
31. MP Control Lesson

Currently, Ben is training the class on MP control. Rather than showing them the method by flowing their MP on their body, Ben tells them to play with their magic spells. Ben tells them to use their weakest spells and maintain them as long as they can.

By maintaining their magic spells as long as they can, these kids will learn to control their output to make their spells stable and last longer. To do it, they'll try to use a minimum & stable amount of MP.

"The one who can maintain their magic longer than the others will get a little reward from me."-Ben


"Yeah, you can ask anything as long as it's just a small request that can be done."-Ben

Everyone gets motivated and thinks of what they will ask if they win. The boys are just getting excited and even discuss it with their friends. But the girls look at each other as rivals, and Ben doesn't realize this.

'I will ask Ben nii-san to have a date with me.'-Girls

"Wendy, Bella, Carla, you guys also join this training! But you won't get a reward because you'll certainly win with your experience."-Ben

""Eeehhh~?""-Wendy, Bella, Carla get disappointed

"No complaining! You need to give example to them, not just watching!"-Ben

Wendy, Bella, & Carla didn't have any choice but to do it now.

"For Mina & Felice who use Take-Over & Requip, you need to keep using your magic to transform in 5 seconds intervals! You don't use MP anymore after you transform after all."-Ben

""Yes.""-Mina & Felice

"Alright, let's start!"-Ben

Everyone then starts to use their simplest magic spells. They all are very confident at first because it feels really easy. However, as 3 minutes passed, the students start to have some difficulties.

Ben looks at them and smirks because these kids have underestimated this training. They've used a lot of MP before, so their MP gets depleted faster. Now with low MP, they'll need to control their output to be very minimum just so their magic won't break.

Wendy, Bella & Carla have done this many times before, so they have fewer difficulties. Even so, they didn't take it easy, because as time passed, they also getting low on MP. But they can handle it better than the students.

The students watch Wendy, Bella, & Carla, to learn how they control their MP output. Some of them try to do the same, but it's not that easy. This kind of thing needs a lot of practice and understanding of the spell.

After 5 minutes, the students start to lose control, and their magic breaks. They start to fail one by one after they lose control or even run out of MP.

"What's wrong? It has just been 5 minutes you know. I thought I told you to use simplest spells?"-Ben

"*pant pant* I never thought it will be this hard."-Yorki

"You shouldn't underestimate magic, kids!"-Ben smirk

Ben looks at the remaining 4 students who still maintain their magic. They're Mina (Take-Over), Gea (Bubble Magic), Dan (Bullet Magic) & Parka (Muscle Magic). The other students watch the remaining four to learn how they do it.

Parka can maintain his magic for 7 minutes. Mina then fail to maintain her magic after 8 minutes passed. Gea after 10 minutes, and half a minute later, Dan also loses control. Wendy & co stop after all students lose their control.

"Alright, so the winner is Dan with 10,5 minutes. Now tell me your request!"-Ben

"Ben-nii, show us one of your Magic spell's power!"-Dan

"Ooh, that's a good request, Dan."-Hans

"Alright then."-Ben smile

Ben looks around the training ground and sees a big wood log. Ben approached the big log and everyone follow him.

"It will be better if there's a boulder, but this big log will do. Watch carefully! If you train hard, then one day you will be able to do this."-Ben

Ben grab the log and throw it up easily. Then he takes a deep breath and gathers MP in his mouth.

"Sun Dragon's Fire Roar!"-Ben

Ben uses a fire roar spell toward the big wood log. The spell is aimed at the sky, so it's safe even though the size is big and the power is high.

The students widen their eyes & have their jaws dropped. They never see a magic spell as big as this before, so they're surprised. Even though Ben's magic isn't the strongest, but for these kids, it is the strongest that they've ever seen.

When Ben finishes his spell, the wood log is nowhere to be seen. It is burnt to crisp, and nothing left, except ashes that got drift away by the spell.

This surprised not only the students but also the Headmaster & Raul who watch from the office. Even other teachers & students in the school are alerted by the sudden appearance of big magic with high power.

"That boy, he is strong. Stronger than anyone in this school. Is he an S-Class?"-Raul widen his eyes

"N-no, he is an A-Class, but it seems he is close to S-Class title."-Headmaster also has his eyes wide open

"Even A-Class is high enough for a 12 y.o, and he is close to S-Class. Genius is really different. I hope the students won't get discouraged by this."-Raul

"Yeah, I hope he has a plan by showing a magic at this scale."-Headmaster

On the training ground, Ben is looking at the students who are rooted in their place and didn't move at all. He smiles and claps his hands loudly to make them return to their sense.


"Okay, stop daydreaming! The school haven't finished yet."-Ben

"B-Ben-nii, that spell, it's so strong."-Ron said with starry eyes

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I can reach that level."-Dito look down

Some students are getting motivated, while some are discouraged. Ben has predicted this, and he already thought of how to solve it.

"Is my spell look that strong to you?"-Ben


"That's good then because my hard work has been paid off. Or did you think that I reach this level instantly?"-Ben has a serious look because he needs to give these kids an important message now.


"That's right, it's not instant. I train hard, I do a lot of hard battles, I learn many things about magic, I do what I can to grow strong. If you want to be strong, then you need to work for it!"-Ben

The students are still unsure, but they're listening to Ben.

"Look at Wendy! I have trained with her for 2 years, and she show good progress. She isn't as strong as me, but she keeps training to be stronger and never gets discouraged. If you guys who have just trained for a week with me get discouraged like this, then maybe you should quit."-Ben

Ben looks at the students who listen to him seriously and he nod.

"Mage is not an easy profession that you can do just because you want to. Being a mage is dangerous and needs hard work. If you can't do that, then stop now before it's too late. If you don't want to quit, then be more serious and work harder. Do you want to quit?"-Ben

""N-no.""-Students answer shyly






""YES!""-The students salute like soldiers


"Hihihi, it's his habit to say that like when he trained us."-Wendy

"*nod nod* Ben's habit."-Bella


""YEEAAAHHH!""-Students get motivated


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