
Chapter 28: Carter l

-- SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2006 --

I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her.

My eyes fluttered for a brief second, giving me just enough time to see the dark brunette head bobbing up and down in my lap before my heavy eyelids closed themselves. I smiled, knowing that my girlfriend would be looking up at me, and I was rewarded for giving her positive feedback by the sensation of her sliding my morning wood into her throat once again.

Just another morning in my ordinary life. Eat your fucking heart out.

"Mmm..." my other bed partner moaned quietly in her sleep. I'd awoken in my usual position: spooned up against one girlfriend while another served as my personal alarm clock. I didn't know who was who yet, given that I currently had a harem of five "girlfriends", any two of whom would spend the night. But as consciousness slowly trickled into my brain, memory came with it and I recalled that at the end of the night after my regular Friday "get-together", I had sent Jessica and Audrey into my bedroom to be my overnight bedwarmers.

The two were my youngest girlfriends, and also the most recent additions. "Recent", though, was a matter of relativity. I'd added Jessica to the harem around Christmas of '04 and Audrey just after Valentine's Day in '05, so it had been a full year since adding a new girlfriend into the mix. Not that I hadn't been trying, of course, but the girls I'd taken interest in since Audrey hadn't been able to handle the scene and didn't stick around. Both girls were also 22, which wasn't old per se; but years of regular meth use and harem sex has a way of aging girls, and I was only too eager for some fresh blood.

My long dry spell was probably why I had such high hopes for young 19-year-old sophomore Lexi, the new fish dangling on my hook. She was a great fuck, and she'd even played along willingly when I paired her up with Audrey a couple of weeks ago for a hot threesome, but I thought it was still too early to really open her eyes to everything I was about.

Unfortunately, Elyse went and pulled her little stunt of showing up on that Ben guy's doorstep, telling him all sorts of horror stories about me that he then shared with Lexi and her little friends. THAT had certainly been unexpected. How the hell was I supposed to know one of her best friends was Ben's little sister?

But this wasn't the first time I'd been accused of abusing meth addicts, and I already knew the right answers. The truth was that I didn't force anyone to be here, and the proof was in the girls who'd left of their own accord, Elyse included. I'm a businessman, and a generous one at that. I provided desirable products for those who wished to purchase them, that's all. And for those pretty girls unwilling or unable to afford cash payments, I gave them alternatives.

Jessica was uneducated trailer trash with a hot, heavily-tattooed body and a marked distaste for ever working an office job. If it wasn't for me, she'd be poor and miserable bagging groceries and living in a Union City double-wide with Mom and Mom's lecherous boyfriend. Instead she had her own room in my luxurious mansion, wore designer clothes and expensive jewelry, and would never have to work a day job as long as she was here.

Audrey was an unmotivated student at Berkeley City College, forever a couple of classes short of her AA. Even if she did get her degree, she didn't know what the hell she'd do with it, and as long as she was with me she wouldn't have to figure that out. I loved her firm tits and tight cunt, and she was only too happy to move out of a shared room in a crummy apartment and give up a lowly filing job at an Oakland law firm full of perverts.

Lexi had met them both, talked to them both, and asked them point blank if I was abusing them. Both girls had stated emphatically that I wasn't, and that they were happy to be here. The real test had come when Lexi asked if they were my "girlfriends", but both girls knew the script and responded that although they had sex with me, it wasn't a condition of their residence and that we were really "just friends". I'd promptly assured Lexi that SHE was the object of my romantic interest, and turning on the charm I did a great job of assuaging her concerns.

Still, it was too early to add Lexi to the harem. She was far from addicted to the drugs, and her socio-economic situation wasn't so untenable as to hook her into my lifestyle that way. Nevertheless, even if the Elyse/Ben-thing had moved up my usual timetable for certain revelations, I figured that Lexi and I were still on-track.

But the process of spending a few days reassuring Lexi that I had no ulterior motives in romancing her also meant that I had to send her home last night unfucked and in the safety of her friends. Plus, that fucked-up druggie slut Elyse had gone and messed up my night even MORE when she stole two grand from Ben and ran away from HIS house, forcing him to come HERE looking for her. Recognizing the chance to nip his concerns in the bud and eliminate any future suspicion from a guy who might still have influence over Lexi's opinion of me, I spent a good hour chaperoning him around the place. So I really didn't have any ME time last night, and when I finally returned to my bedroom, I had both a raging hard-on and a strong desire to use it to release my pent-up anger at Elyse for making me jump through all these hoops.

Thankfully, both Jessica and Audrey knew their roles as my willing cum dumpsters on a night like this. They were both naked and lubed up and I gleefully used their bodies as masturbatory tools to satiate my lust. There were no games, no pretense of affection between us. Once, they had both been in love with me, but the honeymoon phases were long gone, their romantic notions replaced by pragmatism as they realized they were better off as my harem girls than on their own. It didn't matter if I didn't get them off; they had each other for that. It was one reason why I always had my harem girls in multiples, because once I was finished and rolled over to sleep, they could still pleasure one another and get their own orgasmic fixes before obediently wrapping their naked bodies around me.

Now it was morning, I had my morning wood to be taken care of, and when I finally opened my eyes to look down at my mystery fellatrix, I recognized Jessica's face looking back at me, which meant that it was Audrey wrapped up in my left arm with her naked breast in my hand. I gleefully fondled the perky globe with my left hand while using my right to shove Jessica's head down around my cock. She accepted the instruction and allowed my schlong into her throat, and I kept the dirty slut pinned like that until she started dry-retching, so I let her up lest she vomit in my lap.

