
Chapter 15: The Charter ll

"Hey there, stranger," Bert greeted me with a fist bump and then fell into step alongside me as we trudged up the hill towards lunch. "So what's this Sasha tells me about you moving half the Tri-Delts into your house?"

I shot my best friend a look and raised my eyebrows. He shrugged and gave me a goofy grin, so I sighed and replied defensively, "I didn't move in half the Tri-Delts. There were only three last night."

"Three at a time, or that's what Sasha tells me. How many in total?"

"There've only been ... ah ... eight girls."

"So far."

I rolled my eyes. "Although it sometimes seems like it, I haven't slept with every girl over there. Eight is just about all of them who haven't graduated or don't currently have a boyfriend."

"You sure? I thought Tonya had a boyfriend. Jocelyn and Whitney, too. Or at least they did when I was with Esther."

"Boyfriends?" I winced. Since I didn't have a Monday morning class, I'd had plenty of time to stay in for a morning screw. Misa had needed to run off for her own early class, but I'd had a pleasant threesome with Lakhi and Tonya. I could still remember the sight of my creamy white spunk leaking down Tonya's dark caramel-colored thigh and smiled at the memory; but I imagine that Tonya's boyfriend wouldn't be smiling. "Okay, maybe I need to set some ground rules with these girls before I have an angry mob of jilted boyfriends come attacking the castle."

Bert whistled. "Yeah, you'd better do that. Or was this just a wild weekend thing? Now it's back to school and back to normal?"

"Maybe." I cracked a smile. "Tell you the truth: I could use a little breather. It's been three girls a night for the last three nights, and even I have my limits."

"You? Limits? Say it isn't so!" Bert took on a stricken expression and clamped two hands over his heart. "Nobody wants to see their idols rendered human."

I smirked and shook my head. But then I arched an eyebrow and gave my friend a serious look. "So when the heck did you talk to Sasha? I wasn't aware of you being in constant contact and all that."

Bert shrugged. "We were always friends, but ever since this Kim thing went down we've been talking a lot more. She doesn't have many other friends, and I don't have Kim to chat with myself. So we met up this morning for breakfast before class."

"Ah. That explains why she was gone before I got downstairs."

Bert nodded. "She figured things would be more relaxed around the house for you and your girls if she wasn't around."

"Wasn't around?" I sighed. "Great. Now I feel bad. I didn't mean to make her feel awkward with the situation."

"Don't worry. She's fine with you and the Tri-Delts. Really."

"Sasha told you that?"


"It's just ... I just don't know exactly where we stand, you know? I mean, I know she got all excited about the idea of moving in and saving both time and money, and I'm happy to help her out. But I wasn't expecting this little Tri-Delt occupation thing and I don't want to make her feel ostracized in a place that's supposed to be HER house too. And on top of all that, you and I both know exactly what I'm going to be doing with the Tri-Delts, and to have that rubbed in Sasha's face when I won't let her and me ... And ... And knowing how she feels about me? It's just, I feel like I owe her more than this."

"Hey, I've got a wild and crazy idea."


Bert stopped walking and leveled me with a serious look. "Why don't you talk to her?"

I arched an eyebrow.

"You know: you sit down, she sits down, you guys open your mouths and little words come out."

I rolled my eyes at his condescension. "Didn't we have this conversation already?"

"Then you apparently didn't learn the last time. Seriously, you've been tiptoeing around this whole 'Sasha's feelings for me' thing for a while now. We both know she likes you, she admits to ME that she likes you, but everyone within a hundred mile radius knows that you don't want any serious relationships right now. And yet you went ahead and boinked her for Adrienne's sex tape. And now you've let her move into your house. And yet you're worried about hurting her feelings. Seriously, shut the fuck up and go and TALK to her."

"You want me to shut the fuck up or to talk?"

Bert rolled his eyes. "If you can't figure that out, you deserve whatever clusterfuck this situation turns into."

I suppose if there had to be a silver lining in Kim's departure, it was that even on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays when Paige joined us, we still only had four people and finding a table at lunch wasn't as difficult. Really, that was the best silver lining I could come up with. Otherwise, I would much rather have had Kim still be with us.

Having lunch with my friends and seeing one face missing had started to become such a downer that I almost didn't want to meet with them for lunch, but I knew that would never happen. I still loved each time I got to see and catch up with Paige, and of course these were the best times to bond with Bert and Sasha as well. Besides, with Bert's admonition in my head, I knew this was the opportunity for me to stop and communicate with Sasha about the nature of our relationship.

Paige left us after lunch, needing to get across campus to her next class. Bert, Sasha, and I would then have some time to kill before Isakova's course, but Bert made up some excuse and then not-so-subtly walked away, leaving Sasha and me alone.

She noticed. "Something up?"

I nodded. "He'll meet us at class. Meantime, walk with me?" I crooked an elbow at her.

The gesture did much to put Sasha at ease, and she smiled as she looped her arm through mine. I patted it and led her out of the café, meandering along the walkways in the vague direction of class while taking a somewhat circuitous route to keep us in relative privacy.

"I wanted to talk about us," I began. "About your feelings for me and mine for you."

Sasha's eyebrows popped, and she immediately blushed while scrutinizing her every step. "I see."

I patted her arm and tugged gently on it. "Relax. I'm sorry if that came out ominously."

"It didn't. I mean, your tone wasn't. It's just that lately, every time one of us tries to talk about my feelings for you it always ends the same. You like me but you don't want to hurt me because you know I like you and if given a choice, I'd want to be with you even though I try to reassure you that I could keep things casual between us."

Her run-on sentence left me a lot to chew on, so I did. But after a moment I got it all and grinned while replying, "Yes. That."

She shrugged. "I get it. I do. I may not be thrilled with it, but I understand."

"That's just it. I've been doing some thinking, and if you're still interested, I'd like that to change."

Sasha arched an eyebrow at me. "Change ... how?"

