For the first game of the new season, the organizers hosted an opening event where they invited stars to perform. Many clubs sent representatives for the event.
Coaches would usually just attend such events with a random member of the team as the purpose of showing up was simply to show their appreciation to the organizers. However, as Club HS was up in the first round after drawing lots to determine the order, as well as because Zac was simply so popular in the circle, all the members accompanying their coaches turned out to be the captains of their teams.
All the competitors were resting backstage.
The captains gathered and started a discussion.
"Club HS is so unlucky to be up against Club JQ again right in the first round."
"I heard Club JQ found a new member to play as support right after Jimy quit, and the support plays so much better than her! They are also ranked pretty high in the local server…"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: