
Chapter 16: Contract(s?) (Plural?) (Whaaaa :0)

A young black-haired boy stood by the bedside, his gaze fixed on the beautiful blonde girl lying before him. Her hair cascaded in soft waves over her shoulders, a striking contrast to the crisp white sheets she was resting on. The boy held a small plate of sliced apples in one hand. With tender care, he offered her a slice, watching as she took a bite, savoring the sweetness of the fruit. Her hands were managed, her expression was glinted in warmth and joy. The boy couldn't help but let out a small smile, his eyes shining with a mix of affection as he watched her eat. He took a moment to admire the way the light from the window danced across her features, casting a warm glow on her face.

After a while of staying with her, he told her to get some rest as he excused himself from the room. The moment he stepped out of the door, his smile faded away and his demeanor changed dramatically. The sound of the door closing behind him echoed down the hallway, signaling a shift in his mood.

He marched down the hall, his steps quick and steady. His fists were tightly clenched, and as he entered his room, he slammed the door shut with such force that the walls shook

His anger was palpable, filling the room with a dense, heavy energy. He felt like he was suffocating, trapped in his own emotions. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, but it only made the anger boil inside of him even more. He balled his hands into fists again, and the sound of his knuckles cracking echoed in the room like a shot.

He paced back and forth across the room, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the emotions that were overwhelming him, before he suddenly punched the wall beside the door with all his might, anger and frustration boiling inside of him.

"FUCK!" He let out a guttural scream, a release of all the pent-up anger and frustration that had been boiling inside of him. The sound of his voice filled the room, raw and visceral, like a beast let loose from its cage

The sound of the impact of his fist against the wall reverberates through the room, like a clap of thunder. He stood there, breathing heavily, his chest heaving with each labored breath.

Finally, he fell to his knees, exhausted both physically and mentally.

'I'm so fucking pathetic, so damn weak. If Fia hadn't come.....' he thought, gritting his teeth in anger at himself.

'Never again, this will never happen again. I will not let them get hurt. Never.' He repeated that phrase over and over in his mind, obsessively. His eyes shined with a grim determination, as he got back up

He then trudged towards his bed, falling onto the mattress, feeling the softness of the bed engulf him. He gazed up at the unfamiliar ceiling, his mind racing with all the thoughts swirling inside of him, 'Ever since I've been reincarnated, I've been taking things too lightly. I need to fix my rotten attitude. Whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you stronger... Yes, I need to change,' he thought to himself.

His thoughts then turned to the words of Rizevim

'I don't care.....The ideals of my previous world, the ones I held onto in my previous life were gone, irrelevant in this world. If they still mattered, it wouldn't change anything.

I am a selfish being....I always was, and if I needed to kill to protect what I loved, I would do so without hesitation. This world could burn for all I care, the only things that mattered were my loved ones. And if that make me an evil being, then yes....I, Diablo Barbatos, am evil..... And if anyone is a threat to those who I hold dear....' he thought as his eyes grew colder and sharper, 'I shall become a beast, feeding on their destruction. I shall make them lament ever crossing my path. I would reap their beloved, tear them from their consciousness, break their souls, and murder their dreams. I would watch them die, knowing only despair.

Their cries would be like the braying of steeds, waiting to be whipped, broken, and bridled. Their screams would be the soothing hum of insects at dusk, and I would bathe in their blood.

I shall give them death, but I would carry myself as my former pride dictates!



I WOULD BE...worse.'

He closed his eyes, sinking into the mattress of his bed as he adjusted himself to lie on his side. The room was quiet except for the sound of his quite breathing

"May God have mercy upon my enemies...." He whispered, "Because I won't..."




















'Oh wait.....He's dead,' he thought as a dark chuckle escaped his lips. A cruel smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he slowly let himself drift off to sleep.

The calm before the storm, the silence before the screams.

A beast had awakened.....A beast that shall bring this world to ruin if it incurred its wrath. The world would soon learn to fear the monster that had awakened, and they would rue the day they crossed its path.


At the stroke of midnight, a silver-haired maid, a black-haired boy, and a blonde-haired girl with bandages covering her arms stood waiting inside a lift. They were inside a towering structure, and the lift was steadily moving upwards, taking them to the top

It was time for Diablo's contract.....He didn't want Violet to come, wanting her to rest more, but she was determined to be by his side, despite his pleas for her to stay behind. In the end, he had reluctantly relented, knowing that she would not be deterred.

As they stood there waiting, Violet couldn't help but notice that something was different about Diablo, a change that had not gone unnoticed by Grayfia.

