
Bored ll

"Hey, everyone."

I looked up from my spot on the couch to see Angela Chan and Monique St. Claire walk in.

"Heyyy, Ben," Angela singled me out with a smile. "Good to see you again," she said suggestively.

I looked up again and nodded in greeting, feeling my face tense. Was she the second girl who had joined us? How was Angela at giving head? Was her pussy that tight?

"Heyyy, Ben," Monique added as she sashayed over to me, bending over and putting her hands on her knees while obviously thrusting her big tits forward and giving me a tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage. Yeah, her tits were plenty big enough to fit the profile of the first girl, too. She had an accent, but I'd only ever gotten erotic moans, not enough to identify if it was her or not.

"Feel like some company?" Monique asked sweetly. "Or do I need to bring a blindfold again?"

I coughed nervously and averted my eyes, tapping my book. "Statistics is giving me all the company I need right now."

The Junior-class girls giggled and then nodded to me before heading upstairs, no doubt to hang out with either Brandi or Dayna or both. I sighed and shook my head at the way things had turned out.

Ever since Adrienne had arranged that little blindfolded fuck with two other girls, seemingly every girl who visited the house made it a point to go out of their way and flirt with me. It had started with Kerri Trainor and Julie Carpenter, the hot redhead and pretty brunette visiting on Saturday to go out with my sister and Dayna. While they waited for their friends to come downstairs the two beautiful Juniors sat on either side of me on the couch, playing with my hair and making suggestive comments.

Right then and there, I decided that THEY were the two who had joined Adrienne and I. Kerri had the tit size and Julie's wide mouth seemed made for deep- throated blowjobs. My instincts seemed to agree.

But then they'd left and upon their return, Marian Liu and Tracy McMillan were with the group and THEY went out of their way to flirt and tease me. Tracy was even so bold as to grab my crotch, the busty blonde grinning knowingly at me as she caressed it quite familiarly. Were Tracy's tits the ones in my face? Was petite Marian the one with the skin-peelingly tight pussy?

Or maybe Erica Jackson and Ashley Tran?

Then there were Grace and Misty. Grace Choi I already knew had become a part-time lover of Adrienne's. From what my girlfriend told me, the Korean knockout considered herself mostly straight, but she broke up with her High School boyfriend and had not yet found anyone new at Berkeley. The girl was itching for cock and Adrienne had been dropping hints for a couple of weeks of setting up a threesome.

So my strongest guess to the identity of my mystery lover had been Grace. She certainly had the tits to fit the profile and a "motive" as it were. She also made the most logical sense as someone Adrienne could talk into doing something so crazy. But if Grace was the first girl, who was the second?

Then Adrienne brought Grace and Misty Madsen over to the house. Misty was another classmate and a 5'8" slender brunette with smoky-gray eyes, appropriate for her name. The pretty girl gave me a very obvious once over while pumping my hand. And there was a rich innuendo in the way she said, "So pleased to finally meet you". My heart raced with the possibilities, but would Adrienne really have brought me a complete and total stranger?

Even Brandi and Dayna got in on the act. I was pretty sure neither girl was one of my mystery girls. After all, I was pretty familiar with their bodies. But I didn't know if Dayna was capable of changing her way of kissing if she wanted to deliberately mislead me and her tits were certainly big enough to be appropriate for what I'd felt. And while I was sure I knew how my older sister's pussy felt, Brandi was both capable of deep-throating me and tight enough downstairs to fit the profile of the second girl.

And now with Angela and Monique making their suggestive comments, that brought the total to TWELVE different possible girls I had to guess from. And I didn't even know how many more might present themselves as possibilities; it had only been two days.

Monique's blindfold comment had been the final straw. It was the confirmation that someone had most definitely spread the story. And after Angela and Monique went upstairs, I turned and glared at Adrienne. "You set this up, didn't you?"

Adrienne just giggled.

Dawn was the only other person in the room. It was a Sunday afternoon, which meant Ryan and Bert were still at home; and Gwen, Robin, and Paige had not yet swung by to meet up for our weekly Sunday dinner. My blonde best friend looked up at the tone in my voice and asked, "What's going on?"

I sighed. I wasn't worried about sharing my sexual activities with Dawn. We had no secrets from each other. I waved at Adrienne and said, "Adrienne wanted to spice up our sex life a bit, so she blindfolded me, handcuffed me to the bed, and brought in two mystery girls to fuck us. I have NO idea who they were and now for some reason, every girl who walks through the door tries to convince me that she was involved."

Dawn snorted. "Is THAT why all of Dayna's and Brandi's friends are flirting with you? Just to mess with your head?"

Adrienne giggled and shook her head. "Who said it was just to mess with your head?"

"So you DID put them up to it?"

Adrienne shook her head again. "Not exactly. I told Dayna and Brandi what was going on. It was Dayna's idea to sic all her friends on you. But there's also been a side-effect. Now that those girls know you and I are in a pretty open relationship, Ben, I think some of them are angling to be next."

I sighed. "What?"

"Hey, your fault that you fuck better blindfolded and handcuffed than most of those girls' boyfriends. Girls talk. Word spreads." Adrienne chuckled.

"So they WERE some of Dayna's friends..." I ventured. That would narrow things down to eight ... I think...

"Maybe..." Adrienne drawled noncommittally before giggling. "Most of my classmates don't have an excuse to come by here that often. It'll be Jessie's and Barbara's turn when they come by on Monday afternoon to talk Calculus."

"Fuckin' hell, Adrienne..." I whined.

"Hey, don't be so upset. What, you don't want a pack of hot girls all wanting to jump your bones?"

I groaned. "It'll be like High School all over again."

"Yeah..." Adrienne deadpanned. "You were SO miserable."

