

Ryu's experience with Isemeine was the first time he truly learned of the mindset of Martial Gods. They didn't view themselves as fellow humans, they truly saw themselves to be above every and anything. They were existences that ruled over all others, while everybody else was trash to be swept beneath their feet. 

Those words Isemeine had spoken back then, at the height of her rage, were the emotions she stored deep within her heart and soul, the truest and most thoughtful expression of who she and her race of people were. 

Did this piss Ryu off? 

The reality was… not really. At least not in the way one might expect. 

What Ryu cared about wasn't the disregard for human lives, or the overblown superiority complex. It wasn't the fact they treated those beneath them like weeds to be cut or the fact they took their title as 'Martial Gods' far too seriously. 


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