
"Avoiding" Trouble


Having already settled down her initial anxiety, Emilia hesitantly picked Cynthia up from the seemingly uncomfortable position she was in, and made her way over to the somewhat more organized center of the pillow nest.

Even if she knew that it was impossible for the raven-haired girl to get any cramps or kinks in her neck regardless of how she 'slept', the crimson-haired girl felt much better after she settled her partner down in a much more natural position, though the position of one of the pillows was currently being occupied by her thighs.

Running her fingers gently though Cynthia's raven locks, Emilia couldn't help but sigh. "I don't know how strong you used to be, or how long it will take for you reach that point again…"

She paused, not letting the 'if that is even possible' that came to her mind slip from her tongue. "… I only hope that when the time comes, I'm ready…"

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