
What normal people do

[A few months later] [December—Thursday 4:00 p.m.]

"Wait a second...I'm pretty sure I know what this is" Oboro said with a hand on his chin suspiciously as he looked at his math book.

"That's because it's a law of Pythagoras Oboro, it was almost the first class and now we see it again" Doryoku said with a bit of expectation seeing that Oboro remembered the law seriously.

"Haha! I knew it! I don't remember anything but I knew I saw it!" Oboro said smiling with great pride despite not remembering the subject, causing Doryoku to only smile nervously.

'I'm not even surprised' Doryoku thought, shaking his head as he continued to read the topic carefully.

Doryoku watched some exercises on the same topic for a couple of minutes in total silence while Oboro tried to do the same until...

"Ready, I got it" Doryoku said without even taking an hour to understand the subject.

"Really? I didn't get past the first part" Oboro said slightly surprised actually as he showed him his book.

"Over time you learn to read math books, there are many things that can confuse you, that's why I always look at the exercises first and if I don't understand something I go back to the basics" Doryoku said with an explanatory tone and a bit rambling while Oboro nodded pretending to understand.

"By the way, I've never asked you because you wouldn't know how to answer me but... what do you think about mathematics?" Oboro said with a bit of curiosity since even after so long he really didn't know much about the likes of his best friend, just like himself.

"I hate them with all my soul almost always" Doryoku said thinking for a moment and then giving an answer quite confidently.

"They have so many variable possibilities and paths that make me doubt, and the best thing about an exercise is when it ends, preferably with consistency" Doryoku said with a bit of weariness just imagining all the ways an exercise could be solved.

"I just understood that you don't like them and that's what matters, welcome to the brother group!" Oboro said with a satisfied nod as Doryoku looked at him with blank eyes.

"I have to admit another thing... I love Christmas" Doryoku said thinking for a little moment and even more sure of it.

"It's because your mom spends more time at home right" said Oboro perfectly understanding Doryoku's train of thought in these situations.

"Exactly, but also, there is a very happy feeling in everyone, although I couldn't feel it before... I'm glad to know how it is" Doryoku said with a slight smile at the tranquility and warmth that everyone radiated on these dates.

"Oh! Speaking of feelings, I'm sure the UA Christmas party will be great" Oboro said with a lot of expectation about it.

"Uhhh, one more day off" Doryoku said with quite a bit of anticipation as well... for the day off at home, as Oboro twitched his eye.

"I thought you changed bro!" Oboro said quite hurt as he dramatically clutched his chest.

"I don't change, I just notice things that are already there, and the taste for a party is not one of them" said Doryoku shrugging his shoulders without having much problem and making Oboro have a cloud over his head (made by him).

"Hmmm, now that I think about it, I didn't see Itō today" Oboro said changing the subject almost instantly and quite curiously.

"She probably caught a cold, it's happened before and with this cold it's most likely" Doryoku said knowing perfectly well that anything would make Mirai's father not let her go to the UA.

"By the way stop changing the subject on purpose, that won't save you from learning how to integrate" Doryoku said with a smirk upon discovering Oboro's intentions.

"Ugh, I miss when you weren't so sharp" Oboro said rather lazily as he sat down on the couch and they both went back to studying the topic.



The next day at the UA...

"If the pool is Deep, is the sea a Toyota?" Hizashi said quite seriously and pondering the matter thoroughly just like Oboro.

"At some point they will ask something rational... Or at least that's what I want to think" Aizawa said shaking his head at that meaningless question.

"I have to admit, I laughed a bit at first" Doryoku said raising his hand rather dramatically causing Aizawa and Azami to chuckle slightly.

"Speaking of drama, what happened to the blonde Wisteria?" Doryoku said with a bit of curiosity and even what appeared to be a hint of concern.

"She's fine as usual, although now the cold is a bit strong so it's justified, but right now she's burning more with anger than with fever" Azami said laughing slightly and nervously remembering how upset she was.

"She really wanted to go to the Christmas party, even if she doesn't seem like it, it's also kind of sad" Azami said with a little sadness also when noticing that Mirai really wanted to go.

Just then, Yoshino arrived as well and sat down next to Azami with an insane amount of Christmas cookies on her tray.

"Why did you take so long? No wait... It's just one cookie per student, I get it" Doryoku said going from curiosity to meditation and then to realization in an instant, ending with a nervous smile.

"You do know, too bad not everyone thinks the same as you, but for me it's a total and exploitable advantage" Yoshino said nodding with a slight smile as she enjoyed her Christmas cookies as a 'gift'.

"So? What are you talking about?" Yoshino said with some curiosity as she saw that Oboro and Hizashi seemed very thoughtful.