"Well, the situation is different now. You've moved in, and before I go any further, I want to make perfectly clear that I didn't let you move in as a way to get into your panties."

Sasha giggled while shaking her head. "Don't worry. You already know you can get into my panties anytime you want, whether I'd moved in or not."

"I do, and that's kind of the point: I'm not being fair to you. Well, I've been trying to be fair to you, trying to not lead you on into thinking this might develop into a romantic relationship when I'm not at that point in my life. But in reality, I'm NOT being fair."

"You're not making sense," she replied with a smirk and a shake of her head.

"Sorry. I know what I want to say but putting it into words isn't the easiest thing."

Sasha glanced over and pointed across the lawn. Our pathway was about twenty feet away from an academic building, one that had a covered walkway running the length of it with concrete blocks for benches spaced between each concrete pillar that supported the floors above.

Taking her cue, I led Sasha across the grass and then scuffed my shoes against the concrete sidewalk to scrape off the odd clump of mud and moisture from my shoes. She did the same and then we settled onto the bench. I sat half-pivoted toward her while she sat completely on the bench with her knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. Since Sasha was still dressing to impress, having shed her frumpy image entirely, I was favored with the full beauty of her face with expertly-applied makeup and a nice blouse/jacket/jeans combo that while not revealing, was still quite appealing.

Her attractiveness made what I was about to say much easier. Letting my eyes check her out up and down, I shrugged and just went with it. "I want to have sex with you."

Sasha blinked twice in surprise, her arms tightening their grip around her knees and her head rocking back. "Excuse me?"

I chuckled. "Oh, so you DON'T want to have sex with me?"

"No, no, it's not that. I do, of course. I'm just surprised, that's all."

"I'm not being fair to you by keeping you away. Really, you're the ONLY one I've been keeping away."

"A fact that I've actually found to be kinda special. Oh, I'm horny as hell, but to be singled out like that by the great Big Ben makes me believe you care."

"I DO care. And that's why I'm going to give you the choice. If it were solely up to me, I'd let you ... uh..."

"Join your harem?"

"I wasn't going to say it like that."

"But it does seem rather accurate, doesn't it?"

I sighed. "The reality is, you're a VERY attractive young woman and I've very much enjoyed the times we've hooked up. I think we've got great chemistry and we work pretty well together in the sack."

"A-MAZ-ing," she replied with a smile. "Better than I ever could have imagined."

I raised my eyebrows. "Not that you have a whole lot of experience to compare to."

She shrugged. "Not interested. Have had some chances. Certainly, I get hit on a lot more ever since I stopped dressing down. And I get propositioned a lot more at the club. Even some of the regulars have said I seem a lot more ... friendly ... lately."

"Hey, don't let me hold you back from going out there and--"

"NOT. Interested," she cut me off. "I only want you."

"Even if you're not MY only one? We've talked about this before. You said quite plainly that if you were my girlfriend, you didn't think you'd be able to handle me screwing all these other girls."

"But I'm not your girlfriend. I claim no rights over you. You're a single guy with no commitments, and if you and other mature adults of sound mind want to bump uglies for mutual satisfaction, then by all means go on right ahead. You don't have to explain yourself to me."

"But you still want in?"

Sasha's eyes glittered. "I thought I made my position clear on that a long time ago..."

"You did. But I was turning you down up until now. Not anymore."

"Then I want in."

I smiled. "Okay then."

Sasha grinned, and then reached out to touch my hand. She looked thoughtful for a moment, but then took a deep breath and sighed. "I probably shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but what changed your mind?"

"Bert, actually."

Sasha looked surprised. "Bert told you to have sex with me?"

I laughed and shook my head. "No, no. Bert just told me I had to stop dancing around my feelings for you and sit down to really TALK to you. But when I got to thinking about what I would talk to you about, I realized just how unfair I was being with you ... singling you out as the one woman I wouldn't sleep with."

"You had your reasons, reasons that still exist, I would think. I DO still really like you."

"But I think you understand that I'm not entering into any relationships right now, with you or anyone else."

"I do. I think your heart has been broken enough times in the last few weeks for you to deserve a break."

"Then there's really no reason for me to keep you at bay anymore. It's not fair for me to hook up with the Tri-Delts and not with you, if that's what you still want. I'm attracted to you, you're attracted to me, and we're both mature adults of sound mind. I was careful to say before that I don't want to date, and I don't want to 'make love' ... I said I want to have sex with you. And if you feel the same way ... then hey, why not?"

A warmth spread across Sasha's brown eyes. "What, here? Now? We could find a quiet alcove and I'd unzip you and--"

"No, no, no..." I laughed, holding my hands up in protest.

"You're right. Out in the open like this, at best we'd only get away with something quick and dirty. I might actually like something like that someday, but not today.

I blinked in surprise. A year ago, this girl covered up all of her assets and did her level-best to be as unattractive as possible in public. Now she was cracking jokes about having sex outside a classroom in full view of the walkway. This girl continued to amaze me.

And she had one more surprise in store. "Hey, I know a quiet spot," Sasha said, taking my hand and sliding off the bench. "Follow me."

"Holy shit, Sasha!" I whispered harshly while she dropped to her knees and began fiddling with my zipper. "When you said 'quiet spot' I thought you meant somewhere isolated. We're in the middle of a fucking library."

"Then you'd better keep quiet," she grinned, pulling out my cock. Nervous about being exposed, I was only half-hard despite the prospect of a hot babe blowing me. But Sasha sucked my prick inside and her warm, wet mouth went work on my sensitive nerves. And no matter where we were or what our chances were of getting caught, my penis started to thicken.

I would have felt more at ease if we'd actually reserved this study room in the Main Stacks. These rooms were in high demand, and although Sasha had managed to find an unoccupied one and then hung her jacket over the single small window in the door, chances were that some poor freshman who'd made a reservation and procured the appropriate key from the front desk would walk in on us at any moment.

