
21 December

It was a cold evening and the clock was ticking by. Every one in the street we're walking and talking like CRAZY. I look around and there I see, it was her, a girl that I have seen in my dream. 'is these real' my mind's say. I walk towards her, walking and running. Suddenly I stop, the girl that I saw, the girl that fills my dream with world was lying on the ground.

It was really her, my world. I don't know whether she knows me or not, but i really know her, she was my 'dream'. People gathered around her, my mind goes CRAZY. 'what happened to her?' my mind say. Irush towards her, running like a hurricane. Pulled away the people in front of me.

I saw her face, I step softly to the floor, looking towards her. My mind's get blown away.

I look at her, sitting besides her. She was lying at the floor. I saw a red liquid like blood from her hand. She felt so serious, as it was 21 December, she was sketching the date of that day.