
The gossip of the season

When Ignis crosses the door, the herald takes a deep breath before announcing him.

That man looks so proud now. Someone is paying attention to his words: how can he not be? I thought he would be upset with my critics, but he's not.

On the contrary, he's so loud while announcing the King.

Ignis stops at the door, noticing something is off. The room grows silent, and the members of the Royal Family look at each other, lost and uncertain.

I clear my throat in silence, and they get up.

The Queen Dowager doesn't, as expected. And I also stay seated.

All the rest follow the etiquette, including Princess Gratia. She's frowning as if she's being tortured right now, but she doesn't dare complain.

Ignis walks to us, pretending not to notice the weird mood. As if this was all normal. But it's not. These harpies and morons here aren't used to show respect.

Ignis sits down and observes the others.

«Sit,» he says. And they obey.

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