
The Queen's teacher (2)

Just when I think I have succeeded, when the chat is turning in the right direction, we are interrupted.

I've heard Arabeus Malva's request, so I'm close enough to understand his intentions. Too bad that our wise and strong King is also impatient.

«His Majesty, the King,» Bea says while opening the door for him.

We haven't agreed on this. What is he doing here?

Is he worried for me? Does he distrust my abilities?

«Your Majesty,» says Arabeus while getting up.

I also stand to greet Ignis but without curtseying. I can afford to greet him like this, especially in such an informal setting. I haven't ever been too courteous around Ignis, so it would be even more suspicious if I did it now.

However, I should use this chance to convince Arabeus... Hmm, convince him what? What's the best option: a smitten King, or one who doesn't listen to his Queen? I believe something in between would be the best.

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