Dawn just shook her head and turned back to her magazine. "Sometimes I'm glad I'm not your girlfriend anymore, Ben. Your sex life is just WAY too complicated."

Just then the door opened and Gwen, Robin, and Paige stepped through. Almost immediately, Gwen sashayed over and flopped onto the couch beside me, her thigh pressed firmly against mine as she dropped a hand onto my knee. "Heyyy, Ben. Feel like blowing off some steam again?"

Paige giggled and sat on my other side. "Just remember that we're here if you ever want us..." she drawled in a kawaii-cute voice.

I groaned and jerked up to my feet, my hands bracing outwards to keep the girls away from me. "Ah, HELL. Not you guys, too!"

Gwen and Paige looked at each other in confusion before turning to me. "What?" Gwen asked.

Adrienne could NOT stop laughing.

"Jenga! Jenga! Jenga!" Ryan moved his hands back and forth, fingers outstretched toward the leaning tower of wooden blocks. He was communing with the spirit gods of Jenga and after a few more seconds, he deftly pushed out a side block about six rows from the bottom, snatched it out with surprising dexterity, and gently laid it atop the tower.

Dawn just looked at her boyfriend with jaw agape. "Tell me you did not just do that."

"What?" Ryan smirked. "It worked, didn't it?"

I shook my head wryly at the big guy. He had muscles on top of muscles but could seem the most delicate man at times. It just goes to show you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Adrienne took a turn, much more sedately popping out the last available middle block and dropping it on top, watching the whole tower teetering for a second before going still. Only then did she exhale. "It's all yours, Tiger."

I frowned and looked at the fragile construction. "This is a stupid game, you know."

"Come ON, Ben," Adrienne drawled. "You get so much praise for those nimble fingers from all the girls I know. Show us what you've got!"

What I had was a terrible move. One poke later and the whole thing came crashing down. THAT was why I wasn't an Engineering major.

"Shoulda done the Jenga chant, Ben," Ryan mused.

I just rolled my eyes and started re-stacking, my competitive ire rising in my chest. "NONE of you are allowed to go to sleep until I win one of these."

"You're making a big mistake, Ben. All this..." Gwen ran her hands up and down her body while jutting her hip out to the side. "Could be yours."

I have to admit I did let my gaze run up and down Gwen's body for a few extra seconds. She was dressed to kill, in a lavender dress that was more sensual than slutty, nice shoes, and well-done makeup. Dawn and Adrienne had gone out of their way to fix Gwen's hair and eyeliner to be more "pretty" instead of her usual punk-style "skanky". She looked more mature and yet younger at the same time, and I realized that Gwen could be a very nice-looking young woman.

"Your date's a lucky man," I said firmly.

"Pssht," Gwen grinned. "After all the work your girlfriends put into me, he'd better be worth it. It took FOREVER to get me looking like this." Gwen turned and glared at Dawn, who just smiled and rolled her eyes.

Then Gwen spun back to Adrienne. "This friend of yours had better be good," she informed my girlfriend. "Otherwise I'm going to come right back here all horny and wound up and BEN'S going to have to take care of me, deal?"

"Whoa, whoa!" I held up my hands. "First of all ... no. You know that Gwen."

Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"And second: You haven't even met the guy and you're already expecting to put out on the first date?" I arched an eyebrow.

Gwen shrugged. "If he plays his cards right."

Robin sighed. "You're such a slut, Gwen."

"You'd better believe it. I haven't gotten properly laid in WAY too long."

"Yeah, well just don't rub off on Red here," I jerked a thumb to my left. Paige was out of her Catholic schoolgirl uniform and into a demure dress of her own. Dawn and Adrienne had first put her into something quite cute and sexy when we'd all gone shopping earlier in the week. But for some reason, I'd vetoed it and ordered something more age-appropriate for a 15-year-old. The outfit wasn't childish, merely ... conservative. Dawn and Adrienne had protested at first but I stamped my foot down, feeling quite protective, even though I had no right to. Paige had settled the matter by agreeing to the less-revealing outfit.

"She can take care of herself," Gwen insisted.

Paige turned to me with a naughty grin on her face and said, "Maybe if I lose my cherry tonight you won't be so hesitant about nailing me."

"PAIGE," I growled.

"Oh, poo."

I shook my head. No matter how young she looked, the girl was eighteen and beneath the innocent exterior I knew the little redhead was more worldly than she let on. Still, I was definitely going to be giving Paige's date the evil eye as a warning not to try anything with her.

I looked around. "Are we all set?"

Dawn moved to Ryan. Robin moved to Bert. And Adrienne slid alongside me. "All set," my girlfriend confirmed. "Gwen's and Paige's dates should be here any minute and we'll head out."

I nodded and just then the doorbell rang. But instead of the girls' dates, it was Kerri Trainor and Monique St. Claire.

"Heyyy, Ben," Kerri stepped forward and gave me a warm hug along with a pat on the butt while kissing my cheek.

"Hey! I'm about to go out on a date!" I protested while the hot redhead molded herself to my body.

"That's okay. I'm sure your girlfriend will not mind," Monique added in her cute French accent as she hugged me from the other side and kissed my other cheek, practically humping my leg.

And then the two 20-year-old's sashayed past and headed for the stairs up to Dayna's room. Adrienne clucked at me, licking her thumb and then rubbing to smear off what lipstick the girls had left on my cheeks.

Gwen just raised her hand and gestured toward the stairs. "What gives? Miss French Babe can be all over him but I can't?"

"Gwen, you're thirty seconds from going out with another guy."

Gwen rolled her eyes. "One date. It's not like I've committed or anything."

Robin groaned. "You're just horny, Gwen."

"Me? Who spent all this past week holed up with Bert Kim in her dorm room?" Gwen retorted. "Never knew the guy had it in him."

