
Chapter 25: Too Much Boobage ll


I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.

"Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her.

My eyes fluttered for a brief second, giving me just enough time to see the bottle-blonde head bobbing up and down in my lap before my heavy eyelids closed themselves. I smiled, knowing that Andie would be looking up at me, and I was rewarded for giving her positive feedback by the sensation of her sliding my morning wood into her throat once again.

Just another morning in my ordinary life. Eat your fucking heart out.

"Mmm..." Sasha moaned quietly in her sleep. I'd awoken in a typical position, cuddled up behind Sasha with my left arm wrapped around her. With my sexual arousal climbing with every passing second that Andie continued to fellate me, I'd started fondling the naked breast I held in my palm. And as I reached across with my right hand to stroke Sasha's side as well, I slowly coaxed her to join us in the land of consciousness.

When she did wake up, Sasha sighed languorously and stretched as she leaned back against me. A moment later, she spun in place, twisting around to face me while I pulled my right arm out of the way and used that hand to hold Andie's head down against my crotch.

"Mmm ... morning, lover," Sasha murmured.

"Good morning to you too," I replied before smirking and patting Andie's head. "And definitely good morning to you, cutie."

Andie smiled and deep-throated me again for an answer.

Sasha leaned over for a kiss, which I happily gave her. But instead of joining us, she sighed and rolled off the bed.

I frowned and asked, "You don't want in?"

"Believe me," Sasha replied with a smile, "I've gotten laid plenty in the last couple of days. I love you to death, and I love the orgasms, but I don't have your libido. Besides, Andie's doing all the work right now. You should reward her."

"Mm-hm!" Andie agreed around a mouthful of meat.

I chuckled and nodded while watching Sasha head for the bathroom to go through her morning routine. In the meantime, I reached down and gestured for Andie to come up to me, which she did quite happily. We kissed, we fondled, and she slid a hand between us to elevate my cock into the proper position.

Andie did deserve a reward for being such a good sport about this. Despite my confession that I was developing feelings for Sasha that I didn't yet have for her, and even though Sasha had started sleeping with us on nights that used to be hers and Jamie's, Andie hadn't pouted or complained even once. I did my best to put Sasha out of my mind for a little while and simply focus on how happy my perky 'cutie' made me every time we were together. And when I stopped to realize that I'd probably slept with Andie more than any other girl over the past couple of months, I resolved to truly show her how much I appreciated her loyalty.

So the morning was all about her. Rolling us over, I re-slotted my dick into the perky bottle-blonde and held her cheeks tenderly while making love to her mouth with my lips and tongue. I drove her crazy, taking her to the precipice of orgasm three times without letting her go over, only to finally push her over the edge in such a way that she had three cascading climaxes back-to-back-to-back. And just when she thought she'd had enough, Sasha returned to suck out the creampie I'd left inside, giving Andie one more orgasm to leave her limp and exhausted in my bed.

"I love you, Ben," Andie crooned once Sasha finally left her alone. Her eyes were closed, and her limbs were askew as she lay flat on her back.

"I know, cutie. I know," I replied, pecking her on the lips before I got off the bed and headed for the bathroom myself. But just before I got there, Holly Brook started singing.

// Where'd you go? I miss you so. Seems like it's been forever, that you've been gone...

When I'd started customizing my ringtones, the instant I heard the Fort Minor track I'd immediately thought of Adrienne. Sure, upon second and third listens, my relationship with her didn't quite fit the theme of the song, as I didn't really resent Adrienne for prioritizing her career and moving off to New York. She certainly deserved to do what she enjoyed so much, and I had no right to tie her down to stay near me. But I still liked the melody of the hook, so I kept it as Adrienne's personal tone.

And ... well ... okay maybe I harbored a little resentment for her absence.

The point is: I knew immediately that Adrienne was calling me, so I backed up to my dresser drawer and snatched up my phone, putting it to my ear as I continued on my way into the bathroom. "Hey, what's up?" I greeted as I patted Sasha's butt while she put on her makeup in the mirror.

"Hey, Tiger. I didn't wake you, did I? I know it's early over there, but you've got class on Tuesday mornings, right?"

"Right, right. No, I'm already up and going through my morning routine," I replied while spreading my feet shoulder-width apart and aiming my penis at the toilet bowl. A moment later, I let out my morning flow. Sasha glanced over at me and smirked, shaking her head before returning her attention to the mirror.

"So I'm assuming there's been no word on Elyse? Otherwise you would have called me."

"Right. No word." I sighed. "I'm of course still concerned about her, but I've got other stuff going on in my life, too."

"Totally understand. Kind of the situation I'm in myself right now."

I finished up, did the jiggle, and wiped the tip before flushing and moving over to wash my hands. Sasha was still leaning forward doing something with that eyelash contraption that looks like it's meant for extracting eyeballs, and I leaned over to casually peck her cheek before heading back to my room to get dressed.

