This review is to explain the stat spam I have at the bottom of every chapter.
It's not there to fill a word count. It's there for the readers and myself to refer to information about the main character and the world at any time. That way, I don't forget things like I have for The Ancients World. It does take up the majority of words, but I only write 750 words a chapter for my nonexclusive stories on Webnovel.
I'm never going to sign a story to this site again or any other. That being said, if you want to read ahead, then visit the P-a-t-r-e-o-n. The stat spam will make many of you mad, but I don't care. I write around 2 and a half books worth of words a month, and I don't think you can comprehend that workload.
It was double at one point, but I've cut back on the words per chapter/page for my own mental health and sanity. Hope this review explains something.