But I wasn't going to stop her, not after turning her away for so long already. For weeks now, the exotically beautiful brunette had made it perfectly clear that she wanted nothing more than to fuck the shit out of me, and making that sex tape with Adrienne had only fueled her lust, not sated it.

Case in point: once she had me hard, Sasha didn't waste any more time before getting me inside her. I'd been leaning back against the single large table in the middle of the study room, but now she pushed me onto it so that my feet dangled in the air. Then, she kicked off her shoes and began wriggling her hips side-to-side while dragging her rather tight jeans down her legs, a motion that set her tits wobbling quite nicely as she bent forward and gave me a perfect view down the front of her blouse. Moments later, she was naked from the waist down, and once her jeans and panties were out of the way, the busty babe climbed onto the table with a knee to either side of me while pressing me flat on my back.

Okay, so it took a little bit of time to get me inside her, but neither of us would have considered it a waste. After the back of my head banged down onto the table top, she bent over me and darted her tongue into my mouth. I inhaled Sasha's spicy-sweet scent as our mouths dueled, but at the same time, her hand went between our bodies to hold my dick in its fully upright and locked position. And without further delay she sank her sopping wet cunt upon me.

We were quiet ... mostly. Our mouths stayed more or less stuck together, sealing our moans of pleasure and grunts of exertion within. But Sasha was a girl on fire, and even if she was controlling her vocal cries, she wasn't doing anything to control our other sexual noises.

She reached past my head and grabbed onto the edge of the tabletop, using it as a handhold to buck her body back and forth on top of my prick. Sometimes she pulled hard enough to tilt the entire table and gain a quarter-inch or so of airborn clearance, which made quite the loud banging sound against the floor when the table landed. Then there was the aggressiveness of her hip thrusts, causing her knees to lose contact with the table top every so often, and of course her knees added to the cacophony as gravity pulled them back down for each impact. I'm not sure what someone outside would make of the sounds. Perhaps they might think whoever was inside the study room was merely shifting around the furniture. Then again, they might wonder why the banging sounds occurred at semi-rhythmic intervals, and why the noises continued on for a good ten minutes.

It took those ten minutes for Sasha to extract an orgasm out of me, and in the meantime she rode herself to three of her own. I know Sasha made a lot of bones about how nobody had ever made her feel the way I did, and how none of her admittedly few lovers could measure up to me. I'd always taken her praise with a grain of salt; after all, I was only the second guy she'd ever been with. But even so I prided myself on meeting Sasha's lofty expectations of my performance as a lover.

Thing is, I didn't do a DAMN thing for those ten minutes but lay there and let her use me. I suppose there's something to be said about being able to endure a violent fucking like that without losing my nut any earlier than ten minutes; not many men would have been able to do it. Sasha was a demon possessed, humping me with raw abandon as if she could make up for lost time, as if she could shed all of her horniness since the end of last semester in this single, glorious library fuck. Her cunt muscles gripped me tightly, stroking my shaft in ways that simply cannot be replicated except by a wickedly aroused female doing her best dive bar bucking bronco impression. I never even got her top off, my hands permanently attached to her hips just to try and hold on for the ride.

In the end, Sasha either forgot or didn't care that we were in the middle of a library. As her third orgasm washed over her, she pulled her mouth free of mine and screamed out at the top of her lungs, "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!"

I could only imagine what any students outside would make of that. But at the moment, I didn't much care because her vibrating inner muscles had finally milked my load out of my balls. With my feet dangling off the edge of the table, I had absolutely no leverage. Still, my ab muscles clenched as I tried to thrust up into Sasha's pussy and get as deep in her as humanly possible. And like a fire hydrant busted open, my cock suddenly erupted gouts of scalding jism up into her quivering body as my groan of ecstasy joined hers.

In retrospect, I suppose it was a good thing Sasha and I had been making such a racket. You see, there WAS some poor freshman girl outside, along with her entire project team. They had the room reserved for their team meeting, and if we'd managed to remain completely quiet, they would have used their key and walked right in on us. But with the rather obvious grunts, whimpers, and rhythmic banging noise of the table leaking through the door, the poor froshlings had remained right outside, looking at each other and wondering what the hell they were supposed to do.

As it was, Sasha and I had time to finish up and button our jeans back on. We also spent another couple of minutes locked into a heady kiss that once again took our breaths away. And after checking each other to make sure we were presentable, Sasha took her jacket off the door and peeked outside to see if the coast was clear for a clandestine escape.

The coast was NOT clear. That freshman girl was only two feet away, key in hand. Things had gone quiet enough in the room for her to dare think about opening Pandora's box, but she'd been surprised by the sudden illumination coming from within when Sasha removed her jacket from the small window.

"Shit," Sasha muttered, her gaze still out the window.

"What's wrong?" I asked, not yet knowing about the freshmen outside.

"We've got company."


Sasha shook her head and smirked. "Little kids. Could be freshmen."

I chuckled, and for some reason thought back to the way I'd handled things with Adrienne in the Tri-Delt house. What, like we had anything to be embarrassed about? Best strategy in a situation like this: Step up and own it. No, Sasha and I weren't going to waltz through the library naked and sweaty, but I wasn't going to blush and look ashamed for what I'd done. Taking Sasha's hand, I simply grinned and popped open the door. And without a second glance, I led my freshly-fucked babe down the hall and over to the elevators, ignoring the inquisitive looks coming our way.

Let the freshmen figure out how to deal with the puddle of leaked cum on the table.

So it became official. Tonya, Lakhi, and Misa had warned their sorority sisters about my new roommate, and Andie, Jamie, and Whitney arrived at the house Monday afternoon expecting Sasha to join us.

Well, not join us. The girls and Sasha had crossed paths and even made acquaintance a few times since they'd started coming over in trios every night. But being acquaintances and acknowledging how intimate I was with the other party was one thing; joining in was something else. And at the end of the night, Sasha pecked my cheek and went into her own bedroom.

