

«I heard you're looking for soldiers!»

Where did Flavius come from?

«Hey, weren't you imprisoned?» I wonder.

What is he doing here? What if someone sees him? Even so, there aren't many people who could stumble upon him in the Queen's garden.

«How did you come here?» I ask.

«I passed through the window,» he explains with a shrug.

«The one that your maid uses?»

«No, another one.»

He sits next to me without waiting for an invitation and reaches out for the pastries on the table.

«How are we going to proceed?» he inquires while munching.


«I wanna help.»

«You're not exactly included in the plan, Flavius. Also, since when do you want to help me?»

«Not you. Ignatius. I also want everyone to talk about him a little better. I've heard rumours about a curse, but there isn't any on him. I checked twice, and his soul is as pure as a child's.»

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