Meanwhile, Adrienne continued talking into my ear. "So I wanted to let you know that I'm planning to come back to Berkeley for a little while, as long as you won't feel like I'm intruding or anything."

"Intruding? Never. You're welcome back at any time."

"I was hoping you'd say that."

"Now you mention 'a little while'. Does that mean this trip'll last more than your usual in and out in a single night routine?" I reached over and rubbed Andie's naked thigh. She still looked wiped out, but she opened her eyes and smiled at me. I turned back to my dresser to start fishing out my clothes.

Adrienne chuckled and then sighed mournfully, her tone rapidly become less mirthful. "Unfortunately, yeah."

"Unfortunately? Is it such a drag to spend a little time with me?"

That got another giggle out of her, and she sounded better. "Never. In fact, I find myself wondering why the hell I ever moved away from you in the first place."

"You and me, both. Every now and again I stop and wonder about how different my life would have turned out had you stayed these last couple of years. Maybe I..." I sighed, feeling a little world weariness weigh down on me. "Nevermind."

"No, I get it. Things would probably have been a lot simpler that way."

"Perhaps. Of course, things might've ended up a lot more complicated, too. But enough with that. What's up? What's prompting this sudden trip?"

"So I take it you haven't seen the latest tabloid news about me?"

I blinked and muttered, "Uh ... well not personally. My universe has kinda shrunk down to Berkeley these last couple of weeks, partly your fault after sending Elyse to my doorstep. But some of the girls have mentioned stuff to me, usually about such and such guy – or such and such girl – that you're rumored to be dating. Let's face it: you're ALWAYS in the tabloids one way or another."

"Hey, I behave! ... Mostly ... Anyways, have the girls mentioned the latest bit of news to hit the stands?"

I glanced back at Andie, who'd been one of my regular sources for Adrienne tabloid news. She was sitting up now, although still buck naked. I'd only ejaculated the one time, and as I stared at her perky tits with even perkier nipples, I started thinking about going for Round 2 despite having a class to get to. Rather absentmindedly, I replied, "I'm not sure. What's new?"

"There's a second sex tape that got released of me."

I jerked my gaze away from Andie and frowned. "Did you just say there's a second sex tape of you?"

"Don't worry, there weren't any guys involved," Adrienne explained hurriedly. "Just me and this other model I met about a week ago. Apparently she whipped out a camera phone while I was going down on her, and even though she promised she'd delete the video, apparently she didn't."

"And one of her friends found it and uploaded it?"

"Not exactly. Turns out she did it on purpose."

I had pulled on my boxer shorts, but my jeans were now forgotten as I abruptly sat down on the foot of the bed and stared at the wall with my jaw dropped. "Why on Earth would somebody DO that to you?"

Adrienne sighed, "They say in New York that there's no such thing as bad publicity, especially for a virtually unknown girl looking to make a name for herself. At the very least, this is getting HER name out there a million times more than it would have been otherwise."

"She did it just for scandalous fame?"


I grimaced, but then a new thought hit me. "But wait, you just said there's no such thing as bad publicity. Why would this second sex tape make you run back here to Berkeley?"

"I'm not running. I'm just ... um ... okay maybe I AM running." She sighed. "The first sex tape was one thing. I'm not a high fashion model and my livelihood depends on sex appeal, and specifically male-oriented sex appeal."

"So this second tape is turning you back into a lesbian despite what we did?"

"No, but a second sex tape has made my agency nervous. Ford Models is a top-end agency, and they don't like scandal. One sex tape is an aberration, but two within a span of three months? I'm super-popular and I make them a ton of money, so they're not firing me or anything just yet; but if I'd been a lesser star I'd have been kicked to the curb for this."

"Even if they fired you, surely you could get another agency to represent you."

"Sure, but maybe not with the connections they've got. So many gigs get funneled through the agency, companies that use them exclusively. If I'm not a Ford Model anymore, then I don't get access to those opportunities, period."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"So you're coming back here to what, lay low for a bit?"

"Something like that. My agent is setting me up with shoots on the West Coast and I'm instructed to stay out of the news. If I turn into one of those tabloid princesses, then 'super-popular' or not they'll drop me."

I winced. "I'm sorry. Well ... come back here. I'll keep you out of trouble."

"Thanks, Tiger. If there's a silver lining in this, I'll really love getting to spend more time with you."

I grinned. "Me, too."


"Nnngh..." I stopped at full depth, slowly relaxing the tension in my fingers so that I was merely resting my hands on the shapely hips before me rather than gripping them. My eyes remained closed, all my senses turned inward on the sensations crawling up my nerves and spreading throughout my body from their origin point at the tip of my cock.

Once again I was buried deep inside one of the most highly-sought after pussies in the world. Once again I was making love to perhaps the sexiest, most gorgeous woman I had ever met. Once, seemingly an eternity ago, she had been mine, only mine. But then our lives took separate paths, first in love and later in actual geography. For nearly two years we had been apart, save for the occasional visit that never lasted long enough and always left me missing her even more than before. But while I would never wish her recent events upon her for my own selfish reasons, I could still be glad those events had caused her to come back to me. And I would savor every moment she remained a part of my life.

