
Chapter 11: False Alarm, Prelude To Battle

(Ya boi with a worse upload schedule than George R.R Martin is back)

The day after my second visit to Heaven's Garden, I'm making my way to UA for another day. However, I notice that there is a large crowd of reporters surrounding UA High.

In mere seconds, they notice me and swarm me, questions constantly being asked, not giving any time for each question to settle.

"What's it like at UA?"

"How do you feel being one of the people who were accepted for UA?"

"What is All Might like as a teacher?"

"What have you done in UA so far?"

"What are your thoughts on your fellow classmates?"

The most annoying form of pollution. Noise pollution.

I'm not going to indulge these cunts for a second. They only have themselves to blame for bombarding my personal space.

I opted to push them all out of my way. Putting my hand on the shoulder of the reporter in front of me, I throw him to the concrete with as much force as I can use without killing him or brutally injuring him, but still enough to really hurt him. I do the same for the rest of the annoying assholes further in front of me. One reporter was too tall for me to reach his shoulders to do the same, likely thanks to his quirk doing something to make him abnormally tall, so I kicked the back of his legs, making him topple to the floor like Jenga.

The other reporters finally saw what I was doing to all in my way, and they quickly moved out of my path, not wanting to get tossed or kicked.

"Hey, I could sue you for assault, you know!", I heard one of the annoyances say from behind me.

Turning to see who the brave little fool was, I saw that it was the first reporter that I tossed.

"You could, that's true. But who do you think they'll favour more? A reporter who was part of a group that was holding up hero students, invaded one of said student's personal space, and wasn't going to leave until they got an answer, or an aspiring student who is part of the greatest hero school in all of Japan, ranked number one in the written and practical portions of the Entrance Exam, and the son of a well known hero from a popular hero group?", I responded.

He quickly gave up, not responding.

I made my way to Class 1-A without any more annoyances on the way.

-3rd POV-

"Man, those reporters were crazy for some information! I wonder why they're so interested anyway.", Kirishima said, clearly a bit exhausted from having to deal with the horde of reporters.

"I mean, we are the new students of the best hero school in Japan, so it kinda makes sense that there's so much attention around us." Tsuyu responded to the red haired boy.

"I guess. It's just crazy that there's this much attention not even a week after the Entrance Exams!", Kirishima responded.

"By the way, Chikyu is the only one who hasn't arrived yet. Do you think the reporters got to him?", Kaminari asked.

"Judging by his attitude towards his teammate from the battle trials, I'm worried that he will actually attack them.", Jiro responded.

Before the conversation could move further, the boy of discussion arrived.

"What were you all talking about? I heard my name in the discussion.", he asked.

Surprised that he actually talked to them on his own accord for once, Jiro was the one to answer his question.

"We were wondering how you dealt with the reporters. I mean, with how you treated Momo, your teammate, in the battle trials yesterday, we can't really see you being better with persistent strangers."

"I tossed them out of my way. One of them was too tall for me to toss, so I kicked the back of his legs to make him fall.", Chikyu responded.

Pretty much the entire class, excluding Bakugou and Todoroki, sighed, as if saying "Of course you did." Despite not knowing him for long, they already got it down that his attitude was basically a worse version of Bakugou. Bakugou would yell at, insult and threaten the reporters, but it is unlikely he would actually attack them. Chikyu, however, didn't hesitate to do so.

Shortly afterwards, Aizawa arrived to class. He told the students that they needed to pick a class representative.

Almost all of the students jumped at the opportunity, yelling to the others to pick them.

Chikyu wasn't interested. In his mind, it was boring. Besides, he thought, UA would probably get a very bad reputation very quickly if he was it's best class's representative.

After a short shouting match between many the students, Iida decided to be the voice of reason and suggested that they vote, which they all agreed to do.

Izuku Midoriya, the one whose hair looked like a moss blanket, was chosen as the main representative, and Momo Yaoyorozu, the girl who was Chikyu's teammate in yesterday's battle trial, was chosen as the vice deputy representative.

Iida was dismayed that he didn't get many votes. However, he was curious who was the one person who voted for him.

-Chikyu POV-

After the whole ordeal with the representative choice, we had a fairly normal school day, up until lunch.

I was surprised to find that the cafeteria cook was the Cook Hero: Lunch Rush.

(It's never said what Lunch Rush's quirk is, so this next part is me making one up)

His quirk was called Caloright. He could basically use it to boost all beneficial aspects of a dish. The health benefits, the taste, the aftertaste, and he could also reduce anything about a dish that is unhealthy, but he can't make an unhealthy food item into a healthy one.

For example, he could make some rice and use his quirk to make it even healthier, reduce anything unhealthy or unneeded, and better the taste, as rice isn't an unhealthy food, as long as it isn't constantly consumed over and over again, and nothing else.

