
Robin's Wisdom!

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You can see more than 30 chapters ahead of everyone in Webnovel on my patre@n:




"No problem, but Zunesha doesn't stay in one place. It always walks around in the sea. It's kind of impossible to find Zunesha just by relying on yourself."

Akira shook his head and sighed because he truly felt sad for the cute little raccoon.

Pato became a little nervous and asked with a confused voice:

"Zunesha? What is that?"

"It is the giant elephant's name, which kept moving on the sea. They also call it Zou Island." Akira explained.


Pato's expression became lonely and sad again. Obviously, he was sad about not being able to return to my hometown.

For many years, he believed he was the only animal in the world that could speak, but now he was suddenly told that there are still a large number of his kin on some island far away, so how can he not be happy?

However, he has no way to find Zou Island's location, which makes him extremely lost.

Seeing Pato's sad and lost expression, Akira knew his chance had come.

So he laughed and said: "But fortunately you met me. I have a lot of good friends in the Mink Tribe. I can take you there."

"Really?! Thank you so much."

Pato started cheering and jumping up around Akira happily.

"You saved me from death, so you don't need to thank me at all."

Akira waved his hand and said with a gentle smile.

"Yes, you are right. We helped each other. I will work even hard to make you better in no time!"

Pato patted his small chest, directly promised, and then continued to boil the herbs.

Looking at Pato's back, Akira took out Den Den Mushi from his pocket and called Robin and Kalifa.

The news of his fight with Kaido should have spread all over the world by now, s they must have read about his disappearance from Sabaody Archipelago.

Although they knew about Akira's Flying Raijin Jutsu, still, if they couldn't connect with him, they would be dead worried about him.

However, when his hand touched his pocket, it was empty.

"Why I didn't think of this? How could a Den Den Mushi survive Kaido's attack?"

He shook his head. He no longer thought about it. At most, he will stay here for a few more days, and then he will directly teleport to their location using Flying Raijin Jutsu.

Slowly, thoughts flashed through his mind. He was very tired and executed, his eyes started closing, and drowsiness struck him. He slowly fell into a deep sleep.


Sabaody Archipelago Islands.

On the Black Pearl.

Robin and Khalifa's faces changed when they heard about what happened in the No. 23 Area.

The atmosphere on the ship was gloomy.

"Robin-san, the captain is missing. What should we do now?"

Kalifa looked at Robin anxiously. She was pale and worried.

"Leave the Black Pearl first."

Robin thought for a moment and decided.

"Huh? Are we going to abandon the Black Pearl? If captain comes back…." Kalifa looked at Robin in surprise.

"Although no one saw us when we docked, we definitely can't hide our whereabouts from the Navy Intelligence for too long."

Robin said calmly and then continued:

"Whether it's the Navy or the World Government, if they know that the Black Pearl is docked here, they will definitely send some forces here. Just in case, we must leave here and wait for the captain's return."

After saying that, Robin acted immediately, went into the room where Perona was sleeping, hurriedly carried her, and pulled her off the Black Pearl.

The three of them didn't go very far when they saw a Navy team coming toward their ship in the distance.



Kalifa cursed in a low voice, looked at Robin subconsciously, and said, "Isn't the Navy worried that the captain will seek revenge when he comes back?"

Kalifa is very puzzled by the Navy's action. As an ex-agent in Cp9, she knows they never used this style in their missions. Because, as long as there is no confirmation of Akira's death, they won't make a move against him.

Instead, his crew members on the Black Pearl will stay and wait for his return.

Robin looked at her and said:

"That's the difference between World Government and the Navy. The Navy already knows about the captain's long-distance teleportation ability. In fact, they know almost all the captain's information and abilities. So they aren't worried that our captain will seek revenge. Instead, they will be worried if the captain goes hiding."

After a pause, she added:

"And the Navy's intention to do so is obvious, which is to use the Black Pearl and us to capture our captain. Because the most important thing for any pirate is his ship and companions."

Kalifa nodded and immediately understood what the Navy was planning to do. She looked at Robin and asked:

"So, where are we going now?"

"At No. 13 Area, there is a place called Shakky's Rip-off Bar. The captain said in that bar, an old and legendary pirate is hiding..." Robin said calmly.

"I didn't know there would be such a place here, but will they give us shelter?" Kalifa asked worriedly.

Robin shook her head and said:

"Don't worry. We will deal with the situation when we reach there."

After saying that, Robin suddenly stopped.

Kalifa was startled, immediately stopped, took a fighting stance, and looked around.

"Are there any enemies nearby?"

Robin shook her head and suddenly threw Perona to the ground and asked with a cold face: "Since you're awake, stop pretending to sleep."


Perona, who was thrown to the ground, opened her eyes and glared at Robin:

"Y-you... How can you treat me like this?"


Robin sneered, crossed her hands, and activated her devil fruit ability. Suddenly two arms appeared on Perona's shoulders, grabbing her ears.

"Painful! Painful! Painful!"

Perona cried out in pain for a few seconds and said weakly:

"Your captain is dead, right? Why don't you let me go? If you put me here, you can run away more quickly. If you take me with you, I will only drag you down."

"Ara Ara!"

Robin smiled at Perona and said:

"You want to use this trick to run away. I am sorry, but you have to wait for our captain to return."

After a slight pause, she squatted down, hugged her knees, and looked at Perona:

"Moreover, our captain won't die so easily, even if his opponent was one of the Yonko!"

After saying that, she directly used her ability to cover Perona's mouth and threw her to Kalifa.

"The Navy will surround this place. Let's go quickly."

"Got it." Kalifa nodded seriously.

The two took Perona and kept running without looking back or stopping.

Finally, not long after, they finally arrived at the Area No. 13.

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