"Ohhh ... fuck me, Tiger," Adrienne moaned, raising her head and arching her spine to push her crotch back against my pelvis in our doggy-style position.

My eyes still closed, I let my hands leave my lover's hips to roam across her naked body, feeling each bump of her spine with one hand while caressing her ass with the other. She squirmed a little bit, reacting almost as if my touch was ticklish. But my movements were too firm and deliberate to cause such a reaction, and when I felt the tongue swipe across my balls I knew Adrienne wasn't squirming because of me.

Adrienne was squirming because of Sasha. Lying on her back beneath Adrienne in a classic sixty-nine, my roommate/teammate/lover/"not-girlfriend" worked her lips and tongue over both Adrienne's clit and my swinging balls. Sasha's tongue danced like it was doing a jazz number on the very spot where my thick shaft disappeared into the famous supermodel's snatch, and her hands came up to hold onto Adrienne's buttcheeks and tug our mutual lover's crotch back down against her face.

"You guys are so fucking HOT," Andie breathed beside me, stroking my arm and twisting my head around for a kiss. My bottle-blonde cutie knelt behind me, rubbing her hard little nipples against my naked back while her hands caressed my pectoral muscles. She pressed her damp crotch against my lower back, urging me to pump slowly in and out of Adrienne even while we continued Frenching. And then she squeaked in excitement when I reached back with one hand and started fingering her cunt.

Overall, it was about as perfect a reunion as I could have imagined for Adrienne's return, filled with food, friends, and fun.

The food was provided by yours truly, as I showed off my Project Ben skills by making quite the spread, with both Andie and Sasha volunteering as my sous chefs.

The friends were the abundance of Tri-Delts in my house, which was typical for a weekday. Tri-Delt West was more or less still in practice, albeit without the charter on the wall or the randomness of my hookups. The girls were Sasha's and Andie's friends, that's all. And my house had been their hangout spot for the majority of the semester. In addition, Bert and Paige had come home with us after Isakova's class to welcome Adrienne back as well.

And of course, the fun. Jocelyn noticed the airport shuttle van pull up to the curb, and the girls practically poured outside to greet her. Adrienne was welcomed like a long-lost sister, which according to Sorority Law she really was. Once a Tri-Delt, always a Tri-Delt. Heading inside, Adrienne settled on a couch and started chatting a mile a minute in her inimitable social butterfly way that charmed everyone around her. She wowed the girls with stories about life in the fast lane as a jet-setting supermodel and even deftly handled the inevitable questions about her current sex scandal, putting the blame entirely on her betrayer and the blood-sucking media while giving the girls nothing they hadn't already read about on the Internet.

Meanwhile, Bert and I were ferrying in her luggage, and there was a lot of it to ferry. I'd noticed right away that she'd arrived with way more luggage than she'd ever brought over before. There were multiple suitcases of clothes, multiple suitcases of shoes, and an entire suitcase dedicated solely to beauty products. Throw in assorted knick-knacks and it was immediately clear that Adrienne wasn't coming to visit for only a few days; she was truly moving in. And I couldn't be more excited.

My excitement was tempered somewhat by the fact that Adrienne had yet to greet me personally. She'd been surrounded by Tri-Delts from the moment she stepped out of the van, and she'd barely sent a glance my way while Bert and I put all of her things into her old bedroom.

But after about ten minutes of telling stories to the girls, she looked up and found me leaning against the archway with my arms folded across my chest and a ... well... hunger in my gaze. There was something Adrienne and I always did best, and I couldn't help but think about it constantly as I simply basked in her radiant beauty.

Apparently, she had the same idea. Excusing herself from the girls by explaining that she and I hadn't properly greeted one another just yet, Adrienne stood up and smoothly glided across the living room like she was on a Fashion Week catwalk. But instead of kissing or hugging me, she simply strode right past me on the way to her bedroom door while asking over her shoulder, "Help me unpack?"

Wordlessly, I followed her into the bedroom and closed the door behind us. Thirty seconds later she had my cock in her mouth. Two minutes after that, she was sitting on top of the vanity I'd built for her nearly four years ago, clutching me with all four limbs while I pounded in and out of her cunt. And six minutes after that, she snaked her panties back on so she could feel my cum squishing inside her for the rest of the night.

And only THEN did she finally kiss me on the lips, her arms wrapping around my shoulders while she panted for breath and crooned, "I've missed you so much, Tiger."

"The feeling's mutual," I replied, just as out of breath.

Having not unpacked a single thing, Adrienne and I returned to the living room to find that dinner was underway. Nobody commented on our absence save for a few sly grins here and there. And within minutes everyone acted as if we'd never left.