Her eyes watering, Jessica turned her head and coughed uncomfortably while trying to regain her breath. I smirked and continued fondling Audrey's naked body before sliding a hand down and buzzing her ass. My lover squirmed in my arms but turned her face to meet my kiss. But just when Audrey started to get into the makeout session, I spontaneously turned, grabbed Jessica by her shoulders, and slammed her face-down on the mattress beside me. Quickly, I raised Jessica's hips and nudged her legs to the sides. And with careful aim, I slotted my cock at her cunt and literally pulled her onto my pole.

Like a good girl, Jessica had prepped herself while blowing me, so she was already wet and my entry must not have been too painful. Folding her arms on the mattress beneath her face, she turned to lay her cheek on them while I rutted into her from behind. A few minutes later, I pulled out and splattered my morning wad across her tramp stamp tattoo and all over her reddened buttcheeks, red because I'd been spanking her juicy bottom whenever I felt like it. And after I climbed off the bed, I snapped my fingers and pointed at Audrey, ordering, "Clean her up."

To her credit, Audrey had already started moving before I gave the command. Even when she had been a brand new addition to the harem, she'd learned fast. The girls that pleased me got first crack at the drugs and were the last ones I punished when I was in a bad mood. Girls that weren't obedient often ended up curled on the floor in pain and misery.

Life with me was a meritocracy, after all. The girls only got what they deserved.

While the girls were cleaning up I went through my morning routine to shower, shit, and shave. Sometimes I used one of the girls as a personal loofah, but not today. It was getting late and I wanted to check on Mom.

She was right where I'd left her, of course. Hell, she hadn't moved in almost 32 months, except for the times I'd gone through the hassle of putting her into a wheelchair and taking her on little excursions to get fresh air and see the outside world. Her eyes still opened and closed, after all, and even though Cameron doubted it, I insisted that Mom could actually see things. I KNEW she was still alive and aware in there, even if she was trapped inside her own body. That was why I kept a television on in her bedroom so that she'd have something to watch and listen to when I wasn't there to talk to her. And it was why I still held out hope that modern medicine would eventually find a way to bring her back to me.

Other, more miraculous, recoveries had taken place, some from people who'd remained in a persistent vegetative state well beyond ten years. If it could happen to them, it could happen to Mom. She'd already had one very BIG miracle happen in her favor: her last round of chemo had apparently put her cancer into remission, and the tumors hadn't come back. Nature, God, and the Universe wouldn't have saved her from the cancer only to let her linger like this forever. I wasn't giving up.

Just like every morning, I tenderly cradled her body and adjusted her so that she wouldn't develop pressure sores. Her hair had grown back over the last two and a half years, and I combed it and styled it nicely with a cute barrette. I checked all her monitors and made sure she was still feeding and drinking and evacuating and all that. Finally, I sat down and talked to her for a little bit, sharing the details of my day since I'd last stopped in to talk to her. And I also expressed my concerns about the recent changes in Cameron's behavior, including the very hateful words of "monster" and "sociopath" she'd used to describe me to my face.

I knew I was no monster. I didn't force anyone to do anything, and I always gave the people around me a choice. It wasn't MY fault if a girl lacked the willpower to stave off addiction. And nobody could FORCE me to maintain interest in a girl who simply didn't appeal to me anymore. Really, I was just a guy with a few resources who took advantage of the good fortune in his life. I certainly deserved a little good fortune after all the bad things that had happened to me and those I cared about.

And the fact that I did have people I cared about was proof itself that I was no sociopath. Cameron wasn't the first person to call me that, and I'd taken the time to research the term a long time ago. Sure, I might have little regard for the feeling and welfare of others, but was that really such a bad thing? Let THEM deal with their OWN shit, and let ME deal with MINE. It wasn't my job to care about the welfare of people who didn't matter to me, so long as I DID care about the welfare of people who DID matter to me, as long as I DID form meaningful relationships.

And I had formed meaningful relationships, at least with Cameron and Mom. They were my family. They were the two people who truly mattered to me. And my love for them was proof positive that I wasn't a sociopath. So Cameron was just talking out of her ass. It happened from time to time.

She was probably PMS'ing.

Speaking of Cameron, she knocked at the door while I was still talking to Mom. I called for her to enter and she briefly said 'hello' to her mother before asking me to step outside and talk to her in private.

"I keep telling you that Mom would love to hear your voice, more than just a simple 'hello'," I told her.

"And I keep telling you I don't feel comfortable in the same room with her, not when she's like that. And besides, if she CAN hear what I'm saying, then this is the sort of information best told in complete privacy."

I sighed and gestured for Cameron to lead the way, but before I left I bent over and kissed Mom's cheek. For a second, I thought I saw her actually smile. But when I pulled my head back, her mouth was in the exact same position I'd left her in, and with a sigh I turned and followed Cameron outside and around the corner to her bedroom.

Once inside, I watched Cameron move to her desk and sit down in front of her laptop computer. Folding my arms across my chest and leaning against the cabinet, I asked, "So what's so private and important that you had to drag me in here?"

Cameron took a deep breath and looked up at me. "Money, of course."

I rolled my eyes. "We've been over this: we're fine."

