
The Queen's first Council (1)

I collect just enough papers to look busy, and I walk out of the working room.

«Hello. I'd like to visit the King,» I say to my guards.

They nod, standing on guard and ready to follow.

«I don't know the way,» I point out.

I know how to reach his bedroom, but not his office.

«I will guide,» Bea says, appearing out of nowhere. «It's better if the guards stay a step behind your Majesty and not in front.»

«Because of protocol?» I murmur.

«Because of safety.»

«Oh.» Well, not that it matters. «Let's go, then.»

Since I'm carrying paper, people will just assume I'm here for business. They won't know that I'm actually dying of curiosity and can't wait for tonight to ask him a few questions.

Next chapter