Hours later, the last of the Tri-Delts finally walked out the door, except for one: Andie. Bert and Paige had also gone home, which left just Andie, Sasha, Adrienne, and me still in the house. And literally two seconds after the door closed, Adrienne dragged us ALL upstairs to start the foursome that resulted in Sasha and Adrienne sixty-nining while I fucked Adrienne from behind with Andie draped all over my back.

Like I said: it was about as perfect a reunion as I could have imagined, and there's one other detail I haven't even told you yet.

You see, the exact details of that foursome aren't all that important. Let's face it: I'd had a LOT of foursomes in my young life, very few of them bad and the majority of them pretty freakin' awesome. But that one detail is a particular one that I'll remember for the rest of my life.

You see, this was the night Adrienne truly came back to me.

And she came back wearing a certain black leather collar, stitched with the words: "Tiger's Pet".


I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. My eyes were still closed, but I felt my lover's presence against my chest, and a wave of pure bliss spread across my body.

Now I realize that it's unusual for most people to wake up spooned behind someone and NOT be 100% positive as to their identity, but then I lead an unusual life. There had been many mornings over the past several months when I'd needed to call upon my still-awakening senses to feed me identifying information so that I didn't commit the mood-killer of mumbling the wrong girl's name before convincing her to mount my morning erection. But on this morning I actually WAS 100% sure, and I didn't even need to consciously call upon my senses for information to do so.

My senses had already subconsciously done that for me. I knew.

There was only one woman in the world who smelled the way she did, the scent of her skin and hair filling my nostrils from only an inch away. There was only one woman in the world who FELT the way she did, her curvaceous body enveloped in my arms in this way. And of course, there was only one woman in the world who had TITS like she had.

That's right: Adrienne Fucking Dennis. Sports Illustrated Cover Model. Victoria's Secret catalog girl. Maxim's #39 hottest woman alive, although I would dispute the qualifications of the 38 women ahead of her.

She was mine, all mine, and I didn't want to ever let her go. For the past week, I hadn't let her go. Sure, we'd set up her old bedroom downstairs, and all of her belongings had been neatly organized down there. But the bed itself had seen very little use, at night at least. We'd occasionally fucked like crazy on it, but those encounters were during the day. But for the past seven nights in a row, there was nowhere else she wanted to be than by my side, and there was nowhere else I wanted her to be, either. It had taken her nearly two years to return to me – really RETURN to me and not just stop by for a single night's drive-by-fuck. True, she probably would have preferred to still be in New York living the supermodel's life she'd talked to the girls so much about, but I didn't care about why she'd come back. All that mattered was that she was here.

This was heaven.

The morning air was cold against my right cheek, the pillow reassuringly warm against my left. I snuggled deeper into the covers and their cocooning heat while pressing my chest against her back, our bodies separated only by two thin layers of cotton. As my senses came alive, the fingers of my left hand reflexively squeezed the incomparably perfect breast I was currently palming as my left arm snaked beneath her pillow to hold her from the opposite side. My right hand firmed up over her hip, gently holding her in place while I reflexively ground my erection into her panty-covered ass.

Just another morning, the way things should always be. Just me and the girl I loved perhaps more than any other in the world. True, ours wasn't a romantic love, but it was more than a sibling love as well. I couldn't explain it except to say that I felt it, and after an entire year of chasing love, pondering love, scrutinizing love, or avoiding it entirely, I can't overstate just how incredibly RELIEVING it felt to simply BE in love with Adrienne the way I was now.

No pressure. No expectations. No uncertainties. And no fear.

Just love.

For seven days, I hadn't wondered whether or not I'd ever get to see her again, like with Kim.

For seven days, I hadn't contemplated our potential for the future, like with Sasha.

For seven days, I hadn't felt guilt over my lack of strong feeling, like with Andie.

And for seven days, I hadn't mourned over what could have been, like with DJ.

... or with Dawn.

Having Adrienne back was like coming up for air after too much time spent underwater. Having Adrienne back was like stepping OUT of the ocean and onto the firm, solid surface of dry land. I could breathe again. I could MOVE again. Without hesitation, without restriction, without wondering where the FUCK I was going with my life anymore, I simply LIVED.

Because she was by my side.

Oh, she wasn't ALWAYS by my side. Even though she wasn't in New York anymore, her agency had set her up with shoots and appearances in the City this past week. She'd gone to visit Dayna and Brandi one evening just to catch up. She'd even had a day trip to Los Angeles on Monday, although she'd flown back in time for sex and sleep. And then there was the night last week when she'd visited Brooke and DJ, although I didn't hear much about that visit other than "You're still kind of an awkward subject."

In addition, there were times when Adrienne expressly told me to pay more attention to Sasha and Andie, removing herself from the house if necessary to ensure I properly focused on my two "not-girlfriends".

Sasha, of course, was still my "constant" on campus. We shared our classes, we met up with friends for meals, and she held my hand everywhere we went. We hadn't given up on Elyse, either, and together we followed up with local authorities and any other sources we could think of to inquire as to her whereabouts.

