
330: Quetzalcoatl (1)

Chapter 330: Quetzalcoatl (1)

The Olmec Civilization, the Aztec Civilization, and many more have exhibited the Jaguar God in different shapes or forms. The Jaguar's a symbol of "war" and "death"; it's an existence that would often show its form to the world.

Though aloof and wearing an outfit that can't be taken seriously, this Goddess who went by the name Jaguarman, was very strong.

Enough that the Tier-12 Goddess Ishtar was taken out by an attack from her.

However, all matters considered, Ishtar was still the stronger Goddess, having two Tier over her. Sumeria is also her domain, and the people were praying for her to win. That, and there was also the Chaldea team. Against them all, Jaguarman lasted a mere few minutes.

Then, as per the order, she was brought back to Uruk. Now, kneeling in front of the King's throne, Jaguarman still looked aloof and non-serious.

"Ah, I got captured." She said while looking up at Neji. "Sad, innit?"

Neji was sitting on his throne; both Sisty and Siduri were standing below the staircase, on either side of his arms. Sisty was sitting on a chair of her own, with her legs up, as she ate an apple and observed the situation with unamused eyes.

The three Chaldean girls, and Ishtar, were standing right behind Jaguarman in case she tried to escape.

"Hey, why do you two look so similar?" Jaguarman asked, her eyes shifting from Neji to Sisty. "I didn't know the King had a sister, a twin at that. The-mo-you-kno, I guess."

Neji deadpanned at her and said, "I am going to ignore what you just said. Rather, I have a question. As you can see, you have been captured. Ironically, we don't plan to kill you or anything of that usual stuff. We want to lure your boss, and so I want to ask you how long it will take her to come and try to retrieve you?"

Jaguarman scoffed. "Did you just say 'lure'? Why will you want to court a storm?"

"Right." Neji sighed. "I count to three, and if you don't talk, you'll pay."

"Pay how?" Jaguarman giggled as she fell on her side, rolling on the ground while laughing. "How adorable. Come, make me pay~ I am so scared."

Just a little annoyed, Neji got up from his throne and floated towards her. Jaguarman made an annoying face, as if to challenge him, and maintained that expression even when Neji used telekinesis to lift her into the air.

"You have no idea how many ways I can harm you," Neji said. "However, as I am a kind King, I am just going to leave your mind numbed."


"Lightning of Heavenly Tribulation: Chidori Stream."

Tied as she was, Jaguarman couldn't react when Neji grabbed her by the throat, while his left knee sparked with lightning. In a blitz, the knee rushed up and hit on her crotch.

Jaguarman, and all the other girls in the vicinity, flinched while the attacked person's breath got stuck in her throat. However, that was not the last knee that came.

"Surge: Output 100."

"Surge: Tremor."

"Voidmancer: Zap."

"Touch of Nirvana: Pain."

Neji released hold of her telekinesis as she fell to the ground, her eyes white and blank with foam coming out of her mouth.

Silently, Neji flew back to the throne and gently sat down. While all the females in the room looked at Jaguarman with wide eyes, and then shot a glare in his direction.

"What? The physical attack was very weak, I put no strength behind any of the attacks. Nothing is broken, and nowhere is bleeding. She is just fried and twisted up inside. It's all fine." Neji raised his hand; a Health Potion appeared in his palm, and he tossed it at Ishtar. "Feed her that, she should be fine right away."

"...You're an inhumane bastard."

"Isn't inhumane good for you? I thought you hated humans."

Ishtar gave him a dirty look and then moved to feed the potion to the unconscious Jaguarman.

In the meantime, the Chaldean girls gave him weird looks. With only Da Vinci giving him a curious glance.

"I sometimes wonder what goes in some people's heads." Da Vinci said, but seeing his lips curling up she sighed. "Maybe I shouldn't have asked that."

"You can find out tonight," Neji shrugged. "Entirely up to you."

"I am asexual," Da Vinci said.

"I can fix that,"

"…." Da Vinci opened her smart mouth, but when her eyes flickered across his body, she closed it. "Fine, I was considering it since when you seduced Ishtar, but it's official now. I am not asexual at the moment. It'd be a rather greatly missed opportunity if I cannot get a chance to see that… art up close."

Hey, he has been said to look like a perfect art by many, by a concept like Lady Luck even—but why did this feel different? It felt rather great being called an "Art" by the fucking Da Vinci herself.

"Are you two seriously flirting while I am here?" As the Goddess of Beauty, Ishtar was stunned to see a guy flirting with a girl other than her while in her presence. "Oh fuck you, Gil."

"No thanks, my night's reserved by the elegant lady over there." Neji pointed at the giggling Da Vinci, while Ishtar finished feeding Jaguar the potion. "I don't mind you joining, but I suppose the greatest artist will want some private time with what she is seeing on this throne."

"Stop being so narcissistic, ugh, I thought you merged with a Heroic spirit?" Ishtar got up from the floor and looked at Neji with a frown.

"Spoilers," Sisty said, a half-eaten apple in her hand that vanished into the Inventory and reappeared, full and uneaten. "The person Gilgamesh merged with happened to be just as equally narcissist."

"That makes sense," Ishtar grumbled. "Still, fuck you. Utilizing those techniques that are meant for pleasure to rather cause pain. It pains me to see, as the Goddess of Sex."

Neji was surprised she could tell he used those same techniques to inflict pleasure, just in a much different output. Then again, maybe it fell under her divine authority to know what techniques were used for pleasure and what was not.

"Goddess of Sex?" Neji caught onto her line to try and bait her in as well. "So bold of you to claim that. Shall we battle it out on the bed to try and see if I can take the masculine counterpart of that title?"

Neji was pretty sure, if he beat her on the bed, he would get a Sex God divinity.

Ishtar's lips opened and closed, a barely visible blush appearing on her face before she finally opened her mouth to say something.

"Master," however, Sisty interrupted Ishtar, looking at her while munching on an apple. "Didn't you promise Lady Luck that you will control your smaller head? It's just been five days, and counting Da Vinci it's already two girls."

"Ah, right, right…" Neji cleared his throat. "Sorry step-sis, I am on diet."

"…." As his half-sister, Ishtar shook on her spot and glared at the ground. To be humiliated like this…

– Bang!

A loud bang came from outside the palace, on the city below, as Jaguarman sat up with a yawn.

"Yaw-…" Her eyes caught the form of Neji as she screamed. "AAAA! Demon God!"

"Oy, is that your boss?" Ishtar quickly asked the frightened Goddess, while Neji was already floating from his seat.

"It's her, yes." With his face grim, Neji stopped at a window and looked down with his Tenseigan. "Tier 15… Quetzalcoatl is here."

The crazy Dragon, Aztec Pantheon's Chief God, Quetzalcoatl was here faster than expected.




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