
Chapter 4

We went downstairs, a black tinted jeep was already waiting. My cousin went straight to the jeep and taped at the window, the glass came down, an elderly man in his 50’s, with big stomach was sitting at the driver’s side. He smiled at my cousin and she smiled back, I guess that was the chief she called earlier. She gave me a sign to enter while she entered the front. She huggedthe Chief and introduced us, his name is chief Omego 1 of Lagos.

He drove off. He was talking to my cousin throughout, but I never paid attention, i was busy looking at Lagos from the glass, Lagos is the definition of beauty, everything is carefully planned, the housing, road. The house designs are something else, the human beings in Lagos are so beautiful, like they are extremely cute. I was busy admiring Lagos, I didn’t know when we got to our destination. My cousin came down and gave me a sign to come down which I complied with. I looked around, we were at Oriental Hotel in Victoria island, Lagos. The building is magnificent, like extremely beautiful. The car park was a sight to behold, the only problem i had was the heel I was wearing, honestly, that day was my first time wearing heel, my cousin knew about it so she held me, she was protecting her interest , her pride. We entered the restaurant, we were greeted warmly and the dress code of the workers are something out of this world, so classy. We sat down inside the restaurant, thank God the chairs were normal chair. The receptionist came to take our orders, that was where trouble started. I ordered for rice, fish and salad, i ordered for fish, not because I don’t want to eat chicken, but because of the fear of fork and knife, I never used that in the village to eat. My oversabi cousin cancelled the fish and told them to bring chicken for me. I tapped her beneath the table, i whispered to her that I have not used fork and knife before. All my plea fell of deaf ear, so i accepted it like that, beside there is always the first time for everything.

Food was served, we were all happy and i was really getting along, Chief was nice throughout, he encouraged me to work and stand up for myself, he also told me that all that glitters in Lagos are not gold…..Honestly, i was listening to him but the taste of the food was entering my brain. Everything was going well until it got to the chicken part, everything became a disaster. My cousin was staring at me and smiling, while chief was busy asking me if the chicken was too strong, i told him no. I was sweating while struggling to cut the chicken into sizable pieces, unfortunately, the chicken flew, and guess what? It landed on chief, and pepper entered his eyes, that was the end of the dinner, i screwed up. Chief screamed while my cousin was trying to blow the pepper off from his eyes, it was effort in futility. He gave my cousin his credit card to pay for the food, which she did, my cousin drove him to his house and helped him to call his wife to assist him. She did not speak to her, she just dialed the number and gave him the phone, she gave me signal for us to leave. We walked to a far distance, I guess because of chief wife, i didn’t know what she and chief have in common but one thing i know is that women assume a lot.

She ordered uber, the uber arrived within 3 minutes. My cousin did not talk to me till we got home, she still did not talk to me until the next day. The next day was Wednesday. All she did was to dish out her usual instruction and leave for work, Henry came as usual to drop key for another sister, her name is Chioma.Within 30 minutes into my movie, i heard a shout, i thought the building was on fire so I rushed out to know what it was. It was the married couple, the wife was screaming at the husband and blocked her husband, she was saying “You must tell me who Princess is, shameless man, womanizer, always sleeping withevery idiot on the road, after everything i did for you, bastard”, he husband threatened to beat her if she doesn’t excuse him, trust Yoruba women “Beat me oo, beat me, that is all you know how to do, beat me, mad man, bastard, foolish he goat, i said you should beat me”, I went back in and locked my door, beside that wasn’t my business, that was adult matter not for someone like me, so i went back to my movie.

Amanda came by 2;30pm, another of Henry’s girlfriend, Amanda is straight, flat chested, flat ass, but she is beautiful, not fair, not dark. I gave her the key, and she thanked me…wow, Amanda is really respectful. 30 minutes later, I heard a knock on my door, I thought it was Amanda, so I opened the door. Wow, guess who the person was? Bimbo. She asked for the key, I told her that I was not with it, that one of her sisters came to collect the key, since she is Henry’s sister too, that made her and Amanda sisters. She sighed and I locked my door. 4 minutes later, I heard another shout, two ladies. I quickly rushed out, I found Bimbo and Amanda shouting, i guess that day was mapped out for shouting and quarrelling….Amanda, you are a prostitute, olosho, back stabber” Bimbo yelled, ‘let it be Bimbo, let it be. I am paying you back for what you did to me, I will continue to frustrate you because you deserve it, back stabber too, no be only you sabi back stab, bastard”. Amanda entered inside and banged it door, Bimbo was pressing her phone angrily, i guess she was trying to call Henry but the call wasn’t connecting. She turned to leave, i quickly closed the door before she face me. I understood the meaning of the comment my cousin made when I asked her about Henry, I understood the meaning of her sarcastic laughter. The funny thing was that, those ladies were on corporate, they wore corporate outfit as if they were going to work, wonders shall never end, nothing westlife no go see for empty street(slang).

My cousin came back by 9pm, i greeted her, she responded…phew!! At least she wasn’t angry again. She pressed her phone and put the phone on her ear, I guess she was calling someone, definitely not my parents. She said hello and walked straight into her room, she closed her door but i eavesdropped on her call, so I heard, ‘your wife called me today, abusing me, how did your wife find out? Seems you were not careful enough. Please be cautious next time, i don’t want to loose you and i also don’t want anybody insulting me, abeg”, she dropped the call. I did not understand the meaning of that conversation because i trusted my cousin, it may be work related…so I thought.

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