Cameron shook her head and pointed at the screen. "Not so fine. Mom's insurance is tapped out. Her bills are getting more expensive, and your income has been steadily declining for the last year while expenses in the mansion have been steadily going up. They'll only go even higher if you eventually add Lexi to the harem."

"You're being an alarmist."

"I'm being an accountant; that's my job. I look at the cash flow and your dwindling savings and I'm telling you to be concerned."

"We're going through a rough patch. Chad got muscled out of some shady deal with his higher-ups and he had to give up some territory. We can manage. And I've still got the trust fund."

"The trust fund is fixed income and isn't going to go up, unless you want to visit Dad and ask him for a raise."

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes. Dad had disappeared from my life two years ago, content to live his own playboy lifestyle without the burdens of his ex-offspring, especially when he had two toddlers to deal with from his latest baby mama. "How about your job? Weren't you supposed to get a promotion and a raise? Fiscal year was April 1, right?"

Cameron sighed and shook her head. "Annual raise sure, but it's not enough. As for the promotion, they gave it to Rick Harper instead. Misogynistic bastard."


Cameron shrugged like it was no big deal. "Let's just say I'm used to dealing with misogynistic bastards."

I rolled my eyes and momentarily gave her a withering glare. "So what are you suggesting I do?"

She took a deep breath and sighed. "Cut expenses. Scale back on the 'get-togethers', maybe. You can maintain your dealers without throwing parties ALL weekend. Maybe they'd do better business if they actually worked a Friday or Saturday evening every now and again instead of coming here to get laid. Maybe even cut out Sundays entirely."

I scowled. "Parties are what I do."

"Then you think of a way to cut expenses."

"Well then what's our biggest expense?"

"The biggest? Mom. Easily. You spent over a hundred and fifty grand on her last year, and if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have an issue in the first place."

"But Mom's untouchable. Period."

"I know, I know. It's just..." Cameron sighed.

"It's just what? If we take out the equipment keeping her alive and the pain medication that keeps her at peace..." I made a sour face even thinking about it. Her face didn't really move, but the way her heartbeat accelerated and the strain on her other systems made it clear that she was hurting. It was one more reason I believed she was still aware inside there. And now that the pain meds were helping to control things... "No," I stated emphatically. "Mom is untouchable."

"Then you've gotta cut back somewhere else."

"I've already been cutting back. The Range Rover is over a year old already; I didn't buy a new one, did I? And the girls have been satisfied with their shopping spree levels; that's one benefit of not adding anyone new in the last year."


"Or maybe I should cut one of them loose, huh? Expenses went down when I jettisoned Elyse, after all."

"Maybe, but you can't do that to them." Cameron bit her lip nervously.

"And why not? Huh?"

"Carter, please."

"I know you've got a soft spot for the girls, but old pussy is old pussy."

"Don't say it."

"Rebecca has certainly been around long enough."

"Please. Rebecca has been your most loyal girlfriend. Even when Kelly left--"

"I TOLD you not to mention her name to me. EVER again," I growled menacingly.

Cameron lowered her eyes and looked contrite.

"I get that you and Rebecca are practically best friends by now. But expenses are expenses, aren't they?"

"She's a person, not an expense."

"Says the accountant? Really? Everyone is an expense, even you."

"I'm also part of this household's income."

"So maybe that's the solution. Get more 'income' out of the other girls, like I did with Elyse."


"Hey, it's just money, right? Red ink, black ink. Numbers in accounting columns, all on an Excel spreadsheet. That's what you do."

"You can't--"

"Like hell I can't. Besides, if I'm going to add Lexi, then someone's gotta go. Would you rather I get rid of Judene? You never really liked her."

Cameron closed her eyes and clenched her jaw, but even so I could see the turmoil in her mind.

"You do, don't you? Anything to save your precious Rebecca, after all. You don't want to be the bad guy, don't want to come out and SAY you'd be fine with me getting rid of Judene. But the fact is: you don't like her. Hmm, maybe I'll invite her to join us the next time we play together."

"You do that and I'll bite your cock off."

I laughed merrily, knowing it was an empty threat. Even so, I knew I shouldn't actually invite Judene to join us. Cameron might not bite my cock, but she could certainly refuse to play. She had, on a number of occasions when she was particularly mad at me. Just like a wife, I guess, withholding sex when she didn't get her way. In the end, though, we always found a way to make up. Even though we weren't married, we were still family. She'd promised Mom when Mom first got sick that she'd always take care of me, and she'd lived up to that promise. For my part, I loved her too much to ever stand being away from her for very long, and in the end I was always willing to compromise on some things.

See, NOT a sociopath.

On that note, I was the first one to break the stalemate as I sighed and raised my hands. "Fine, fine. I'm not saying I'll keep Rebecca around just for your sake, but I won't bloodlessly dump a girl from the harem just to cut costs, alright? Still, you can't honestly blame me if I get tired of one or more of them and simply take the most ... practical ... approach down the road, alright?"

Cameron frowned but sighed wearily. "Fine..."

"But we're not in danger yet, right? Savings aren't gone yet, are they?"

"No, not yet. But this downward trend is NOT good."

"How long do we have?"

She shrugged and looked at her screen. "At this burn rate? Months. Maybe a year."

I grimaced. "I'll think of something."

Cameron sighed and looked up at me, shaking her head wryly. "You always do."