....The contract was to be taken at the top of the observatory tower, apparently this time of the month was special, as Yamamoto had written in his book that the fake sky of the Underworld linked and connected with the real sky. The reason behind this was unknown, but Diablo had a suspicion that it was Yamamoto himself who had arranged it.

They had fixed the teleportation array on the tower, so they could now teleport back and forth from the mansion to the tower

As the lift finally reached the top of the observatory tower, it gave a slight jolt, signalling the end of its rapid ascent. It was quite fast, especially considering how the lift took them from the bottom to the top of the tower, which almost reached over 1000 meters tall, making it taller than even the Burj Khalifa

The lift doors opened and they were greeted by the magnificent view from the top of the observatory tower. As they stepped out, they were immediately struck by the spacious surroundings.

The top of the tower was an open-air platform, offering a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape. They could see far into the distance, where the dense forests were illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight. Despite being so high up, there was not a single sign of civilization in sight. The quiet stillness was only interrupted by the occasional hoot of an owl, echoing in the night sky.

Their eyes were drawn upward, as the night sky shone with an incredible display of stars. The constellations were clear and bright, as if they had been painted onto the velvety black canvas of the sky

Taking a moment to appreciate the scenery, Diablo finally walked in the middle of the tower, under the concerned gazes of the other two. In the middle there was a magic circle

He lifted his gaze to the starry sky above and closed his eyes. The runes of the magic circle, etched into the stone floor, began to glow with a bright light.

The light grew in intensity, illuminating the entire tower and casting a brilliant glow over the surrounding forests


Diablo POV:

As I focused my energy on the intricate runes etched into the ground beneath me, I felt a strange sensation wash over me. It started as a tingling in my fingertips, then quickly spread throughout my entire body, making me feel lighter and more ethereal. With each passing moment, I felt my physical form dissipate, until I was no longer aware of my own body.

I couldn't feel the icy winds of the winter night as they whipped past me, no longer able to feel the chill that had previously seeped into my bones. I opened my eyes, but my vision was clouded and distorted, I felt it tunnel vision. For a few moments, I struggled to focus, but eventually my vision cleared and I was able to take in my surroundings once again

The scene of the cosmos bloomed

I found myself standing in front of a massive, blazing white ball of fire, surrounded by an endless expanse of inky blackness. The only source of light in this void was the giant orb of fire and a few tiny but noticeable stars scattered throughout the darkness, twinkling like diamonds in the sky.

Despite the distance between us, I could feel the intense heat radiating from the fiery sphere, warming my skin even from millions of kilometers away. The heat was palpable, like standing too close to a blazing campfire on a cool night. The sheer size of the orb was awe-inspiring,

.....Then suddenly my vision darkened and my body turned heavy once more.

Confused and disoriented, I looked around and realized that I was back on top of the tower where I had started. The runes underneath me were now dark and inert, their magic spent. I looked at my companions

'They are not freaking out, so that means that I didn't actually disappear and go to space' As I was thinking that, suddenly a headache hit me. The sudden headache was intense, making me feel as though my head was about to explode. I instinctively clutched my head and bent down, collapsing onto my knees as waves of pain washed over me. Information seemed to flood into my mind all at once, causing the headache to worsen.

Grayfia and Violet, who were observing me, both clenched their fists and gritted their teeth in concern, but they held back from taking any action. They were afraid that any interruption could cause the ritual to go wrong and potentially have disastrous consequences.

As the pain slowly dissipated, a smirk gradually spread across my face as I processed the new information in my mind. The information was overwhelming, but it filled me with a sense of excitement and satisfaction

This was indeed a great fucking harvest.

I looked up at the sky, and my gaze was drawn to one particular star that shone brightly, even amongst all the other stars. No matter how many times I tried to look away, I couldn't help but be drawn back to it. I felt a deep connection to this star, as if it were calling out to me specifically. It looked like any other star, but I knew that it was mine.

The realisation of it only added to my sense of satisfaction, and my smirk grew even wider.

The celestial body that I just contracted was a White Dwarf

A White Dwarf was not just any ordinary celestial body; it was the remnant of a star that had exhausted all of its nuclear fuel. A typical White Dwarf had a mass of carbon and oxygen that was similar to that of the Sun, but it was much smaller in size, just slightly larger than the Earth. Despite its smaller size and lower luminosity, it was much hotter and denser

I got two things from this contract.

I got the so called 'code' for it, so now I could do the Cruel Sun spell, as well as create new spells and variations on the code. The possibilities were endless

The second was the special ability of the celestial body, my father and grandfather Yamamoto hadn't written about their own special ability in the sheet that I got. That's why I was a little skeptical about it. But seeing it now, I am completely mind blown.