Both Robin and Bert blushed beet red.

The doorbell rang again. Gwen smiled and glanced back at Adrienne. "He'd better be good. Or make some extra room in that big bed of yours."

I sighed. Yeah, my old crew was NEVER this complicated.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Gwen and her date, Henryk "Rick" Rusedski, hit it off and Rick escorted Gwen back to her dorm room instead of into my bedroom. I felt half-relieved and half-disappointed. I knew it was best that she didn't join Adrienne and me; but my dick always had a mind of its own. Thankfully, my girlfriend was more than happy to relieve me of my nagging erection.

Paige, on the other hand, was dropped off at our house by her date. He must have gotten my telepathic message not to try anything or I would come kick his ass. And only when she returned, still virginal, did I start to relax from a tension I didn't realize I had.

Paige confided in me that her guy was nice enough; but as she put it, "He simply doesn't hold a candle to you, Ben."

The following Thursday was Thanksgiving. Dayna, Dawn, Brandi, Adrienne, and I went to the Evans house for dinner. Brandi, Adrienne, and I were warmly welcomed as family by Deanna and Jack Evans. DJ welcomed me by trying to jack me off under the table, but her mom caught the motion and gave her youngest daughter a stern look.

Ultimately, the five of us left the house before DJ could get a hold of me, leaving the 16-year-old girl to pout about how I would have to make things up to her some other day. "You promise?" she'd even whimpered, giving me the softest puppy dog eyes. They were so blue and beautiful I couldn't help but solemnly swear I would make it up to her. The young girl then gave me a kiss that left me with a rather stiff woody in my shorts as Dayna drove us back home.

I put it to use, though. With everyone's respective boyfriends away from the house for the evening, my four housemates decided to initiate a 4-girl-1-me orgy. Dawn hadn't joined us very often in the past few months, but she felt this night was something special, and she certainly made her female roommates feel special. But as always, Dawn and I never quite touched each other; but we certainly teamed up a few times on one of the other girls.

I figured that Thanksgiving night orgy would be the sexual highlight of the rest of my semester. But two weeks later, inspired by Adrienne, Dayna hatched a plan that would quite literally change the way I saw my life.


"Wait, WHAT?" I blinked several times, not quite believing what Adrienne had just told me. And then I looked around at all four of my roommates in shock that they were really planning this.

"Come ON, Tiger. It'll be fun!" my girlfriend said gleefully. "And I want to watch!"

"So do I!" I protested.

"Pssht. That would defeat the whole purpose." Adrienne shook her head. "And it's not like you aren't already used to me blindfolding you."

"C'mon, Ben," Dayna drawled. "Isn't a blindfold a small price to pay for fucking a bunch of hot girls?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's no fun if I don't know WHO it is. I figured that out last time," I glared at Adrienne. "It was interesting, yeah. But I'm not just a living dildo to be used by a faceless stranger. I like some emotional connections with a girl, you know?"

Dayna sighed but shrugged. "It's your call. You don't have to be there. But we're gonna kick you out of the house on Saturday."

Dawn piped up, looking at me lovingly. "If you're uncomfortable, Ben, I'll hang out with you. We'll go visit the others somewhere. Maybe even drive out and spend the day in San Francisco or something."

I blinked and started nodding before realization dawned on me. If Dawn was taking me to San Francisco... "Wait, are YOU staying, Adrienne?"

My girlfriend sighed. "If you're not there, of course not. I wanted to play with some of the girls and watch you..." She exhaled. "But, if you don't want to do this Ben, I'll hang out with you guys, too."

The disappointment in Adrienne's voice was obvious. And that alone made me re-think my decision. I sighed and looked at her. "Why do you want to do this?"

Adrienne shrugged. "It's wild. It's crazy. And you know how I'm up to try almost anything."

A realization hit me. "And this gives you a chance to fuck other guys without them getting attached to you," I started nodding. I couldn't help but remember Adrienne's past, before she'd dated me. She wasn't wildly promiscuous, but she'd had lots of different dates and she'd cheated on her boyfriends with regularity just for the variety and the power trip. But since starting a relationship with me, at least this second time around, Adrienne hadn't had any dick except mine. After all the girls she'd been bringing me throughout our relationship, it seemed only fair to give her this chance. I couldn't be a hypocrite about this.

But Adrienne snorted, "No way!" She screwed up her face and shook her head. "I have no interest in fucking the other guys Dayna and Brandi are bringing."

"You're not?" I frowned in confusion. "I thought-"

"Not happening," Adrienne cut me off. "I TOLD you; you're all the man I ever want or ever need. I'm not the girl you knew in High School anymore. But I'm SURE we'll both enjoy some fresh pussy every now and again, Tiger. I think this'd be a lot of fun for both of us: an experience we'll be able to talk about for a long time. And the fact is, you'll probably know every girl there. So they're not faceless strangers."

"Even if I won't know WHO I'm with at any given time," I grumbled.

Dayna gave me a disapproving look. "C'mon, Ben. This isn't about you. This is about the girls. Hey, put yourself in their shoes. If you had a chance to nail five or six hot girls who were blindfolded and would never know who you were, would you do it?"

I imagined the scenario, visualizing six gorgeous, naked babes panting with lust and blindfolded while they reached out to me. Hell yeah I'd do it.

Dayna continued. "But we're girls. We're all just as horny inside as boys, but people look at us as sluts if we act on our feelings like boys would. This is a chance for the girls to cut loose and enjoy themselves without fear of how a guy will look at them afterwards or give them any negative reputations. Plus ... yeah, you're living dildos; but you're also gonna get to fuck a dozen hot chicks. Everybody wins."

Adrienne added, "And it's just a blindfold, Ben. You'll have free use of your hands and everything else. You can feel and touch and everything. Just keep your mouth shut if you figure out who any of them are."

