
Peaceful Threat


Forty thousand soldiers, The weakest of whom is a Knight level cultivator or a Warrior who has a tattoo of the first grade, standing on the other side a group of individuals not more than a hundred and most of them are elderly and some of them even can not breathe well because of their obesity...

However, there was not a single one of the forty thousand soldiers stood his ground! 

All of them were either swallowing their saliva or trembling involuntarily.

Not because those hundred individuals are too powerful in their eyes, but because of what they represent, because of the person who built that Space Portal and sent them...

Those 100 are followers of the Lord, the same Lord who forsook them...

And what makes the situation worse is that according to His Excellency's threat, they can't harm anyone who comes out of that Space Portal, at least if they don't attack them first!

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