The special ability was a spell called Smite, which was exactly as its name suggested. It was an incredibly powerful, raw, and destructive force, capable of decimating any target with ease. The spell worked by conjuring a pillar of light that descended from the heavens and crashed onto my intended victim, completely disintegrating them in an instant. It kind of looks like the Bifrost from Thor. I'm not sure if the pillar of light is like directly from the star, most probably not, but who cares.....It's magic.

Anyway, this ability doesn't consume my Demonic Energy and I can control its power levels to whatever degree I want. Though, even if it isn't controlled by Demonic Energy there is still a restriction of me being strong enough to use it

At High-Class level, I was capable of unleashing Smite with enough power to destroy entire districts with ease. At Ultimate-Class level, the spell was strong enough to level entire cities. As I grew in strength, so did my mastery of Smite. At the Satan-Class level, I could cause destruction on a scale that spanned entire countries. And at the Super-Devil level, I was able to unleash a pillar of light with enough power to destroy entire continents.

These levels were only the beginning. As I continued to hone my skills, I could potentially reach even greater levels of destruction, potentially reaching world-class and beyond. The possibilities were truly limitless, and it was both exhilarating and terrifying to think of what I was capable of.

At present, I was considered Mid-Class. Nonetheless, even in its current state, the spell was incredibly potent. I estimated that the power of Smite was somewhere around building-class destruction, making it a formidable weapon in my arsenal.

What made Smite so exceptional was the fact that it did not consume any of my Demonic Energy, which was a stark contrast to most spells. This meant that I could use Smite without fear of exhausting my energy reserves or suffering any sort of backlash. The only drawback to using Smite was that it could only be cast once a week, which was a small price to pay for its raw power.

Despite its limitations, I was still extremely satisfied

If the special abilities of a celestial bodies were this special and strong, I couldn't wait for the other two that I would eventually get, but for the next one I would need to wait till I'm ten.

As I brushed the dust off my clothes and got back to my feet, Violet and Grayfia rushed over to me, their faces filled with concern. Grayfia asked if everything had gone well, while Violet simply looked at me with a worried gaze.

With a smile on my face, I told them everything was fine...


It's been a while since that contract, I have turned eleven now

During this time I have started my training once more, much more rigorously this time. I have also managed to replicate the Cruel Sun spell. Although it's still not as impressive as Escanor's, I'm confident that with time and practice, I'll be able to make it even bigger and better than his

Violet has also started training alongside me, despite her being older than me, I had surpassed her by height. She has started to learn magic as well. She was currently trying to imbue elements to her arrows and bullets, and also trying to control their intensity. She also spars with me and Grayfia these days to get a better hang on Witchcraft.

She also has been very overprotective over me since that day and whenever when we go out, she doesn't let anyone get close to me. Although she has started to speak, she only utters a few words and remains mostly silent.

Grayfia has also been surprisingly kinder to Violet after we came back....Well, a little ignorant....but still better! She doesn't show hostility anymore, though she still gets angry and frustrated when Violet gets a little too close to me, but she has accepted her....somewhat

Yeah, Violet has also changed....like a lot. A total contrast to the girl I met in the forest, she had grown a lot more affectionate...


After a long day of training, I finally went back inside and took a relaxing shower to wash off the sweat and grime from my skin. I wore some soft clothes and went to the living room, eager to rest my weary body. I grabbed a book from the shelves and settled into the comfort of my couch, immersing myself in the story.

Just as I was getting engrossed in my reading, a sudden movement caught my eye. A blur of golden hair and limbs shot past me and before I could even react, something soft and warm landed on my lap

I froze

The book slipped from my fingers as I stared, wide-eyed, at the unexpected visitor who had taken over my lap. I was stunned, to say the least.

"Uhmmm, Violet...?" I stammered, feeling a slight flush spread across my cheeks. "May I ask why you're sitting on my lap?" Violet was now 15 years old, and I couldn't help but notice the signs of her budding beauty. She remained silent, snuggling into me more like a koala, and I could feel her warm breath against my skin...What I didn't see was a tint of red on her cheeks as well.

My heart raced slightly

Just as I was about to gently push her off my lap, I noticed her breathing slow and stabilise into a peaceful slumber. I looked down at her, taking in the sight of her with her eyes closed, and couldn't help but smile softly at how innocent and carefree she looked.

I shook my head, feeling a mix of amusement and fondness, and decided to let her be. I pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her. Resting my chin on the top of her head, I resumed reading my book, the peaceful atmosphere and the gentle sound of Violet's breathing filled me with a sense of comfort and warmth

I never noticed a small satisfied smile on a certain blonde though

(Flashback End)

The warmth in my chest intensified as I basked in the recollection of that serene moment. But suddenly, a chill ran up my spine as I remembered Grayfia's reaction when she stumbled upon us later.