"Ohhh, fuck yeah..." Judene crooned on the other side of the glass. It was a Saturday night, and whether or not I was supposed to start controlling my expenses, there was no way I was going to cancel tonight's 'get-together' at the very last minute.

Of course, some things had to change at the last minute. When I'd originally planned out this evening, I'd figured on making Rebecca the centerpiece of my voyeuristic fantasies, not Judene. Rebecca was really one of the sweetest girls I'd ever known, the only girlfriend who'd not only fallen in love with me but also stayed in love with me even after discovering my true colors. She'd been with me for nearly four years now, still loyal even after Kelly left us, and the deep friendship she'd formed with Cameron made her almost feel like a little sister in our household. Even though I'd long felt that I would only truly care about two people in this whole world: Mom and Cameron, Rebecca probably came the closest to being a third.

And that's why it was always especially gratifying to see her get skewered by cock from three different sides at the same time.

I realize that may not make much logical sense, but let me explain. For one thing, Rebecca really didn't get into anal. Some girls just aren't built that way, I suppose, and while she was willing to do it, I'd never once seen her have an orgasm while a cock or dildo was up her butt. Too painful, no matter what someone else was doing with her clit. So what would I do? Send her into the Showroom to do a triple-penetration, of course.

I loved the look of pain on Rebecca's face when she felt that blunt instrument drive its way into her colon. Her grimace of obvious distaste for what was being done to her inflamed my ego. If she were just another slut who bent over and spread her asscheeks without hesitation, I probably wouldn't make her do it so much. But it was such a power trip to put her in a situation where SHE made the decision to have a dick in her ass, knowing how much it hurt. I wasn't forcing her, not really. She had a choice; she always had a choice. And the fact that she kept choosing MY choice was as delicious as it gets.

Of course, I would do much more to Rebecca than simply make her take a dick up her ass. In the old days, a common one-one-one might have been enough visual stimulation to get me off. But girls on crystal meth gradually built up a resistance to the narcotic, needing more and more to sustain a high, and unfortunately my voyeurism wasn't much different. Years ago I could watch one of my friends nail my latest Cameron-lookalike in the missionary position and I could fantasize enough to get myself off. But watching a simple erotic coupling didn't do so much for me anymore. After years and years of voyeurism, I needed to see better sex, more extreme sex, stuff like anal and threesomes and toys. Anything less was just ... vanilla.

Not nasty enough.

Fortunately for me, despite the pain, Rebecca was good with nasty. In addition to her sweetness, Rebecca had something of a submissive side. Even though she was the longest-tenured "girlfriend" and second in age only to Mary, she was a follower, not a leader. She enjoyed the social aspects of getting wired with her friends and found some kind of deep-rooted satisfaction in being forced to perform for an audience. Paradoxically, she wasn't a very vocal or demonstrative lover, almost quietly taking her punishment even while shivering in excitement at her degradation. We were a perfect match in many ways, since I loved to watch her get degraded, and that more than any other reason was why she'd lasted this long.

Win-win all around.

So I'd planned an evening when I could watch Rebecca pull off Sam's cock and turn her head to start sucking Andy's. I would watch her quiver and moan while Mario ate her out. And I would really start getting into it when Rebecca found herself sitting on Andy's dick, crying as Sam pushed into her ass, and choking as Mario crammed his schlong down her throat.

It would have been Awesome.

Truly, almost any straight male on the planet would get off stroking to that, amirite?

But not me. Not enough. You see, the other problem with building up a resistance to live porn was that I'd also started to lose the ability to masturbate. Why do it myself, of course, when I had a bevy of beauties to do it for me? And I especially loved it when my dearly beloved Cameron would be the one to help me out.

She didn't participate all the time, of course. From the very beginning she'd resisted every attempt I'd made to take our physical relationship to the next level, and even now I figured that she rationed the times when she'd give me a blowjob or let me eat her out simply to keep my libido reined in. After all, if she willingly went down on me every time I wanted, I'd probably pressure her a little more to actually have sex with me.

But at least she was willing to maintain third base. Perhaps that was the only silver lining to come out of Mom's stroke almost three years ago, the decision Cameron made to resume our physical expressions of love as her way of "taking care of me". That first day when she'd dragged me out of Mom's room and practically ordered me to move on and live my life again, we'd wound up crying and kissing and eventually making love.

Oh, we didn't have sex or anything like that; intercourse was the Berlin Wall between us that she simply couldn't cross. But in our grief we both hungered for a sense of intimacy, and we found that in each other, sharing pleasures that went above and beyond the mere hugs and cheek-kisses that other, less despondent siblings shared. I'd reminded her repeatedly that we weren't blood-related and that there were no laws, moral or otherwise, that prevented us from giving each other that kind of comfort. And I reminded her of how much more difficult our mourning period would be had we not been able to find such physical release in our moments of stress and sorrow.

Of course, there were still limits to that physical pleasure, limits she'd imposed when we were teenagers and limits she still maintained today. I didn't pressure her, choosing to satisfy those lustful urges elsewhere with the willing women who came to me. That was mere sex. That was nothing BUT physical. What Cameron and I shared was... special.

It was love. Love expressed in our writhing naked bodies. Love in the feeling of her legs wrapped around my head. And love in the utter sense of surrender as she swallowed my seed.

