
Nol and Lucie Menelumia

(Third person point of view)

She came walking through that endless forest, even from afar it could be said that she was a mage.

Partly because of the cloak that covered her small body and the strange staff that was held in her small hand, but mostly because space seemed to break and rebuild itself in her presence.

A couple of rabbits who were busy repopulating her race saw her approaching figure and quickly knelt down, although it was physically impossible for the rabbits to kneel, at least they tried very fervently.

The robust ancient oaks also wanted to try it, but then they remembered that they were trees and became deeply depressed, being a tree was not a bad job but at the moment it was not ideal.

She usually stopped to say hello to anyone she could say hello to, but right now she seemed to be oblivious to all of this.

At times, she would stop and throw her cane into the air. She always got the same answer, none.

And that made her very happy.

Although her staff was tired, she had repeated the same process at least a thousand times in the last few hours.

Sometimes the Staff wanted to be like those legendary figures known as humans, who could retire after 40 years of service and do whatever they wanted.

The staff began to question life itself, although she did not understand how she herself had life.

Yes, a female Staff, everybody usually thinks of Staffs as male, but this world was special, even the gods had a sense of humor to give rocks and Staffs consciousness.

As mentioned before, this world is special, because all the inhabitants were women.

But that doesn't matter, what really matters is the little magician.

She called herself Nol, just Nol.

The only Elf with Magenta hair, everything about her stood out, of course. After all, she is the leader of the Elves.

Her age was unknown, but at least she was in double digits.

And, what was this wonderful Elf doing in the middle of this forest? Well, she got here by mistake. Although she rarely got excited about anything, today was a special day. Today she was finally able to find the right person to help her. Even with her vast experience, there were things she couldn't accomplish herself because certain characteristics were needed to save the world.

As Nol hummed happily, she made a vague movement with her staff and disappeared.


There was a shrine, embedded in the middle of some trees. It wasn't a particularly large shrine, and it wasn't in its best shape, nor did it appear on the maps of this world.

It hardly even appeared on the maps of this town, however Nol looked at the two people who were in the middle of the sanctuary.

A blonde Elf of exceptional beauty, and man.

-Please messiah, give me your semen~ -said the blonde elf, with a seductive and embarrassed tone.

The man thought for a moment.

-First wouldn't it be better to tell me your name? -he said lightly-, "although I plan to help you anyway, at least I want to know your name."

The blonde Elf's expression softened a bit. Indeed, this man was a good person, at least so the beautiful Elf thought.

"My name is Lucie Menelumia," she said happily, "Nol-sama selected me to be the first Elf to copulate with you, Messiah."

The Elf named Lucie blushed slightly, after all she had learned the term copulate today, she was also instructed on what she should do at this time. The elves of this world had never had the need to know such things because they wouldn't understand anyway.

On the other hand, Nol was calmly observing everything. She was just a spectator waiting to see something interesting, but she was somehow also interested in seeing this famous "copulation" process.

Although she had suggested this method herself, she only knew small details retrieved from ancient documents.

Nol began to feel small tingling sensations on her slender thighs, it was pleasant and strange but it didn't bother her.

She also didn't notice the small leak of "water" that was slipping from her crotch.

The man sighed.

I know what you mean, Lucie -the man finally said -, Even though I didn't talk to that Nol-sama you mentioned, it seems that you attach a lot of importance to this ritual. So I'll help you.

The man quickly undressed.

The two elves watched the process with great interest.

The man jumped from his spot, and walked over to Lucie.

Lucie came over too and sat on the man's lap, snuggling between his legs as she rubbed against his throbbing cock.

"Be gentle, please," -Lucie said, as she squirmed in embarrassment.

The man caressed the woman's voluptuous body with his thick fingers.

-You are very beautiful Lucie -said the man- You don't have to worry.

The man moved his hips slowly.

Lucie felt the invader go through the inside of her, she saw the blood that came from the sacred place of her, but she got used to it quickly.

Lucie took a deep breath, she felt that things were on the right track.


For some reason I wanted to write this way xD

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