(Flashback Resumed)

Grayfia approached us with a 'kind' smile on her face, but there was something unsettling about it. It was as if the smile didn't quite reach her eyes. A dark aura emerged from her and her presence was imposing enough to rouse even the unresponsive Violet, who rubbed the sleep from her eyes and frowned in annoyance.

As Violet became more aware of the situation, a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around me and pushed herself further in my embrace

A noticeable vein bulged on Grayfia's temple as her smile twitched. The dark aura that surrounded her grew even thicker, causing me to break out in a cold sweat.

Despite my nervousness, I managed to gently pry Violet's arms from around me, which was no easy feat as she clung to me tightly like a monkey. She pouted a little in response, but I was grateful that I didn't see it, as I was sure it would have caused another round of cuteness overload.

Steeling myself, I instantly approached Grayfia and gave her a head pat....

WHAT!? I was panicking....

....but surprisingly, the gesture seemed to surprise her, and the dark aura around her dissipated instantly. I was able to calm her down by giving her some head pats.....She froze when I did that, and immediately mumbled an excuse about the food possibly getting burnt and quickly made her way to the kitchen, a light blush present on her face as she did so

(Flashback End)

.....Yes, these years were indeed very fun

However, this was not the only event that had taken place. A week after my contract, I had sent that letter I had written previously.

Long before, I had received multiple offers from various Magician Organizations, including one from Grauzauberer. They were often sent to young Devils from high-ranking noble families, even as formalities, which was especially true for me.

I weighed my options and considered the different opportunities presented to me, but ultimately decided to reply to Grauzauberer. I had been putting off sending my reply for some time, but I finally sent it. To my surprise, I received a response almost immediately.

But it was was understandable; they were probably taken aback by my decision and were eager to secure the opportunity before I changed my mind and decided to go with another organization...But there was another reason for their swift reply, a little thing I mentioned in the letter.....

.....Grauzauberer, also known as the Grey Wizards, was renowned throughout the supernatural world as one of the leading magician organizations. It was founded by the legendary Magician Johann Georg Faust, and after his death, his contracted Devil took over as the acting chairman of the organization.

A few days after sending my reply, I was taken aback when I received a visit from the Grey Wizards themselves, I mean I did offer it but it was instant....but I accepted it rather quickly because of the previous stated reasons.

That was how I came to make an acquaintance with an adorable little witch, who was accompanied by the chairman of the organization, who was also the director of the Magician's Council...Mephisto Pheles.

It was quite an intriguing experience



Mephisto Pheles was a man in his middle age, with a unique and striking appearance. His hair was styled in a gel that blended two colors - a fiery red and a deep blue. He had heterochromatic eyes, one a piercing blue and the other a blazing red, adding to his enigmatic and mysterious aura that was similar to that of Ajuka Beelzebub. As he sat on the couch where the previous devil, the red-headed Satan, had once occupied, his eyes moved around the room, surveying his surroundings with a careful and deliberate gaze. He didn't look too intensely, nor too subtly, just enough to take in each person in the room, from the maid behind me, to Violet who was standing by the exit..... In reality, for each person in the room, anything could be considered an exit, they could just blast a hole in any of the walls.

Seated beside him was a young woman, who was only 17 years old. She was a stunning beauty, with long, golden blonde hair that flowed in gentle waves and sapphire blue eyes that sparkled with curiosity. Her attire consisted of a standard magician's robe, complete with a hood. The girl's gaze followed her companion's movements as she examined her surroundings in her own unique way. Her eyes often landed on me.....I could feel it. But what was most interesting, that quite rarely, I could see her glancing in the corner where there was nothing, no one.....Well, nothing that the naked eye could see....

The young woman was Lavinia Reni....A younger version of the legendary 'Demise Girl' and 'Ice Princess' that she would become in the future. Also, the possessor of a Loginus

"Lord Barbatos, once again, I must extend my sincerest gratitude for accepting our offer and for welcoming us into your home, despite the rather abrupt nature of our request for a meeting"

"Nonsense," I replied with a wave of his hand. "It was I who extended the invitation, there is no need for thanks. However, I do appreciate your appreciation."

"Nevertheless, we are deeply grateful"

I just nodded in agreement, "Now then, shall we get down to the matter at hand? Time is of the essence, and I'm sure you didn't come all this way just to express your gratitude."

