
chapter 15

It had been a week since the meeting at Gringotts. After the meeting, Harry had stopped them from leaving to talk to them privately.

All the Weasley-Prewetts were following their account manager through the corridors on the way out of Gringotts after the meeting had come to an end. Fred and George were walking behind everyone when someone grabbed their hands from behind, stopping them in their tracks. They knew exactly who those hands belonged to. They turned around and looked down at Harry, standing behind them holding each of their hands in his.

"We have to talk before you go," he said, clearly not going to take no for an answer, not like they would deny him anything. With a nod and a smile from both of them Harry gave them a small pull before letting go of their hands. He turned around and down another corridor. Fred and George were quick to follow, giving their family who were still walking down the hallway a last look. They didn't have to walk far down the corridor before stopping behind Harry, who still hadn't turned back around to face them. "Okay, tell me," Was all he said, still not turning around.

George looked at Fred, 'Would you like to start?' Fred just sighed and gave George a small nod, still looking at Harry.

"What do you want to know?" he asked, trying to buy some time and maybe understand what Harry wanted to know.

"I told you we would talk after the meeting," Harry had still not turned around, and Fred and George were starting to worry a little.

'What's wrong with Harry? Why won't he look at us?' Fred gave George a quick glance as he asked.

"About Molly, right?" George asked, only receiving a nod as any indicator they were on the right track. "Alright… she has locked us in -"

"-our room a few times, -"

"-never more than a day," they slipped into twin speak as they spoke. They avoided looking at Harry, even the back of his head. They didn't really want to talk about the things Molly had done to them this summer.

Harry sighed, his shoulders slumping down a notch with it, and he finally turned around to face the twins. "What more?" he asked as he looked up at them, the amber spots in the green standing out as Fred and George made eye contact with him.

'That's new…' George thought before answering; "What more? There is -"

"-no more," Fred continued as he thought back at his brother; 'I know, but there are more new details now,' they both smiled at Harry as they spoke, but their smiles quickly vanished at Harry's unimpressed stare. "She may have -"

"-conjured a stick at -"

"-some points…" they admitted after a few silent seconds.

Harry's brows furrowed, "Where? Are you healed yet?" he demanded with a quiet voice.

"Don't worry, they -"

"-don't hurt that much, -"

"-besides, we had some dittany -"

"-to use on the worst ones," they were quick to say, maybe too quick by the look Harry was giving them.

"Where?" he said again.

This time it was Fred and George that sighed. "On our backs, -" they said in sync, "-so no one can see it." Harry looked down at that, and Fred and George were suddenly afraid that Harry would start crying. Before they could do anything, Harry said something again.

"I hate that woman!" Harry suddenly said, surprising Fred and George with the venom in the words. They were further surprised when Harry, brows furrowed, took a step forward, snaked his arms up and over their shoulders to rest on their napes, and pulled them down. It took a few seconds before they understood that Harry had dragged them into a hug. They wrapped their arms around each other and Harry, taking comfort from the others' presence.

They stood there hugging in silence before Harry pulled back, "Okay, -" he took a deep breath, "-now that I am calmer, I have one more question," he looked into Fred's eyes, then George's. "That woman is not your mother?" he asked, tilting his head to the side, making him look adorable to Fred and George.

Both Fred and George chuckled a little before answering, "No, she is not, -"

"-she obliviated everyone in our -"

"-family into thinking she was Dad's -"

"-wife and our mother," they said, their arms had slipped from Harry when he pulled away and they were now holding his hands.

Harry continued having his head tilted to the side, still looking confused, "But then, who is your mother?" he asked.

"We don't have -"

"-a mother," Fred and George said, now they were also confused.

"But you need a mom and a dad," Harry protested, "you need a man and a woman to have a child!"

"Is that something muggles do?" George turned as if to ask Fred, like he had to voice it out loud for his brother to know.

"It appears that muggles and wizen is more different that we thought," Fred also turned to his brother as he returned the bit. He smiled as they turned back to Harry. "In the wizen world -"

"-we don't need the couple to be a woman -"

"-and a man to procreate," they smiled down at Harry as they unraveled Harry's worldview.

After a few seconds of silence while Harry wrapped his head around this new information, and Fred and George continued to smile down at him Harry finally talked, "Okay, -" Harry began, still not having fully wrapped his head around it, "-so you have two dads?"

