
150. Clash with Jose

Ben & Jose are facing each other in the wide throne room. Their massive magic power clash and cracks the things around them. Jose's magic power is so sinister and has a dark color, while Ben's magic power is very bright like sunlight.

Their appearance also changes a little as they release their magic power. Jose has his eyes' white parts turn black, which makes him look scary. Ben has his eyes glow bright and his hairs raised like sharp spikes.

They push their magic power onto each other and make the clash bigger. Even though Ben's magic power is lower than Jose's, it is not weak by any means. He is still a high-level S-Class Mage and he is a Slayer Mage with 2 Slayer Magic types.

He won't lose to Jose if it's just a magic power clash. As a Dragon & Devil Slayer, his magic power has a different quality from normal Mages, so he can hold his ground against Jose. He has the magic of Dragon, Demon, and human inside him, after all.

Their magic power clash can be seen from outside of the building. The clash's effect is very big that it makes big waves in the river and the cloud turns dark. Waves of energy also spread everywhere, scaring the Mages on land.

"What happens?" asks Wakaba while attacking a shade.

"Such strong magic power clash. It must be from Phantom's Master. Does someone fight him? But who?" asks Macao.

"Mira, is it him?" asks Erza to Mira.

Mira nods and says, "Most likely. I don't know anyone from our Guild that has that much power besides Master and Gildarts. It's still weaker than both of them, but no one else has this much magic power, so it must be him."

"Well, he can stop Jupiter Cannon singlehandedly, so such power isn't that strange. But what should we do? We can't get closer with such battle going on there," says Erza.

"I don't think we need to go there. Look, they are the ones who come to us themselves," says Mira as she points at the Phantom Lord building direction.

The Element 4 members are leaving their building because Ben & Jose's clash scared them too. It will be dangerous if they stay in their guild building because it can get destroyed anytime. Natsu also leaves with Happy's help because his opponent is leaving.

"Hmm? Where's their Dragon Slayer?" asks Elfman.

Mira suddenly widens her eyes and transforms into her Satan Soul form. Then she flies fast to her guild building and leaves the things here to Erza. Erza doesn't understand why Mira suddenly leaves, but she agrees to it regardless.

After Mira leaves, Erza orders everyone to focus on fighting the shades. Natsu is chasing one of the Element 4, Totomaru, a fire mage. So they need to take care of the other 3 and she plans to ask Gray & Elfman to help her do it.

But even before she even says anything, Gray & Elfman have gone to do it. They don't want to lose to Natsu who has fought one of the Element 4. These boys are still very competitive even in a war situation.

Erza sighs before she also leaves to fight Element 4. This group is composed of Phantom's strongest members, so they can't be ignored. Natsu, Elfman, & Gray are the strongest members below S-Class, so Erza can leave Element 4 to them.

Back with Ben & Jose who finally stops their magic power clash. They've done judging their opponent's power, so now they just need to fight for real. Their clash also makes Jose realize something about Ben.

"So that's how it is. I never saw you myself so I didn't realize it before. But I won't get wrong about your magic power signature because my guild has one too, a Dragon Slayer. That makes it easier for me to guess who you are. Ben Cooper, also known as Karna The Sun's Child, you must be him," says Jose.

Ben just smirks when hearing that and says, "Yeah, that's me. What would you do about it then?"

"Then it will be a bigger reason for me to kill you right here and right now. I can't stand a very small guild like yours is having a strong Mage like you," says Jose angrily.

"Heh, what a petty old man. You won't live long and peacefully with that small heart of yours," says Ben while covering his hands & legs with solar energy that looks like a golden flame.

"You are the one who won't live long, brat," says Jose as he makes dark balls on his fingertips.

Jose flicks his right index finger in Ben's direction and Ben can see a dark bullet fly to him at high speed. Ben tilts his head to the left to dodge the bullet that is aimed at his forehead.

"Too slow," says Ben while smirking.

"Try this then," says Jose as he shoots using all his fingertips.

Dark bullets are shot toward Ben at a high rate and speed. Ben uses his solar energy-covered hands to block every bullet that Jose shot. He can see every bullet and move very fast to match the bullets' speed.

Ben's blocking makes the bullets go everywhere and hits the surrounding, destroying things. Jose then flashes around to shoot Ben from many directions. But Ben is unfazed and still can block every bullet that Jose shot because he can sense every incoming bullet with his strong sense.

"Are you going to keep shooting from afar like a coward, old man?" asks Ben who suddenly disappears from his spot and appears in front of Jose.

Ben punches at Jose and hits the old guy. But Jose can use his hands to block Ben's punch in the nick of time. He isn't distracted like Makarov, so he can move to block Ben's attack even when he is surprised.

Jose gets flung and hits the wall, but he comes out unscathed. He has protected his body with magic to reduce the damage from Ben's attack. Ben's punch was also not the best because he was hurrying his attack.

"I hope no less from a Wizard Saint like you," says Ben while grinning.

"Damn, cheeky brat," says Jose as he covers his right hand with magic.

Jose swings his right hand at Ben in a horizontal arc shape. Ben suddenly gets hit by something and it explodes right on his body. The explosion flings him back, makes him hit the thick wall and break it.

"Damn, I didn't see it coming," says Ben as he gets up and swipes the blood that comes out of his mouth.

The attack injured Ben, but it's not giving him big damage. Ben always wears a protective shirt that he enchanted with defensive spell himself. All his clothes have been enchanted with the physical and magical defense after he returned from his 1-year journey.

"Enchanting my clothes was a correct move. It doesn't make me 100% immune to attacks, but at least the damages are reduced. I really need to teach this to Wendy. But damn, his attack is really strong," says Ben as he looks at his tattered shirt.

Ben removes his tattered shirt and just wears his pants now. He is half-naked and shows his muscular body. Jose sees the black sun mark on his left chest but doesn't have any suspicion and just thinks it's a normal tattoo.

"You're a tough brat," says Jose.

Ben grins and makes a small ball of solar energy on his right hand before saying, "I need to be tough or I won't be able to protect anything."

"Hahaha, so you are the same type as that fool Makarov. Protecting this and that. Then I'll destroy what you want to protect too, just like him," says Jose sinisterly.

Ben throws the solar ball to the roof and it creates a big explosion. The roof is destroyed and sunlight enters the room, shining on both of them.

"Try it," says Ben while smirking.


You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 185 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 196 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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