I could see him quickly urging with formalities to get to this point, his eyes shone slightly at my words, and the girl beside him straightened her posture

"Yes, of course," he said, "Lord Barbatos, I must say, I did not expect to hear from you so soon. While it is unusual for the need of a contracted witch to arise at such a young age, it is not uncommon. It is understanding especially so, considering your position and status right now..." He looked at me with a knowing expression

Magicians often enter into pacts with Devils for three primary reasons: protection, knowledge, and public prestige.

First and foremost, Magicians seek protection from the Devil's immense power, which can serve as a deterrent for anyone who might wish to harm the Magician. This powerful ally can also act as a bodyguard, providing a measure of safety and security in potentially dangerous situations.

In addition to protection, Magicians are attracted to the knowledge and expertise that Devils possess. They seek to learn and master the techniques and practices of the Underworld, which can greatly enhance their own abilities as a Magician. This exchange of knowledge is not just limited to skill development but also includes access to valuable resources and items at a discounted rate. They would also sometimes get resources from the Devils too.

Lastly, Magicians view making a pact with a powerful Devil as a way to enhance their public reputation and status. Such a partnership is seen as a symbol of their success and wealth, and often leads to an increase in their fame and fortune. The prestige and success brought about by the pact also serve to further solidify the Magician's position and reputation within their community.

Well those are just general points, the contracts will probably be slightly different from individual to individual. One thing that is clear is that the Devils are no charity organization, only choosing to ally with individuals who they believe will bring them tangible benefits. For a magician to be considered, they must either possess something of value to offer the Devil, or show promising potential for future rewards.

The outcome of a contract for a Devil is uncertain, as it depends on the success of the Magician's research and the reputation they build for themselves. If the Magician's efforts yield positive results, it could bring direct benefits to the Devil and enhance their standing in the Supernatural World. On the other hand, the Magician's fortunes are intimately tied to the Devil they are contracted with, and if they fail to deliver or create a negative reputation for themselves, it will also tarnish the Devil's reputation. Making a contract with a Devil is a weighty decision, requiring careful thought and consideration of the potential risks and rewards for both parties involved.

That's why Mephisto here was looking at me with a knowing look, he must be thinking that I was hoping to buy off and contract with a strong Magician. Cling on to them and ride their fame. A tactic to rebooting the revival of my Clan. It was a well-known tactic, one that had been used time and time again throughout history....He was expecting it, he wanted it. All of those organisation were thinking of this, hoping for it

I was basically a hotpot. All the reasons above were covered one way or another. Though I had little to no standing except for my status, I had backing (well the outside world thought I had) from two very important individuals. Still, that wasn't the main focus anyway, it wasn't enticing enough. I could not be used as a bodyguard....at least not now. But the second reason was the main reason.....The goldmine.

There have been thousands and thousands of Magicians trying to get a pact with a member of the direct line of Barbatos throughout history. Their magic was shrouded in mystery, hidden from the outside world and known only to a select few. But the allure of their power was impossible to ignore, drawing in those with a thirst for knowledge and a lust for power. Also, with the immense wealth of the Barbatos at their disposal, there would be no shortage of resources to fuel their endeavours. But what really set them apart was the public prominence that came with the deal. To be the first Magician and the first organization to forge a pact with a member of the direct line of Barbatos would be a major feather in anyone's cap, and would bring untold fame and prestige.

There was, of course, other methods of how I would boost their fame with my own actions in the future, if possible....but they didn't know that, they didn't care. The second and third reason was reason enough for them, it was the entire point why Mephisto personally came here, to secure this deal....Well, at least it should have been, there were other reasons now, certain.....details I mentioned in the letter....Something that he didn't know what to make of, something that made him uneasy...

He continued, "We are delighted that the heir of Barbatos has chosen Grauzauberer for their choice, especially so, with you being the first Barbatos in history to have a Contracted Magician in the first place. We couldn't be more prideful about the fact that you have chosen us..... however, I fail to understand this....specific request." His brows slightly furrowed

He leaned forward, "Please do forgive me for my directness, but it is rather appalling how specific your request is. We, of course, had certain demands in the past, which had been both fulfilled, or denied, depending on the circumstances. But, this usually happens with our rather known and famous Magicians."

His suspicion deepened as he continued, "If you had chosen a Magician with little experience but a tremendous amount of potential, I could understand that. It would be a risk, as potential doesn't always turn into reality. It would take time as well, which I wouldn't expect you to take, considering you might need a more.....instant effect. But that just might be my speculation, and you might have another card up your sleeve on that, so yes, I guess you could have chosen that

But....the individual you had requested in your letter, despite having little experience, had gone in missions which were rather unknown, they were not known at all. They were in the list, yes, but that was just for formalities. There was no way for you to judge their potential, or find any information on them at all. Their existence was rather a secret....for the time being. One that I'm personally looking after. I wonder how you came to know of her existence, and even if you somehow did.....Why, out of all people, with no knowledge on her, did you choose her?"

