
No Longer a Prey

When Emilia arrived in school on Monday morning along with Dixie, she couldn't help but marvel at the speed and efficiency with which Samantha's secretary got things done.

Not only had she already received the 'incriminating evidence' she had been looking for, even the 'shower arrangement' she had requested for at school was already in place.

Not to mention that this was only the early morning of the first working day after Emilia had requested the shower facility at school from Samantha, it had already been past midnight when she told her she wanted the evidence!

That is to say, between twelve at midnight on Sunday and six in the morning on Monday, Noelle had to have already taken the relevant surveillance devices under her control and already gone through the data recovery.

She couldn't help but be a little curious. "Didn't you say it takes a while to recover lost data?"

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