Brandi chimed in. "Look at the bright side, Ben. We're actually asking you and giving you the option of agreeing or disagreeing instead of just dragging you into this. It's really your call."

I took a deep breath. I looked at Adrienne, who had such a hopeful expression on her face. On that alone I took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I'm in."

Brandi snorted. "Don't seem so depressed about it."

I chuckled and then furrowed my eyebrows as I looked over at Dawn. "Ryan in on this?"

Dawn blushed. "Not yet. But if you're in, I will be asking him." The pretty blonde managed a weak smile. "Our relationship has needed a little spice in it anyways."

I chuckled and nodded, seeing the gleam in my best friend's eye. Dawn was a beautiful 18-year-old girl who hadn't experienced much beyond me and Ryan. She was curious, and I couldn't fault her for that. Then I arched an eyebrow. "Gwen? Robin? Bert? No way is Paige coming to this."

Adrienne giggled. "No, not Paige. Awfully protective of her, aren't you, Tiger? And 'no' on the others, either. I don't think Robin or Bert could handle this yet and Gwen's not that tight with Dayna's other friends. The less outsiders to their group the better."

I nodded.

Brandi smacked my shoulder. "Better rest up, little brother. Drink lots of fluids because you're gonna NEED it."

On Saturday, I stood in Adrienne's and my bedroom wearing just my boxers while she approached me with a black strip of cloth in her hands. My heart was racing and my hands were a little clammy. I'd had quite a bit of group sex in the last couple of years. I'd even been a part of a full-blown orgy or two. But THIS was something else entirely. And if this was the way my college career was getting started, I could only imagine how crazy it might get over the next three and a half years.

"Nervous?" Adrienne asked. She looked gorgeous, as always, dressed in flimsy lingerie with a silky, transparent robe over the top. The sight of her alone made me half-hard, but indeed the nerves were keeping me from a full-fledged erection.

"A little," I admitted. "Maybe I'd be better off studying. Finals DO start on Monday."

"Relax..." Adrienne chuckled. "Actually, that's the whole point of this. We've all got finals on Monday, so this is our last chance to just let loose and unwind." Then with a gleam in her eyes and a naughty grin, Adrienne stepped forward and began tying the blindfold onto my head.

She stepped back and I blinked my eyes open. "Uh, Adrienne, I can still see," I said softly. Indeed, the gauzy black material darkened everything, but I could see quite well whatever was just a few feet in front of me. Adrienne's face wasn't clear or anything, but I could easily identify her face.

"Shh," Adrienne leaned in and whispered directly into my ear, even though we were in the privacy of our bedroom. "Don't say anything, but I switched your blindfold."

My heart started thumping even faster. And then my girlfriend took my hand and led me out into the living room.

During the day, Matt Kanemura (Brandi's boyfriend), Kevin Weiss (Dayna's boy- toy), and I had rearranged the furniture by pushing the couches, chairs, and tables against the walls. We'd then brought all the mattresses out and laid them on the floor, covered with sheets that we fully expected to require washing when we were through. Even though we didn't explicitly talk about what was to come, we would be the only three who knew for certain the three of us guys would be there.

Now at night, Matt, Kevin, and Ryan — along with Alan Kwok and Brett Benson — were already in place in the living room. I had to strain my eyes through the blindfold to identify each of them as Adrienne led me around and onto the loveseat. Truly blinded, the guys stared off at nothing, cocking their heads and straining to listen for anything that might give them an idea of what was going on. I reminded myself to similarly pretend I couldn't see a thing lest I give away my one advantage.

Dayna, Brandi, and Dawn were the only other girls around. I assumed they had been the ones to arrange the guys and make sure everything was in its place. And as I settled in, Dayna cleared her throat, drawing the attention of everyone. "Okay guys, the rules are simple. Rule 1: You do NOT remove your blindfold. You do and there will be a LOT of pissed off girls who will make sure you never get laid in this town again. Rule 2: The girls are in charge. You stop if they tell you to stop. Rule 3: You only exist as living dildos for us. If you get too worn out to continue, we will escort you out. No sense in spending more time risking you learning the girls' identities. Rule 4: No names. Even if you manage to identify a girl, don't say her name out loud. And the girls won't say your names, either. And Rule 5: You all swallow these."

By now, Adrienne was pushing a water bottle and two pills into my hand. Even though I could see, I couldn't make out the writing on the pills through the gauzy black haze. Elsewhere, Dawn, Dayna, and Brandi were doing the same to the others. "Do I want to know what they are?" I asked quietly.

Adrienne giggled. "Trust me."

Those were two words I had come to both depend on and hate. Well, she'd never let me down yet. I swallowed the pills.

After another few seconds, Brandi went to the stairs and called up, "Ready!"

Six hot babes dressed in lingerie trooped down excitedly. Adrienne had been right, I DID know them all: Angela Chan, Monique St. Claire, Kerri Trainor, Julie Carpenter, Marian Liu, and Tracy McMillan. I shouldn't have been surprised. All six were a part of Dayna's and Brandi's crew. All six were Juniors or Seniors. All six were currently without boyfriends. And all six had entered my fantasies at one point or another during the last couple of months.

My skin started to heat up as my heartbeat accelerated. I felt a familiar chemical tingle in my loins, telling me that at least one of the pills was some kind of erectile dysfunction medication. And whatever was in the second one made me feel just a little dizzy and euphoric while also making my entire body tingle. If I had to guess, it was a tablet of ecstasy.

The water bottle was still in my hand and I chugged the rest just in case. The ten girls in the room then fanned out around us six guys, Adrienne moving to sit beside me and taking my hand. And the first girl to approach us was Tracy McMillan.

"I kinda knew you were going to come straight for him," Adrienne giggled beside me.

