
399. Despise

Ben looks at Zeref with a grin while saying, "This is getting interesting. Don't you think so?"

"You are just crazy," says Zeref.

Ben smirks and says, "Heh, so it's crazy if I make that thing come here, but it's alright if you make it come to Ishgar? Such irritating double standards you have there. Well, what do I expect from someone who created demons that destroyed the world but used them for his own Empire? Or should I state a fact that you made them to kill yourself but instead you use them like subordinates?"

"You said you hated Acnologia who endanger this world but aren't you yourself a danger to this world? In the past, I heard you say that humans are destroying this world. So tell me an individual who created more destruction in this world than you. You said about eradicating humans, but why don't you kill yourself? Ah, you said that you are immortal, so you can't die. Well, can you really not die or you are just not serious about killing yourself?"

"If you really want to die, then just fight against Acnologia that you could never defeat in your 400 years of life. But I guess you just want to live longer and justify anything you did. You always smiled and acted as if you loved your brother that you revived, Natsu. But if you really loved him, then you won't make him die the moment he kill you, and you won't even make him kill you in the first place."

"If you said that it's all because of the curse, then get the fuck out of my face! If I have even had a chance to revive my brother, then I would do anything even if Ankhseram gave me the worst curse. I would beat the crap out of that damn god and take his power so that my brother can have a real life. I would even beat the crap out of every god in this world if they tried to stop me. You are just full of shit, a piece of shit who thinks himself is the most righteous," rambles Ben pissedly.

Everyone even Zeref is stunned by what Ben just said. It's their first time hearing him talk for so long and he is actually talking trash about their Emperor. Ben doesn't care if they are angry or pissed because he is more pissed at Zeref.

He doesn't know what Zered has gone through, but he doesn't care. No matter what Zeref has gone through, it doesn't change the fact that his loved ones are in danger because of this guy. He doesn't care if villains were once good people, they still chose to be villains, and that's enough reason to remove them.

"Acnologia will come soon, so I don't have time to play with you anymore. Let's wrap things up faster so that I can focus on the greatest threat," says Ben while clapping his palms.

Ben closes his eyes and a golden aura starts covering his body. He opens his eyes and a golden bright magic circle appears on each of them. Then a very wide golden magic circle appears in the sky above them and covers the entire battlefield.

The Spriggans and Zeref widen their eyes because they can feel the massive power of that magic circle. So they immediately try to stop that magic by attacking Ben. But their attacks just vanish before forming completely.

"It's useless. No magic of my enemies can be activated when I do this," says Ben while opening his palms.

A bright gold orb appears between his palms and Ben chants, "Fairy Law!"

The orb's light spread and covers the entire battlefield. Zeref knows this spell, so he is very stunned by the power and scale of this spell. He is sure that even its creator, Mavis can't make it this big and powerful.

Ben's Fairy Law damages every individual in the Alvarez group. The weaker enemies get killed first and the stronger ones get killed next. No one among the soldiers can resist it because they are far weaker than Ben and this spell can't be blocked.

Although they are lucky that Ben is using this spell against numerous enemies. This spell was meant to be used against a single enemy. Using it against numerous enemies will take a toll on the user and would be lethal to their lifespan.

Ben's life force may be higher than even a Dragon now, but it is still limited. So he can't use Fairy Law to kill every one of his enemies here. But at least he can kill more than two third of Alvarez's soldiers and intimidate the rest.

He doesn't go any further because he still needs a lot of power to fight against Acnologia. Although there are still many soldiers, they won't give him any more fight. They are too scared of him because the Fairy Law still broke their spirit even if it didn't kill them.

Even the Spriggans are feeling quite intimidated by him for a moment. But they wake up soon because they are strong enough to resist the fear. The only ones who can resist it after a while other than the Spriggans' are their close aids.

Zeref is the only one who didn't get affected, but he has a hunch that it could greatly injure or might even kill him if Ben only targeted him. Ben will never do that though because it will be a too easy way for Zeref to die. He needs to suffer before dying to feel the pain of every innocent soul who died because of him.

"What kind of spell was that?!" asks Brandish in surprise.

"That was a kind of Law Magic," says August.

"Oh, it seems you can do that too," says Bloodman while smirking.

August gets silent for a moment before saying, "I can't copy that. It is very complicated that I can't copy that just by seeing it once."

Now the Spriggans get even more surprised, but Zeref isn't surprised because he knows Ben quite well. Ben must've modified the spell and made it stronger. He is right, Ben has modified all 3 of Fairy Tail Great Spells to make them stronger and better.

The basic is still the same, but Ben modified them well enough to prevent them from being copied even by high-rank Mages like August. Ben himself is a Copy Magic user although he prefers to use it to know the mechanisms of his opponents' magic and learn magic easier, not copying them just as they are.

That's why he knows well what it needs to copy a spell, so he modified some important spells and made them difficult to be copied even by high-rank Mages. The drawback is these spells will be more difficult to learn, but they are stronger than the normal versions, so it's a fair trade.

"Rather than trying to copy my spell, why don't you do something about me?" asks Ben who suddenly appears in front of Bloodman.

The surprised Bloodman doesn't even have time to move away because Ben has caught his face.

Ben grins and chants, "Devil Ignition!"

Bloodman suddenly feels his body getting hot to an unimaginable degree. He screams as his blood literally boils and his flesh is cooked. His body becomes bright red before the dark red fire comes out of every hole in his body.

Everyone watches in horror as Bloodman's body finally gets burnt by the dark red flame. His scream of agony sends shivers down one's spine because it sounds very painful. Ben's Sun Devil Slayer Magic will torment demons based on their evil deeds.

"The more evil deeds you have, the more pain you will suffer from this spell. Just from your scream, I can conclude that you have so many evil deeds. Even demons without evil deeds won't cry like you, so it's not a matter of race anymore," says Ben.

Ben made this spell after learning a lot about souls, then he integrated it into his Sun Devil Slayer Magic. He does that to make that magic lethal to not just demons. His enemies are mostly criminals who have done a lot of evil deeds and he really wanted to punish them his way.

But the main reason is he wanted to use this on Zeref and Acnologia. He doesn't know how many innocent lives were lost because of these 2, so he wants them to feel the sufferings of those innocent souls felt. Ben isn't a hero, but he sure hates those who killed innocents because it reminds him of his parents & brother.

Bloodman is burning in front of them, but no one dares to step forward and save him. Other than their low camaraderie, the gaze Ben gives them is terrifying them. His gaze tells them that they will end up like Bloodman if they come forward right now.

Even Zeref doesn't step forward for Bloodman because even he isn't sure he can save Bloodman. Also, he doesn't think there is a need to save the Etherious. He can just make another one later if he needs it.

In the end, Bloodman turns into ashes after suffering for a few minutes. No one really steps forward in those few minutes to save him. Ben is really disappointed in them, but he has expected this kind of thing from these people.

They would rather sacrifice their comrades if it means they can learn about Ben's power. But they'll never find it out until Acnologia come and it won't take long because Ben already feels that calamity's magic power near them.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 434. Another Universe (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 445. Clowns in Marineford (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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