He didn't understand....he was confused, suspicious, rightfully so. I inwardly smirked. Right now Lavinia still hasn't been revealed to the world, she was still building up her strength and climbing the ranks of her organisation

'Because I actually reincarnated from a world where this entire verse was fiction, thus me knowing the true potential of the girl beside you, and all abilities she has' A quick urge to say that passed my mind but I cleared it, before finally parting my lips

"I can't quite explain it," I continued, trying to put my feelings into words. "But ever since I saw her name on the list, I felt like there was something special about her. It was like a spark lit up inside of me and I just knew, deep down, that our paths were meant to cross. Call it intuition, call it a gut feeling....but it truly felt like destiny" I punctuated my statement with a dramatic flourish

He frowned lightly, not at all amused by my joke. Though a giggle did escape the girl on his right, who quickly covered her mouth with a hand when she realised she had drawn attention to herself, and fixed herself. I couldn't help but feel encouraged by her reaction

"My apologies" I said with a chuckle, "I won't waddle any longer. On a more serious note, let's just say....with some means, I came to possess the knowledge of a certain....detail of hers"

Now, this was a part where I stumped about. I didn't really know how I would explain my 'why' to him. For fuck's sake, it's so hard explaining your knowledge of a reincarnate

My understanding of her history was a tangled web of fact and fiction, a mixture of both canon and fan-created tales. I was uncertain which aspects of her past were truly accurate.....but one fact I was totally sure about, was her Sacred Gear....

All expression of relax left both of them, the girl visibly tensed up, and the look in the man's eyes simply became sharper at my words, "Could you please.....elaborate?"

"Absolute Demise" two word were all it took

Lavinia flinched at the name, her eyes widening in disbelief, her mouth opened to ask multitude of questions. But Mephisto held her arm firmly, silencing her with a stern look. Despite her initial shock, she gradually composed herself, but her gaze was fixed on me, not once breaking eye contact.

Mephisto's eyes were still looking sharply at me, but they were tamer since I revealed the information I knew. A hint of surprise there as well. Although he probably had already guessed what I was about to reveal, hearing it from my own mouth seemed to give him confirmation.

"How did Lord come to know of this....?" he asked, his voice dripping with suspicion.

I leaned back nonchalantly in my seat, shrugging my shoulders, "As I said before, I have my means"

He looked at me suspiciously but it had dimmed now. Now everything made sense to him, he was thinking the reason I chose her was because of this, a Sacred Gear....a Loginus. A perfect choice....

Despite his newfound understanding, Mephisto remained cautious and guarded, forcing me to give me information. If I kept too much information hidden, he would not agree to deal with me. .....I didn't give him too much though, just some hints. He was smart enough to piece it all together.

I told him how it leaked during one of her unknown missions, piecing together certain effects of her abilities, and how she neutralised her enemies, I made an educated guess.....I emphasised that fact a lot, a guess.

Despite my reluctance to reveal too much, he eventually accepted the information I had provided. His guard slowly lowered as he came to understand the situation better

"And how long would you like this contract to be?"

"An eternity and forevermore"

His expression morphed into discomfort, it was an unreasonable, unusual demand but he understood it, he could see the charm in putting your money in a Loginus user, contracts that lasted for eternity were also not unheard of. There was, of course, more about her, but he thought I didn't know, that's why he still did not understand my overwhelming faith in her abilities and future.

"Lord Barbatos, while I do understand why you would want to accept her as your contracted Magician. I cannot allow this....However, if there is any other Magician you want, that I have, and is free at the moment. I could arrange that."

I got confused. Why would he deny it? I mean, sure, he did not know my capabilities and my potential. All of his information comes from the rumours surrounding me, but still. The benefits of making a pact with me were still a lot. It would be also be a boost of fame for his organisation

But then I saw his eyes....and I understood. The love he held for Lavinia was evident, and it was clear that he saw her as more than just a responsibility handed to him at a young age. Over the years, he had developed a strong affection for her and had grown to care for her as if she were his own daughter. He was concerned, this was no longer business, it was personal for him. Yes, there would be benefits, but according to him I can't protect her entirely. And tying her up with a member of the Barbatos, who have had a history of getting targeted by some other groups and being assassinated, wasn't worth it, he couldn't risk it. He knew this could repel me, making me go to other Magician Organisations, his rivals, but he didn't care. He was afraid for her safety, no matter what the benefits.