Tracy just grinned and then leaned over to whisper into Adrienne's ear, no doubt so that I wouldn't recognize her voice. And then the pretty blonde knelt before me, her gaze locked onto the bulge in my shorts.

Tracy McMillan was a very pretty girl and an obsessive workout junkie. Of average height, she nevertheless had a decidedly above-average body. She was very athletic, with toned limbs and an actual six-pack. She had big tits that were usually held in a sports bra whenever she bounced around our house, to go along with a muscular ass always encased in tight-fitting shorts. Her sandy- blonde hair was often pulled into a ponytail, although on this day it hung loose to stop just below her shoulders, pointing the way down to her exposed cleavage in a lacy cream-colored bra.

I shivered when Tracy set her hands down on my thighs. I let my head loll back and stared at the ceiling, not trusting myself to keep secret my ability to see while she walked her fingers up my legs and eventually began tugging at my boxer shorts. I lifted my hips off the couch cushion to help her out, and a minute later I felt Tracy's hand wrap around my engorged shaft.

"Ohhhnnn..." I groaned while her strong fingers squeezed me and began stroking. My chest began to rise and fall as I panted in arousal. The moment she bent and took me between her lips, my head fell back down. And I couldn't help but stare in wonder as the pretty Senior shoved the first four inches of my cock into her mouth.

"Oh, shit!" Dawn gasped from somewhere to my left.

Immediately, my head snapped to the left and I strained to look over; the farther the distance the worse my vision was through the blindfold. But I felt the momentary racing of my heart begin to slow down as I saw that Dawn was still fully-dressed in her lingerie and sitting beside Ryan on the other couch. Bent over his lap was a dark-haired girl, Julie Carpenter, I think. And Dawn was wide- eyed and rubbing herself inside her panties while whispering something into her boyfriend's ear.

The tension that had formed in me ebbed away. Even though I knew Dawn had been dating Ryan for over a year now, I hadn't actually seen her with another man since that Stanford-Notre Dame game so long ago, and I wasn't exactly sure how I would feel when Dawn decided to participate more actively in this orgy. For the briefest of moments, I wished Adrienne hadn't switched my blindfold — meaning I wouldn't have to watch MY Dawn getting laid by someone else — but I decided that if I knew it was going to happen, I'd rather not be blinded.

Speaking of not being blinded, while Tracy continued to bob her head up and down in my lap, I let my head almost lazily tilt around while I scanned the rest of the room. Matt Kanemura was flat on his back on one of the mattresses while Dayna was already straddling his waist, obviously bouncing up and down his cock. The lanky Hawaiian boy also had Marian Liu with him, tiny 5'0"-tall Asian girl sitting on his face while he ate her out.

On another mattress, at first I thought Brandi was on her back getting plowed by Alan Kwok. But after a sharper look, I realized the dark-haired girl was Angela Chan, not my sister. I actually couldn't see Brandi, figuring she was elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Adrienne had moved off the couch and behind Tracy, where my girlfriend wrapped her hands around the older girl and began unfastening the athletic blonde's clothing. My cock gave an extra lurch when Tracy's unfettered tits popped out, capped with the large nipples that always dented out her sports bras whenever I saw her. And after reaching out to play with her face and hair, I let my hands drift down to squeeze, cup, and caress her impressive mounds.

Tracy spent a few more minutes of blowing me and getting stripped by Adrienne. And once naked she slid onto the couch and parked her knees on either side of my hips. She fisted my cock, swabbed the head through the moisture of her snatch, and then started sinking her way down around my pole.

"Mmm ... so nice..." she murmured, forgetting her original mandate to not speak or otherwise give away her identity. I wondered why the blindfolds were even necessary. Honestly, I probably would have figured out Tracy's identity anyways from feeling her tits and the tense musculature of her arms. And since I had free use of my body and even my vision, I slid my hands onto her waist and began guiding the smaller girl up and down my shaft.

I'd initially been a little hesitant because of nerves over the unusual situation. But the longer I continued fucking the pretty blonde the more my natural sexual instincts took over. My lips found her neckline, my hands slid around her back, and Big Ben: Stud Fucker, came to life. I actually grinned as I felt the surge of adrenaline in me.

With deft fingers and stroking hands, I quickly roved around Tracy's naked body, feeling out her pleasure centers and titillating her sensitive nerves. I felt the iron- hard rigidity of my chemically-enhanced prick battering through her tight pussy. And I also felt the tingling, crawling sensation of pleasure all across my skin whenever I rubbed against her. Tracy's firm tits kept pushing against my chest, setting off little sparks of bliss in my mind. And I figured that if any of the girls had also popped e-tablets, they would certainly be more sensitive to touch as well.

Tracy coming to a screaming orgasm within two minutes would seem to confirm that theory. I wasn't even doing much with her clit or pussy; the girl actually seemed to cum from my hands stroking her back.

Her second orgasm came when I cupped her tits from below and squeezed.

Her third orgasm came when I popped a finger up her ass and bit down on her neck.

And then, revved up by THREE multiple orgasms, Tracy REALLY started to put her athleticism to use.

Now I've fucked some girls pretty hard before. In a dominant position, I often used my superior strength to plow myself in and out of their compliant bodies, pounding them without mercy. Horny, powerful, and a little on drugs, Tracy actually fucked ME. Her hands gripped my shoulders so tight I was sure she'd crack a bone. Her arms and legs flung her body up and down my shaft so fast I would have gotten friction burn if she hadn't lubricated us with her orgasms. And her teeth locked onto my neck as she bit down, adding a spark of pain to the pleasure already coursing throughout my entire body.

