meet you, maybe evaluate you in a social setting. Nothing deep, nothing serious. I've just been talking about you so much lately that she's gotten all curious and--"

"Wait, talking about me so much lately?" I interrupted. "I remember asking why you didn't really have anyone to talk to before, and you said you and your sister didn't talk much because you didn't have anything in common."

"Well, we don't."

I popped both eyebrows. "And yet you've apparently been talking to her a lot about me."

June sighed as her shoulders sank. Rubbing her forehead, she took a deep breath and lowered her chin as she leaned across the table a little closer to me. In a quiet voice so as not to be overheard amongst the general restaurant din, she muttered nervously, "It's about the whole ... well ... about the question I tried to retract, remember?"

"How could I forget?"

"Look, I told you it was a stray thought that doesn't mean anything and I meant that. But ... well ... it affected me a little more than I let on, alright? I wanted nothing more than to just let the whole thing go, but I couldn't get it out of my head and ... Well I really don't have anyone else I can talk to about these things and ... well ... I guess I decided to try and confide in my sister. I mean, she's my sister, right?"

"She's family. I totally get it, and highly recommend it. I'm glad you've confided in her."

June sighed. "Okay, so Eve and I got to talking and to my surprise, she got really interested and we stayed up half the night talking. That's why I slept in and wound up late to work Tuesday morning."

"I see..."

"And then you and I had our talk about clearing the air and how everyone's entitled to stray thoughts and so I went home and Eve asked if I'd talked to you about it and I told her about our conversation and ... well she's really interested in this, alright? Maybe too interested ... intrigued, really ... by what she calls this 'new dimension of June'."

"A sexual dimension of June?"

June's eyes popped WIDE open at the s-word (combined with her name, no less) and she quickly darted her eyes around to see if anyone overheard. I quickly raised my hands to gesture for her to calm, and she settled down when no one around us reacted.

"Sorry," I muttered. Our lunch plates were now forgotten.

"Long story short: Eve and I have talked about you every day this week and now she wants to meet you. At a restaurant, in public, no really deep questions and no ulterior motives except to gauge what the only male friend I've ever had is like, alright?"

The whole situation felt weird, honestly. But June had such a confused and yet hopeful look about her that I couldn't even consider letting her down. I had no idea what tonight's dinner might bring, but I figured it couldn't be anything beyond my ability to handle.

So I shrugged and replied, "Sure. Why not? So what's the plan? We going straight after work? Maybe I'll just ride the BART with you to San Bruno?"

Relieved, but also visibly nervous, June smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that works."

"Okay then..."

"Okay," June agreed, staring right at my face for a few extra seconds as she got almost a ... dreamy ... expression on her face.

The few extra seconds turned into a few seconds more, enough to make the silence between us start turning awkward. So sitting up straight, I averted my gaze and looked down at my food. "Well, uh ... before we get to dinner, maybe we should finish our lunch, right?"

"Oh, right, right." Picking her fork back up, June turned beet red as she stared down at her Caesar salad.

It promised to be an interesting night indeed.

I realized I was in trouble the moment I stepped through the door. I said before that I sometimes had stray thoughts about having sex with a woman the instant I saw them walking down the street, and I have to admit that my thoughts immediately screamed SEX, SEX, SEX the very instant I met Eve Song.

In a word, Eve was HAWT. She wasn't the most beautiful person I'd ever met, nor the most physically curvaceous. She didn't have an amazing rack or the finest booty, and she wasn't dressed in a manner that called for sexual attention. But the overall package ... well ... she was freakin' HAWT.

The restaurant was a hole-in-the-wall Chinese place with low-budget décor and too many four-person tables crammed into a narrow strip mall space. I recognized June's little sister as soon as we walked in, their facial structure similarities and identically-shaped eyes a dead giveaway. She sat at the corner table to our left, her body profiled to us while the short white tablecloth beneath the glass top didn't do anything to obscure my view. In a split-second, I took in her appearance, from stylish heels to cute strapless mini-dress to modest bosom and blonde-streaked dark hair with a spunky A-line cut. Like I said, there wasn't any particular feature that stood out in a way that called for sexual attention, and yet I couldn't help but feel an immediate impulse to bend her in half over that glass-top table and ram my throbbing dick into her over and over again from behind until she screamed for unholy orgasmic release. Some people just have a vibe, and she had that vibe. It was as if Eve and June had collectively been given two full allotments of human sexuality, and Eve had gotten June's entire share in addition to her own.

The sexually-alluring teenage babe in question turned and got up out of her chair at our arrival with a warmly welcoming, "Hey, there you two are." She took a step forward while June and I approached, and she reached her arms out to embrace her big sister in a hug hello.