At first, our lovemaking was confined behind closed doors, never in front of our friends and certainly not in public. Even when it was just the two of us and Kelly, my old girlfriend, she refused to even touch me, never mind that Kelly knew that she and I were being intimate. She couldn't handle the shame, couldn't handle the idea of someone from the outside learning that we were doing the things we did even though we considered each other brother and sister.

That was why I'd ultimately built the Voyeur Room and Showroom. It was easy to open up a window between two spare bedrooms and install the comm system. Separated by a one-way mirror and enclosed by four walls of privacy, Cameron was able to relax enough to give me her oral pleasure while indulging in my obsessive need to watch. She understood that by doing so I was able to fuck HER in my mind, to release my lust for her in a controlled way so that I wouldn't need to pressure HER into actually having sex with me. Fucking a green-eyed brunette doppelganger was a great way for me to live out my ultimate fantasy, but watching someone else fuck a green-eyed brunette doppelganger was even BETTER if it was actually CAMERON sucking on my cock.

Because then it was really HER touching me, even if it was just her mouth.

Of course, her sense of privacy had started to wear away the more we did it. First it was Kelly or Rebecca or maybe Miranda in the Voyeur Room with us. After all, sometimes I wanted to actually have sex while watching, and since Cameron wouldn't put out, it was to her benefit to have a willing girl for me to get up and plug into.

Then there was the time we didn't lock the door and Sam just strolled in. He wanted to watch too, and since he already knew her relationship to me and didn't care, she managed to not freak out and eventually went back to blowing me while I had Rebecca service him.

And then there was the time I called Jillian into the room because I felt like fucking the slutty blonde. That was the first time Cameron started to actually freak, because Jillian was somebody who didn't actually know that Cameron used to be my stepsister. Even when Cameron and Mom had moved into the house, we'd passed off Cameron as "an old friend" and Mom was practically invisible anyway. As far as Jillian and all the other party people were concerned, Cameron was just another girlfriend, albeit a favorite one, so it was no big deal to find her between my knees with my dick in her mouth.

Still, the occasions when Cameron touched me intimately in front of another human being were few and far between. Oh, I made her do it every now and again just to fuck with her, like that first night Ben showed up. But unfortunately, tonight wasn't going to be the next one.

Because Lexi was here again tonight. And Lexi didn't want to leave my side. And at this stage in our developing relationship, there was no way I could tell Lexi that I'd rather have Cameron give me a blowjob in the Voyeur Room instead of her.

Plus, with Elyse's accusations about me mistreating and degrading the women in my household still fresh in Lexi's mind, there was no way I could go through with my original plans of watching Rebecca get mistreated and degraded in the Showroom tonight. I was a good spin doctor, capable of explaining away many a suspicious-looking situation, but that one would seriously be pushing it.

And so that last-minute change had taken place. It was still Sam, Andy, and Mario in there, fucking the shit out of one of my girlfriends in all three of her holes while I watched with another gorgeous green-eyed brunette sucking me off, but it wasn't Rebecca getting fucked and it wasn't Cameron on her knees in front of me, not tonight. Instead it was my girlfriend at the exact opposite end of the spectrum from Rebecca, the decidedly NOT sweet and decidedly happy-to-get-skewered Judene, who was in the room getting Rebecca's royal pounding in her place.

My second-longest-tenured girlfriend, Judene had been with me since November '03. I hadn't planned on seducing her, given that I was already working on Elyse at roughly the same time. SHE had come after ME, really, with a full-court press of cumslut willingness to do anything and everything to become my next harem girl. While Elyse had instantly been filled with revulsion upon discovering my true colors, Judene had only been too happy to fall in line. In a way, she was a turn-off. I'd much rather feel the power trip of using Elyse's meth addiction to coerce her into doing things she didn't want to do. Judene, on the other hand, apparently didn't HAVE any things she didn't want to do. Bondage, water sports, even scat (which personally turned ME off), she was up for. Whereas girls like Jessica and Audrey had nowhere else to turn, Judene was a sheltered and spoiled little rich princess with the world at her fingertips and a strong desire to give it all up to get high, get wired, and get fucked. Classic rebel just for the sake of being a rebel.

But even though Judene had very few buttons I could push to make her feel degraded, she had her uses. Her absolute willingness to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to get her next hit had come in handy more than once, and tonight was no exception.

Judene got wired on multiple hits of meth. She got fucked six ways from Sunday so hard and so deep that she'd be walking funny for DAYS. Lexi got to witness a girl who enjoyed getting fucked six ways from Sunday, lending credence to my assurances that I didn't force anybody into doing anything and that the girls in my house truly WANTED to be here.

And me? Well, I was able to talk Lexi into taking a few hits herself, let me masturbate her while we watched the orgy in the next room, and finally get on her knees to service me while -I- watched.


-- SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2006 --

I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into my lover's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. Moaning in ecstatic pleasure, she tightened her grip on the pillow beneath her chest as she felt the cum flowing out of my body to crash against her insides like waves cresting on the beach. The first wave would start receding only to be met by the second coming forth, and both our bodies twitched and humped together as I finished filling her up with my jism.

"Fuuuuuck ... yeah..." Rebecca groaned, letting her head drop over the far edge of the pillow while her arms uncurled from around it, and her entire body went limp beneath me.

I held myself at full depth for a couple of extra seconds, reveling in the feeling of her tight cunt wrapped around my cock just a little longer. But then I too relaxed all the tension in my body as I let my weight collapse onto Rebecca's naked back.

