
Right Into The Arms Of

["The fuck! How do you know my mother?!" The teen growled and grabbed his shirt, "Tell me!"

Shun just stared with heat in his eyes before his lips curled into a grin.

"You fucking piece of shit!" The teen punched him and when he was on the ground, he had his friends joined in kicking him.

"You stay the hell away from my mom, you fucking dick!" The teen shouted and both he and his friends left.

Shun turned and uncurled himself to stare at the sky. He just laid there for a moment and wondered if this would be a good story to tell one day when he was famous. How he saved a child from being attacked, but got attacked instead.

"Are you… okay?" The young boy asked hiccupping and wiping his tears.

"Mm. You?"

He saw the boy nod and Shun groaned as he stood up. Helping the boy to stand, his heart broke seeing how small and fragile the boy was.

"What is your name?"

"Ping Ping. What is yours?"

"Xiong Shun."

"So… how old are you and how did those buffons find you?" Shun questioned with furrowed brows. He hoped this boy was not homeless.

"I was throwing away the trash and they came and started calling me names," The boy pouted, "And I chased them then they cornered me like, like A BULLY!"

Ping started crying again and Shun was reminded of himself. Breathing out a smile, he patted the boy's head.

"They are. One day, they will get what's coming to them. Where should I walk you to? Can't leave you alone now, Ping."

"You… You're gonna protect me?" Ping stared at him with such big brown eyes that all Xiong Shun could do was nod dumbfounded.]

Lost in the memory, he was laughing softly patting Ping's head. When he opened his eyes, Kaiden was staring at him with a strange look and Taemeng was gone. Quirking his brow at the popular trainee, the man quickly smiled relieved.

"I'll make food, Shun. What do you think Ping would like to eat?"

"Braised pork with rice and glazed carrots."


"He tells me all the time," Shun laughed and looked down at a droopy looking Ping, "Hm? Finally waking up?"

"I didn't sleep good," Ping mumbled and Shun patted the boys cheeks.

"Mm. You woke me up. Maybe you sleep by yourself like a big boy."

"No!" Ping whined and clutched onto him, "Don't make me, please!"

Shun laughed and tugged himself free from insistent hands. He ran out of the room and down the hall, laughing the entire time. When he arrived at the living room, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped. Trying to stop his run, he stumbled forward and hopped right into the arms of-

"You should be more careful."

That… That voice was whispered into his ears like honey. He would gladly reincarnate into a bee if this man was his honey. Flushing from that thought, he nodded and leaned back to see… Yup, he was not dreaming. The perfect idol prince was here, in front of him, touching him, and-

"Ah Jin!" Ping cried out and Shun quickly pulled away, as the boy rammed into his cousin.

He turned to the other 2 guests who were watching and speaking with the other trainees. Smiling, he introduced himself before everyone could see how much he lo... likes Suu Jin.

"Ah, you are that boy that was on Ah Jin's live the other night. You sing and dance well," Pengu complimented and cupped his shoulder, "Maybe you can perform with us on tour."

"What? Can I come too? I love 1Luv! You both are so great. I have been listening to "Pupu pupu" for the last month!" Heeang begged and fanboyed in front of the two artists. The other trainees followed suit only to have Pengu and Yanny laughing.

"If you make it into the group, then we'll talk with our producer," Pengu smiled and patted their shoulders earning squeals.

The television changed to the host of the show.

"Contestants. Members of 1Luv have arrived to offer advice and mentor you today. Each member will take a group out today. Enjoy."

Shun heard the glees around him, but he knew there had to be something planned because this crazy show was going to test them somehow… He was sure of it!

"Alright!" Pengu spoke up with a grin, "To know who is with who, check the box you received. It should have something in there to let you know what we'll be doing."

"Once everyone opens them, we'll tell you who goes with who," Yanny smiled and laughed when the trainees hopped with excitement.

'We were like them once…'

The young ones were quick to grab their boxes and opened them. Shun, however, was staring at the other five boxes, the ones where the other trainees that went home had. What if all 5 of those were for one of the members. Would that mean that member would not have anyone? He tilted his head for a moment and reached for one of the other boxes.

Opening it, he saw a pink rose and a red velvet tie. There was a white plate inside and he picked it up with furrowed brows. What did this mean and what was he going to do with a plate?

'Oh! Am I going to learn to throw plates? See! I knew it could be a sport, mother!'

"Gege! Me too!" Ping grinned at him showing the items in his box.

He looked at the others to see they had something different than they did.

"I'm glad you got my pick," Suu Jin smiled in that perfectly charming way and he quickly sat down before he fell on his face.

"Ah Jin! We are going to be with you? How lucky are we, Ah Shun!" Ping was delighted! He was going to spend a day with two of his special persons.

For Shun, he was melting like ice cream on a hot day. He was excited as well to spend time with Jin, but he was also aware that he would have to work hard to not let the drools slip off his lips, and to wipe the infatuation off his face. Jin laughed at what Ping had said and all Shun could think about was how much did he need to pay just to live inside the man.

He was sure the idol prince would be perfect inside too.

'WAIT! What?!!?!' He flushed deeply and smacked himself a few times, causing Ping to come over with worry.

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