As for Andie, although she hadn't shown any outward signs of jealousy over Adrienne's arrival, she did make even MORE of an effort to shower me with attention and affection whenever she was around, never failing to remind me that she wanted nothing more in life than to make me happy.

But even when we were apart, Adrienne was with me. She was in my head, and she was in my heart, and I knew that at the end of the day she would NOT be clear across the country going to some silly party filled with drinks, drugs, and slimy producers who wanted to crawl into her panties. No, she would be at home, in MY bed, waiting for ME.

Fuck I love my life.

I squeezed with my left hand, reveling in that incomparably perfect mammary's pliant firmness. I teased the hard nipple I found there with my thumb. I heard her inhale a little more deeply than before, breaking her previously steady cadence as she arched her back and thrust her ass a little harder against my erection. And a moment later, Adrienne mumbled softly, "Push it into me, Tiger."

Really, are there five sexier words in the English language?

I didn't hesitate to do as she asked, pushing my boxer shorts down to free my cock and fisting the shaft to line myself up. She held still while I notched my mushroom head at her entrance, and she moaned softly as I slowly burrowed my way inside.

Adrienne and I started off slowly, not doing too much to rock the bed. I'd sprung for a fancy mattress with pocketed coils, you know the one from the commercials where they drop a bowling ball on one side and the other side doesn't move. But even so, our movements eventually roused my bed partner on the other side. I had rolled fully onto my left hip, my nose buried against Adrienne's neck while I reached around with both hands to grip her 36F tits as leverage to fuck into her from behind, and the feel of Sasha's hand gliding along my leg startled me at first and broke my rhythm.

Stopping for a moment, I twisted my head back in time to see Sasha's smile of amusement as she tapped my nose and apologized, saying, "Sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt you." She kissed me quickly and used two fingers to turn my face forward again.

Adrienne, meanwhile, was panting softly and rubbing her own clit, impatient to resume. She began rocking her hips back against me, fucking herself on my cock before I started my own pelvic thrusts. And this time neither of us stopped when Sasha joined in by pressing herself against my back while kissing my neck and reaching around to fondle both me and Adrienne.

And then Andie slid herself off the bed with a thump.

That noise got me and Adrienne to stop once again, and all three of us craned our necks to look back at the fourth person in the room. Clad in her pajamas, Andie threw me a sheepish look and mouthed, "Sorry."

I frowned and waved her over. "Don't be. It's morning. Come join in." Suiting words to action, I pulled out of Adrienne and rolled onto my back. My blonde supermodel lover whimpered but rolled onto her back as well, and Sasha pulled the covers off to expose us before taking my schlong in hand and stroking it with a smile.

"Yeah, Andie. Come join in."

But my bottle-blonde cutie shrugged and gestured to the bed. "You guys go ahead. I've got class soon anyway. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Um, sure, I guess," I replied with a frown. I wracked my brain trying to remember the last time Andie turned down a sex session with me. I couldn't think of one.

Blowing me an air kiss, Andie flashed a smile and quickly turned away. She pulled out a shirt, bra, and jeans from her drawers in my bedroom, and without a second glance took them with her outside and closed the door behind her.

"Aww ... he's getting soft!" Adrienne complained, staring down at my cock.

"On it," Sasha replied immediately, stroking my shaft before bending over and taking me into her mouth. Savoring the taste, she mumbled around my cockmeat a few seconds later, "Mmm ... you always taste so good, A.D."

Adrienne giggled and turned to give me a good morning kiss. And awash in the nuclear power of her love, I let all my other worries melt away.

Sasha, Paige, Bert, and I made the final turn for the house and I whistled, idly wondering who would be home. Even with the charter no longer on the foyer wall, my house was informally still Tri-Delt West, and at times even felt like Tri-Delt Central. Andie, Jamie, Jayden, Jeannie, Jocelyn, Jordyn, Kirstie, Lakhi, Leticia, Misa, Nora, Tonya, and Whitney all spent significant amounts of time in the house, even though I wasn't regularly sleeping with any of them save Andie. Being there wasn't about sex; it was about hanging out with their friends...

... AND a little bit of sex. Most of the girls still didn't have boyfriends, and with Finals just around the corner it was common for one or more of them to be interested in a little no-strings-attached stress relief. Actually, there was one string: Adrienne was back in town, and just like old times, the gateway to my cock was through her pussy, especially in the evenings. And, well ... I suppose if you consider once a week to be "regular", well then I WAS regularly sleeping with most of them. But you get my point.

Still, Adrienne wasn't always around. I mentioned that she had her own modeling schedule that took her away from the house during the daytime, and I had my own schedule of classes and lunch with friends to keep. But pretty much any time I was home it was open season for Ben-cock, and the girls weren't shy about pleading for just one little orgasm so they could go back to studying with a clearer head. Whitney, especially, had become quite needy, especially since she'd broken up with her last boyfriend a week ago.

