
Chapter 36: Emma

I stood in the pharmacy thinking about what to do. I felt self-conscious standing looking at the counter with the displays of pregnancy tests. I didn't want to pick one, until a trio of girls that looked as if they were in col-lege, picked them up as if they were going for a pick and mix at the candy store. This whole thing felt nuts. They were talking about the different types of pregnancy tests and the ones which claimed 100 percent accuracy.

"Amber, you need to go for this one. It tells you how many weeks pregnant you are!"

"Shut up!" The dark haired one said as she picked it up "Shit, this thing's good." She picked up the packet and started reading and laughing about it.

I did what any sensible woman who had been care-less and was possibly knocked up by a quarterback would do. I picked it up and said, "This could solve all my problems."

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