So no, I didn't go to sleep with four women in my bed.

Well ... not yet...

"Friday ... Friday..." Bert practically sang as he more or less skipped down the sidewalk.

Sasha and I exchanged glances before cracking into big smiles. The three of us were on our way home after Isakova's Friday afternoon class, and after a busy school week, we were all looking forward to the weekend.

"He certainly seems cheery today..." Sasha drawled.

"He's about to drive over to Lynne's. Boy hasn't gotten laid all week and he's excited to see his girlfriend."

Sasha snorted.

"You know it," Bert replied with a wide grin, and then continued in his sing-song, "Friday ... Friday..."

"Dude, quit it," I snarked, but with a smile. "You've got two single people walking alongside you and it's not polite to rub your happy relationship in our noses."

"Yeah, whatever, Mr. I've-got-two-dozen-hot-sorority-babes-more-or-less-living-under-my-roof-so-I-can-bang-them-at-my-leisure." Bert shook his head. "Yeah ... Not feeling sorry for you."

"There aren't two dozen of them."

"Whatever. There are a bunch of them rotating through that house. Are we really debating the math here?"

"And what, you really think I wouldn't trade them all to have DJ back? Or Kim?"

"Would you? Really?"

I sighed and shot Bert a look. "Fine. I'll trade places with you right here, right now. You go into my house on a Friday night and see if there are any girls that want to use you for sex while I go off to Stanford and spend the weekend with Lynne. Deal?"

"Heyyyllll, no," Bert replied immediately with a grin, but then his expression softened as the serious implications sunk in. "Huh, I would have thought that offer would be more tempting. But you're right: one Lynne outweighs them all."

I shrugged. "I'm not being fair to the Tri-Delts. They're wonderful girls, each of them, but--"

"But what I have with Lynne is really special," Bert confirmed, smiling happily. "I wouldn't give her up for every sorority babe in the whole city! Friday, Friday..."

I chuckled in amusement at Bert and then looked over at Sasha and found that she was giving me a strange look. "What?"

She shrugged. "Are you seriously unhappy with how things have turned out? Every night you have a house filled with girls who want to share physical pleasure with you."

"And no one person who sticks around to really share my life with," I sighed. "The sex is great, obviously. But the Tri-Delts rotate in and out whenever is convenient for them. Oh, there's always someone in the house, but it's always a different girl and never someone really ... constant ... You know?"

Sasha's eyebrows went up. "Well ... I'm a constant. I live right across the hallway."

I gave her a look, and she blushed while averting her eyes.

"Right, right..." she mumbled before adding wistfully. "Just friends."

I sighed. "I'm sorry. I guess it's not fair to complain to you about this sort of thing."

"I don't mind. I get it."

"It's just ... I KNOW I shouldn't get into any serious relationships right now. Not for the sake of being single, but because I need some time to get my head straight. Still, I miss the closeness of having a partner. I miss being able to just sit down and share my day with someone."

Sasha frowned. "You share your day with everyone. I've heard the girls asking how things are going on in your life, and I ask the same. So maybe you need to repeat the same story an extra time or two, but isn't it nice to have more than one person around who cares?"

"Nice, sure, I guess," I conceded. "But sometimes it's hard trying to remember that Jocelyn doesn't know what I told Andie yesterday, and that leads to confusion and I have to re-explain and it all just gets so complicated it doesn't feel worth it. It's not consistent. There's no one dependable. Take this Friday night: I know you have work, and I know Bert's driving off to see Lynne. But me? I have no clue what I'm going to do tonight."

Bert commented dryly, "I'm sure you'll be suitably entertained."

"Will I? For all I know, each and every one of those Tri-Delts has made Friday night plans for herself."

"And some of them will have planned for you," Sasha assured me. "I've talked to those girls enough to know they've assigned someone to you every night."

"Which ones? It'd sure be nice to know."

"You could always ask for their schedule."

"They don't have a schedule per se. 'Leeches all the spontaneity out of it, ' Jocelyn said. From what I gather, the girls self-organize only a day or two in advance. For all I know they have some email distribution list to call dibs."

"Ooh, I want that list," Bert cut in. "Not because I want dibs or anything on you, bro. But I think it would make for entertaining reading."

I rolled my eyes. "Is it really so bad that I wish I could have someone consistent in my life? Someone I could count on to be around?"

Bert frowned. "We've talked about your co-dependency, and it's the very reason you keep telling us that you shouldn't get into a serious relationship. I know you miss DJ, and you miss Kim, and you miss the companionship they brought to your life. But you can't just settle down with someone for the sake of not being lonely."

"I know, I know. I'm not saying that I can't function in life without a girlfriend. If anything ... I ... Well, shit ... Bert, you're my buddy, alright? We're friends, and we've been friends ever since we met at the beginning of freshman year. But the fact is: you weren't my best friend. That was Dawn. Even putting aside us being boyfriend/girlfriend last year, Dawn and I were best friends for three years. Day in, day out. Walk to class, do homework, watch TV, and talk about whatever popped into our heads. Hell, even though she was with Ryan and I was with Adrienne, I STILL spent more time with her than anyone else. But now that she's gone ... I don't ... I don't have..."

"Someone 'constant'," Sasha said quietly.

I sighed. "It's not that I'm lonely. I've got people around me all the time. And I'm sure that if the rest of my college career continued on exactly as it has been this last week, I would graduate well-fucked and satisfied with my existence. It's just ... maybe because this thing with the Tri-Delts is so casual ... sex without intimacy ... You know what, I'm rambling. Forget I said anything. I'm living an awesome life that a million guys would sell their mothers to trade places with me. I'm happy. I'm happy."

Bert and Sasha exchanged significant glances that told me how little they believed my statement about being "happy". Taking a deep breath, Bert was the first to stop walking and give me a serious look. "Hey man, if you want, I can always visit Lynne a little later. I mean, traffic at this hour is going to be murder anyway. Besides, we're way behind on our video gaming."

