
Leave Her For You

Forcing himself, he turned to the pinkette only to be kissed so deeply, he thought Jin had sucked his soul out of his body. He could barely breathe and with whatever strength he still had, he pushed the idol prince off him. His mouth parted and blue eyes blinked in shock.

Unsure what the heck he wanted to do, his arms were still outstretched and lips wet. Blue eyes watched the pink haired man dust himself off with that look, the one that made the idol look so cold.

“This is the song,” Jin stated as he walked over to the papers filled with lyrics, “The highlighted blue are your parts.”

Shun took the papers and watched as Suu Jin sat down, staring at nothing. He wanted to hold Suu Jin, but he couldn’t just give in all the time… right? Suu Jin was still together with Lisa. Suu Jin was still holding someone else. Suu Jin was here. He was here with him… alone.

Ignoring the pang pounding against his ribs, he read over the lyrics. His face warmed and he swallowed a few times.

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