
Their First Reunion

"Well then, Arina-kun. I need to talk to you about something."

"Shut up."

"Not so fast. It's important."

"You've finally been sentenced for your crimes. I hope you get to spend the rest of your life in jail."

"Nah, I'm a gentleman. I would never do anything bad. Every time I look at Akakusa-sensei, I can hear a devil's voice telling me stuff I really shouldn't do, but somehow I keep my reasoning in check. So I'm fine."

"Why in the world is a sex offender like you free?"

"You're being a pain, so let's get back to the topic. Arina, you're in the center of this."

"I see."

I told her a lie that the tennis club had asked for help again. That would be the only way for Nakatani Taku to get close to Arina. Since the timeframe for him to do something is small, there's no choice but to throw him a line.

I didn't tell her about Nakatani Taku's existence whatsoever.

I'll only guide her to Nakatani Taku. I decided not to interfere with his love life.

"Wait a second, I just remembered. How did it go?"

"How did what go?"

"When Shirona said we wanted to be alone with you."

"Ah —Wait, why didn't you take down the flowers in the room? Seriously, you scared the shit out of me when I came in! How many flowers did you bring?!"

"Fufu. It was just like a wedding venue, wasn't it? So, did love blossom?"

"It wasn't a confession…"

"What's that about? I did a great job setting it up for you, so tell me about it, Orangutan-kun."

"We only talked a bit about middle school. It wasn't about dating. Unfortunately."

"Well, I thought so. Your genes have a low chance of being inherited. See, your mitochondria are screaming."

"Shut up. I'm fine with being a single gentleman."

I stopped any more useless chatting since it was a waste of time. I left the Rose Garden and changed into my gym clothes inside the bathroom. The gentleman Sui-kun handed over the room to Arina-san. I think it was a second-level move.

While I waited for Arina to finish changing, I sent a message to Shirona.

[I'm on my way now.]

It didn't take long for her to answer.

"Aye. We're waiting."

Meeting up with Shirona wouldn't be a problem. Now it's up to how Taku does things.

Then the door vigorously opened.

"Did you peek?"


"You peek and you're dead. I'll dunk you in a piranha pond."

"I didn't peek, I didn't peek. Come on, let's get going."

She was rocking a ponytail, and she's motivated, although it didn't show on her face. I still didn't understand her motivation switch.

We got to the tennis courts and were greeted with shouts of "Fight! Fight!". As usual, the athletic clubs love fights, don't they? Foreigners would get surprised to see us saying that. It's like we're a battle tribe.

It was more than enough for a Going-Home Club member like me. It's in a different dimension for Arina, who's a voracious reader. I heard that she was on the basketball team in the past, but I wonder if she remembers that. Arina was already wearing a hat, even though it wasn't that sunny out.

I turned my attention to the court where the men's team were playing and looked for Nakatani Taku. He was easy to spot. After all, he was staring at me.

"What are we doing today?"

"Picking up balls. Grab your racket, and let's go."

Arina complied. I'm sure she was actually looking forward to it. She looks so alive when she swung her racket. You tsundere.

I was already comfortable with a racket, so I was able to hit back the balls that came flying at me. This was a great feeling. The vibration in my arm! Foo!

"Break time!"

Hiiragi Yuri, the club president for the women's team, signaled for a break. The men's team also took a break, as if to take advantage of that.

Arina and I headed over to where everyone was hanging out and sat down to fit in.

My phone rang while we were absentmindedly watching the baseball and soccer club practice.

[Taku-kun is going to charge at Arina-san, so evacuate.]

I decided to evacuate as I was instructed, pretending that this was an air raid.

"Arina, I need to talk to Shirona for a sec."

"You're the worst, you look like you're in heat. Kind of like a rabbit."

"What kind of guy do you think I am… and besides, you're the one who made the remark, right? Remember?"

I hurriedly fled before I got killed, and approached Shirona.

"Yo. What's the situation like?"

"Taku-kun's coming—oh, he's here, he's here! By Arina-san!"

Taku stood by Arina as she was sitting.

Arina, much like herself, ignored him.

"Arina-senpai, it has been a while."

Taku's face was tense with anxiety as he asked that question. In contrast, Arina languidly moved her head to look at Taku.

"Who are you? If you wanna find a date, go online."

Taku's eyes darted up and his lips were quivering. He continued on with a bitter smile.

"Do you not remember me? I am Nakatani Taku. I'm Taku, who you helped when I was a first year in junior high."

"I don't know that name. Are you lying? Anyway, I don't know you and I don't remember you. You're depressing, so go away."

"Senpai, are you mad at me? Did I do something? I–"

"Shut up. Don't get so uncomfortably close."

It was hard for even me to watch. I felt bad for Taku. He must have never expected to be rejected that much by the person he loves.

The Arina he knew was asleep, and currently, the toxic Arina was here. I knew Arina had a double personality disorder, so I could understand the situation, but it must have been incomprehensible to Taku. He could only see her as "a senpai with a completely different personality."

Arina finished him off.

"How long are you planning to stand there? It's disgusting. Go away. Don't talk to me again."

Taku sensed that Arina wasn't joking, and he turned away, looking frustrated. His retreating back looked terribly small.

Arina turned her gaze forward with indifferent eyes. She didn't even so much as glance at Taku as he left

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