"Hmm..." she hummed, accepting my weight and reaching up with one hand to pat my shoulder.

"THAT'S how you start a morning," I sighed in contentment before executing a push-up and feeling my cock pop free of her squishy cunt. I rolled off her and onto my side to catch my breath, but just then my stomach growled.

Rebecca giggled. "Sounds like what you need NOW is breakfast. It's Sunday, after all. What would you like this morning?"

While not the baker that Kelly had been, Rebecca had certainly picked up quite a few tips from my ex-girlfriend in their time together, and she was still the best cook in the house. It was another reason, really, to keep her around. I briefly thought about all the wonderful things she could make for us, and finally replied, "Belgian waffles."

"Yes, sir," Rebecca replied smartly before reaching out to the tissue box on the nightstand and reaching between her legs to dab at her leakage. Eventually, she got off the bed and pulled on a house robe without bothering with underwear, and she left the bedroom to start on my meal.

From behind me, Mary slid her arm around my waist and spooned herself against my backside, taking care to crush her big, bare 34D tits against my naked skin. Of my five girlfriends, Mary was both the oldest and bustiest. At 26, she was almost as old as Cameron and fully aware of her advanced age in a world where youth and vitality were paramount. Despite being a truly gorgeous specimen of female beauty, Mary had the biggest inferiority complex and the biggest compulsion to please me. While Jessica and Audrey were young and energetic and just happy to be here, Mary constantly fretted about being the next girl to be cast aside and constantly sought to keep herself in my good graces. And although Judene would do anything and everything I suggested to get her next hit, it was Mary who would willingly offer herself up to be used and abused, anything to earn my approval.

I figured she had severe Daddy issues, something I'd used to my advantage when seducing her in the first place.

This morning, Mary made sure I could feel her bullet-hard nipples while giving me a reach-around as she tugged at my half-hard member. "Would you like me to help you in the shower this morning?" she asked in a honeyed voice.

I thought about turning her down, just for the satisfaction of watching her freak out, of watching her worry that today might be the day that I finally got rid of her. Really, it wouldn't take much effort to call one of the other girls into my bathroom to be my personal loofah. I'd used the house intercom system for that very purpose many, many times. But the thing was: it was so much fun making Mary twist in the wind sometimes that I figured I might never get rid of her, advanced age or not. She still had great tits, she was a very hard worker, and sinking into her pussy was like shoving my prick into a warm stick of butter.

Someday, maybe, I'd trade her in for a younger model. But for today, at least, I simply replied, "Sure, Mary. I'll let you soap my back with your tits."

"Ooh, yay!"

Jessica, Judene, Rebecca, and Cameron were all at the dining table when Mary and I finally emerged. The girls had finished our weekly Sunday morning "family" breakfast, which was a tradition first started by Mom and Cameron way back when we were kids. Sunday mornings had been family time, when nobody had to rush off to school or work or even weekend activities. Even though Mom and Dad were no longer with us (and Dad had been skipping out on the meal since before I was ten), it was a tradition Cameron and I wanted to continue. And although the food was done and on the table, covered up to keep warm, everyone had been awaiting my arrival.

I took my usual spot at the head of the table and noticed that Sam and one of his favorite Stepford sluts, Tiffin, were joining us this morning. While I had a pronounced preference for girls that resembled Cameron, Sam apparently liked girls that looked like blonde department store mannequins, and Tiffin was no exception. But as I further scanned the table, I noticed there was one plate available in front of an unoccupied chair.

"Where's Audrey?" I wondered aloud.

Rebecca looked up and gestured with one finger. "She just went upstairs. There's someone at the door."

I frowned. But before I could respond, Audrey's voice called down the stairs. "Uh, Cameron? You'd better come up here."

Cameron looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, and quickly patted her mouth with a linen napkin while pushing her chair back. Normally I would let her handle the mundane details of daily life, but as she stood, something in the back of my head told me to check things out as well.

"I'm coming with you," I said as I stood.

With a shrug, Cameron nodded, and together we ascended the stairs to the top level. Audrey was waiting for us, and she nervously led us to the foyer. The front door was wide open, but our visitor had remained outside on the porch, and although she didn't look nearly as gaunt or disheveled as the last time I'd seen her, it was still clear that Elyse Laughton was a far cry from being healthy.

"Holy shit," I muttered, shocked and yet not shocked to find her here. When Ben had shown up Friday night looking for my ex-girlfriend, I'd wondered whether or not she'd come crawling back. While the circumstances surrounding our break-up had been anything but pleasant, it wouldn't be the first time a meth-addicted slut came right back to the origin of her misery, willing to do anything to get another hit.

In that regard, Elyse looked much like they had. She was shivering, far more than a cool, misty Berkeley morning would be solely responsible for. There were beads of sweat dotting her brow, as if she were actually too hot. And while her clothes were mostly clean and unwrinkled, her skin was clammy and she had an unwashed air about her.

Audrey bit her lip and side-stepped out of the way, moving herself behind Cameron. I raised my eyebrows, not sure what to immediately say. But after a glance at Cameron, who shared a look with me, I turned forward and began, "Um. Surprised to see you here."

"I need a hit," Elyse mumbled, her eyes downcast as she hugged herself even tighter than before.

I took in her appearance and nodded. "I can see that."

