
Your Saliva Will Heal It

Jin was suspicious of it, but he didn’t know anything about magic or witches, so he would let Shun handle it and support whatever he could. Kissing Shun, he placed the potion at the end table, bring his lover down onto the bed.

“Anything that would make you feel better, baby, I will be happy with. I don’t want to lose you either.”

“Do you think… those pills the doctor said would help?”

“I don’t know,” Jin sighed and held his face, “Doctors don’t really know what is wrong and it seems the witch does, but I don’t trust anyone with you.”

“What?” Shun chuckled and Jin bit his cheek.

“This is my selfish love, baby.”

Shun laughed and wrapped his legs around Jin’s waist. They kissed and Shun rubbed up against his lover. Kissing and grinding, he helped the idol prince out of his shirt. His fingers ran up and down bare chest with lean muscles. Jin slipped him out of his pants, but left his briefs on. Surprised, Shun reached for it, but Jin stopped him.

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