
Witch Are You The Man Speaking?!

"Sorry Shun, Ping said you were busy with getting dancing and singing lessons, so we didn't want to bother you," Kiki explained with his cute freckled face that he couldn't be mad at.

Nodding, he sat back and tried to come up with something he could do. Would dancing and singing to what his managers had them do be good? Before he could think further, Ping and Kiki walked on stage. They preformed the dance and song he was going to do. Now… what was he going to do?!

*Stress 80%*

'You telling me is making it worse!'

*Stress 81%*

Kiki and Ping finished their performance, causing everyone to stand clapping their hands. Shun felt proudness from watching the young boys. They left the stage and he grinned cupping Kiki's shoulder and hugging Ping.

"Wow, I hope Manager Quang and Manager Ling saw this. You two were so good!"

"Thank you Shun," Kiki grinned back and Ping laughed.

He watched as the next trainees went on the stage. Each duet, group, and a couple single performances were pretty good in his eyes. This competition was going to be harder than he anticipated. Especially with the way the popular trainee Kaiden was dancing. Realizing he was the last one up, Shun went to the stage and figured he would perform the only other song he ever practiced.

The ballad Suu Jin wrote.

There really was no dance when he was practicing with the idol, so he just moved his body with the way he felt. He let his emotions flow into his limbs as he sang from his heart. When he was done, he heard cheering from the other trainees. Laughing, he bowed in thanks. Returning to his seat, the man in the speaker spoke again.

"Follow the yellow line," the room darkened and Ping quickly wrapped his arms around Shun, "Enter the elevator and explore the top floor."

"Why does the room have to be dark?" The young trainee pouted and he held the boy closer.

This boy, Ping Ping, really reminded him of his sister. It was like his sister was here with him.

"I will protect you, didi. Follow me," he heard the thanks and followed the yellow light on the floor.

Everyone paused at the elevator.

The small elevator.

It was not going to fit everyone! There were 30 trainees!

"Maybe half of us go up first and then the next," One of the trainees, Mikey, spoke up.

"But which half will go first?" Another trainee spoke up.

"I suggest the youngest first," Shun spoke up.

There were nods and hesitant agreements from some, but the 15 youngest in the group were sent up to the top floor. He smiled imagining Ping's face. That boy was a bundle of energy and joy. Who could not love him?!

"Shun," Kaiden looked over at him, "You did really well at the audition. I saw your video you did on Suu Jin's live as well. It was really good."

"Ah, thank you," he flushed happily at the raven haired man, "To be honest, I didn't even know he was recording. I probably would have looked like a fool if I had known."

The popular trainee smiled and shook his head. The elevator returned and they entered. Reaching the top, the doors slid to the side, and they gasped seeing the large, opened area. Shun was reminded of his home, his castle. He could hear his fellow trainees running around and complimenting the space, but Shun just stood in the middle of the room.

That was until Ping came running at him like bull.

He felt the wind knock out of him and he gasped for breath.

"Sorry, Shun. I am just so excited. Let me show you where the beds are! They are so soft," Ping stated and he let himself be pulled around for a tour.

Though the fabrics and colors were different than when he was in his castle, the amount of space was very similar. He sat on one of many beds and found his lips quirking. It wasn't as soft as his bed back home, but definitely better than the one Xiong Shun had.

The speaker voice spoke up again.

'Is that you witch? Are you the man speaking?'


"Return to the elevator to head to the bottom floor."

They all went to the elevator and did the same thing. The youngest trainees went, then it was their turn. When the door slid open, Shun could tell there were a stark difference from the top and bottom floor. There were beds, but it was not as comfortable as the ones on top. There was food provided, but not as abundant. The tables were the style of a long table, which Shun had no complaints of since it reminded him of the dining table back in his castle.

"Go to Training Room."

They saw a large room labeled training room and they all entered.

There was one large speaker on the floor and a decent size television on one side of the wall. It flickered on and they saw the face of the speaker man. There was a list of their names and the man spoke up once more.

"Each of you will learn a dance and song within 2 days. You will perform in front of the television and be recorded. At the end of everyone's performance, you will decide who gets to enter the top floor. Only the top 15 choices can enter. Those who did not make it will get a chance to take the place of the person on top. Good luck."

The man left and a choreographed dance and song played. Shun could feel the tension in the air and he knew everyone was going to push hard to live in luxury. He looked over at Ping to see him tracking the video.

'Alright. This is it then,' he nodded to himself and did his best to memorize what he was seeing and hearing.

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