"Dramas and Jeeps, you wouldn't understand" Aizawa said calmly since he didn't really understand how they came to that either.

"I don't like cars, what about the drama?" Yoshino said quite used to the strangeness of the group's conversations.

"It has to do with the bright blonde, it looks like she won't be able to go to the party... I guess it's a tragedy" Doryoku said a little thoughtfully and a little unsure about the final part since he didn't know why it was a problem.

"he's already lost, Azami tell me what happened to Mira?" Yoshino said not too surprised to see Doryoku in a trance and looking at Azami for answers rather kindly.

It is noteworthy that Yoshino had become very close especially with Mirai, although she also got along very well with Azami.

"Well, you see-" Azami said with a slight smile until...

*Ring Ring*

Azami felt her phone ringing in her pocket as well as hearing it clearly like everyone else at the table, something that made everyone curious, except Doryoku who needed something stronger to wake him up from his trance.

Azami answered the call without actually seeing and...

"I'm still upset Azami that you abandoned me so quickly!!!" Mirai yelled from the other end of the phone with plenty of pent up anger to vent and making Doryoku do a little upset jump back.

"Wow calm down, it's not that big of a deal, and look what I'm saying" Yoshino said trying to calm down Mirai since she had a great experience while she took Azami's phone for a moment

"I can't go to the party, leave me alone!" Mirai said still quite upset and yelling, causing Yoshino to start changing into 'attack mode'.

"C-calm down Mirai, if you're angry you'll only have a worse time, surely there is a solution" Azami said with a bit of nervousness as she took the phone away from Yoshino and patted her on the back to calm her down.

"And what am I supposed to-!" Mirai said still quite upset until she suddenly stopped talking.

"Mirai?" Azami said a little worried seeing Mirai's thoughtful expression.

"Got it, I'll make my own Christmas party!!" Mirai said quite excited having found a great solution to her problem.

"We'll have Karaokes, meals, movies and everything in the safety of my home, so my dad can't say anything about it!!" Mirai said with great expectation and planning everything that she had to do.

"B-but Mirai, we're too many students and there's also the hero class, it's too much work" Azami said trying to make Mirai not have too many expectations before she even started.

"It doesn't matter, it will be just us!! The rest of our companions still don't convince me!!" Mirai said without actually thinking much since she wasn't that close to her classmates yet.

"I'm going, it will be much more exciting for sure!!" Oboro said quite expectantly as well and excited taking part in the idea.

"Me too, they say the more public the better but with friends it's much more interesting!!!" Hizashi said also with great emotion and being part of the idea.

"They forced me to go to a party at home, I guess this one is more bearable than the main one" Aizawa said also joining the idea since it was the best option.

"It will be more entertaining, although I had planned to get more gifts than usual, but it would be boring without you" Yoshino said still a little angry but quickly understanding how boring it would be to go to the UA party alone.

"I guess I'll have to go too" Azami said also thinking that she would feel much more comfortable at that party.

"Perfect, it will be very exciting, just one more idiot to go!!" Mirai said getting more and more excited, as Azami pointed her towards Doryoku.

Doryoku looked at the situation for a moment, and his mind instantly moved to a conclusion.

"I doubt my presence will make any difference... I'm not cut out for this, I'm sure you'll feel much happier without me" said Doryoku being logical as always, knowing perfectly well that he wouldn't contribute almost anything, although he felt a little sad when say it out loud.

"I know how boring I am... You don't have to be nice, it's not like I have many feelings to hurt" Doryoku said smiling slightly as the atmosphere changed to a much less lively one.

Just as Oboro was going to take over, Mirai took the lead this time.

"Listen redhead, it's not like I have a favorable position since I thought the same relatively recent, but I also know there's more to it than just the boring emo outside, and if I accept Aizawa here I wouldn't have to turn you down" Mirai said being nice to Doryoku like few times, although the blow this time was taken by Aizawa.

"We already have enough animated people in this group, being an idiot is entertaining but that doesn't make your presence worthless" Yoshino said this time with kindness too and a slight smile.

"Now I'm the one who hurts" Oboro said after Yoshino's brutal attack, although he couldn't act very well since he had a wide smile on his face.

Doryoku fell back into thought for a moment after considering what was said, then said...

"Would anyone feel bad if I'm not here?" Doryoku said trying not to be logical and looking for one of the few feelings that he knew he understood perfectly.

"Of course" they all said almost in unison, causing Doryoku to understand instantly.

"Then I'll have to go, that's the best I can do" Doryoku said with a quite happy smile, knowing that his presence was appreciated after so much time with someone else.

Sorry for the delay but I had several things to do yesterday, here is the chapter and remember to have a good day.

Grim_Jestercreators' thoughts
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