I was already chuckling and waving him off. "Thanks for the offer, but no. I didn't say all that just to guilt you into spending more time with me. You go see Lynne."

"But you're not happy, are you?" Bert looked at me with concern.

"Forget I said anything. Just a momentary blip of emotions. I'm bound to have a few after what I've been through with DJ and Kim. Besides, I don't want to take you away from Lynne last second like this. Dude, you've been singing 'Friday' for the last fifteen minutes it seems like. C'mon, let's get you to your car." I started our group walking again.

"But really, I haven't been a very good friend," Bert apologized. "We should meet up more often, get in a few games or just have lunch, you know?"

I smiled and nodded. "That would be great."

"Aww, aren't you two the cutest couple," Sasha drawled.

Bert and I both shot daggers at her while she giggled cutely and covered her mouth. But when she got her giggle-fit under control, Sasha touched my arm and nodded.

"Me, too," Sasha began. "I'm ... I'm not entirely sure how to fit into your life. I mean, we're roommates now, and there are a lot of opportunities for us to hang out. But you're also very standoff-ish sometimes with me, and I know it's because I sometimes come across like I'm trying to win you as a boyfriend. So I've tried to step away from your life a bit, in part to let you enjoy your time with the Tri-Delts. But maybe I've pulled a little too far out of your life this last week. Look, I know I'll never replace Dawn, and I'm not trying to become your best friend or anything. But I do want to be your friend, and as long as we can keep from falling into the relationship trap, I'd love to spend more time with you. As a friend, nothing more. Then at least you'd have ONE constant in your life you could share your day with. Huh?"

There was an honest sincerity in her voice that touched me. I smiled and immediately reached an arm around Sasha's shoulder. "Thanks ... I'd like that."

She nodded. "Just friends. No pressure. No more wistful looks daydreaming about being your boyfriend."

I chuckled and shrugged. "If you can. If not, at least I can appreciate the intent."

She beamed and squeezed me tightly with both arms.

Bert whined, "Hey, where's MY hug?"

Bert and Sasha were now gone, and I was all alone as I made the final turn toward the house. But I wasn't worried about being alone for too long. Idly, I wondered what trio of sorority babes would show up that evening to entertain me.

Throughout the week, exactly three Tri-Delts had come to the house: no more, no less. They arrived before dinner, either cooked for me or assisted me in the kitchen, and then stayed through the following morning's breakfast. So far, the three had been culled from a rotating list of eight girls (not quite the two dozen Bert had claimed): Andie, Jamie, Jocelyn, Lakhi, Lupe, Misa, Tonya, and Whitney. No one girl showed up more than two days in a row, and there were never the same exact three as the day before. I didn't know for a fact that these were requirements of their rotation, but they appeared to be reasonable deductions.

Still, over the seven evenings since that first Friday night "date", I had started to figure out a kind of pattern to their arrivals. Andie and Jamie had seemed the most attached, spending as much time as possible with me during their two-day stretches and then returning immediately after their required day off. Others like Lupe, Tonya, and Misa were more casual, coming by to get their pleasure when convenient but apparently not pushy about taking an available slot. Consequently, since Andie had spent the past two nights with me she would probably be forbidden from returning for a third. On the other hand, Jamie's "off" night had been Wednesday, which meant that she'd returned last night and would probably come back again. As for the others, if form held, I figured I'd be seeing some two-girl combination of Whitney, Tonya, and Jocelyn. Then again, perhaps Lupe might actually want to go back-to-back.

Of course, I was counting my chickens before they hatched. I had made clear from the beginning that there were no obligations on either side, and while I rather doubted I would be kicking any of those hot young co-eds out of my bed anytime soon, I still had to consider the possibility that the Tri-Delts had enjoyed a wild week and that they would go back to their normal lives without me.

Turned out, I was exactly wrong.

I first realized something was up when the door was unlocked. The knob twisted in my hand and the door cracked open before I could insert the key, and while it was distinctly possible that Sasha had come home before leaving and forgotten to lock up, it seemed a little unlikely.

The second thing I realized was that there was a letter-sized sign framed and mounted to the front door right at eye-level. I hadn't noticed it initially since I'd been so focused on the lock, but now as I stood up and read the computer-printed notice, I felt my heartbeat speeding up.

ATTENTION! This house has been designated "Tri-Delt West". All sisters of the Delta Delta Delta Sorority that pass beyond this point are subject to seizure and insemination by Sorority Cock Ben. Strict laws will be enforced by the Sorority. Enter at your own risk.

Peyton Kent, President, Pi Chapter, Delta Delta Delta

The Three Deltas logo had been stamped in red just below Peyton's printed name and signature. And below that was some fine print that I didn't scrutinize immediately.

I stood there, gawking at the sign, for several seconds. I then heard footsteps approaching the door from inside, and presently the door swung open. Andie Holland smiled at me radiantly before leaning against the doorjamb and folding her arms across her chest. "Welcome to Tri-Delt West."

I arched an eyebrow. "Tri-Delt West?"

Andie shrugged. "We're three or four blocks due west of the House; Lakhi picked the name. Technically, we have to annex your place in order to enforce our laws here. I hope you don't mind."

"Enforce your laws?"

"Oh, don't worry. They don't apply to you or Sasha, just us. And believe me, I think you'll appreciate having that enforcement."

I sighed, "Andie, didn't we agree about obligation between you girls and me?"

"Oh, we're not changing that agreement. No girl is under any pressure – peer or otherwise – to walk through this door. And within this house, you have every right to turn us down. This here is a Formal Charter." Andie tapped the sign. "It sets the boundaries. Inside this threshold, you can grab any one of us and do whatever the hell you want to us. Well, not anything, but 'seizure and insemination' pretty much covers everything we'd want you to do." Andie giggled excitedly.