June didn't really do hugs, even from her sister. She went stiff as a board, enduring the embrace for as long as she had to while giving Eve a rather cursory tap on the shoulders with just the fingertips of both hands. A moment later, it was all over and she seemed to relax in relief as Eve turned her attention to me.

"So this is the famous Big Ben I've heard so much about," Eve beamed, her bewitching irises sparkling with unexpected color, and I realized she wore blue contact lenses.

I glanced at June for a moment, muttering, "Please tell me you don't refer to me as 'Big Ben' with her."

"Sorry, tabloid nickname and all," Eve apologized before June could respond. "I've had a hard time reconciling what June has told me about you with the legendary sex god the internet describes. But I'm very happy for the chance to meet the real you."

"Thanks, I think. Pleased to meet you." I extended my hand for a shake.

Eve took my hand, shifted her weight to one side, and posed prettily with a beaming smile. I didn't think she was actually coming onto me or anything; she was simply a natural flirt. And the more I looked at her, the more I marveled at both the similarities and differences between the two sisters.

In some ways, they were nearly identical. Same height, as far as I could tell, if not for Eve's three-inch heels while June always wore flats. Almost the same face, cheekbones, and eye shape. If someone had told me the two were twins, I might very well believe them, although Eve did have her perky B-cups on display in the strapless mini-dress while I was still left to wonder about June's. Really, Eve was simply the version of June who gave a shit about her appearance: slender and pretty and she knew it. She carried herself with mature confidence beyond her age despite being three years younger than June, and as the evening progressed I found myself wondering on occasion which of them was a young business professional, and which one had only recently graduated high school.

Time flies when you're having fun, and the night went by in the blink of an eye. Eve was an excellent conversationalist, witty and jovial while June pretty much faded into the wallpaper. I did my best to include my co-worker in the conversation, but her answers were curt and to the point, and when it became obvious she was more interested in watching me interact with her sister, I stopped putting in so much effort and just let myself talk to Eve. We discussed family, my famous girlfriend, and Eve's boyfriend. We discussed parental pressure and her unforgivable sin of not getting into her father's alma mater, Stanford, and subsequently enrolling at hated rival Cal Berkeley on top of that. I told her about my baby twin sisters and suggested she look them up when she arrived, my head swimming for a minute at the decidedly un-brotherly thought of having Eve, Eden, and Emma in bed together all at the same time.

Stray thoughts, you remember.

One thing I got a kick out of was June's insistence on calling Eve "July". She didn't talk much after the first twenty minutes, but when Eve started teasing her, June's method of fighting back was to bring up the unforgivable nickname that Eve absolutely hated. July came after June, obviously, and it didn't help that Eve's birthday was only a week ago during the month of July.

So she's legal now, just barely. Awesome!

Shut up, you.

But apart from the nickname digs, the evening went rather smoothly. In the end, the girls let me pay the check, I told Eve it was nice to meet her, and the girls dropped me off at the BART station so I could return home to my little family.

Sasha gave me crap about skipping her home-cooked meal. Kim asked how dinner with the Song sisters had gone, but before I could really answer, Adrienne announced that she'd missed me and was just plain horny. Hours later, I fell asleep in my fiancée's bed with my fiancée on one side and our mutual girlfriend on the other, having given Sasha my sincere apologies in the form of exquisitely amazing orgasms.

Just another ordinary night in my life.

MONDAY, JULY 23, 2007

I had another ordinary morning, which for me meant that I was late to work again. It wasn't entirely my fault, since you can't really expect a guy in my position to turn down morning sex with a bevy of busty beauties. I'd spent most of Saturday in Berkeley, and Dayna and Brandi had spent most of the weekend with their friends. But Sunday night everyone came together and we had ourselves a good old-fashioned family orgy with five hot women and only one me. Even at my best, it's hard (err, difficult) to completely satisfy five nymphomaniacs' cravings for cock, and the girls were still hungry for more when the sun came up the next day. I managed to drag myself out to the kitchen for coffee and a bagel with a chance to still have an on-time arrival, but Dayna dragged me back into my bedroom insisting she that couldn't start her week without getting at least one more protein injection into her belly for breakfast, preferably with her girlcum still on my dick.

The point is: I was a dried-up husk of a man by the time I dropped wearily into the desk chair in my cube, my eyes half-lidded and my peripheral awareness virtually nonexistent. Still, my ears were working well enough for me to hear June's reproachful, "You're late."

