
8 People. 5 Beds.

Back at the competition, Shun was grinning. He felt they did great and so did Heeang and Mikey. He wondered what the audience thought and felt trickles of nervousness entered his blood. Moving to sit down at the side benches, he watched the next group entered to sing. He looked at Taemeng and when golden eyes looked at him, he smiled with thumbs up his way. The dancer nodded with a small smile and prepared himself for battle.

What Shun saw… was… not the best. Team 1, Taemeng's team, danced well but sang… alright. Team 2… They sang better but their dancing looked unpolished. He wondered if they just made it up on the spot or just didn't have time to practice. It just looked so messy that he had to cover his eyes.

Once the battle was over, Shun looked over to the mentors to see their face blank.

That was never a good sign.

"I really hope Tae didn't just threw his chance away," he whispered to Kaiden.

"Well, out of the four of them, Taemeng has a stronger following and had been the most consistent in terms of dancing. His singing has gotten slightly better," Kaiden informed and Shun turned to the popular trainee with a nod.

"I hope so. He would be good for our debuting team."


"You are obviously going to make it," Shun stated quietly as the last duet teams listened to their criticism.

"Shun, you can't know for certain…"

"Seriously?" He quirked his brow, "You are the best to lead a group, have the most experience and patience, and!" Shun grinned, "You can cook! You really are an all-rounder, you know. Sing, dance, speak, everything you do so well."

"Eh, do you compliment everyone like this?" Kaiden felt his face warm from what his friend had just stated. His ego was getting big, but he squashed it down. He couldn't let his ego get in the way again. Not this time.

"Only when I know it is true," Shun laughed and covered his mouth when he realized he was laughing too loud.

"Xiong Shun," Producer Jie frowned at him, "It is not nice to laugh at your fellow contestants."

"No! I wasn't. I promise," Shun stood quickly explaining, "I was just telling Kaiden my thoughts on who would become part of the idol group. I did not mean to interrupt. I am sorry."

He bowed and sat back down, sending apologetic bows to his fellow trainees.

"Then share it now. I would like to know," Producer Jie stated and Shun swallowed nervously.

He let out a wavery laugh and glanced at his friends, hoping someone will save him. Taking pity on the silver haired male, Kaiden stood up and bowed.

"Producer Jie, Shun and I were speaking on all the performances and past ones. Each one of us had done well and have grown. Shun believes I would make it and I believe he would. Who else would be decided by you all and the audience," the popular trainee looked to one of the cameras, "Please vote well everyone! We hope to make you all proud."

Finishing with a smile and finger hearts, he bowed to the mentors and sat down.

As the mentors finished their criticism, all Shun could do was stare. Yes, he had a staring problem but… Kaiden…

'How was he so perfect?! He is just like Suu Jin! Wah! Witch! I hate you for surrounding me with handsome princes!'

Warm brown eyes turned to him and he saw a smile on Kaiden's face. Shun smiled back but his cheeks were warm and his heart with pattering a little too fast. He turned to look at his fellow trainees to see Taemeng staring at him. Sending a smile and a thumbs up, the dancer turned back to the mentors when he was addressed.

"Voting is now opened. Results will be announced tomorrow at 16:00. Contestants, please return to your floors and pack an overnight bag. Your mentors and your companies had pitched in to send you all to a resort for the day. You will all return here at 9:00 and announcement of the results will be on the roof. Enjoy," the host smiled and Shun blinked. The host had not smiled since the entire show started and seeing it was… weird. Almost as weird as see Manager Quang smiling.

They said their thanks and bowed to their mentors. Excitement buzzed through their body as they prepared their bags. Heading to the blacked-out cars, they arrived at a small cabin right outside of the lake. The cabin was all furnished and prepared with the fireplace on. It was cozy and reminded Shun of the time his father took him out hunting with his brothers. They checked the fridge to see food already there and checked the bedrooms.

8 people. 5 beds.

8 people. 5 beds.

8 people… 5 beds?

Quickly jumping onto a twin bed and starfishing, Shun announced it was his bed.

"I'm not sharing!" He called out hugging the bed.

"Same!" Mikey laughed and mimicked Shun.

Kaiden and Taemeng only stared at the last bed not being taken by a starfished trainee. Heeang had sat on Mikey's bed and the always hungry boy only laughed, pulling the youngest on the bed. So, it only left one bed and both Kaiden and Taemeng stared at one another. Shun grinned and chuckled to himself. Their best dancers sharing a bed together? It tickled him silly.

"I will take the couch," The blue haired man stated.

"No. It is alright, Taemeng. You take the bed."

"No. You take it."

"You haven't slept well, Ah Tae. Please. Take the bed."


Kaiden patted the dancer's shoulder and attempted to exit the room, but he felt someone pushed him, bumping him into Taemeng. They stumbled back and onto the bed with a groan.

"Dog pile!" Shun exclaimed and jumped onto Kaiden who was on top of Taemeng on the bed. The silver haired protagonist laughed when the trainees followed suit, earning groans from below.

"This is pretty comfortable," Shun laughed and both Kaiden and Taemeng stared at him with blank looks, "What?"

"This is uncomfortable and I can't breath properly," Taemeng stated and Kaiden tried to lessen the pressure by putting weight on his hands.

"If you all don't get off," Kaiden stated clearly with a smirk, "I will not cook for a whole month."

"What?!" The trainees quickly pulled off and Shun quickly pulled the popular trainee off the dancer.

"It was all for fun, Kaiden. Don't make rash decisions," the silver haired make offered an apologetic smile as he wiped him down.

"You too, Taemeng. We appreciate you as well," Shun continued pulling the dancer up and wiped him down too.

"Rash decisions?" Kaiden quirked a brow at him and Shun sweatdropped with a nervous laugh.


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