Ah, shit then.....I don't have anything else to convince him. A thought came to me, to reveal some of my plans or my strength to him, but I shook it way. Too risky, I just got to know the man, who knows what he would do with that information. I thought about trying to get him to swear an oath of secrecy, but I knew that most people wouldn't easily agree to such a binding commitment with someone they had just met.

Well, this sucks. I really wanted Lavinia. I guess I need to go with plan B now. Which organisation was Le Fay Pendragon in again?

"Wait" A voice called out, interrupting my thoughts. I turned to see its source and was met with the piercing gaze of Lavinia, "Lord Barbatos, I would like to be your Contracted Magician"

"Lavinia!" Mephisto beside her said aloud in surprise, with confusion and shock. A hint of worry in there was well. She turned to him, and they held eye contact

I imagine they were communicating through telepathy, considering all the emotions his face went through. Disapproval was most prevalent, worry and nervousness often came....and it finally ended in a look of resignation as he let out a sigh, his gaze falling to the floor

His eyes shifted, as if he was lost in thought. After a few moments of contemplation, he lifted his head, and his eyes met mine with a resolute expression. He seemed to have come to a decision

"I am willing to make a compromise.....however, I would like to know what you will offer..." He didn't say anything further, but the unspoken words still resounded. He wanted something....anything, to back me up, to make me seem suitable. He was basically saying in a polite way, show me you're worth something.

I said after a pause, "Besides the general benefits, I will share the knowledge of the Barbatos Magic to her.....to her alone"

His eyes widened, and his breath stagnated, "Everything.....?" He finally asked, his voice barely above a whisper

"Eventually yes, and to her only. It will be a contract that will endure for all eternity. I fully expect that, over time, she and I will develop a close bond. I apologise if what I'm about to say upsets you, but I must be truthful. At some point, her loyalty will shift. I will see to it personally." I said confidently at the end. Lavinia's eyes narrowed, she didn't like that.....Well, it didn't matter, it was the truth after all

He didn't look offended, it made sense. Obviously she would get close to me enough during those many years, and this will effect me too, I wasn't at mercy to time either. A bond will develop. We couldn't kill each other, nor betray each other, that is what the contract itself ensures, but I will make sure she would do them regardless. The bond is most fragile at the start though. At most, we might ignore each other for centuries because of a fight or something but eventually we will get along again, an event like this actually even occured. Everything crumbles under time

He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again, fixing his gaze on me, "And her safety? You have many enemies Lord Barbatos, so it is only natural for me to be concerned" he said, his voice steady and firm

Lavinia whipped her head towards him at his words, clearly wanting to argue. But he simply turned to her and spoke in a stern tone. "We will do this on my terms," he said, his voice leaving no room for debate. The words caught in Lavinia's throat, and she remained silent. He then turned back to me.

"I understand," I said calmly. "I cannot deny the fact that she will be in danger"

He appreciated my honesty, but the reality of the situation was still something that disgruntled him. He frowned and glanced back at Lavinia, who was looking at him with pleading eyes.

He ultimately let out a sigh, his shoulder relaxing slightly, "She will stay back at the Grauzauberer until you have established yourself and gained more power," he said, his voice measured. "From what I have seen of you right now, Lord Barbatos, I understand that you will be no ordinary being in the future. But please do not let that cloud your judgement. Potential means nothing if you do not live long enough to see it come to fruition."

The room was filled with a deafening silence

"....Director....Who the hell do you think I am?" I spat out, my voice trembling. He looked taken back by my sudden change in language and demeanour, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise

The clouds outside had gathered, blocking the sun's light from entering the room, casting everything in a dim, eerie light. The darkness only served to intensify the mood, and my eyes gleamed menacingly in the shadows, "Director," I spoke, my voice low and menacing, "Yes, I know of my current condition... I know the rumours surrounding me.....but believe me when I say this, I have no intention of perishing. I will make my presence known, this world shall soon know the true nature of the calamity that has befallen it. The world will know the name Diablo Barbatos, and they will tremble at the sound of it."

He was stunned, the look of surprise still etched on his face. He stood there, frozen.....before finally a chuckle escaped him. He had not taken offence to it at all, "Most intriguing" the whisper left his mouth as an amused expression decorated his face






As he approached his awaiting carriage, Lavinia stepped ahead and gracefully took her seat inside. Mephisto, with his foot raised ready to follow, suddenly paused. He kept his foot firmly planted on the ground and slowly turned around to face me. A sly smirk formed on his lips as he spoke, "Ah, one more thing. I forgot to mention this before."