However, as another example, he can't make a chocolate cake healthy. He can reduce the unhealthy aspects to the point where nothing bad will happen at all, but he can't make it a healthy food item. He can just eliminate the negative aspects of it.

Since he was our cafeteria cook, we would basically be getting the best food possible, which would help a lot with our physical betterment.

I requested for sukiyaki, sashimi, spicy teriyaki chicken wings, white rice, pork kimchi udon, a beef and mushroom dashi stew, and hirata buns. The foods with meats were largely for the protein, but I also genuinely enjoyed the foods I requested as well, so that was a bonus.

"Wow, you eat big, don't you! Lots of protein!", Lunch Rush commented.

"I pretty much have to with all the training I do with my quirk. The benefits of the protein are also important", I responded

Well, that's not the biggest reason I do it. The biggest reason is because there is sulfur in protein molecules. I have trained myself to be able to manipulate sulfur, as it is a mineral, so I could take sulfur present in any protein molecules in me and bring it outside of my body. From then on, I can manipulate it into whatever I want as long as it's still got sulfur, like sulfuric acid.

Impressively, Lunch Rush was actually able to make all the dishes I requested in less than 5 minutes. I guess his quirk also altered his speed at actually making dishes.

Gladly taking the food I requested, I made my way to look for a place to seat myself at. I chose a table that was currently not occupied by anyone.

-3rd POV-

As Chikyu swiftly devoured his food, he was eventually joined by more classmates. The first to join him at his table was the second tallest student in 1-A, Mezo Shoji.

(My favourite side character in MHA. He deserves way more screentime, and his quirk is so underappreciated.)

Chikyu momentarily glanced over at him, but said nothing and soon returned to eating his food. Shoji, similarly, simply proceeded to eat his food, silent. However, whenever he lowered his mask to put the food in his mouth, he seemed to be quick to want to put it back on. This got the curiosity of Chikyu, who saw it from the corner of his eye as he ate.

"Why are you so hasty to put your mask back on when you eat?", Chikyu asked.

"Growing up around my area, people were still apprehensive around and prejudiced people with mutant quirks, so there were a lot of people that were frightened of me. One time ,a kid got really scared when she saw my mouth and cried, and I've worn a mask over it ever since. I don't want to be scaring the people I'm trying to save.", Shoji responded.

"Let me guess. Fukuoka Prefecture?", Chikyu inquired.

"Yeah, actually. How did you guess?"

"That prefecture is pretty well known for being apprehensive about people with mutant quirks. When you said that the people were that way to people with mutant quirks, it became pretty obvious."

"I guess so."

A brief period of silence came over the two large students, broken up by Chikyu after a minute.

"Kids are scared of lots of things. At their age, they're much more vulnerable than everyone else, and they know that. Things are so much scarier to them because of that, so it doesn't really mean much to say that a kid got scared by a person who looked vastly different to others. How are you going to help other people with their problems if a small problem of yours leads to you covering a natural part of you forever?", he said.

Shoji was momentarily stunned into silence. Not only was that the most Chikyu had ever said in school so far, there wasn't a single insult or negative remark in his entire speech. The opposite, in fact. It was advice.

"I appreciate your advice, but why the switch up? This is the first time you haven't insulted anyone when you talk.", Shoji asked.

"Because I hate the thought of people in the same class as me being so pitiful! It's not like I want to be everyone's fucking therapist. I just happen to be the only one who seems to give a shit!"

"Ah, there's the Chikyu I've heard for the past few days.", Shoji thought.

Suddenly, the school alarms start blaring, indicating that someone passed the UA defensive barrier.

Panic instantly overtook many students, causing them all to try and leave the cafeteria at the same time, making people bump into and shove each other in the chaos. It was only when Iida took control of the situation and managed to calm everyone down that people evacuated in a calm and safe manner.

However, one student completely ignored the blaring alarms and panic during the previous chaos.


While everyone was panicking, shoving and pushing each other, Chikyu just continued eating. He wasn't concerned with the possibility of an intruder. In fact, he was slightly disappointed when it was revealed to be a false alarm.

After lunch, Class 1-A returned to their class with Aizawa. Moved by Iida's impressive control of the chaotic situation during lunch, Izuku handed his position of class representative to him. Iida graciously accepted the honour.

Aizawa revealed to the class that they would be participating in a rescue exercise for their Basic Hero Training class. He instructed them to suit up and board a bus for an off-campus location for the exercise.

(So, you know how there's the Dekusquad and the Bakusquad? Should there be a Chikyusquad? If so, I will make the squad consist of every 1-A student not in the Dekusquad or the Bakusquad.)

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