

Ianjor looked at Ryu in confusion. He was clearly not the only one confused either, because Lu'card had no idea what was going on too.

They had both been called here by Ryu, and honestly, they just thought he wanted to use them as bodyguards. As for what his actual purpose was, they were in the dark.

However, Ryu didn't know much about what his purpose was either. All he knew was that his wife asked him to do something, so he was going to do it. As for what underlying reasons she might have, it was going to have to take some time before he uncovered it.

That said… he was a man of his word.

Ten days.

Since he had given such a time limit, he would do it swiftly and beautifully.

"Nothing major," Ryu explained without them having to ask much of anything. "Just have to unify this Beast Domain. Let's get to work."


The trio began to move. With Ryu at their core, their battles were… mind-numbingly easy.

Next chapter