
16. Plan for Future

Ben now aimed to be an S-Class mage as soon as possible. If he become an S-Class, he will have access to bigger jobs. S-Class mages will also be able to roam the world easier and allowed to enter some forbidden or dangerous areas. He's getting excited just thinking about that.

Ben didn't realize it, but he has become more and more like a 12 y.o boy. Without any kind of heavy responsibility on his shoulder like when he was a soldier, Ben can enjoy his life more than before. He can become himself, become what he wanted, not what the others wanted.

Of course he still have responsibility to protect his guild and all it's members, especially his team. But he know that they will grow stronger, up to the point where they can protect themselves. He will make sure that they will grow past that point.

'To be an S-Class mage, i didn't just need power, but i need good records. In other word, i need a good resume. Well, it's just a normal way for people to be promoted in any organization.'-Ben think while training in the cave

Ben then calculate what he need to be promoted faster. He know he will reach the minimum power for an S-Class in a year, so he need to make sure he have the needed experience in a year too.

'One job a week, that mean 52 jobs a year. It will be enough if my job get harder and harder. But i doubt i will get dangerous work with Wendy & the cats. It seem i need to take some jobs alone, maybe with Bella because she just won't leave me. It's easier to protect 1 person than protecting 3.'-Ben

Ben decide to take some jobs by himself, and not with his team. He want to get more experience, not just for promotion to S-Class. He also want to have more challenges & adventure. Now he just need to talk with Roubaul, and get his approval.

After his training, Ben go to meet Roubaul and have a private talk. He tell the old man about his thought and what he want. Roubaul just listen to Ben until he finish his talk.

"So you want to take more jobs and get more experience to be an S-Class mage?"-Roubaul

"Yeah, i will still take easier jobs with Wendy every week, but i want to take some more dangerous jobs alone."-Ben

"Did you really want to be an S-Class that fast?"-Roubaul

"Yeah, and it's not just because i want to see the world. You know me, Gramps, and you know my growth. I grew fast last year, but it actually start to get slower lately."-Ben

Ben didn't lie, his growth has become slower lately. Even though he still grew stronger, but it's really slow, not as fast as before. Ben has investigate it, and he know his problem, he lack difficult battle.

"I need battle to grow strong, training won't give me good result anymore. Difficult battle, life & death battle, that's what i need right now, not just training."-Ben

Ben is very serious right now, and Roubaul also looking at him seriously.

"Fine, i will allow it, but i will still choose the job. Also, you can only take it at most 2 times a month. Rest is also important."-Roubaul

"Alright, that's good enough. No one want to keep doing jobs. I need some rest and entertainment."-Ben

"Good, i will find a suitable job for you to do next week. For now, just do your usual things."-Roubaul

Ben nod and leave the room, returning to his house.

"Sigh, this kid's growth is really terrifying that it make me worried. Maybe i need to tell him the truth about this guild soon? No, let's just look at the situation first, i can't be hasty. But, sooner or later he will find something amiss, he is smart after all. Sigh, i am too old for this."-Roubaul

Actually, Ben has already feel something is not right with their guild. He feel teir guild didn't work like what a guild should, and their members didn't take quests that often. except him & Wendy. He feel like they aren't actually a guild, and just a village.

However, Ben remove that thought and just focus on training. He was from another world, so this might be how magic guild in this world work. Beside, he trust Roubaul, and he also feel comfortable in here, so the guild condition, and how it works doesn't really matter to him.

The next day, Ben train Wendy on hand to hand combat. She asked him to train her after she could only defeat 3 normal bandits before. Ben gladly train her, and they train without using any magic. Ben need to train the basic to Wendy, so that her techniques will not be weak.

Ben & Wendy have a sparring at the end of their training. Ben barely break a sweat in the sparring. His power is just that much stronger than Wendy. But nonetheless, he still train Wendy with patience, because he want her to be strong too.

"*pant pant* How is it Ben nii-san? *pant*"-Wendy

"Your techniques have improved, but the way you use them in a fight is still not good enough. I think we need to have more sparring to improve it."-Ben

"Only sparring?"-Wendy

"No, we'll also improve your MP and stamina by training in the cave. You can make the schedule, i'll just follow it."-Ben

"Hmm, we have jobs on Monday or Tuesday. Then, training in the cave on Wednesday, and sparring on Thursday. I want to train my spells an other things on Friday. As for Saturday & Sunday, i want to play with Carla."-Wendy

"Ooh, you think of it that fast, good girl. Alright, let's go with that."-Ben rub Wendy's hair

"Hehehe."-Wendy smile

Wendy always like to be praised by Ben, and being rub or pat on her hair. In fact, Bella and Carla also like it, altough Bella is more honest, but Carla isn't. He is their big brother after all, so they like to be praised by him.

"Ben, rub!"-Bella

"Yes yes."-Ben rub Bella, and Carla too

"W-why me too?"-Carla protest, but inside, she is happy

"Just to be fair."-Ben

With that, they finish their training. Then for the next days, they follow the schedule that Wendy made. Ben's schedule also change following Wendy's schedule. His old schedule is not effective anymore now. Just training everyday won't make him grow fast like last year.

Ben's current priority isn't raising his stats, but increasing his abilities. He realize his shortcoming in the previous job when he fought that mage, he lack spells. What he lack isn't spell amount, but he lack the spell to be used in all situations.

Ben's Sun Dragon Slayer Magic have more offensive spells than defensive. It also lack spells that can be used in closed space. Ben understand the reason though, it's because this magic is originated from a Dragon. Dragon have tough scales, and rarely need defensive spells. Dragon is also big, so they don't usually fight in closed space.

The only option for Ben is to create his own spells. He have created some before, so it doesn't matter. What he need right now is references, he need a lot of spells from all types. That's why Ben bought all kind of spells that he can buy on magic store.

'The spells that i bought from that magic store aren't enough. Hmm, let's try to ask Gramps if he also have magic spells collection.'-Ben

Ben go to meet Roubaul in the guild building and the old man is drinking while talking with the others right now, make his booze spill all over the place.

"Old man, i told you to not talk while drinking, it's disgusting."-Ben

"It's an habit, so it's hard to change, hahaha."-Roubaul

"Sigh, whatever. Hey Gramps, how many spells that you have collected?"-Ben

"How many? I don't know, maybe tens or hundreds. Why'd you ask?"-Roubaul

"Can you let me learn those spells?"-Ben

"You want to learn them all?"-Roubaul raised an eyebrow

"Yeah, i lack spells to be used in some situations. That's why i will make my own spells, but i need references. I don't plan to use all those spells, i just want to learn the concept behind them to build my own spells."-Ben

"Oh, so that's how it is. Fine then, i'll prepare it, you can take it tomorrow."-Roubaul

"Thanks, Gramps."-Ben

"Yeah, but can you explain to me about this project?"-Roubaul


Ben then have a talk with Roubaul about his problems and plan. Roubaul hear it and give some advise & ideas to Ben. They discuss about it until dinner, and Ben get some more ideas from Roubaul. With more ideas, Ben is sure his plan will work very well.


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