
Smack The Liar

"This looks really fun," he said and they looked around the place with him giving Ping a piggyback ride.

"I'm glad we are doing something fun now. Especially after yesterday…" Ping stated with a frown.

"Are you busy worrying about me, didi? Don't. Just be sure you are doing your best and like I said, I will join you soon."

"I know," he head the sigh against his ear, "Maybe I should lose and join you on the 1st floor."

"What if that is the same time I move to the top floor?"


"Stay there," Shun laughed and pointed to the ball pit, "Look how deep it is."

"Wow! Do we have to swim down it to escape?" Ping wondered with big brown eyes.

"It looks like it," Kaiden, the popular teen smiled at them, "These courses are hard."

"Are you saying you won't win, Kaiden?" Kiki grinned, "Finally."

"I never said I wouldn't win," the popular trainee laughed.

They all walked around some more, until the host and the judges entered the backyard. Although they were used to being filmed, this time there were cameras close to their faces. They were told to place the headband with a camera attached to their heads. A few staffs came to them and tightened the straps so it did not fall. Once everyone was ready, the host spoke up.

"Please listen to the staffs closely as you are placed with your designated numbers."

Following instructions, each numbered pairs were racing against the other. Ping was against Heeang- to the boy's delight, Kiki was against Yu, Taemeng was against Youang, and Kaiden was against him. Shun felt pressured since he was the very last number and up against a strong contender. Smiling over to the popular trainee, the man thumbed up him with a smile.

Slapping his face to get himself to focus, Shun was ready to win.

"Our judges have tablets with four screen, two from each personal cameras, and two from the exterior cameras. Judges, are you ready for the game to begin?" The host asked.

"I have been looking forward to this," Manager Bon grinned excitedly.

"Same!" Producer Ryoshi clapped with bright eyes. They were facing the entire front of the obstacle from where they sat and stood for some. They all agreed and the host spoke up again.

"We will start with number 1s entering the inflatable bounce house through the tight holes and tag the 2s and so on. Each section required different skills they will face. This game will be based on global voting. Good luck everyone. 3, 2, 1, Begin!"

The sound of a horn sounded and the 1s took off. Shun couldn't see from where he was, but he could see the movements of the bounce house. When it came to Ping's turn, he quickly jumped into the bouncing steps and grabbed his cushioned pole to stand on the thin bar. Heeang finally got on and before the boy could steady himself, Ping used all his might to smack the liar down into the foamed pit.

He wanted to hit him again, but Ping told himself it was good enough. So rushing to the other side, he quickly tagged Kiki. Kiki's portion was monkey bars. He did not have strong arm strengths so he was struggling to get to the end. By the time he finished and tagged the next person, Yu had already caught up.

When Taemeng was tagged, he quickly climbed the high steps to the tall slide. Looking over at Youang, the boy was moving quickly. This only pushed him to move faster. They slid down the long slide and he stumbled at the end, leaving a short advantage for the 1st floor. He looked over at Youang to see the boy stuck out his tongue at him. He narrowed his eyes and hoped Youang made it to the 2nd floor so he could ask Kaiden not to feed the boy.

'See if he would laugh then as he is now,' the dancer scowled.

Shun was getting nervous. His portion was coming up and he readied himself. When he was tagged, he grabbed the ring and jumped into the ball pit and swam feeling around the sides for the exit. He was sweating and getting nervous when he was feeling around the walls. Slightly panicked, he felt his heart beating erratically.

'Breathe, Shun, breathe. Must think clearly. Push the wall. Don't think there's a handle. Just push everywhere.'

When he felt the release, he breathed out in relief. Crawling out, he ran forward to place the ring on the podium and raised his hands in the air. He looked to the side to not see Kaiden and he furrowed his brows. Going over to the ball pit, he saw the popular trainee trying and failing to push the door opened. He bent down to look at the door and saw it was taped tightly.

Quickly ripping it as best he could, he frantically pulled the door opened. Kaiden stumbled out taking big gulps of breath. Holding his friend steady, the trainee cupped his shoulder and nodded to him when he asked if Kaiden was alright. A nurse quickly joined them and checked Kaiden over.

"1st floor finally takes a win," the host announced, "Congratulations."

"Sir," Shun spoke up walking to where the podium sat, "Kaiden's door was shut with duck tape. I think we should do it again when he feels better."

"With ducktape? Did someone forget to remove it?" Producer Jie questioned.

"If that is so, I agree," Choreographer Miniji nodded, "Kaiden could ask someone to represent him instead so he may rest."

"Kaiden, are you feeling alright? Nurse?" Manager Bon questioned stepping toward them.

"I am fine, Manager Bon. Thank you for your concern," he smiled and looked at his fellow trainees, "I will take the loss."

"Are you certain?"


The mentors hummed and nodded as they ended the game. They told them all to rest up and eat well, before tomorrow's result comes in. Bidding them farewell and thanks, Shun helped Kaiden up and told Ping to take care of their friend. Finally back to the 1st floor, everyone wanted to shower. Making dinner, he yawned and smiled to himself. Although he won by default because Kaiden got stuck, he was glad it was global vote. At least now he could see if he was as well liked globally as his pride told him.

Eating, he saw Heeang wincing and placed an icepack to his cheek. He grinned behind his cup, mentally patting Ping on the back. That liar needed someone to knock so sense into him! Maybe now Heeang would stop acting like cow poop!

He certainly hoped so, or that boy would earned more than a smack to his face in the future.

Not by him, of course.

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