
Chapter 4.2 (11)

Ashe: Uhhh!

Ashe kicks off the ground and dash towards Markus as she sees the blade coming towards him. Ashe grabs Marcus's head and pushes it down, attempting to send the both of us tumbling into Gregor.

Markus(gibberish): Noneenonuh..

Gregor awaits with open arms.

Gregor receives the pass. The three of them roll together.


Markus begins to scan the area searching for his imp he spits the little demonic being peeing in a bush as he spots it he beckons it to him

[imp muttering]

Markus sets the imp on this monstrosity. Not skipping a beat Marcus also enlarges Gregor.

[magical crunch] [enflating noises]

Gregor: Woohohohh.

Gregor who is still holding on to Marcus lifts him five feet in the air.

Markus: Aaaaah..

Ashe: AHH!

Ashe takes a step back sizing up the horrid monstrosity before us.

Ashe looks up at Gregor uh.. and attempt to advise him as best she can.

Ashe: Go kill it!

Gregor (deep voice): Okay. Is that- Is that all? Just gonna do that..

Ashe: You'll be fine. Yeah. Yeah, don't worry. Uh we'll, we'll come in in a minute.

Gregor (deep voice): Okay.

Ashe pats him on the uh.. side of the leg. As she pats him on the side of the leg I run a guidance through him.

Gregor (deep voice): My leg feels great. Hmm

Gregor using his newfound leg powers is going to run forward, doing a little tumble, and then coming up with a high kick to this creature's face.

Gregor approach the monster with uh- grace. Gregor hits the ground, shaking it, sending a shockwave upsetting everyone one who is currently grounded. Gregor's right leg rises through the air as if compelled by magic. He sort of.. slips, but deliver a glorious high kick to the creature's face. They both hit the ground.

Gregor (deep voice): This is cool!

However, oddly enough, Gregor feels himself shrinking already-

[shrinking noises] [deflating balloon]

Gregor's form diminishes, returning to its normal size.

Ashe: That certainly isn't good.

Gregor: What's with the cheap magic, Markus?

Markus: It's not cheap I really put a decent amount of money into that one.

Markus First tells his imp to go for the creatures eyes. Then I will step out over here so as to get a bit of a better shot. I extend one hand and eldritch blast this horrendous creature right in its chest.

The imp climbs onto the creature's head and begins slapping away at it.

Markus silently cheers for the imp 'damn right it does.' He thinks to himself see the impish display

Marcus then proceeds to throw a eldritch blast over Gregor that lands perfectly between the creatures legs.

Except no, I mean the area literally between its legs, not in any sort of pelvic sense. It stands, prompting an attack from Gregor.

Gregor strikes at the creature's leg, however it withstands his assault.

The creature then slams the back of its hand into Gregor.

[crunching] Gregor: Guhh!

Gregor: I should have been big for this.

Ashe laughs

Ashe begins to search for the drum

Ashe spots the drum which has rolled across the ground and is somewhere over in the vicinity of the blonde man's severed head.

Ashe: Great!

[Ashe laughs]

Ashe attempt to discover where the creature's attention currently lie?

Ashe quickly discovers the creature is focused on her as it has just smacked Gregor away.

Ashe: 'Great!Oh, that's fantastic.' Ashe mumbles to herself

[Ashe coughs]

Ashe thinks for a moment on what she should do attempts to go for one of her blades hesitated before deciding to just run

[Ashe laughing] [Running footsteps]

Ashe Quickly pulls out from the situation

Markus sees little more than a trail of smoke.

Ashe fast as her body will allow, Ashe dashes behind the plinth and, dives behind it, hoping to shield herself from the creature's sight. Ashe edges around the corner of it and assess Gregor's condition first.

Gregor gives a wave to Ashe who has now joined him behind the plinth

Gregor's got two black eyes, but Ashe is pretty sure that's from the skeleton beatdown. He looks pretty fine other than what Ashe believes the skeleton did to him

Ashe: [Right.]

Ashe peeks over for a moment and look at Markus and Alexander.

Markus steps forward, leisurely, cloak swishing ever so slightly in the wind.

Markus: You've picked the wrong people to mess with..

Markus: [..I say. I wave my hand, and all around me the light dims, becoming murkier. Bright Sunshine growing noticeably more obscured, as my eyes glint menacingly.]

Markus: Yeah, I'm done. That's all I got.

well, on the upside no can see can't see Marcus's tears as the creature approaches.

Ashe and Gregor laughing.

Markus steels myself for the situation he put himself into

Gregor: So looking pretty moody over there..

Ashe looks up over the plinth as she hears a very, very, light sobbing.

The creature swings.

Markus nimbly sidestep the monster's blow. wind whistling in Marcus's ear as its massive arm goes straight past him. He smirks at his doge

Markus: You'll have to do better than that.

Alexander seeing Marcus in a bad situation fires a crossbow bolt into the creature's head piercing its eye

Gregor: Hey! Tall, dark and ugly!