The lone exception to this was dinnertime, as I'd marked off that period for my friends. Paige came by after class three days a week, and Bert was usually there all five school days. He even brought the Xbox 360 over on occasion, and Nora Cavaday was proving to be quite adept with a controller in her hands. Plus, Sasha, Bert, and I still had to finish our Capstone Project, and since we were down to three team members there was that much more work we each had to do.

So as the four of us walked through the front door, I wasn't expecting to get laid anytime soon, at least not before Paige drove Bert to the BART station on the way to her Aunt and Uncle's house in another two hours. The Tri-Delts all knew to keep their mitts off until I'd eaten, studied, and socialized. By removing the potential for a random seizure and insemination, it gave everyone (including Paige and Bert) room to just make friends without sexual tension or anxiety. Plus, I'd noticed that the Mustang wasn't parked in the driveway, which meant that an always-horny-when-she-got-home Adrienne had not yet returned from the City.

My idle wondering about who was home was answered in the form of Jamie, Tonya, and the Schenke twins studying in the living room while Lakhi and Jocelyn were in the kitchen starting dinner. The four of us said our greetings while Bert and Paige went to drop onto the couches and Sasha headed for the stairs. But I noticed someone missing from the usual tableau and asked aloud, "Where's Andie?" I couldn't remember the last time she wasn't home to greet me.

Jamie and Tonya glanced around the room for a moment before pointing at an open textbook on the dining table in front of an empty chair. "She was here a minute ago. Maybe she went to the bathroom."

I had started to nod my understanding when Jordyn piped up from a couch. "Huh, Kirstie's gone, too."

I didn't think much of it, simply shrugging as I went into the kitchen. Lakhi had her back to me as I goosed her ass and stuck my chin over her shoulder. "Smells good. What are you making?"

"Your favorite, of course," she giggled back while the smells of curry wafted up into my nostrils.

"Of course," I replied before pecking her cheek and heading back out into the living room. My modus operandi was to drop off my bag in my room, only bringing down the materials I needed to study. So I went upstairs just as Sasha was on her way down and passed her on the way into my bedroom.

I was so used to my routine that I completely didn't notice the figure kneeling on my bed. The instant I walked through the door I raised the shoulder strap of my messenger back over my head and dropped it on the floor next to my desk. I pulled my keys, wallet, and cell phone out of my pockets and similarly dropped them on top of the dresser. And I was midway through removing my shoes when I noticed the door unexpectedly closing behind me.

Bent over with my hand on one shoe, and with the other shoe already off, I turned with furrowed brow to watch the door close, and stood up in surprise to find Andie leaning against the back of it. She had one hand on the knob, and the other pressed flat against the door's surface as she coyly stared back at me. "Hey there..." she greeted in a smokily seductive voice.

I blinked and took in her appearance. The petite bottle-blonde was dressed in a familiar set of lingerie, a white lace teddy with matching gartered-stockings and see-thru panties. She'd worn this particular ensemble on a few occasions, but the most memorable had been the first time I'd seen it when we had a five-way with the Schenke twins and her little sister Kirstie wearing an identical ensemble in pink.

Speaking of Kirstie, her voice came like an echo of Andie's as she also greeted, "Hey there..." from her spot on the bed. I turned around to find that the 18-year-old freshman was indeed in the identically-designed pink ensemble, and any thoughts I had about NOT having sex for the next two hours began to disappear.

Still, those thoughts weren't gone yet. "Um ... we haven't even eaten dinner yet, girls," I mumbled while my eyes bugged out.

"We won't take long," Andie assured me as she pushed off from the door and sashayed up to me. Walking her fingers up my chest, she undid the single button I'd fastened on my polo before reaching down to grasp the shirt hem. "I missed being with you this morning, and I couldn't wait all the way until tonight to have you in me again."

"And I haven't had you since Monday, period," Kirstie complained from behind me.

I blinked and glanced back. "That was only two days ago."

"Yeah, two WHOLE days!" she whined with a big grin on her face.

I sighed. Already today I'd serviced five different women: Adrienne and Sasha when we woke up, Jamie and Whitney since I didn't have a morning class on Wednesdays, and then Nora in the afternoon before Isakova's class. My stomach growled with non-sexual hunger, and I began shaking my head slowly. "Girls, I can appreciate that you're horny. But this IS dinnertime and I thought we agreed on this period for me to catch a break. I've got a project meeting, too."

But Andie's hands were on my chest again, and with her lower lip quivering she pouted and turned her baby brown eyes up to me. "Please ... I love you, Ben. You know how much I love you, and yet I haven't gotten to spend much time with you lately. I KNOW how important Adrienne is to you and how close you two have always been, but ever since she arrived I've had even less of you than before. Most nights I don't even get to cuddle with you anymore, and I used to get you six nights a week, remember? Please... please ... don't turn me away right now. I love you. I need this. I need YOU."