"I can't afford to pay you, not right now," she admitted before flicking her eyes up to mine. Her eye sockets were hollow, and dark circles were beneath them. Adjusting her arms slightly, she used them to compress her tits together and show me some prominent cleavage over the top of her V-necked dress. "Unless you want the usual."

My immediate grimace was answer enough. While her beauty had not entirely left her, I clearly had better options for getting laid than a half-starved, bedraggled, unclean wreck.

"Didn't think so," she replied with a sigh before taking a deep breath and giving me a steady look. "I came up with a different idea for paying you, though."

I arched an eyebrow. "Different how?"

Elyse blinked and looked away for a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Elyse Laughton has to die."

I blinked, not understanding and confused by her reference to the third person. "Excuse me?"

She gave me a tight smile. "Dead. Gone. Deceased. Esta muerta."

"You want me to kill you?"

"Just on paper, and I'll become Serena Grey, for real this time. It's pretty simple, actually. In the course of liquidating my assets, I never realized my dad took out a life insurance policy on me. Why would he, right? Smart investors don't usually get life insurance on their kids; but he did, and I didn't know about it until just last night."

"Last night?"

"It's a long story. I lost my bag a while back, but I managed to get it back and when I started checking through all my stuff, I came across some papers I'd overlooked, including the one about this policy. It was my dad's policy, and he was the beneficiary, but when I called the 1-800 number I found out that when he died, it didn't go to my stepmom. Because I was over 18, it went to me, and his estate kept up the premiums."

I shrugged. "So you want to liquidate your life insurance to pay me?"

Elyse took a deep breath and sighed. "Yeah, well that's one way. But the taxes are crazy, and the pre-payment penalties are so high, I'm afraid I wouldn't get that much out."

"So you're suggesting something else."

Elyse nodded. "You've already set me up with a new identity as Serena Grey for that job with Chad. I don't really need to continue living as Elyse Laughton anymore. What I was thinking is that you could pull some strings with people you know and get Elyse Laughton written off as an accidental overdose. If I perhaps made my boyfriend – that would be you – my beneficiary, then you would get a lot more money that way."

Cameron stepped forward. "Um, don't they have clauses in those life insurance things against drug overdoses? Some sort of physical to make sure you're healthy and like, NOT a drug-user, before you get a policy?"

"Not mine. It was created when I was a kid. And I combed through the policy. As long as the overdose isn't a suicide, they still pay up. The only hiccup would be maybe getting an official death certificate, but like I said," Elyse suddenly bored her eyes at me with laser-like intensity, "maybe you could pull some strings. I don't actually want you to kill me."

I whistled, the wheels turning in my brain as I pondered everything Elyse was telling me. Furrowing my eyebrows, I took a deep breath and said, "It would take some time to establish me as your beneficiary. And when it comes to faking your death, the policy would probably get extra scrutiny if you 'died' only a couple of months after making me the beneficiary. To be honest, this would all be easier if you just cashed out your policy and paid me whatever you had left."

"Maybe, and we'll do it that way if you want. But I figured that I'm not so attached to being 'Elyse' anymore, and if getting you more money means I get to stick around a little longer ... well..."

I snorted and shook my head. I was used to meth-sluts crawling back to my doorstep promising to do anything to get their next fix, but no one had ever come up with a crackpot idea like Elyse just did. With a smirk, I looked over at Cameron and found her studying me, and I raised my eyebrows with a shrug as I mentally told her, 'Hey, maybe our short-term financial problems have been solved.'

In the end, Cameron was the one who stepped forward an extended a hand, saying, "Come on in, Elyse. It's Sunday morning, and you look hungry."

To say that Elyse's arrival surprised everyone would be an understatement. Jaws dropped onto the tabletop. Judene looked like she'd just shit her pants. And even Sam appeared to be shocked into stillness. But when I pulled out my own chair at the head of the table and gestured for Elyse to sit and eat, everyone else managed to collect their wits and get functional again.

Everyone at the table was intimately familiar with Elyse. My harem hadn't changed in the last six months since dumping her as a girlfriend, and even after kicking her out, she'd been around quite regularly at all my "get-togethers" to hook up with guys and get her meth fix. True, she tended to avoid me, personally, after our break-up. But she'd been able to somewhat maintain her friendships with the other girls, at least until she ended up with Jasper and more or less vanished off the face of the Earth as far as anyone in this household knew.

The girls, of course, were full of questions. But right when Audrey asked the first 'Where have you been?' I interrupted and suggested, "Hey, why don't we let the girl eat, alright?"

My 'suggestions' were commands, of course, and the girls shut their traps. Thinking of anything else to talk about, though, was difficult, and for a few minutes everyone merely ate in silence, Elyse included.

She was hungry, but to my surprise, she wasn't ravenous. She ate like any other human being, which suggested that at least Ben had been feeding her while she was there. And after she finished off a plate full she began to volunteer the information.

"I spent most of last week with an old friend from high school," Elyse explained. "Tried to get clean, honestly, but in the end the cravings took over and I went looking for a fix. Found Toby in Oak-town and managed to get by for a couple of days. Now I'm here."

The girls looked at each other, and it was Judene who asked with something of a sneer, "And what, you thought you could just walk in and join back up?"