Tracy McMillan was an athletically-built, busty, blonde force of nature as she fucked me faster and more frantically than I'd ever been fucked. We're talking Tasmanian Devil-kind of frantic fucking. And despite all my practice at holding my orgasms at bay, when she clenched her cunt muscles and screamed her next orgasm while humping me faster than a construction worker's jackhammer, my balls uncorked and I began blasting her full of scalding hot cum.

"FUCK! FUUUUCK! FUUUUCK!!!" Tracy started yelling.

"Fuck ME!" I grunted as I felt the jets flying up my shaft to splatter into Tracy's body.

"AAAGHH!" Tracy yelled.

And all the while she never stopped humping.

When Tracy finally went still, her sweaty body collapsing heavily into my chest and pressing me against the backrest of the loveseat, I simply wrapped my arms around her and gasped for oxygen. The pure frenzy of that last orgasm made me feel like I'd just run a marathon, and even though the athletic blonde was in fantastic physical shape, even she seemed completely drained by our lustful encounter.

"Fuck, Ben..." Tracy moaned into my ear, completely ignoring Rule 4. "I've never felt like that before."

I smiled and patted her buttcheek, the tight globe feeling rock hard beneath my palm.

"I've never cum so many times so fast," she panted before kissing my cheek. "That was incredible!"

I chuckled. "Anytime."

Tracy snuggled her nose into my neck. "I just might hold you to that."

And this was only Round 1.

Adrienne had not been idle while I was fucking Tracy. My gorgeous girlfriend had been dyking it out with Kerri Trainor on a nearby mattress, and they weren't the only Sapphic couple in the room. With 10 girls and only 6 guys, some of the girls would either have to pair up or engage in threesomes (or moresomes). I grinned to myself. Leave it to Dayna to make friends with some of the hottest bisexual girls on campus.

Anyways, once I'd finished nutting my load into Tracy, Adrienne returned to us, rolling the exhausted blonde over and then parking her face between the girl's muscular thighs, noisily slurping my jism back out. Tracy could only moan and put her hand on Adrienne's head while fresh pleasures coursed through her body.

As for me, after Tracy had wiped out most of my initial energy, I closed my eyes and forced myself to move by touch as I got off the loveseat and flopped onto my back across an available mattress. It felt so relaxing to lie flat after a workout like that and also tinglingly good to feel the sheets caressing every inch of my skin. But I didn't have very long to remain idle.

Marian Liu was quick to move alongside me, taking my still hard cock in hand while she leaned in to take her first taste of my neck. She stroked me to keep me hard, eventually getting me to regain my original steel rigidity. Without words, she eventually got me to roll on top of her and almost gingerly inch my thick, throbbing weapon into her too-narrow pussy, moaning and whimpering the entire four minutes it took to finally seat me inside her almost-excruciatingly tight cunt.

For the second time, I wondered why the blindfolds were even necessary. There were very few girls I knew anywhere near Marian's 5'0" tiny stature, and she felt like a little doll beneath me as I stretched her cunt far wider than she may have been expecting. But then I reminded myself that in theory, none of us guys was even supposed to know which girls were in attendance; so I supposed it was possible one of them might guess that Marian was some other tiny, petite girl they might know. And if nothing else, the visible blindfold provided a mental "excuse" to let loose and act out on these primal urges that polite society would otherwise frown upon, so there was a benefit besides true identity-masking.

Ultimately, being stretched by my thick dick spurred Marian to a trembling orgasm, after which she got up and rather awkwardly stumbled away. Despite the incredible tightness of her pussy, I hadn't shot off, and I lay back waiting for the next girl looking for a ride.

In the meantime, I had the chance to look around again. I now saw Brandi kneeling doggy-style on a mattress, Dayna's boy-toy Kevin Weiss pumping into her from behind while she had her face buried in Dayna's crotch. Ryan was now on top of Tracy, pumping her slowly while she wrapped her strong limbs around his own very muscular body. And Adrienne was on top of Monique, the two statuesque blondes crushing their massive tits into each other while exchanging a wickedly hot kiss filled with lots of tongue-action.

Then my heart nearly stopped when I saw Dawn.

My beautiful blonde best friend was currently being pressed into the couch by Brett Benson. He knelt on the floor and I watched his ass clenching as he slowly pumped in and out of her, his hand gently caressing her large, swaying breasts. She had her head flung back, her eyes closed while she gasped on each stroke, holding onto his arms. The pleasure was evident on her face while she experienced what was perhaps only the third dick she'd ever willingly taken inside her.

I waited for the expected pang of jealousy...

There wasn't any. Dawn was my best friend, my lifelong friend, and she was finding a little physical pleasure in her life. Everything was as it should be, and I begrudged her nothing. Sure, the selfish part of me wanted her all to myself, but that wasn't how life worked out. I didn't own her, and I had no rights to tell her not to find experiences like this for herself. Hell, Dawn was just starting her third lover. Me? I was on ... oh, I'd lost count somewhere north of twenty-five. And I was in love with Adrienne, who quite likely had bedded as many different people as me. The absolute LAST thing I could ever do was call Dawn a slut.

But I had to admit ... knowing what she was doing and knowing I couldn't feel her doing it with me ... Well, it made me want her back.

Just a bit.

Meanwhile, I wasn't alone for very long. I had just sat up to stare in Dawn's direction, forgetting I was supposed to be blind, when a new naked body tackled me back onto the mattress. "Mmm..." Kerri Trainor moaned before molding her lips over my neck. I started to realize that none of the girls would actually kiss me. Perhaps "kissing" would be too intimate for this supposedly-anonymous fuckfest. Kerri did tweak my nose between her lips, however, and I thought I could smell someone else's pussy juice on her breath. Knowing the girls, it might very well be Julie Carpenter's.

