
The academy!

The Konoha ninja academy, a place where many powerful shinobi have grown up, many who have marked a before and after.

I am there now, as an otaku in my past life it was a delight to see all this, an unimaginable luxury.

I had already seen it from the outside, when I was going to Mount Hokage, an activity that I did often, since it is very close.

But I was never inside, this is the place that will decide if I am strong enough to survive, to protect myself and those I love, I will have to become a genin, the lowest rank within the ninjas.

On the way here, I couldn't stop smiling and shaking!

This is incredible!

I'm inside, the classroom is large, it has a total of nine tables where three students enter each, the floor is green and the walls are white, there is also a large window that lets you see the training field!

This is very astonishing!

I put on, for this special day, a short-sleeved, simple black T-shirt that fits my body, but I like it, also some red and plain shorts that fit me perfectly.

My clothing is basic, since it is hot ... it is the beginning of the year, the heat is very strong!

I hate the heat, but thank goodness these classrooms are cool!

I am sitting in the back, near the window, in the left corner, a custom from my past life.

Hahh, I need to calm down, I have to act serious.

My crazy fan attitude seems to want to come out, because in any place I will see the protagonists of that story!

Hahh, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura ...

Mainly Naruto, the boy who wants to be Hokage to earn the respect of the people, an admirable but very idealistic dream.

Sasuke, the boy who now just wants not to be the shadow of his brother, but who will soon want revenge against him for killing his entire clan.

And Sakura, the girl who is madly in love with the Uchiha boy...

Last year was tough, but fun. I was able to learn a lot thanks to Gai-sensei.

I'm not going to disappoint Gai, nor Nori!

"Hahahahahah my father paid a chunin to make me develop my chakra!"

"Mine too! We are going to be powerful shinobi!"

"Hahahahahaha yeah! We'll be a great team!"

They are three civilian children, like me, so that's what Nori was talking about!

Merchants pay a ninja to make their children develop their chakra. In order to enter the important ninja course of this academy, you need to have a developed chakra.

That was what Nori told me, I was weird among civilians, since I never had help on the chakra issue.

I puff up my chest with pride!

Persevering paid off!

They all have chakra, but within civilians few develop it enough to be ninjas!

Hah! I'm a genius.

~ chiiiiiiir ~

W-what was that?

The classroom door, a black haired boy walked in ...

Sasuke Uchiha! The Ultimate Future Uchiha!

His eyes, like his hair, is black, his skin is white, almost pale, he has a large dark blue shirt with his clan logo, he wears black shorts that fit him well!

It's him, his face shows it, a face that expresses tranquility, contrary to mine ...

He sat at the first table in the third row.

The civilian children looked at him curiously, seeing someone from his clan is always a highlight.

Then a girl with peculiar hair entered.

Sakura Haruno, Sasuke's crazy fan.

Her pink hair made her stand out, along with a red bow and a light pink dress she sat on the second row of tables, glancing at the emo.

So much to process in a short time, two of the three important characters!

Sakura looks ... cute, but where is Naruto?

The door opened again...

"Move, Choji, you take up a lot of space!" A green-eyed blonde girl screamed, she was saying that to a chubby brown-haired boy who eats some potato chips ...

Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi ... and Shikamaru where ...?

"They're making a lot of noise, uaahh, the mornings are a bummer ..." a boy, behind them, let out a big yawn and complained. Yes, that's Shikamaru Nara ... he's the same as always. Shikamaru, a skinny, lazy boy with tied black hair.

They sat together in the second row of seats. Ino obviously looked at Sasuke and Sakura ...

Seeing them in person is incredible and unreal!

Civilian kids shot Ino glances, she's cute but she only has eyes for Sasuke ...

Where is Naruto?

The door opened.

Who is he?




"Fat shit!"

"You disgust me so much!"

"Yeah, he's so gross!"

T-those ... insults ...

"If you come back this high school I will kill you!"

A blond boy with blue eyes had entered.

No, that was definitely not Naruto.

He gave a look of disgust, contempt and superiority, the same one I saw in my past life ... the same one that had hurt me so much ...

It was not a look for me, it was a look for all the civilians who were seated.

I could see how the eyes of the children around me and Sakura twisted ... not too much, but there was a slight change, my face was the worst.

"What's wrong, blond ?!" A civilian boy stood up from his seat, noticed the aggression in his gaze.

Everyone was expectant of the conflict, except for the blonde who simply made a funny face and sat down ...

"T-that blond shit ..." before he could complete his insult the door opened.

"Ksksksksksksk did you see my dog ​​Akamaru? He's great, isn't he? He's going to get really big!" A boy with canine features and red fang-like markings on his cheeks said as he smiled.

Kiba Inuzuka was saying that to Shino Aburame and Hinata Hyuga ...

Behind them came another girl with brown hair, a calm look and some kinds of marks on her cheeks, who is she?

There are students I don't know ... this is changing ...

Hahh ... I need to calm down.

I freed myself from my trance by thinking about that unknown.



Pieces of wood in my hand, I inadvertently crushed a small part of the table ...

I have to calm down ...

Hahh, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and stopped shaking, so much had happened to my body that I didn't realize it.

Inhale and exhale, I said to myself, it is logical that there are more students or so I think, since I am a student who did not exist before in the original line ...

"Well, are you all here ?!" A man with a big mark on his nose came through the door and asked, most of them nodded.

Iruka Umino, with his black hair tied up and her tanned skin walked through the door. He wears the typical shinobi clothes, a big green vest, some black anbu pants and a dark blue sweater under the vest ...

After him another shinobi entered.

The infamous Mizuki, a young boy with gray hair and eyes. His face looks kind, but he sure is acting.

Where is Naruto ?! Without waiting for anyone else Iruka spoke.

"Well welcome to the ninja academy!"



"Sorry, I'm late!"

Next chapter