He continued, catching my attention, "Since this was to be our first meeting, I have prepared a gift for you, Lord. A gift to celebrate this momentous occasion." His smirk widened under my curious gaze...


And yeah, that was my experience.....

Lavina had sometimes come to meet me during this years, and certain interesting events have also occured, we certainly were no longer strangers, that I could say definitely. A story for another time

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, the sound of a neigh broke my reverie, making me immediately frown

Ah yes, the gift...The fucking gift

I turned to look at it, taking in every detail

It was truly massive, its head towering over me, its body broad and powerful. Its black coat was made even more striking by the large white star emblazoned on its brow, a symbol of its exceptional heritage. Its eyes were an unusual shade of blue, a characteristic known in the equestrian world as a 'wall eye'. It was said to be bred from the finest Thessalian strain, a boast that was evident in its proud bearing and impressive musculature. It looked exactly like it was described in history and the legends

It was Bucephalus....The horse of Alexander the Great. I remembered hearing tales of it and how it had carried Alexander through many battles, and now, it was mine.....Yes, this was my gift.

Apparently, a new rumor had started to spread about me, one that was causing quite a stir in the Underworld. Since I had purchased those Nightmares for that previous tactic, I had continued to use them even after the original purpose had been fulfilled. As a result, people began to see these horses in my possession, and the rumours started to spread.

The problem with rumors is that they tend to take on a life of their own, growing and changing as they are passed from person to person. In this case, the rumors about the Nightmares had gone from the general public to the nobles, and it was clear that they had taken great delight in dramatizing and exaggerating the situation. The Underworld was a place where rumours and gossip ran rampant, those bored bastards just do about anything.

The heir of Barbatos had an exquisite fascination with exotic breeds of horses....

Yes.....I don't even know what to say to that. I looked at the horse again, it was unlike any other. Despite it being a 'normal' horse, it did not lose out to the Nightmares. In fact, I think, was kind of even superior to them.

During all the years it came into my supervision, I hadn't even touched it once. It was fierce, wild, and unyielding, avoiding away from any attempts I made to approach it..... Well my attempts were half-assed, but still.

The fact that Mephisto had brought the horse to me while it was tranquillized spoke volumes about just how fierce it truly was. The thought of how he acquired the horse lingered in my mind. Had he revived it, or had he obtained it from Alexander before his passing? I did not know

To be honest, I just think Mephisto had simply passed his problem onto me. He had dropped the horse in my lap, as if to say, "Here, you deal with it."

As I looked at the horse, I couldn't help but sigh. Its stubbornness was clear in its gaze as it met mine. It met my gaze, before snorting and galloping away, joining the rest of my Nightmares in the rolling hills beyond. I turned my attention elsewhere

Oh yeah, one more thing. I turned eleven, so I had my second celestial body contract. This one was actually unbelievable, I actually got a-

Suddenly, I caught sight of Grayfia approaching, causing me to focus my attention on her. I was in the midst of a training session with Violet in the yard, a routine that had become a daily occurrence for us.

"Young Master," Grayfia said, her voice calm and measured, "I am picking up some intruders who are rapidly approaching the Barbatos territory. Based on their trajectory and speed, they are not planning on stopping."

"Oh? Guests?" I mused aloud, trying to recall if there was anyone I was expecting to visit. But as I thought back over my schedule, I couldn't remember having any appointments or meetings scheduled.

"No, there has been no notification in advance from anyone about any visitors," Grayfia explained, shaking her head, "Furthermore, they are not approaching through the usual gate. Instead, they seem to be cutting through the forest and approaching our borders. They are coming through one of the neighbouring territories."

I furrowed my brows. We were surrounded by five other clans, each with their own territories. Could this be an attack, I wondered. If it was, then they were certainly not being subtle about it now, were they? My brows furrowed in thought

"Which one?" I inquired

She turned her gaze in a specific direction, across the plains and hills that surrounded the courtyard. The walls of the courtyard were simply the edge of the vast forest that surrounded us. There was only one clan in that direction, my eyes narrowed

"The Naberius Clan"


{{NOTE from Author-san:

- My love letter to the edge god Aatrox himself, forgive the dramatics, he's going through a tough time. This is just a turning point for his character. In the last version, I lost my first reader over this lmao, but yea.....meh, I think its kinda necessary personally

- And no, he's not evil. Just a bee hive, if you poke him, you go bye-bye. He's a heavily grey character

- Btw, want me to keep up with this pace, and introduce a few more characters like these. Or you want time skip to the max? I already have a plan laid out myself, can't change it much it now, but it would still be interesting to hear your opinions. Might change it up a little}}

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