The creature turns. Markus turns. You notice behind a building off in the distance the Guildmaster turns. And from the tavern behind you, Thog turns and looks at you.

Gregor: I- I'm gonna.. ye-. What? Lot of pressure all of a sudden.Is it hot in here? Oh- I'm gonna kill you!

Alexander seeing Gregor in a bad situation fires a crossbow bolt into the creature's head piercing its eye

Gregor runs forward and try not to trip.

[Running footsteps]

Gregor attempts to makes a running leap, and try and stick his blade directly in its chest, where its organs probably lie.

Gregor does trip, magnificently. He becomes airborne. A glorious posture, one knee raised. Gregor rises, his glaive piercing the creature..followed shortly by his entire body.

[splattering noises]

Markus: [My eyes widen.]

Gregor: Definitely got some organs.. on me.

The creature releases a howl, its life in danger. It runs, stomping over the plinth.

Ashe: Ahh!

Gregor: Don't worry. It can't get far. I've got at least three hearts in my hands.

Ashe: Fuh-uh..

The creature crouches down and attempts to slam into Ashe. For some reason Ashe can't help but grin as the creature slams into her.

[Ashe coughing.] [Snapping]

Ashe slides backwards. dirtying herself on one of the "clubs" from the earlier fight, and your movement continues..on a waterslide of gore.

Ashe: Oh, that's great.

Ashe's Gore waterslide comes to an end slamming her into the door of the bar. Blood's seeping from her mouth. It's not completely clear how much of the blood is ashe's

Ashe wipes away the blood. Ashe covers her mouth with her hand before before Thog can see her.

Thog: Aha, so uh..

Ashe: Eat a dick! Say not one word!

Ashe: [I continue to wipe away the blood and spit in the other direction.]

Thog: That's a lot of uh.. that your blood?

Ashe: No! You'd know if it was my blood! Get this fucking sick off of me!

Ashe: [I toss the gore off of me and push the bar door open and enter.]

Thog: Not the time to be getting drunk.

Ashe: I said eat a dick!

Ashe stumbles into the bar, she hobbles over to the bar counter and slams her hand down on the countertop.]


Ashe: Old Inny, give me the usual!

He's turned around in his corner, his head down.

Ashe: Inny! Old Inny!?

Ashe: Gods!

Ashe jumps over the corner and pushes Old Inny aside.

Ashe begins to pull out one of the one of the ru-

Old Inny: Oh Aesling, I didn't realize you were-

Ashe: Shut it!

Ashe pulls out one of the rusted metal glasses, dip it deep into the barrel where he gets all of his alcohol and leap over the counter once more.

Running out of the bar Ashe is careful not to spill the contents of the cup that I have.

Thog: You have to pay for that.

Ashe glares at Thog as she walks out.

Markus: [I walk up.]

Markus: Excellent job, Ashe! I ushered it right into your open arm.

Ashe: Yes. Yes. Thanks.

Markus: Really. Fantastic.

Ashe: It's not dead, Markus.

Markus turns around.

Ashe slaps him on the back and hands him the cup.

Ashe: Here! Explosive. Highly. Do something with it! I don't care.

Markus sniffs it briefly and recoil at the noxious fumes coming off of the glass. takes a step forward and throws it at the creature's face.


The imp, waiting there, since the very start receives Marcus's pass.

Markus nods at the imp, thrusting a hand forward, snapping his fingers and creating a spark within the cup. A burst of flame explodes-

[Imp whining]

Engulfing the creature's face and Marcus's imp. Marcus sheds a single tear.

The creature, now headless, collapses to its knees, resting on the plinth.

Ashe spits away some of the remaining blood, and wipes the rest on the inside of her on the inside of her arm.

Thog: That was uh... nicely done, Markus.

Ashe: Yes, good job, Markus.

Markus: Thank you. I do my best.

Thog: Yeah. I mean couldn't forget about-

Markus: But there, but there were losses.

Thog: What you talking about uh... any of these people in the town? That were killed as a result of your uh..

Markus: People? I- hmm ah, yes. Yes. All of the many innocent lives that, uh, were lost today. It's truly..Truly a tragedy.

Thog: You're just crying.

Markus: I'm not crying!

Ashe: Markus, you ah... you want like a handkerchief?

Markus: I'm fine- No. I'm good. No. Thank you.

Ashe: That's good because it's covered in blood.

Markus: I just need a-

Markus: [I sit.]

Markus: Well, I just need a moment to compose myself if you would be so kind.

Gregor goes to poke at this new monument and make sure it's really dead.

Ashe assess it as well.

An additional heart falls from the creature.

[squishy noises]

Gregor: That's probably all of them.

Next chapter will probably come out weird so that is why I split this one off here but I will be the last chapter 4 so ya almost time for chapter 5

JesseTheHorsecreators' thoughts
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