
Poem 38:To my father

To my Father

Ali the champion.

You built the bridge,

The bridge I can now cross.

You deed an upbringing.

Then lled the role of father.

The effort you consistently put in has altered my path.

You instilled duty in my nature.

Then gave me the best education for my age. You prioritised aection when no one else did. You made me feel loved.

Through all your anger you grew.

You learnt peace and drive.

But you built an empire and thrived.

As Rome fell, so did your empire.

But you did not lie down in defeat.

You grew new roots and ourished.

When you traveled to Dubai and left us behind.

I couldn't dry the tears in my eyes.

I was abandoned and didn't know why.

Then I grew.

I saw you and your courage building something new.

I realized then I am no dierent from you. For me, Layla and Jude our bond is sown.

Thanks to your crucial lessons on how respect is earnt.

Once your time comes I make a promise true. I will watch over the family as if I were you. Thank you dad, thankyou for leaving.

You showed me courage.

You have made me chase my own adventure. Ana bahebak baba.

Remember one truth.

You will never walk alone, from now on.

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