"I know, I know," I sighed as I fished out my laptop and docked it. "Girlfriend wouldn't let me--"

"Doonnn't want to hear it," she interrupted.

I smiled at our routine morning exchange and focused on logging in.

Again, I'll repeat that at the time I was an exhausted, imperceptive shell of a human male. It should be understandable that I didn't notice that which I was supposed to notice for a full thirty minutes, and besides, twenty of those minutes were spent staring at my screen sorting through the weekend's emails. So in actuality, I only spent ten minutes in direct conversation with June before I finally realized that there was something different about her appearance today.

"Holy shit, are you wearing makeup?" I practically blurted.

Her eyebrows rose, and her mouth curved downward into a deeply disappointed frown. Put yourself in her shoes for a moment: Here she'd gotten all dolled up, not only putting on makeup for the first time in her life, but also donning a fitted business suit that included an actual skirt that she'd borrowed from her younger sister. And the one male on the entire planet with whom she'd ever considered having sexual intercourse hadn't even bothered to notice for more than half an hour.

June was gonna kill me.

At least, I thought she might, but she didn't. Instead, she simply pursed her lips and gave me a disapproving shake of her head. "Don't make a bigger deal of this than it actually is," she warned me, and then she promptly resumed talking about our Cytherion charts displayed on her monitor screen.

I wasn't listening. I was gawking. Subtle eyeshadow, a hint of eyeliner, a little rose blush in her cheeks, and she'd let her hair down. I also now noticed the suit, with a nicely-cut jacket that showed off her slender figure over a chic button-down blouse in pastel blue. The knee-length skirt rode up to show me a few inches of lower thigh since she was sitting down, and I found myself ogling her legs.

"What ... the... ?" I muttered stupidly, shaking my head to clear it.

Also, we currently had neighbors occupying the cubicles nearby, neighbors who were close enough to hear my initial outburst about June's makeup. While no one had been so obvious as to immediately get up, walk over, and stare at her, I did notice Rakesh and Kamar sorta meander down the aisle at a snail's pace sneaking furtive glances in June's direction before making an awkward U-turn and heading back the way they'd come. Thirty seconds later, Henry at least continued past her cube and continued onward.

I noticed them, and June noticed that I was noticing them instead of paying attention to her. My head was suddenly rotated around for me, pain shooting down my spine from her vise-like grip around my chin. My eyes went wide in surprise, and with a sigh, June let go of me before muttering, "Do we really need to talk about this? How many times are we going to have to run for a conference room just to get through the day?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I muttered apologetically, sitting up straight and giving her an embarrassed shrug. "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Is it really such a big difference that I'm wearing a little makeup?"

I blinked twice, gave her a frank look, and replied, "For you? Well... yeah."

"Most every woman in this building already wears makeup."

I shrugged. "Most every woman except you, at least until today. You were conspicuous by your lack of makeup. So what made you sell out?"

June shot me a dirty look. "I didn't sell out."

"Then?" I mimed my hand around my own face.

June sighed, thought about it for a moment, and hardened her expression. "Ben, drop it," she ordered coldly.

"Okay, okay." I raised my hands up and began butt-scooting my chair in reverse out of her cubicle.

"Get back here, we still have work to do," she reprimanded.

"Okay, okay," I replied with a shit-eating smirk, butt-walking my chair forward into her cube again.

Rolling her eyes, June huffed at me and turned her attention back to her monitor, collecting herself for a moment to figure out how to pick up where we'd left off.

In the meantime, I leaned over and touched her forearm, getting her to glance back at me. "For what it's worth," I began gently, my tone and demeanor now quite serious, "I think you look very nice."

She blinked at me a couple of times. "Really?"

I gave her a warm, reassuring smile. "It suits you. It looks natural, not overly done. If I hadn't spent the last year staring at your face without makeup, I wouldn't have even noticed. In fact, I barely did notice."

June rolled her eyes. "Yeah, barely."

I shrugged. "That's a good thing. I don't think it would have looked right for you to go from zero to heavy makeup overnight. Not your style."

"And this..." she mimed her own face, "is my style?"

I smiled. "Yeah ... You look nice, and I really mean it."

"Pssht..." She turned away and waved dismissively. "As if you have any need to look at me with the collection of beautiful women you hang out with."

"The time I spend with other women has nothing to do with the time I spend with you. I wanted to pay you a compliment, and I meant it, alright?"

She blushed and turned her attention back to the monitor. Without looking back at me, she finally replied, "Thank you."

I nodded, realizing that this was becoming a bigger deal than I wanted it to be. So instead of furthering the discussion, I simply returned, "You're welcome. Now let's get back to work."

Next chapter