My jaw was on the floor. Whitney Arvidsson and Lakhi Sharma now approached down the hallway, both of them wearing wide smirks on their faces as they stepped alongside Andie.

I blinked rapidly for a couple of seconds. And then taking a deep breath, I ventured, "So at my slightest whim, I can grab any Tri-Delt who happens to be within these walls at any time for any reason and fuck the shit out of her?"

Whitney and Lakhi grinned and actually thrust their cleavage at me. Andie raised her hands, cheering, "Yes! He CAN be taught!"

I was going to need a lot of water.

Despite how gloriously awesome the situation appeared to be, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was too good to be true. I actually hesitated to enter my own house, fearing that the bottom was going to drop out of this little male fantasy at any moment, but Andie took my hands and managed to coax me inside.

Letting her lead me, I quickly realized that there were more than three Tri-Delts here ... lots more. Jamie Miano met us at the archway to the living room, and after turning the corner, I saw that Madison Keynes, Misa Ng, and Nora Cavaday were sitting on the couches alongside two girls I didn't even recognize. Noises came out from the kitchen, and peeking inside I saw that Jocelyn Canilao was preparing some sort of dish on the counter.

"Jo-oss..." Andie called in a sing-song tone as we walked in, stretching the nickname into two syllables.

Jocelyn picked her head up and smiled at me. She quickly rinsed off her hands and then wiped them on a pink hand towel that hadn't been in my kitchen before. "Hi, Ben," she greeted perkily.

"Uh, there are a lot more than three girls here right now," I intoned.

The pretty Filipina babe smirked and glanced around. "Uh, change in plans."

I did the math in my head and sighed. "You girls may sometimes think of me as a sex god, but ten girls? And please tell me Lupe and Tonya aren't in the back somewhere as well."

"Relax. We're not all going to jump you ... Well, not all at once..." Jocelyn giggled before muttering half beneath her breath, "Not today..."

I sighed wearily.

"We were trying to come up with some sort of scheduled rotation that would please everybody, but it wasn't working," she explained. "Everyone is okay with taking turns from a sex standpoint, but some girls wanted to hang out with their friends, too. Having one friend here and another back at the Sorority House wouldn't work, but we couldn't make the schedule keep friends together all the time, either. So in the end, we decided on this."

"Annexing my house?"

"You make it sound like a hostile takeover."

"That hand towel in there isn't mine." I glanced around the living room, adding, "And a single hand towel isn't the only cosmetic addition to my house."

"We brought over a couple of things with us," Jocelyn hedged. "You really didn't have enough hand towels in this place ... And a girl can never have too much lotion ... And Lakhi noticed you didn't have enough flatware to cover..."

She trailed off beneath my withering glare.

Jocelyn took a deep breath and re-focused. "It made more sense for us to hang out here, at your place. That way none of the girls has to miss out on being with her friends, and the three girls whose turn it is to stay here overnight are conveniently around. It's just you and Sasha here, and we've talked about how your friends don't use this as a clique hangout anymore. Your place is available."

"That doesn't mean you girls can just move in. I'm liable to kick you all out just on principle."

"Please don't." Jocelyn pouted. "Ignore the annexing stuff. That has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the Sorority. Really, it's just a means to an end, and that end is for your benefit. Everybody wins this way: we girls can hang out with our friends, you can pick from any of us at any time, and we all have some good, clean fun."

"I like my fun a little dirty," Jamie volunteered. Jocelyn shot her a harsh look for interrupting.

I took a deep breath and looked around at the ten females now surrounding me. "On the surface, this seems like a dream situation for me, I know that. But there are a lot of things to consider. You say I can pick from any of you, but it seems inevitable that some girls aren't going to get as much attention as they want and people are going to get jealous."

"Not with other sisters, not over you. You're in the Tri-Delt bylaws. Annexing, remember?"

"You can't regulate someone's feelings."

"Then we'll deal with those as things come up, cooperatively," Jocelyn assured me. "We communicate with each other. It's part of the sisterhood."

I nodded at that, thinking of my communication problems with ... well... every girl I'd ever been with. It would have been nice to have some higher power enforcing a law on me and my girlfriends to talk to each other, but even still, 100% communication was impossible and it was inevitable that somebody would end up getting hurt. That train of thought reminded me of Bert, and reminded me of Bert's assessment regarding the girls' relationship statuses.

"Oh, and another thing," I said. "I appreciate that what we do together is pretty casual, but I really don't want to get in the middle of any more relationships. I'm guessing that some of you have to have boyfriends."

The girls looked at each other, a couple of them frowning. I saw the look on Whitney's face and gave her a stern look. "Sweetie ... You should have told me."

Pouting, Whitney stamped her foot and said, "But I don't wanna be left out! You're too GOOD!"

I shook my head. "You're free to hang out here, but I don't want to be 'the other man'. Not anymore."

Whitney moped and leaned against Lakhi, who hugged her.

I turned around, looking at all of them. "Same goes for everyone else. You're all welcome to hang out here, but no more cheating. I won't be that guy, okay?"

"What if they give us their permission?" Jamie hedged.

I raised my eyebrows to the busty Italian babe. "You too?"

She smiled and shook her head. "No, I'm single. Just wondering."

I grimaced and rubbed my forehead, looking over at Jocelyn. "See what I mean? This shit gets complicated."

Jocelyn stepped forward, rubbing my forearm before reaching up and touching my cheek. "I know, but it's what we all want. Really, knowing that you care about our well-being makes us like you even more, and makes this arrangement even better. We'll work things out. In the meantime, you get more pussy than even you can handle, we get fabulously laid without dating hassles, and everybody wins."

The girls all nodded. I took a deep breath and nodded as well. Despite my misgivings, this really WAS a tempting concept.