Speaking of Julie, the pretty brunette was kissing another part of my anatomy, inhaling my cock to the root inside her mouth. She immediately took me deep into her throat while she actually licked my balls. And then she bobbed up and down the length of my cock, taking me into her throat with ease on every downstroke before pulling all the way back until her lips tugged at the lower edges of my mushroom cap.

My eyes blinked open as a vague sense of déjà vu filled my mind. The last time a girl tongued my balls while deep-throating me had been during Adrienne's arranged first blindfolded foursome. My first instinct, long ago, had been that Kerri and Julie were my mystery girls. And if Julie was the second girl, then the first girl HAD to be...

Reaching up to her head, I jerked Kerri's face away from mine and physically hauled her naked body further up so that I could press my face into her cleavage. The hot redhead certainly had big enough tits to fit the profile, but while they were very nice, both firm and soft at the same time, they didn't quite feel ... right. Strike One.

Moving Kerri further over, I took a nipple into my mouth and began suckling, feeling with my tongue for a familiar, pebbly texture. Strike two. Kerri was not my first mystery girl.

Almost casually, I then moved Kerri out of the way and bent my head down to see Julie, who currently still had my dick impaled in her throat. I'd always know Julie had a pretty wide mouth, perfect for this kind of oral attention, but it wasn't her mouth I was currently interested in. I reached down, fake-tapping my hands as if I were blind until I got to Julie's shoulders. And then I bodily yanked her upright and turned her around until she got the hint and moved into a reverse cowgirl position. And then with my hands on Julie's tight ass and hips, I guided her down and around my shaft.

Strike three. Julie was an accomplished blowjob artist and she had a snug pussy, but her vaginal passage wasn't close to the near skin-peeling tightness of my second mystery lover.

It's hard to be disappointed when you're balls deep inside a pretty girl. But I'd hoped beyond hope to identify my mystery lovers and for a brief time, felt the incredible excitement that I'd finally discovered them. Kerri and Julie were fantastically hot babes and I would have been thrilled to find that they were my mystery pair. It was a letdown to discover otherwise.

Fortunately, the girls didn't seem to notice or mind my brief disappointment. Julie, for one, simply started bucking up and down on top of me, feeling my thick cock prodding her snatch wide open while Kerri took the obvious hint and moved around to both kiss her best friend and paw at the brunette's tits before sliding down to lick at our joining, the same way my mystery pair had done just weeks before. They weren't THE pair, but they were still A pair. And I intended to enjoy them while I could.

Assaulted from both sides by me and Kerri, Julie quickly lit off into an orgasm. After that, I bodily yanked the post-orgasmic brunette off my dick and parked her on all fours next to me. Then once again fake-tapping with my hands to feel around for Kerri, I grabbed her as well and parked her next to Julie. And then seizing the redhead's ass in my hands, I notched my dick into her slot and rammed my way forward.

"Eeeek!" Kerri squealed as I swiftly buried myself to the hilt. And then she didn't stop squealing until I abruptly yanked out my dick, shifted over, and rammed my way back into Julie.

"Aaaahh!" Julie groaned as I penetrated her as well. And then for the next fifteen minutes I hammered the two 20-year-old Juniors until they were quite literally face-down on the mattress, drooling spit while orgasmic honey leaked out of both of their worn pussies.

In the end, I was hunched over my knees, gasping for oxygen from the exertion I'd just put myself through. The brief elation and disappointment over not solving my mystery had sent a surge of adrenaline and frustration through me, and I'd taken it out on the girls before pulling out and nutting my load all over Kerri's backside. They didn't seem to mind, however, as the pair of them looked at each other with happily sated, well-fucked expressions on their faces.

Angela Chan was the next girl to come by, and even though my head was down, I recognized her voice as she mused, "Wow ... the hell did you do to them?"

I reached my hand out, closing my eyes to ensure I blindly flailed until I touched Angela's hip and moved to grip her leg. Then I pointed toward Kerri. "I pulled out and came on ... her ... ass. Lick it off her, and I'll do the same to you."

Angela didn't know I could see her smile, but she quickly got down to start slurping. I didn't bother waiting for her to finish before I moved myself behind her and rammed my still-chemically hard cock into her snatch.

Perhaps if she'd thought about it, Angela might have gotten suspicious at how easily I'd moved into position despite supposedly being blind. But from the way she instantly started moaning up a storm, I don't think she really cared. Big Ben was on the loose.

"Mon Dieu! Fuck me! Fuck me!" Monique St. Claire wasn't even bothering to try and conceal her accent. She simply growled in my ear and clutched me even tighter on top of her while I rammed my way in and out of her juicing cunt with reckless abandon.

Presently, I bent my head lower to suck at one of her massive tits. While not as big as Adrienne's, Monique's big bosoms were probably as big as Dayna's and they jiggled quite nicely with every pounding thrust. Her curly blonde hair danced as she tossed her head left and right. And her jaw hung open while I wracked her body with orgasm after orgasm. Monique was my sixth different girl of the day. And if you counted my four roommates, by the end of this I would have nailed all ten of the girls present at some point in my life. And I had every intention that all ten of them would be singing my sexual praises for a long time to come.

Meanwhile, to my right, I heard the ecstatic cries of my girlfriend Adrienne while redheaded Kerri drove her up the proverbial wall with a buzzing vibrator and an agile tongue. And to my left, I heard Dawn matching Adrienne in volume while Tracy did her best to out-do Kerri. And further away I heard Dayna and someone I thought was Julie moaning up a storm themselves.

Unfortunately, despite the chemical-assistance, both Brett Benson and Alan Kwok had dropped out from exhaustion some time ago, forcing more girls to pair up with each other. Dayna and Brandi had pulled them into a bedroom and re- dressed them before escorting them out of the house and then rejoining the party. It was Rule 3: Once no longer useful, you get removed from the field.

Me? I intended to outlast the girls.