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, my heart cracking as I saw that Andie was on the verge of tears. Guilt tore at me as I pondered the situation I was in. On the one hand, Andie had only ever been loyal and devoted to me and I felt like I owed her more than I was giving her. On the other hand, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't muster the same level of intimate love for her that she clearly felt for me, and I wondered if I wasn't only hurting her even more by allowing her to remain in my life. Sasha had promised her that she'd never be jealous or push Andie away from me, but Peyton had warned me that Andie's infatuation was only growing. Already I knew it was too late: anything I did to push her away would only break her heart. The question was: Should I do it now? Or should I let the relationship play out, graduate, and then let time and distance cool her ardor for me naturally. At least then she could fall out of love with me on her own without any jarring emotional pain.

The plan had always been for the latter, the same as it had been for every other girl in my orbit since the formation of Tri-Delt West, Sasha included: No promises, no guarantees. We all lived day-by-day, counting down to my graduation come what may. Then, and only then, would I be able to take a step back and reevaluate my myriad relationships with the girls. We were already into the month of May, and my commencement ceremony was barely more than two weeks away. That really wasn't so far, was it? Surely Andie and I could get through two more weeks before making any serious decisions about where to go from there.

We could, couldn't we?

But then again, she was in love and I wasn't, not with her. It would be nice if I was, but I wasn't, and my continuing lack of that particular emotion could only be feeding her insecurities. My instincts told me it wasn't fair to keep stringing her along, but how was today really any different from any other day since she'd fallen in love with me without me returning the sentiment? It wasn't, except that today she was asking for a special favor that went outside the bounds of our agreed-upon procedure. Now maybe Andie deserved a little special treatment – after all, she was a "favorite", wasn't she? But then again, treating her extra-special might only fuel her infatuation, only make her even MORE in love with me than she already was, and that would only make the inevitable broken heart even worse when I finally cut her off.

You don't have to EVER cut her off. You could let her be your willing plaything for as long as SHE'S willing to be your plaything, into next year and beyond. Eventually she'll get tired of being just a plaything and she'll decide to leave you on her own.

That's not a fair way to treat someone.

That's how you've treated ALL of them for this ENTIRE semester. Today shouldn't be any different.

Shouldn't, perhaps. But it could be different. Today could be the day that she realizes once and for all that I'll never love her the way she wants me to. It's sad, but it's true. She's sweet, and she's kinky, and she'll suck my dick at the drop of a hat anytime and anywhere. But great sex and a sweet personality do not a relationship make. And the sooner she understands my feelings the better off she'll be, right?



I didn't get an answer, not from my subconscious at least. But I did get an answer from Andie, right in front of me. Her eyes searched mine, perhaps even reading the tension in them as I stared back at her. And bunching up my shirt in both of her hands, she held on tightly and jerked me closer.

"Don't push me away, not now," she practically growled. "I get that you're conflicted about your feelings for me, or more accurately what you believe to be your lack of feelings for me. I'm not blind, and I'm not stupid. I see the love in your eyes when you look at Sasha, a look you never quite give to me. And everyone can tell how closely bonded you are to Adrienne, as if you were two halves of the same person. You've been different ever since AD arrived: more at ease, quicker to smile, and slower to frown. And at the same time you've naturally found ways to stay close to Sasha and not lose the intimacy you've been building with her all year."

Andie took a deep breath, her lower lip quivered again, and she leaned forward to press her forehead against my chest.

"But not me," she continued, almost mumbling into my chest. "Oh, you've never deliberately pushed me aside, and Sasha has been going out of her way to keep me involved. But ... I can tell that unless you force yourself, you don't think of me first. Your instincts, your automatic impulses tell you to go straight after those two, and I'm a very distant third."

"Andie..." I began.

"I never planned on falling in love with you," she cut me off. "That day you knocked on the front door of the Chapter House, I think you would have hooked up with anyone who answered; but you somehow still made me feel special that day, made me feel like it was me you wanted all along. A few days later you were cumming inside me and saying you'd love to wake up that way every morning, and I realized that I'd love to feel that way every morning, too. From then on I took every chance I could to be one of your three girls, Jocelyn's schedule be damned, until finally it was just me and Jamie, six nights a week in your bed."

She rubbed her nose into my chest, I patted her back, and I sighed, "Those nights were nice."

"They were," she agreed. "You started calling me your 'cutie', and I started to feel like I was truly special. But for as special as I am to you, I've never been more than just 'your cutie'. We spend all this time together, and Sasha's kept her promise to not interfere, but I'm still nothing more. I still don't measure up to the others. THEY'RE still more special to you than me."

"Andie..." I sighed.

She picked her head up and pressed a finger to my lips, shushing me. "I don't blame you. Sasha and Adrienne are so much prettier than me, and of course their boobs are just ... I mean ... it's not fair."

I shook my head free of her finger and groaned, "It's not about their boobs."

"I know it isn't. It would be easier to take if it was, because then I'd just get a boob job and we'd both be happy. But since it isn't just about my boobs, that must mean the problem is something else."


