

"I will never know fear again." Ryu said coldly. "[Imperial Fist].'

A golden halo wrapped around Ryu's wrists. For a moment, it looked like the elaborate wrist cuffs of an Emperor's robe, carrying enigmatic symbols and runes that couldn't' be deciphered at a single glance. 


The head of the Heaven's Warrior imploded beneath Ryu's might. In that moment, a mournful howl shot through the skies. It was the sort of sound that pierced to the core of even the most stoic of individuals. It felt less like something another was experiencing and more like something you were experiencing personally. 

The dark gold flame that was hidden within the armor suddenly shot outward, drilling into Ryu's chest and causing the shirt of his robes to implode. A body toned to an extreme was revealed.

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