Fred and George's smiles widened at the question, "We have three," they said in unison.

After that Bill found them and they had to leave. They had agreed that Fred and George would come visit Harry, but they hadn't had the opportunity yet.

The week so far hadn't been easy. Molly had been furious at them when they came back home after the meeting, yelling about honesty and truthfulness. 'What a hypocrite' was on both George and Fred's minds. It didn't get any better the days after, Molly was in one of her moods, and those could last for days, sometimes even weeks. Fred and George were extra careful not to tip her of the edge, staying in their room for the most part.

They hadn't fully managed that though, and they had some new bruises and cuts from the day before. She had apparently not liked that they were spending all their time in their room, saying they "were being suspicious" and "probably making something for that stupid dream of yours".

But this evening at dinner, Dad had announced to the table that he would take Percy, Fred, and George with him to work. Molly thought that was a fantastic idea, probably because she wanted them to work at the Ministry for some reason. Fred and George didn't think it was such a good idea, but anything to get out of the house and away from Molly. It was only later in the evening that they learned that they weren't really going to Dad's work.

There was a knock on their bedroom door and, when granted access by George, opened to revile their dad. They sat up on the bed they had been lounging on, trying not to winch from the new wounds on their backs. "Hey, boys, -" Dad began as he closed the door behind himself and walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, "-I just came in to tell you the plan for tomorrow. I will apparate with all of you to the Ministry, then Percy will wait there while I apparate you two to Harry's house." Fred had to press his lips tightly together to not yell out in joy, and George were holding his hands over his mouth, they were both smiling like mad. "Now, you will be staying there until I come and get you in the evening. I have surveillance duty after work, so we will apparate home and I'll say that I have to go back to work for something urgent that came up." Fred and George were nodding vigorously, making their hair jump up and down. Dad smiled at them before he stood up, and began walking towards the door, "I'll talk to Percy about this, too. Good night." The door closed behind him.

They were eating breakfast and Molly had started talking about taking Ron and Ginny to Diagon Alley for the day. When Fred and George sneaked a peak at Ron, he didn't look that happy about it, nor as excited as Ginny. They almost wanted to wish Ron good luck, almost.

They knew that Molly had always "loved" Ron more than them and their older brothers. Now, Fred and George though it might be because Ron was only a year when she "took over" and therefore she could form him better than the others. She had always treated Ron better, more like her own, and she would continue to do that until it was too late for her. Until then, Ron would have to continue acting like her "better" son.

Breakfast didn't last long; Dad was always the first to rise from the table and today was no exception. Dad stood, "Well, we should go, then," he said looking at the three oldest of his sons still in the house. They all rose from the table as one and hurried after their father, who was already by the door. "See you this afternoon, Molly! Have a good day, Ron, Ginny!"

And with that farewell, Dad guided Percy, Fred, and George out the door and further out and past the wards around the Burrow. "Hold on to me, now. I'm going to apparate all of us," Dad smiled at them as he said that.

Fred and George felt the feeling of apparating, the feeling of being squished through something far too small, and then the feeling disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. They were standing on a small street, at the end of the street was a phonebooth, but that was the only description Fred and George could think of.

"Okay, we are here. Percy, could you wait here while I apparate your brothers to Harry's home," Dad waited until Percy confirmed that it was okay, and let go of his arm, before apparating with Fred and George to another place.

They were standing on a broad street, the road ran straight through with big houses on both sides, all of them had big gardens and driveways. The street was empty, the children that may live there having already gone to school and their parents to work.

Fred and George continued to look around until they heard a "pop!". They swirled around to where the sound came from and came face to face with a house-elf. Well, maybe not face to face, as the elf was probably half their height, but the sentiment stands.

"Little Master Harry hased said to Colky that Colky shalls invite misters Red Twins in, since misters Red Twins don'ts have accesses to the home yets." The small house-elf squeaked up at them.

"That's my chance to get back to Percy! Say hello to Harry and the others for me," Dad said before he apparated away, leaving Fred and George alone with the excited house-elf.

They turned from the spot their father had stood and looked back at Colky. "Shalls Colky take misters Red Twins to Little Master Harry, now?" the elf squeaked. When they said yes Colky sprang forward and grabbed each of their hands and began to drag them down the street.

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