"I'm NOT backing down. I'm not surrendering without a fight. I LOVE you, and I WANT you, and I'm going to figure out what I need to improve about myself to deserve your love in return."

"It's not about improving yourself. There's no 'problem' with you, and I'm not even going to say there's a 'problem' with ME. For whatever reasons, the 'us' just hasn't quick clicked in that particular way. It's nobody's fault."

"The 'us' hasn't clicked yet. It took time for you to develop that with Sasha, and now you have it. Why not me?"

"I just don't want to string you along, at least any more than I already have. You deserve better than that."

"I deserve what I want, and what I WANT is YOU. Even if that means coming in third."

"It's not a competition!"

"I know," Andie sighed glumly. "If it was, I already know I'd lose."

"Andie..." I put my forehead into my palm.

"I could never win a competition. I'll never have what they have in terms of physical endowment or height or even the beauty of their faces. I'm just me, the 'cute' one. You gotta play the hand you're dealt, and this is all I've got."

"For the last time, it's NOT about your body!"

"But if I was 5'10" with a D-cup you'd like me better, wouldn't you? Tell me I'm wrong."

"You're wrong. Jamie's taller and bustier and she isn't even in the conversation! It's NOT about your boobs. I like you just the way you are. You're special, and you're cute--"

"But you don't love me," she interrupted. "Not like you love them."

My shoulders slumped.

Andie shook her head and looked up at me, tears now dripping down her cheeks. "I know you don't, but I don't care. I still love you. I know you feel guilty about not loving me back the way I want, but that only proves to me that you DO care about my feelings. It gives me HOPE that someday ... some way ... you might care about me a little more. If you were just a cold bastard who used me and didn't feel remorse over not returning my feelings, I'd hate you for it and leave. But you're not a remorseless bastard, and it makes me love you even more."

"But it's not fair to you."

"You let ME decide what's fair, alright?" She sighed and looked away for a moment. "You've shared things with me, shared how much it hurt when Dawn and then DJ both left you, claiming that it wasn't fair to you what they'd done. How did it make you feel when they left you and didn't even give you a chance to make things better? Huh? Now think about how it'd make ME feel if you did the same to me! I know the score, I know the odds that are stacked against me, and I'm TELLING you do NOT try to 'do the right thing' by breaking my heart sooner than later! I have Finals too, you know!"

I stood up straight and muttered defensively, "I wasn't going to break up with you here and now right before Finals."

"But you were thinking about it..." She held an accusing finger up between us. "I saw it in your eyes."

I took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay ... maybe I was. But it's only because I really don't want to hurt you any more than I already have."

"Then DON'T hurt me, alright? Don't break my heart and leave it in a million pieces on your floor! Not after what we've been through all year and everything I've done for you, all the ways I've devoted myself to you. I LOVE you, you ... you ... stupid MAN. I love BEING with you. I love the way you make me FEEL. And yes, I LOVE how even though I feel so insecure about my naturally dark hair, my brown eyes, my short height, and my tiny titties, I LOVE that when you're in me and cumming deep inside my body and I see that blissful look on your face, I love that for a little while, I feel just as pretty and just as wanted as a goddess like Adrienne Dennis."

I blinked, not sure how to respond to that.

She punched me in the chest again. "So DON'T break up with me now, you hear? DON'T push me away and try to pass it off as doing it for my own good. I know the score. I know I'm not as hot or as pretty as A.D. or Sasha. But I know that I love you, and I know that if you'll let me just stay with you ... please ... I know that I can find my own little bit of happiness. Don't take that away from me."

Now she really was openly crying, and to be honest I felt a bit of moisture behind my eyes as well. I took a deep breath, sighing wearily from everything I was going through. Sasha was in love with me, Adrienne was back by my side, and Andie refused to let me break up with her. That doesn't even mention the OTHER twelve Tri-Delts hanging around wanting near-constant stress relief, and not for the first time, I realized that there really is such thing as Too Much Boobage™.

But I could handle it. I'd BEEN handling it. At any other point in my life, I might have decided that I knew what was best for Andie more than she did. I might have dumped her despite her pleas not to, telling her that a broken heart now would be better than a broken heart later.

But I could handle it. Yeah, I'd feel a little guilty for stringing her along, but I'd respect her enough to let her be a part of that decision. And for now, she was deciding NO.

I could handle it.

But not now. Now, I was hungry.

"Okay, no breakup. No pushing you away," I finally agreed. "But you and Kirstie need to get dressed. It's dinnertime, and I want food."

"Aww..." Kirstie whined behind me. Andie looked around my body at her sister and shot her a harsh look.

I chuckled and shook my head, adding, "But tell you what: Keep the outfits on underneath your clothes. After everyone has left tonight, the three of us – and JUST the three of us – will come back up here. And then we'll finish what we've started."

Andie didn't reply verbally. Instead, she simply leaped into my arms, wrapped her legs around my waist, and kissed me like she'd never ever let go.

Next chapter