I smirked. Judene and Elyse had never gotten along. Probably had something to do with me dating both of them at the same time. It wasn't such a big deal for Elyse, as she'd quickly fallen out of love with me and was only too happy to let Judene soak up my attention. But at the same time, it was too much fun to needle Judene about how I liked Elyse's big tits better or thought she was prettier and if only Elyse would be nicer to me then I wouldn't need Judene at all. And it certainly pissed them both off whenever I made them tag-team me as a pair, or sixty-nine for my viewing pleasure, or share my bed all night.

They could always refuse, of course. But there were consequences for making such a choice, and in the end both of them always obeyed and pleasured each other to the best of their ability. There were few other things that gave me such a rush as watching them both submit to my merest whims despite their hatred.


But now wasn't a time for such power games. Judene had all the status right now, and she hadn't had to put up with Elyse for more than a month. It wouldn't be a fair fight, and I could see that Elyse was hanging by a thread as it was.

Cameron had followed up on the conversation and she turned to ask me, "Well ... IS Elyse re-joining the harem?"

"We'll see, we'll see," I said noncommittally. "For now, let's just say she's an old friend in need of a favor, right?"

Nervous, Elyse kept her head bowed as she nodded quietly.

"Come on then." I said, standing up and walking behind her chair. I gripped the backrest and slid her, chair and all, out from under the table.

"Come on where?" she asked, still a little nervous.

"To get your hit. That's what you came here for, right?"

Suddenly Elyse was full of energy again. With the promise of her next fix in sight, she hopped to her feet and followed me as I headed for the stairs. I paused at the top and chivalrously gestured for her to precede me. She knew the way, after all, and I wanted to study her from behind.

Too skinny, of course, which was understandable after everything she'd been through. But she still had her hips and her tits and I started to form a game plan for exactly how I would fuck her.

Elyse knew the way to the Ready Room, of course, and she headed for it on a beeline. She also knew how to do the prep, but the instant she reached for a pipe I cleared my throat in warning, and her hand retracted ever so hesitantly. "Not yet?" she asked with a wince.

"Not yet," I confirmed with raised eyebrows.

She understood immediately. "Nothing's ever free."

I shrugged. "You've promised me a life insurance policy I haven't seen yet. For all I know you don't even HAVE a policy and this is just an elaborate lie to get a hit without having to pay up."

"I swear to you there IS a policy." She started digging in her purse before pulling out a folded stack of papers. Gesturing to me with it, she promised, "You know I'll pay up, however I can. You want a blowjob first? Or for me to bend over?"

I shook my head. "Not just yet. Lemme see the papers."

She handed them over and I did a quick scan. While I was reading, I glanced up at Elyse from time to time, watching how she reacted. She was THIS close to her next hit, the rocks in view and the pipe already within reach. Her skinny arms wrapped around her torso, right hand on her left hip and left hand on her right shoulder as she literally shivered. Her eyes were FIXED on the drugs, and I knew that if I kept her waiting much longer her teeth would actually start chattering.

"Carter, please," she begged, unable to control her addiction much further. She hadn't lunged for the rocks yet, but no matter how fearful she might be of my retribution, I knew an addict like her wouldn't be able to contain herself for very long.

"I'm reading," I said, even though I wasn't really reading. I'd scanned enough to get the gist beneath the legalese. There would be a decent amount of money to keep her in drugs and maybe with a roof over her head for a little while if she liquidated everything. But if she actually died, the death benefit would set me up for a good while. I knew this already, and any further delay was really just for me to see how long it would take her to crack.

"Carterrr..." she whimpered, spasming now more than quivering. Her hands flexed and she gripped her own shoulder tight enough to bruise it, and it looked like she'd have an epileptic seizure any minute. The only part of her body not moving was her face, and that's because her eyes were glued to the meth.

"Take off your panties," I muttered as I set the papers down and moved toward the drugs.

"I'm not wearing any," she replied, flicking her eyes to mine for just a moment before returning to that which was most precious to her.

"Then you might want to lube up," I suggested while I started assembling the pipe.

She nodded and quickly turned to the drawer with all the lubes. I didn't watch as she prepared herself, focusing my attention on the task at hand. In another minute I was ready, and after lighting it up I turned back to Elyse and found her kneeling on top of a couch cushion, bent over with her elbows on the backrest, staring out the window at the daytime view of the city below while she took deep, calming breaths.

I took my place behind her. With the lit pipe in my left hand, I let my right hand slide up her thigh and under her dress. Her shaking started anew, but she settled down immediately once I presented the pipe in front of her face.

Still bracing herself on her right arm, she raised her left hand to take the pipe from me and promptly inhaled. I used my now free left hand to raise the hem of her dress above her ass, and at the same time unzipped myself with my right.

"Ohhhhh..." Elyse moaned rapturously as she tasted the ice vapor. Moments later, the chemical fire lit up her veins, and she bowed her head and sighed in complete and utter relief. For three seconds she got to stay in that peacefully relaxed state. But after those three seconds were up, she grunted and tensed her entire body as she felt my mushroom head press against and pop through her lubricated sphincter.

"Fuck yeah..." I groaned, luxuriating in the tight heat of Elyse's anal chute as I slowly burrowed my way deeper and deeper.

"Nnngh..." the skinny bitch groaned as she felt me penetrating the fullest depths of her nether hole. But once my short and curlies were pressed up against her lily white cheeks, she returned the pipe to her mouth and inhaled her gaseous gold. And as the chemical pleasure filled her mind, I felt the physical pleasure of filling her sacred bowels.


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