
Chapter 23: Protector

Life must be lived as a play. - Plato

Easing the violin and bow from my hands, his intense eyes study my face. He takes a step toward the open instrument case. Methodically, he loosens the bow hair and sets the instrument and bow back into the confines of the plush case.

'Are you okay, little one?'

"Yes, I'm fine. I just get emotional when I play sometimes." I breathe a heavy sigh then stand up straight. 'Playing Elegy stirs up strong memories from a painful time in my past.'

'I see that. Perhaps you will show me why someday.' He fishes a device from his pocket then stares at the screen, rubbing his jaw. 'The council, they want to meet with you.' He slips the handheld piece of electronics back in his front pant pocket.

"Why? What can I tell them, they don't already know?"

'They want to ask some questions about your family, the organization Spencer is with and well, about us.'

"What do they want? What are they looking for?"

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