
Chapter 26

Isabelle's coiled silver bracelet seems to turn into a sinuous snake and she snaps the silver whip at one of the demons snaring him around the neck

garroting him! The skin on his neck starts to sizzle and knocking him out.

The silver whips felt at home in Isabelle's grip, One after another, the whips lashed out, claiming one demon after another,who was rushing at her.

Isabella was not done she cracked her whip and then wrapped it around the legs of the demon,who was trying to retreat and with a strong tug,she dragged the demon towards her.While simultaneously activating her seraph blade and stabbing causing the demon to implode.

Isabella saw more demon's coming her way,as she muttered"Maybe splitting up wasn't a great idea."

But Alec arrived in just the snatched his rune-enchanted compound bow off his shoulder, pulled an arrow from the quiver on his back, and fired. A white flash shocked the air and a sharp snap traveled through his body. He was prepared for it; the demons were not.

Three red dots streaked through the dark, embers flicked as if from the hand of God. They cut down from above, their swift trajectory ending in three thunks as the arrows pierced the chest of three demons—the first, middle, and last.

The impacts were followed by a trio of low whining sounds that rose quickly in pitch. At the ten-second mark, they became a shrill scream.

The demons that were behind them were confused and the words were just out of their mouth when the arrow's screams ended in three simultaneous explosions.The blasts of noise and light and smoke, flinging a ring of concussive force from each that dropped a dozen the thrown away and some of them imploded into flames.

While on the other side of the building was Lydia, who used escrima sticks that had an electrum-wound over them making them able to stun enemies with a shock.

Also to make her fighting style more unpredictable,she modified escrima sticks such that they can also combine into a bo-staff.

She saw the incoming demons and rushing towards them performed a rapid combo of blows using his escrima sticks and electric bursts from them knocked many of them out cold.

Lydia switched to Bo staff in the middle of the combos as she saw more coming out, she used her staff to take down multiple enemies, like using the staff to strike the opponent on the right side of his head or neck.

Another striking end of the bo staff toward your opponent's ankles on the right side of his body. Quickly pivot your hips to the right as you sweep your opponent's legs out from underneath him.

It was fierce as she dodged incoming attacks and did a corkscrew flip over an idiot, who tried to sweep kick.

She flipped over him and then upon landing, she did a staff slam right into his back.

But like the other two, she had to retreat seeing the overwhelming number of demons approaching.

The same thing happened to Jace and Sebastien.

Reaching back behind him, Sebastian grabbed the seraph sword in a two-handed grip and pulled terror the sheath. Schinggg! Sword floated naturally into position before in, sharp enough to cleave a shadow in half.

Two demons rushed him, claws outstretched. Sebastien met them, sliding into a martial-arts kata, the sword flashing in his hands as he let his natural skills take over.

He carried the wording, hand stilted back to put the points in.At the last minute he's topped, avoiding the demons. He whipped the sword around in a blinding arc, cutting at their waist, stepping through the blow and knowing they wouldn't be a threat any longer.

The keen edge slid through the demon's flesh. One of the creatures died in pieces, while the other died nearly so. All of those pieces incinerated, turning to ash before they hit the floor. At the other end of the room,more demons comw pouring in as Sebastein muttered"This was a bad idea."

Jace was also in tight situation as silver blade Clashed and Slashing, long blonde hair whipping like a whirling dervish ..he was taking down me demon after another.But he was getting tired and retreated.

All of them used their communication rune ectched behind their ear to find each other and regroup.They needed to group and fight togther ,if they wanted to get out of this one alive.

This situation was a dire circle of demons who surround the group.

Alec spoke"I told you it was a bad idea."

Jace rolled his eyes and replied"We know, Alec did you use the communication rune to ask. teacher for help."

Isabelle was the one to reply"I did, he has't replied."

Lydia now spoke up o"Let's focus on stalling,till he arrives."

They readied for he fight of their lives, but then

Demons threw back their heads, crying out in agony.Tears of fire leaked from their eyes.All of them clutched their heads as crackling coils of yellow flame snaked out of their blazing sockets. Smoke rose from their hair and eyebrows.

All of them burst into golden flames leaving nothing behind.

Lydia seeing this muttered in awe"This is heavenly fire."

The other three nodded, all of them heard about his and it was famous among the shadow hunters.

Then they saw their teacher arriving, Alexander was pissed and said"You guys are in so much trouble."

Next chapter