Really, it was TOO tempting. For however much maturing I'd like to think I'd done over the past couple of years, I'm still a sexual creature. And the notion of having a harem of 10+ girls quite literally hanging around my house like a free-for-all buffet was just too good to pass up. I smiled at Jocelyn and told her, "Okay, fine. I'm in."

Ten girls threw their hands into the air and screamed, "WOO!!!"

"Just one thing," I began in a serious tone, raising a finger and waggling it at Jocelyn. Grinning wickedly, I growled, "You shouldn't have claimed to have more pussy than even I could handle."

"Oh! Fuck! Harder! You! Fucking! Bhenchod! AAAAUUUGH!!!"

This wasn't the first time Lakhi had called me a "bhenchod". I still didn't know what it meant, though I figured it was a Hindi curse word. When I googled it later on, I had to laugh. If only Lakhi knew how right she was.

At the time she said it, though, I was a little more preoccupied with Lakhi's orgasm. We were fucking doggy-style on my bed, my hands cupping the petite Indian girl's big swaying D-cup tits and using them as handholds to yank her back against my thrusting rod. Up until a minute ago, she'd been slurping out my last creampie from Andie's cunt; but Andie herself had already endured over a dozen orgasms tonight, and once all my creamy jism had been sucked out, the bottle-blonde babe had pushed Lakhi's head away and curled into a fetal position on her side while whimpering pathetically.

Madison Keynes, the leggy brunette with the high fashion model's body, was still passed out on the floor. Someone had covered her naked body with a blanket for now, although I figured she'd wake up pretty soon.

The other girls I'd fucked tonight had all woken up by now. There were actually only six of them in all. Of the ten Tri-Delts who had been in my house this evening, eight were girls I'd been with before. Leticia Canas and Jeannie Patitta were both pretty girls, and had entered the house with full knowledge of the sign on the door and all that the notice entailed; but I wasn't interested in "seizing and inseminating" two girls I barely knew, not when there were eight other sorority girls I had already broken the ice with.

Of the eight, two of them had boyfriends: Whitney and Jocelyn. I'd immediately gotten on Jocelyn's case about crashing my first "date" with Jamie and sleeping with me while she was dating another guy, and the Filipina girl had protested that the boyfriend wasn't serious and that they both screwed around. But that wasn't good enough for me, and after a short argument, she left the house entirely. Jocelyn's departure cast a pall over the room, and suddenly I didn't feel in the mood anymore.

Whitney, on the other hand, stuck around while the remaining six girls did their best to fix my mood. Once the Tri-Delts successfully cheered me up (Seriously, you try and stay mad when six hot coeds start rubbing their scantily-clad bodies up against you), I found myself in a hot three-way kiss with Jamie and Lakhi while skinny little Misa Ng jerked my shorts down and reminded me that she remembered the lessons she'd learned at last year's blowjob class. Five minutes later, I was porking Jamie from behind while she knelt facing away from me on the couch, in full view of eight other sorority sisters. Lakhi, Misa, and Madison were quick to line up next to her with their panties around their knees, and I played Russian roulette with the four Tri-Delts until Misa's exquisitely tight cunt drew my load out of me.

Andie went after the creampie while Whitney decided to teach Nora and Lakhi the lessons they'd missed by not participating in the blowjob class. I still warned Whitney that she and I couldn't touch each other, and she glumly accepted my rules, but that didn't mean she couldn't play around with her sisters. Once I got my second erection, she suggested that we go upstairs and double-team Nora for old times' sake. So together, Whitney and I made the lissome brunette English rose see God before her eyes rolled up into her head and she blacked out.

And hey, even though I wouldn't allow myself to actually touch Whitney, I really couldn't stop the Nordic blonde from sucking my sperm out from Nora's sodden cunt.

I returned downstairs to find that the girls had started dinner, or at least, some of them had. Jamie and Andie were sixty-nining on a couch while Leticia and Jeannie sat on the opposite couch, masturbating excitedly. Leticia was a busty light-skinned Latina with almost neon dyed-red hair who had her shirt pulled up over her big melons, while Jeannie was one of those petite Asian cuties that turn me on so much. I resolved to get to know them both better, so that perhaps some time in the future when I found them inside the walls of Tri-Delt West, I wouldn't hesitate to seize and inseminate them.

Nora and Whitney re-joined us, both girls wearing "just-fucked" expressions on their faces, and Madison, Misa, and Lakhi finished preparing dinner shortly after. We all sat down to a group meal around the dining table. Dinner wasn't formal dress, or even casual dress; it was clothing optional. Most of the girls at least wore something, although Jamie decided to go topless and let her big jugs hang all out. Whitney technically wore her blouse, but it was unbuttoned from throat to tails and her nipples weren't doing a very good job of remaining out of sight.

And then there was Andie, who remained buck naked and decided to spend dinnertime sitting in my lap. Technically she had a reason, since with ten people in the house we were two chairs short. Still, with two couches nearby, not to mention plenty of chairs that could be stolen from the bedrooms, Andie didn't NEED to stay on my lap, spoonfeed me, and rub her ass against my crotch until I inevitably worked up another erection. She didn't NEED to then sit down on my cock and hump herself to an orgasm right there at the dining table while the other eight girls watched.

But of course, she did.

It was only the first night of "Tri-Delt West", and if things were this crazy now, I could only imagine how much worse it might become in time.

After dinner, some of the girls began taking dishes into the kitchen to clean up while others moved to the couches to socialize. I didn't shoot off during dinner, even though Andie's wriggling ass certainly invited such a result. Instead, I retired to my bedroom with an open invitation to whoever wanted to join me.

Only four of them actually came along: Andie, Jamie, Lakhi, and Madison. We daisy-chained for a bit, with Lakhi riding me reverse-cowgirl while I sat in an armchair, Madison kneeling between our legs eating her out, and Andie lying on the floor eating her out. At first, Jamie knelt beside us sucking at Lakhi's big hooters, but then she squatted over my face and rode my tongue to orgasm before everyone got up and switched places.

