
Heading for a stroll

The mini-battle was extremely fierce, but that did not last for long...

After another ten minutes, the first saint to fall in the battle was a humanoid creature, then another, and then another…

The wide experience of the Burton family soldiers, which they gained from the ten-year war against the Flame Empire made them get used to the techniques of their opponents much faster and make the suitable arrangements

And while the golden divine weapons and wooden weapons seemed very close in durability and power, the attacking and defensive measures in the golden divine weapons made the difference, and then the great gap between the quality of the heavenly law techniques between them and the humanoid white creatures drove the final nail in their coffin.

It can even be said that the fight, which stayed in balance for about half an hour, was due to the *fear of the unknown* as each side played it carefully fearing what the other side had in its arsenal

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