"Ai! Ai! AIIIII!!!!" Monique shrieked at the top of her lungs, her whole body shaking like an earthquake beneath me for what felt like a full minute while her spasms triggered me as well and made my balls evacuate their contents into the deepest recesses of her womb. I grunted and fired over and again, filling her up with my fourth load of the day while feeling my skin crawl with the after-effects of the ecstasy tablet they'd given me.

And then Monique went dead limp beneath me, her head turning to the side and her eyes dropping closed.

"Oh, SHIT!" Angela muttered. "She passed out!"

Well, I'd outlasted one girl at least.

"I'd like to wait for ... uh ... you know," I heard Ryan muttering softly. Clearly he wanted to wait for Dawn.

Dayna was with him, pulling the weary stud to his feet along with Brandi's help. "Sorry, rules are rules," Dayna replied. "It's not fair to the other girls."

Ryan, trapped by his sense of fairness, nodded grudgingly and let Dayna lead him away. Brandi, Julie, and Angela had also called it a night, although they still hung around in various states of undress, watching everything intently.

I dropped my attention back to Tracy, who had come back for an encore, wrapping her strong legs around my waist and tugging me into her with each thrust while Marian sat on her face.

Minutes later, Matt tapped out as well and left, leaving Kevin Weiss and me as the only studs left. My current fuck only lasted a short while after that, as I flooded Tracy's pussy with my spunk for the second time that day.

It was my fifth ejaculation, so there wasn't a ton of fluid. But I'd trained my body over the years to fire and fire again so I still had three healthy squirts before a couple more smaller bursts splattered inside the athletic blonde.

After I finished busting my nut inside her I rolled onto my back, my lungs heaving for oxygen. And as I let my head lay back against the mattress, I felt the pleasant creep of sleep edging in around the corners of my eyes. It would feel SO good to just take a nap right now. For hours now, the ecstasy had given me extra energy, a feeling of intimacy with my girls, and a general sense of pleasant happiness. Right now I felt like I could float away on a cloud.

But then Dawn's voice grabbed my attention. "Please," she said softly. "I want it."

I turned my head in the direction of Dawn's voice and I saw my beautiful best friend hesitate next to Tracy.

Marian, who was shifting out of Dawn's way, glanced at me before saying, "Relax. He can't see you."

Dawn nodded and then bent between Tracy's legs, burying her face in the other blonde's crotch and humming happily as she began hoovering out what cum I'd deposited there.

I rolled my head back and smiled to myself. Yeah, Dawn and I had settled into a platonic, best friends relationship. But we would always have our intimate connection and it seemed a part of that would always manifest itself in how Dawn wanted to suck my jism out of another girl. It wasn't exactly a normal method of maintaining intimacy; but it was a way Dawn could still touch (and taste) a part of me without actually touching me.

And then I felt a warm mouth closing over my semi-hard cock. After five orgasms, even erectile dysfunction drugs would have a hard time keeping my blood flow going to my dick. But the adept tongue work and sucking more than made up for it; and I felt myself getting stiff for a potential sixth round.

The girl moaned around my cock and I suddenly picked my head up. I knew the moan. And through my blindfold I looked down to see it was Dawn currently bobbing her head up and down in my lap.

Oh, Dawn ... my Dawn ... She was blowing me! She was ... touching me ... intimately ... sexually ... My heart started racing again as I thought over the implications of her crossing our self-made boundaries. Did Dawn know that I realized it was her? Even if she thought I was blindfolded, could she know I might recognize her just from her blowjob technique and the sound of her moans? Or had she somehow convinced herself that this was an anonymous blowjob she could get away with? I would never know. Ryan would never know. It could be her naughty little secret.

Just then, Adrienne came back over. She saw what was happening and gasped, clapping both hands over her mouth. Dawn heard her and pulled off my cock, looking toward my girlfriend with a pleading expression on her face.

After a brief second, Adrienne nodded. And a near desperate Dawn dove back down onto my cock and started sucking like there was no tomorrow.

That left Adrienne free to look at me. Only she knew I could see through the black blindfold and as her eyes met mine, she shook her head slowly, willing me to recognize I had to keep my mouth shut about this. Dawn couldn't know that I was aware of what was going on, and I lay my head back down while letting my hands run through my gorgeous best friend's silky hair. And despite five ejaculations, the knowledge that Dawn, MY Dawn, was sucking me was enough to get me rock hard again.

Kerri was soon next to Dawn, husking softly, "Go on. Fuck him. You know you want to."

Dawn moaned again, sucking me even harder.

"I'll sit on his face," Kerri whispered. Then her voice dropped and I couldn't make out the rest. "Just khp-ursh-quet-nd-hish-wnt-no-tss-yuuh."

Dawn moaned once more, squeezing her eyes shut and I felt her jaw trembling around my shaft. But then abruptly she pulled away, turning her head. And perhaps a bit too loud, she whimpered, "I can't. I can't do this to Ryan."

"We'll never tell," Kerri said quietly.

Dawn shook her head, glancing at me. She dropped the volume of her voice but hissed just loud enough for me to hear her say, "I probably shouldn't have even sucked him."

"But ... You love him."

Dawn just got up and fled away.

I was panting softly, my dick waving upright in the air like a wet flagpole that was slowly tilting back toward my own belly. Kerri reached out and took me in hand, stroking me a few times before glancing up at Adrienne. "Do you want him?"

Adrienne shook her head. "No. I can have him anytime. You go ahead."

The copper-redhead smiled and nodded. And so Kerri climbed on, cramming my dick into her tight cunt. And with her big tits bouncing on my face, she rode me until I blew my sixth and final load inside her.

We were the last ones. Once we were finished, the party was over. And Adrienne escorted me back into our bedroom.

Next chapter