I made Andie pass out first, and then Jamie. The busty Italian babe was already unconscious by the time I pulled my cock out and hosed down her big D-cup titties with my third load of the evening. Lakhi worked me up to a renewed erection while Madison cleaned off Jamie's tits with her tongue, and then the three of us screwed pleasantly on and around the sitting area chairs until Madison got knocked out on the floor where she currently remained.

Jamie had woken up while Madison gave her the tongue bath, but she'd been too wiped out to re-join us. After Madison shrieked and went silent, Jamie gathered her clothes together and took her leave. I smirked watching her walk a little stiffly out the door.

That left me alone with just Andie and Lakhi, and I flopped onto my back to recover some energy while the girls took turns riding my cock and my tongue, swapping places every few minutes. Finally, I blew my fourth load into Andie, and the pretty bottle-blonde babe rolled off me and lay sprawled with arms askew across my bedsheets, completely and thoroughly sexually satisfied.

I thought we were done then. While not the most I'd ever done, four ejaculations was a pretty good evening for me, not to mention sating six horny co-eds, seven if you counted Whitney. But Lakhi had other plans as she took my limp dick into her mouth, sucking slowly before picking her head up and crooning, "You have to fuck my tight asshole. You haven't done it to me since that first Halloween party so long ago. Pretty, pretty please? With a cherry on top?"

So Lakhi got me hard again. She bent over doggy-style while slurping my previous load out of Andie. And with enough lube, I eased my way up the Indian babe's narrow anal chute.

Five minutes later, Lakhi was calling me a bhenchod as I plowed my way in and out of her bowels. Howling at the top of her lungs, "FUCKING FUCK MY TIGHT ASSHOLE!!!" I was sure that everyone in the house knew exactly what was going on in my bedroom. We'd been fucking for hours, but the compact young woman was bouncing her body beneath me like a bucking bronco, taking my strength to the edge of my ability to restrain her.

She screamed loud enough that Madison woke up and poked her head above the mattress to see what was going on. I was getting pretty tired by this point, and it was getting harder to hold Lakhi down. So releasing her right breast from my palm, I tickled my fingers down her ribcage until she spasmed involuntarily, briefly losing her purchase on the mattress. Taking advantage of her momentary unbalance, I pulled out Lakhi's right thigh and pushed down on her lower back with my left hand, collapsing the much smaller girl flat on her belly where I could use my greater weight to pin her down.

And once I'd regained dominant leverage, I fucked the shit out of her.

"FUUUUUCK!" Lakhi shrieked as I drilled into her asshole at almost a completely vertical angle. "FUUUUUCK!"

Since I braced my left forearm against the back of her shoulders, Lakhi was pressed against the mattress from head to toe with her arms splayed out to the sides and her fingers bunching up the sheets as I pounded her rectum faster and faster. She twitched and writhed, unable to finger herself or touch herself or even really move for that matter. I just did whatever I wanted to do to her body with what little energy I had left. And as my right hand instinctively triggered the Indian girl's pleasure points, I set her off into a monster orgasm that made her entire body vibrate as if she were having an epileptic seizure.


Lakhi's scream didn't cut off abruptly or anything. It simply faded with the same decrimental slope as the slow relaxation from her final orgasmic clench. Unfortunately for me, she passed out just before I had my final ejaculation. So feeling a strange sense of déjà vu, I found myself giving her unconscious body three more thrusts through her now loosened asshole before stopping at full depth within her bowels, blasting my final load of the night into her unresisting rectum.

I jerked and spewed for a good thirty seconds before my batteries ran dry. Groaning, I let my body collapse across Lakhi's naked back for just a moment before rolling off and feeling my cock slip free of her distended anus. And then I lay on my back beside her, gasping for oxygen and feeling a mix of bone weariness and triumphant satisfaction.

Andie quietly slipped her hand into mine. When she squeezed my fingers, I caught my breath and flipped my head around to look at her. She gave me a warm, though weary, smile and said, "I should get you cleaned up."

"You don't have to."

"You know I want to."

Smirking, I took a deep breath and nodded. Still, it took me another thirty seconds before I had enough energy to sit up. But once I did, Andie led me by the hand out of my bedroom and into the bathroom.

Andie adjusted the shower for us while I leaned against the wall just trying to remain standing. Only now did my legs start to feel shaky from being ridiculously overtaxed for the past few hours. I couldn't remember the last time I'd fucked six girls in one evening, reasoning that it had to have been Carli's blowjob party. Then again, if memory served, I'd only fucked five girls at the BJ party, which meant that the last time I'd nailed six would have been ... that first Pledge Initiation.

Of course it had to have been another Tri-Delt event.

The point is: I'd been taken to my limits tonight. But my male ego took pride in the fact that I was still standing, and no matter how sore I felt now, or would feel in the morning, I would continue to remain standing.

So when Andie stepped beneath the water's spray and reached a hand out to me, I simply went to her.

Thankfully, Andie meant what she said about getting me cleaned up. Acknowledging my weariness, she simply focused on soaping up my entire body and then rinsing me off. She didn't attempt to coax me into one more round, probably because she'd been completely satiated herself. When she was done, I brushed a water-darkened lock of hair out of her face and behind her ear, and then I gave the pretty girl a tender kiss of thanks.

When we eventually pulled apart, Andie turned off the water and pulled aside the curtain. When she did so, both she and I gasped in surprise to find that we weren't alone in the bathroom. Leaning against the door, wearing only her underwear and with her arms crossed beneath her breasts, was Jocelyn.

Smirking at me, she lifted her chin and explained, "I broke up with my boyfriend. I'm 100% single now."

"Ugh..." I groaned wearily, feeling my muscles individually contract as if grimacing in pain.

The perky Filipina babe giggled, and then arched an eyebrow at me while giving me an intense stare. "Or am I too much pussy for you to handle?"

We both already knew I wouldn't back down.

And that was just the first day.

Next chapter